Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 68: Chess match first

On the occasion of the exchange of the saints in the sky, Gu Hai returned to the game of chess again from the Qindou District!

"Mr. Gu, Qin Sai has been settled. Let's continue this unfinished game!" Wuyazi said lightly.

"Let Mr. wait a long time!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Slap!" "Slap!" .........

The two continued to settle down again.

For a while, the game was getting deeper and deeper.

The chess practitioners on the side looked at the game in a dignified manner.

Looking at it, many people rubbed their eyes, and there were even more **** ones, and their minds seemed to be exhausted with the strangulation of this game of chess.

"No, no, you can't watch it, you can only take a small part for analysis, so horrible chess power!"

"I seem to see an endless abyss, falling into it, falling deeper and deeper!"

"I see the end of the world!"




The chess players participating in the Quartet avoided the game.

The more chess-savvy people are, the more uncomfortable they are.

No matter how loud the outside world is, Gu Hai and Wuji Zi are both safe and sound.

Gradually, the Quartet's voice also decreased.

Although there are no hundreds of people who can't understand the game, they don't prevent them from understanding the power of the game, and they are all waiting quietly.

Changsheng and Gou Chen stood aside.

Not far away, Mr. Yinyue also disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Too early, too far, and the future Buddha are also quietly waiting for the outcome of that game of chess.

Even in the Shudao competition area, Shudao practitioners looked curiously.

After a turmoil of the saints in the sky, he looked at the chess of Gu Hai and Wujizi evilly.

"But it's extraordinary!" Suddenly, a chess saint sighed.

"To what extent should the game of chess be?" Said a saint, drawing curiosity.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is a game of" Thirty-one Days Vertical and Horizontal Chess ", a game played by the old man who watched chess a thousand years ago. The endless child is imitating the old man who watched chess and is setting up three The eleven heavens and the earth are square and straight! "


"Yes, Gu Hai is an inverse game, one against the other, both of them show considerable chess power, no one loses anyone!" The chess sage solemnly said.

"The ancient sea is just a villain. How could he have such good chess skills? Is it because he cheated again?" Said the painting saint.

"It's not like that game of chess. It can't be wrong. It's really complicated. It's a great game!"

Five hundred chess wise saints looked at the chess one after another, but they were extremely dignified.

The game of Gu Hai and Wuji Zi was constantly rehearsing in his heart. In the eyebrows, a thousand chessboards with a combination of four and four had been condensed previously. Now, with the game of Wujizi, it continues to concentrate. In.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

A large chessboard is condensed into a small chessboard with nineteen crosses. Correspondingly, there are more and more ‘Zhou Tian Wu’ moves that Gu Hai can cut out.

"Mr. Gu, so good at chess!" Shen Wuzi said.

"Sir, good chess skills! There are so many subtle chess games in the 31st day. Can you have 32 chessboards in addition to the 31st chessboard?" Gu Hai Shen said.


After three hours, all the thousand large chessboards were condensed into small chessboards.

Today, once again a bottleneck is reached, Gu Hai looks at Wuyazi.

At that time, the old man who watched chess played against the sky, and played a game of thirty-three heaven and earth. When he looked at the map of Qiandaohai in the past, he saw a clue. Now, as he continues to unlock twenty-eight, twenty-nine, , Thirty, thirty-one, Gu Hai's desire for thirty-two is increasing.

Thirty-two heavens and earth chess game, how should it be?

Nowadays, the person in front of him may be the old man who watched chess himself. Gu Hai naturally wants to know something.

"Thirty-two?" Jiu Gong aside eyelids.

The ancient sea could be thirty-one, and the nine sons have been surprised. Now, not only is it so skilled, but it is better to be dissatisfied.

Wuyazi looked up at the sky.

The heavenly saints ’minds seemed to be drawn, and they looked at it very carefully at this moment.

"Thirty-two? Oh, you want to see?" Wuyazi suddenly smiled slightly.

"Yes, I want to see!" Gu Hai nodded.

"I only lost the third son, can you bear it? If you can solve these three sons, then you win this game!" Wuyazi laughed.

"Three sons? Why?" Gu Hai dignified.

"Because, now I can only lose the third son!" Wuyazi laughed.

Suddenly, the detective hand pressed.


That son fell, and suddenly, the style of the entire chessboard suddenly changed dramatically, as if Wuyazi concealed himself and moved towards extinction.

Take the chess of death?

Gu Hai raised his eyebrows, and immediately had a place to fall, ready to fall, but stopped instantly.

"Well? Set aside and die?" Gu Hai's eyelids jumped wildly.

"Oh? You can see it too?" Wuyazi narrowed his eyes.

Gu Hai was silent for a moment, then gently placed a sunspot in a position.

"What? Wuyaoziluozi, looking for his own way of death, Gu Hai is also looking for his way of death? Who do they bet on now?" Sky, suddenly a saint dignified.


Gu Hai still dropped the **** that was on its own.

Gu Hai felt as if he had some connection between heaven and earth in this game of chess, and from the inside, a white mist poured out instantly.

"Wow la la la!"

In an instant, four huge chains rushed out of the white mist and soared into the sky.


The chains connected to the mighty righteousness of the sky.


The entire sea of ​​righteousness was shaken by these four chains.

"What's that?" Exclaimed the people in the distance.

"The rules of chess? Is it Wuyazi's previous rules of chess? Doesn't it mean that the rules of chess have been taken away from heaven?" Qi Xiu changed his face and was shocked.

Qingdi, Kongdi, Taichu and Taishang all squinted to look at the ancient sea.

"The emperor was ...?" Mo Yike said in surprise.

"Sir, this is the rule just now?" Gu Hai looked at Wuyazi with a deep expression.

Wuyazi stared at the ancient sea for a while.

"Mr. Gu, hey, I still underestimated you, the law? Yes, it is the law of chess!" Wuyazi took a deep breath.

"But you aren't saying that the rules of chess have been taken by heaven?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yeah, it was taken away by God, the rules of black and white were taken away, but you know what? There are several types of chess?" Wuyazi took a deep breath.

"Chess? Isn't it black or white?"

The people in the Quartet showed a blankness.

Only Gu Hai's pupils shrank.

Chess is not only black and white, but also an invisible chess. It should be three. Back in the old days of Jiuwu Island, I knew when I was playing chess.

God has taken away the rules of black and white chess, and a rule of transparent chess has not been taken away?

My own self-seeking son was a transparent chess rule? Previously, the boundless son settled down, condensing Mr. Yinyue and Emperor Xiyu, a transparent chess rule, a chess piece that no one can see.

"Thank you, Mr.!" Gu Hai said with gleaming eyes.

"Oh, I did nothing!" Wuyazi shook his head.

He looked up at the four chains that rushed into the sky, and as the two did not fall for a while, the four chains slowly became transparent and disappeared in front of everyone.

No one can see these four chains, it seems to be falling apart. Only Gu Hai, at this moment, saw the score, but it became transparent and did not disappear.

"Sir, please continue! There are two sons." Gu Hai solemnly said.

Wujizi shook his head and said, "One of your sons has already been unlocked. There is no need to continue playing, Mr. Gu, good chess skills!"

Whispering body trembled suddenly while speaking. When he shuddered, he suddenly burst into sweat, and his face turned pale.

"Huh!" A strong wind blew away from the edge of Wuyazi.

Suddenly, Wuyazi gasped as if with asthma.

Gu Hai's face sank.

Nine sons on the side were slightly surprised: "No, go? He's gone?"

Dong Fang, Tai Chu's face sank: "Is it just a thought of the old man watching chess?"

"Gone?" The South too tall giant replied coldly.

"Bulgarian Buddha!" ​​The future Buddha looked solemnly.

"Sir, what's wrong with you, maybe you will continue to fall off?" Cried Gu Hai.

"Hoo, ho, ho!"

After taking a long breath, Wuyazi calmed down and heard Gu Hai's questioning slightly.

"How am I here?" Wuyazi's face changed.

Looking down at the chessboard, his face suddenly changed.

"This, is this what I got?" Wuyazi suddenly looked at Gu Hai in surprise.

"Sir?" Gu Hai looked at Wuyazi with a dignified look.

"Wuyizi, this is the final showdown. You have to show up against Mr. Gu!" Jiuzi tempted aside.

"What? Really I play chess? No, yes, it is him, I .........!" Wuyazi suddenly showed a panic on his face.

Gu Hai stared endlessly.

"Mr. Wuyazi? Can you have another son?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

At this moment, Gu Hai seemed to feel something, instead of calling ‘Mr’ directly, but prefixed with ‘Mr. Wuyazi’.

Wujizi looked down at the chessboard and was silent for a while, and finally smiled bitterly: "Another son? Oh, Mr. Gu, you won!"

"What?" Gu Hai sank.

"Worship in Xia Gan!" Wujizi gave a slight ritual and smiled bitterly.

"He gave up?"

"Mr. Gu became the first person on the chess course!"

"Hahahaha, Mr. Gu has become the number one, what about the Saints?"

"Are they going to recommend Mr. Gu all again?"




The Quartet suddenly made a noise like an explosion, first? The ancient sea chess settles first. What should the Saint of the Sky do?

Just now I said that Gu Hai is no longer recommended, now? Can you still insist?

"Hosted by me, based on the sage's questions, the chess players competed against each other. They took the first place and were recommended by the saints. At present, Gu Hai won the first place in the chess field. Please invite the saints to recommend!" Jiugongzi suddenly shouted to Tiangao.


The noise of the people in the Quartet ceased, and for a moment, the entire city of Tianyin was heard from the needle. Everyone looked up at the sky and looked at the heavenly saints. This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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