Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 69: Chess move

"I'm responsible for judging the chess course. The chess course is simple, the order is played, and each other plays against each other. The winner is the best.

This is the original word of the chess sage, and it is necessary to recommend the best.

That is to say, only the winner is taken. How could the saints in the chess course think that the chess power of Guhai was so amazing that it could only reach the first place?

This is the rhythm to hit your own face.

Nearly everyone in the Quartet looked up at the group of saints. Only at the moment, Gu Hai turned his head and stared at Wujizi.

Boundless child?

Was he really possessed by the old man who watched chess just now?

Someone already thought so, but Gu Hai didn't make this decision, because the chess just now was too weird. thirty-one? It's all thirty-one, no thirty-two at all? The last son was amazing, but it was still thirty-one.

Gu Hai was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and gave a little gift to Wuyazi.

In any case, the thirty-first one just benefited a lot.

When Wuyazi saw the ancient sea for a moment, he looked at it slightly, and immediately returned a gift to the ancient sea.

The Tianyin City was quietly below, but the Saints in the sky were awkward at the moment.

"First? How could Guhai be first?"

"Isn't that borderless son pretty good?"

"Don't you say that his chess style is like the old man watching chess? How can the old man watching chess lose?"




The sage of painting and piano is suddenly noisy.

The chess sage was dignified for a while. Because they know the strength of ancient sea chess, completely exceed their expectations.

But how do you recommend it today?

As stated earlier, take the winner and recommend as appropriate. The winner is Gu Hai.

And he also promised to paint Taoist saints and Qindao saints. Gu Hai is definitely not recommended, but it is to make the chess saints tangled for a while.

"Please sage, please recommend the first player in the chess match!" Jiugongzi said to the sky again.

The sage in the sky was silent for a while.

"Come on!"

"The holy sage of chess is awful!"

"Are you fat about your words?"

"Still a saint, can't you afford to lose?"




Suddenly, a lot of people shouted. This group of saints is too much, aren't they talking? Gu Hai has won now, as a recommendation.

For a while, the noise was noisy again. The authority of the saints was facing the greatest challenge. Of course, maybe the previous two times, the saints had no authority in the minds of the people. Now, only the bottom line and morals remain.

The urging voices soared into the sky, and the saints were all tangled.

"You must not submit to the ancient sea!"

"Can't let his villain win!"




The saint screamed for drawing and chess.

The noisy sounds everywhere made the chess sages tangled.

"The sages are silent, isn't it the ancient sea?" Jiugongzi yelled.

The sage of chess did not speak yet.

"Are you saints, is it the ancient sea?" Jiugongzi yelled again.

"No good, this is another trick. Ten times, he said ten times, and I will help you dispose of the referral, fast, fast!"

"I want to do it again, just forget it!"

"Sages of chess, hurry up, Gu Hai is co-hosting again, it's up to us, hurry up!"




The saints suddenly got excited.

Jiu Gongzi: "………………!"

I didn't mean it at all. Have these saints become birds of shock? That one by one I have seen through your attitude, leaving Jiugongzi speechless for a while.

The saint of chess games said that the one who recommended the best was asked this question himself.

"Qi, God, I recommend Wuyazi!" Suddenly, a saint said.


Suddenly, a recommendation sign appeared above the sea of ​​luck, and suddenly, a white light burst straight down.

"Sage! How can you go against it?" Jiugongzi stared.

"Sage, really shameless!"

"He said the one who recommended the best, how could it have become borderless?"

"Intentionally targeting Mr. Gu, it's nothing!"




Suddenly, the people of Quartet fell into disarray.

In the east, angels sneered.

"I have sinned against the saint, and still want the saint to recommend you? Was the saint so fooled twice before?" A six-winged angel sneered.


"Oh, Gu Hai, let Elder Xuanen lose such a big face, deserve it!" A too disciple sneered.


"This time, Gu Hai can do nothing!" The Bodhisattva laughed.

"Shameless!" Mu Chenfeng cursed at the sky.

Mo Yike and Bing Ji frowned.

Above the sky, the sage who recommended Wuyazi said, "We said that we recommend the best to the best, but only discretion, not necessarily. Moreover, the best in my heart is not the one who won the first place. The winner in my heart is a kind of demeanor. The boundless son is in danger and is not chaotic. Before the game is finished, he will give in. This is a gentleman's spirit and a modest temperament that he should have. Is the winner! "

People in the Quartet: ".........!"

Participating chess repair: ".........!"

Gu Hai: "………………!"

Jiu Gongzi: "………………!"

How could everyone think that saints can come to this shamelessly?

What kind of **** gentleman, what kind of humble attitude, thanks to his face can speak out, chess, whether you die or I die, how can there be any modesty?

As you said, do n’t play chess in the future, it ’s better than losing.

The chess sage finished.

Suddenly, a group of chess sages should drink.

"I also recommend Wujizi, in my mind, he is the best!"

"I also recommend Wuyazi, the winner, deservedly!"

"I recommend Woundless Son!"




Than cheating, your ancient sea is a bit tender, and we are the judges. We don't care about our skin, your ancient sea is useless even if it has the means to return to heaven.

The sages of Shudao may want to stop them, but the sages of Painting Tao and Qindao shouted one after another: "The wise men of chess!"

I was fed up with the previous two times, so long as I can report to the sea, what else can I do? Thousands of years later, how many of these people can continue to participate in Halloween?

For a time, the painting saints and the piano saints scrambled to cheer for the saints of chess.

A group of chess sages gradually let go.

"I recommend Wuyazi!" "I recommend Wuyazi!" ............

Finally, the five hundred chess sages all recommended the boundless child, and there were five hundred recommendation signs in the sky. Immediately like a searchlight, the bright white light shrouded the boundless child.

For a time, Gu Hai and Wuji Zi became the final focus.

In this way, the losing side won 500 referrals.

"Hahahahaha, Guhai, can you still get these referrals?" A saint who paints a path is extremely relieved.

"Hahaha, now, even if there is a means to return to heaven, it is useless, Guhai, hum, you can't get the five hundred referrals in chess. From now on, you can't even get one!" Qindao saint laughed .

The saints laughed incomparably.

The sage in heaven looked at Gu Hai with a smile, and seemed to taunt and revenge.

But when the saints are most proud.

Wuyazi suddenly gave a gift to Jiugongzi.

"Host Qi Qi, Wuyazi feels ashamed that Mr. Gu is inferior to the chess course. He is extremely ashamed and shameless to accept this recommendation. Today, please preside over my five hundred referrals to the ancient sea for the power of chess." Wuya Son yelled.


The laughing saints in the sky suddenly stopped suddenly.

"What? What did I hear just now?" The Doctor Qin Sheng exclaimed suddenly.

"Wuyizi seems to say, please preside, and transfer all your referrals to Guhai!" A saint said stunnedly.

"Transfer all to Guhai?"

"Wasn't everything we did earlier useless?"

"We gave the recommendation to Wujizi, but let him give it all to Guhai?"




The saints suddenly circled.

"Qi's heaven, hosted by me, I have to recommend the novices. I feel ashamed that I don't recommend them. I recommend Guhai, and I will give them all to Guhai. Please judge them from heaven!"


Qiyun Yunhai turned up and down, it seems that Heaven has been recommended by this article.

I saw that the five hundred recommenders who radiated Wuyazi suddenly turned all the light sources and came straight to the ancient sea.


Gu Hai was instantly shrouded in five hundred chess road referrals.

The people were silent for a while, then:

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"






For a moment, the laughter of 500 million people in Tianyin City seemed to applaud the ancient sea and get the due results, and it seemed to mock the heavenly saints.

After all your troubles, in the end, haven't you made a wedding dress for Mr. Gu?

The heavenly saints are completely stunned.

"Miscellaneous, watch nine, you dare ........." The sages suddenly exclaimed in a crowd of paintings.

"You are cheating, you are cheating!" Qin Tao saint exclaimed.

Jiu Gongzi looked coldly at the sky: "Cheat? Oh, this is the rules of the Halloween Convention, you forgot? The referrals can be forwarded, and the referrals for chess are given to Wujizi, who has the right to repost. You I do n’t have the right to ask questions. Moreover, this is a matter of chess, and you ca n’t control it! ”


The sage of heaven suddenly died again.

How can it be counted, that the boundless son gave up the referral? All for Gu Hai?

Do you want to lose face?

Who's shameless?

At this moment, the hatred between saints and ancient seas is growing.

Five hundred recommended symbols for painting, five hundred recommended symbols for piano, five hundred recommended symbols for chess, and nearly all of the grand slams were given to the ancient sea.

A thousand years ago, the old man who watched Chess got only 1,200 referrals in the first round.

Today, Guhai has got 1,500.

"Thank you Mr. Wuyazi!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Wujizi smiled slightly bitterly: "Just return to the original owner, you can play the game of chess, the game of chess, huh ... but I don't dare to play this recommendation. The old chess player broke the rules of eternity and entered the temple of Wendao. I hope you too! "

"Do your best!" Gu Hai looked at Wuyazi complicatedly.

"You sages, please be careful not to be deceived by the ancient sea. The boundless son must be with the ancient sea. We are all fooled. Be careful, be careful!" Hundred Shu Tao.

"Relax!" The sages of the Tao said suddenly.

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