Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 65: Blind saint

The sages of the Five Hundred Qin Dao suddenly thought about a group of participating musicians, and all of them suddenly burst into a white light.

Xuan En was prepared to resist, but the saint said, "Qin Tao, it's not like you. It's a pity to create a" Sad Charm "but it's a pity. I will teach you how to play" Demons and monsters"!"

While talking, pick your finger gently.


A clear sound suddenly surpassed Xuan En's previous performance.

"Oh? This lost technique?" Xuan En's eyes brightened, and she no longer rejected.

The sage's intention to enter the body is not to capture consciousness, but to share a body.

"Sages, you listen well, everyone has just played everything, but I have written down all of you. You have to be attached and judge in depth. I can leave it alone, but the tunes must not be changed. This is a rule set by God. If you change After the tune, I am deprived of the right to judge at any time! "Dingding applauded.

"Huh!" The saints sneered.

For the saint's intention to enter the body, the pianists rarely reject it, because the saint plays, he empathizes with himself, and he can learn the saint's technique, which is a rare opportunity.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ...............!"

The sage instantly played the tunes of the contestants, still the original tunes, but in a blink of an eye, the effect was different.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

魑 charm 出现 appeared again, this time, the rolling black gas was emitted from the four big evil spirits, previously played by Xuan En, but it was only in the Heavenly Palace, but now, it barely entered the Heavenly Palace, and the momentum suddenly shook the entire central square. swing.

"Get up!" Ram Ram shouted.


The square of the central competition was immediately shrouded in a huge enchantment to protect the Quartet from harm.

"This group of saints is so shameless that I admire them so much before!"

"In order to deal with Mr. Gu, he didn't hesitate to possess his own body and intervened himself? Shameless!"

"What about Mr. Gu? And Mr. Wujizi, it ’s going to be awful. This time it ’s a real sage. Everyone in the past was a famous chess sage!"




The people were anxious.

Dagan Sheng didn't seem to be in a hurry, but looked at Wujizi with narrow eyes.


"Giant, the saint shot it himself, Gu Hai can't stop it this time, right?" A too good disciple laughed.

Tai Shang Juzi shook his head: "No, if Wuyazi is really possessed by that person, then these five hundred saints can't help him!"


"Why? This is the former saint of saints in the past!" A six-winged angel looked at Taichu in amazement.

"Yeah, they are sages of the Qin Tao. Maybe, they were not weak Mr. Yin Yue, but at this moment they are only heavenly souls, and, with their minds, they can only play the music of the original musicians. The original musicians? Chuang, except for a few songs, what else is good? "Shao shook his head at the beginning.


"Buddha, you mean that Mr. Yinyue can win?" Said a Boss blankly.

In the future, the Buddha shook his head: "It is not Mr. Yinyue who can win, but the view ..., but Wujizi will win!"

The Quartet is noisy.

Qin Dao has formed one by one and went straight to the ancient sea.

Mr. Yinyue narrowed his eyes, and fiddled with the piano.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ……………………!"

Suddenly, around Mr. Yinyue, there were countless strings suddenly appearing in the void, and each string was making a sound.

Thousands of strings rang, and suddenly, a silver dragon rushed out of Mr. Yinyue and went straight to the beast played by the saint in the distance.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" .........

Suddenly, the fierce beast and the silver dragon collided in the void, and when the enchantment rushed in, Mr. Yinyue played four super dragons again and greeted them.


With the power of one person, the endless powers popped up, blocking the saints' shots.

Sages naturally pick the strongest repertoire. Seven kills were also selected.

Although the Seven Kills is a celestial piano, it does not exclude the possession of the saints ’ideas. After all, the saints still have some unique methods after all.


Instantly, Aoki's rebirth song was played again, deduced by the sage. Although the power was not stronger than that of the Seven Kills, the two resurrection vortexes appeared strangely.

"This is it?" Seven Kills surprised.

"This is called vibrato, this is just a duo, which can achieve a double effect. Unfortunately, your body, after all, is not my body, otherwise, I can quadruple vibrato, five vibrato ...!" The possessed saint sighed .

"Double effect, haha, that's enough. He improved the emperor's music, but it was a little stronger, but mine is two, double effect, no worse than him!" Qi Kill laughed.

Two whirlpools rushed towards Mr. Yinyue's whirlpools.


Sure enough, the seven-pass death vortex is no longer lost to Mr. Yinyue, and even faintly suppressed Mr. Yinyue's vortex.

Mr. Yinyue sank.

With the two sides deadlocked, Mr. Yinyue seemed to be slowly reaching his limit.


"It's Mr. Yinyue, huh, you once hosted the Halloween Conference, everyone remembers it!" A saint called.

"Yes, it's him. He died, but the heavenly soul didn't fly. Huh, he's also a man who doesn't respect heaven. However, this is just a result of chess. It's a far cry from Mr. Yinyue!

"It's a pity that the possessed person, the music I created, is too crude, otherwise, I can also pop out the peerless beast, and I must destroy the Fa phase, huh!"




The holy people fell for a while and continued to play the piano.

After all, the tunes are too restrictive for the saints, and no matter how good the playing techniques are, they cannot play too much power.

Mr. Yinyue has dealt with so many masters by himself. At this moment, he has reached the limit and seems to be struggling.

No one on both sides gave in.

"Mr. Ding Ding, what is the rule of a saint?" Gu Hai frowned.

Ding Ding took a look at the ancient sea and took a deep breath: "This is the rules of the Halloween Convention. The saint has a chance to possess. He is in the Qindou District and especially appreciates the competitor's tracks. He can possess the feelings. These three hours can't go anywhere. You can only possess this person, and after three hours, your mind can be reunited! "

"Oh? Three hours? Ideas can be reunited? What if the contestant gives up the game?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Abandon the game? Oh, can't give up, the sage is thinking about the body, carrying the will of the heavens, and the body of the contestant cannot leave the place!" Ding Ding explained.

The ancient sea froze slightly and looked carefully.

Sure enough, other piano contestants were able to move around, while the five hundred contestants who were possessed by the saints were sitting cross-legged and playing the tracks.

God will not move? Can't the saint's thoughts go?

"Mr. Gu, you can play chess with peace of mind, I can play another one!" Wuyazi said lightly.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed and a sneer appeared: "Thank you for your kindness, but this time it is unnecessary!"


In a sneer, Gu Hai shouted: "Go Chen, sing to the five hundred saints! No, you can't let others hear it. Use a voice to pass it to them."

Gou Chen: "...............!"

The Quartet's people were also at a loss.

Sing? Go Chan singing?

Xuan En, Seven Kills and others are still unknown. The distant Bodhisattvas were all over.

Sima Changkong and Long Shenwu all changed their faces.

"Sing?" The Quartet's people showed a doubt.

"Yeah, sing to these grandsons!" Changsheng suddenly opened his eyes.

Not long ago he was miserable by Gou Chen, so he broke up with Gou Chen, but now it is a brisk thing to watch Gou Chen harm others.

"Master, I sing to them, isn't it too cheap for them?" Gou Chen said blankly.

Why does the host let himself sing to the enemy every time.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, remember, don't allow it to be heard by other people, and pass it to the saints by means of voice transmission!" Gu Haishen said in a voice.

"Oh, okay!" Gou Chen helplessly said.

On the one hand, Mr. Yinyue looked at Gou Chen slightly doubtfully, not knowing what he was going to do.

The opposite saint also looked at Gou Chen with disdain: "Sing? I don't know what it means!"

The sages possessed five hundred contestants. Naturally, they did not believe that Gou Chen could deal with himself. If he could, he would have shot earlier. Why wait till now? Therefore, no one takes the issue seriously.

Only the Qing Emperor had his eyes narrowed, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes, because the Qing Emperor would look at the ancient sea, and the ancient sea could not do useless work.

"I didn't want to sing, but the host insisted that I sing, it's cheaper for you! Huh, uh, what's better to sing? Forget it, I'll make a temporary song called" The Blind Saint "!" Gou Chen called.

Blind saint?

The Seven Kills and Xuan En showed a disdain in their eyes. Do you think that two words of curse can affect the saint's heart? The sage's character is not what you can measure.

Five hundred million people also stared at Gou Chen, "The Blind Saint"? What song is this?

But I saw that Gou Chen sang, but it was a weird mouth movement, no sound was heard, and the sound was introduced into the ears of the five hundred saints by means of sound transmission and infiltration.


Suddenly, a sage's Guqin suddenly broke down, then looked at Gou Chen with the eyes of a bronze bell.

Not only that saint, but the other saints were suddenly going to see their eyes.

But I saw that Gou Chen was drunk and started his concert.

"This, this, what does this sing?" A possessed saint stunned.

"Shut up, you broken your throat!" Another possessed saint glared angrily.

"Sound impaired? What's wrong? Sound impaired is useless?" Said another saint, surprised.

"This is a special audio. Only the sound barrier established by himself can block his voice. To block his voice, he must find his audio segment!"

"What is the audio segment of his singing? Can't find it, can't find it, ah, don't sing!"




The saints were screaming.

The sage screamed, and the piano on hand became messed up. Suddenly, the beasts played by Mr. Yinyue could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and there was a momentum of counterattack.

"Look, Mr. Gu's lyre, did singing work?"

"What did you sing? Why can't I hear it?"

"That's the secret of singing, of course I can't hear it!"

"I really want to hear, what kind of music can block the saints' attacks on the piano!"




The people showed envy.

Among the crowd, Mu Chenfeng drew a little on his face: "Gouchen sang the saint for three hours, wouldn't he sing the saint?"

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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