Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 66: Self-binding

"Look, Mr. Gu's tianqin. I saw it last time in Tiancheng. I knew it then. It's super nice!"

"How do you know it's super nice?"

"Someone heard at the time, a little beggar, who was excitedly dancing and dancing, and there was also a dumb bodhisattva, and those who were moved could speak!"




Among the envy of the people of the Quartet, the complexion of Wubaiqin, which was possessed by saints, instantly turned into purple.

If you have a bad temper, you yell and scold. However, most of them are still holding back.

"Did you find the audio segment?"

"No, I can't isolate his voice!"

"He is a celestial piano? Is it a celestial piano?"




The saints stared at Gou Chen. The effect of the performance on hand instantly weakened countlessly, while Mr. Yinyue on the side suddenly prevailed.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

Qin Xiu outside the possession of the five hundred saints was immediately knocked back by Mr. Yinyue. At the moment, the five hundred saints were playing extremely difficult.

"How can this be? Sage, why is this voice so unpleasant?" Xuan En exclaimed.

"I don't know!" The saint who possessed Xuan En was also very angry.

"I can't take it anymore, let me go, let me go, I don't want to listen!" Xuan En's face changed wildly.

"Can't move, no one can move within three hours!" The saint shook his head.

"Come, come here, move me out of here, come here!" Xuan En exclaimed.

After all, there are other people who are too good to participate in the competition, Xuan En shouted, and someone suddenly came forward.

"Stop!" Ding Ding yelled.

"What?" Xuan En stared.

"Now is the Qindao showdown. Each is in its own position. Except for Qindao's discussions, they must not interfere with each other. Otherwise, they will be cheated and immediately out! If you don't agree with my host, you can immediately fight.

All the people who were about to step forward suddenly looked dead.

Because Ding Ding represents a big cadre. Here, it doesn't matter what you want. If Ding Ding punishes you out, and you still go alone, that big cadre can kill you instantly.

"So, then I give up the game and let me go!" Xuan En exclaimed.

Ding Ding sneered: "You decide whether to give up or not to give up the game. It is your decision whether you can go or not, but no one can help you. This is the Halloween conference field without the permission of our four major hosts. No one is allowed to step into the slightest, and no one is allowed to touch your body without the permission of our four hosts! "

Xuan En looked stiff.

Participants with five hundred possessions all changed their faces. Can't escape at all?

"Isn't that the filthy voice? Everyone, leave half of them to deal with Mr. Yinyue, others, follow me the scourge of merit!" The medical sage sainted suddenly.

Ding Ding sneered: "Sage, don't forget what I said, you can only use the tune of the possessor, otherwise, I will deprive you of all rights at any time!"

"Huh!" The medical sage sighed coldly.

"Half-man? Just want to block me?" Mr. Yinyue sneered.


Suddenly, the playing became fiercer and fierce, and the silver dragons suddenly made the saints overwhelmed.

"Finally, it's over!" The Seven Kills not far away picked out suddenly, revealing a look of horror.

Gou Chen coughed twice: "That song just didn't sing well!"

"Why isn't it singing well? It just wants our lives!" A group of saints stared at Gou Chen.

"Below is my favorite song. Let's sing" Small Radish "ten times, eh!" Gou Chen suddenly sang affectionately.

Gou Chen sang. Just now, the saints who were too ugly in "The Blind Saint" suddenly found that the "Blind Saint" just sounded good! What a beautiful song, why did you dislike it just now?

Because "The Little Carrot" is more than ten times as bad as "The Blind Saint".

"Don't sing, sing" The Blind Saint "!"

"Yeah, sing" The Blind Saint "!"

"I'm the blind saint, that's a good song!"

"I want to listen to that song just now, no ...!"




The five hundred contestants who were possessed suddenly burst into shouts.

The expressions of crying one by one left the countless people around.

"What's wrong with them?"

"Is it so nice? Crying?"

"Where is it good? Didn't they scold Gou Chen, saying that his throat is broken and it's too bad to sing!"

"You understand the fart, because it is the opponent, you must stigmatize! You see what they are shouting now, crying one by one and still want to listen to" The Blind Saint "!

"The Blind Saint? Is it so nice? I want to hear it too!"




The people talked a lot, and for a time, Tianyin City was chaotic.

The saints looking at the battlefield below were also at a loss.

"Is it ugly? No matter how ugly, where can it be hard to hear? This group of Qindao saints is too arrogant!"

"Yeah, just a song!"




The saint in the sky is unknown.

"This heavenly piano is really weird!" Taichu frowned.

Nanfang, Taishang's eyes were stunned: "This hook Chen sings is a bit evil!"

In the West, the future Buddha frowned: "How to describe the commandment?"

"After the cessation of the closed chanting of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, we also asked that Gouchen singing is particularly unpleasant. Every time I let the Bodhisattva remember, the Bodhisattva is shivering all over!" The next Buddha frowned.

"Oh?" The future Buddha frowned.

"Emperor, save me, emperor, save me, don't, I don't want to listen!" The Seven Kills are going to collapse.

Not far away, the Qing Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly and did not step forward.

At this moment, no one can come forward. Dagan Sheng came here to sit in town. Whoever came forward was definitely looking for death. Moreover, the Qing emperor did not intend to offend Dagan Sheng for the Seven Kills.

Dagan Sheng plans for thousands of years.

The Seven Kills collapsed. Not long ago, in Yinyuehai, I just gave Guhai a big belly. Now, I still have to endure the Guhai Tianqin. Is this despair a singing voice?

"Kill you, I want to kill you!" Seven Killers were playing desperately.

"Oh, you guys still want to resist now?" Mr. Yinyue sneered.

Mr. Silver Moon played faster and faster. Suddenly, all the counterattacks of the saints were blocked back.

"Listen at ease!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"Small radish, radish?" A sage said to himself.

"Incomplete five-tone, incomplete five-tone, it's over, my sense of music, it's partial!" Said the saint, terrified.

"Ding, Ding, Ding ........."

Suddenly, the sage played by the sage started to deviate, and the sense of music was destroyed by the singing of the gospel. This deviation, suddenly a lot of noise was popped out, and the previously condensed piano styles suddenly weakened.

"Sage, please play according to the tune played by the contestant, it must not be changed!"

change? What changed! I have forgotten what the previous song was.

For a time, the performance of each saint gradually changed and became more and more chaotic.

Qindao Faxiang disappeared one after another.

"It's awful. This is the song played by the saint?"

"Not so good!"

"Is this saint?"




The people appeared blank.

At this moment, the sages in the sky find something wrong. Even if the sages are even worse, they can't even remember the music. What are they playing now?

"What day did you sing?"

"Stop singing!"

Above the sky, there was a saint drinking.

Gou Chen rolled his eyes at Tian Tian, ​​ignored it, and continued to sing his radish.

"Do n’t sing, do n’t sing, sing again, I will kill you!”

"Ah, ah, ah, unpleasant, unpleasant, God, help!"

"I don't want to listen anymore, I don't want to listen anymore, oh, radish. No!"

"Here it again? No, I don't want to listen to Daikon, I want to listen to" The Blind Saint ", I don't want" Daikon "!"




At this moment, the saints are completely manic.

Douqin? Fighting the fart, all the saints frantically stopped the tune in their hands.

Since ancient times, I have never heard such an unpleasant song, and all the consciousness of piano lessons I have learned has been subverted.

Qin Tao? I don't like piano anymore.

The holy people stopped playing the piano with anger, and Mr. Yinyue pressed it with his hand, instead of robbing while he was in the fire, but curiously looked at Gou Chen.

Gou Chen covered her heart with her left hand and stretched out her right hand. She had an affectionate look. There was no piano style, but this song was stronger than her previous piano style.

The group of saints, who could not stop themselves just now, are now crumbling in Goshen's singing.

"Go to your mother's radish!"

"I'm overjoyed, my head is full of radishes, help!"

"I won't play the piano, radish, go to your mother's radish, don't sing, don't sing, please!"

"Stop it, stop it!"




The first hour was over and the saints collapsed, begging and abusing Gouchen.

At the end of the second hour. The guqin in front of the saints were all shattered by the manic saints, and the saints looked dumbfounded at Gou Chen. As if all silly.

The heavenly saints, people from all directions, and forces from all sides are looking at the field strangely at this moment.

Five hundred saints, crazy? Silly? Demented? collapsed?

That looks like everyone can't think of adjectives. At the same time, looking at the affectionate and gossip, one by one, they were all shocked. What a scourge does this scourge have?

"Mr. Dingding!" Gu Hai shouted to Dingding.

Ding Ding froze slightly, then his eyes lightened, and he nodded.

"Hosted by me, saint Qin Tao, choose who you want to recommend, please recommend it immediately!" Ding Ding said suddenly.

The five hundred saints are still demented.

"Hosted by me, saint Qin Tao, you may be willing to recommend Gu Hai, so that Gu Hai can get your recommendation!" Ding Ding yelled again.

The five hundred saints still looked at Gou Chen with dull eyes.

"Hosted by me, the saints of Qin Tao, but you all tacitly recommend Gu Hai and let Gu Hai get your recommendation?" Ding Ding yelled again. This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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