Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 71: Jammed

Writing articles in the form of "question and answer" has no rhythm at all, no beauty at all, and even a trace of shock and downturn is still due to Ziwei's heavenly pen.

"Last time in Metropolis, Mr. Gu's article should not be like this!"

"Yeah, I saw it that time, and it was also Mr. Ziwei's pen-writing. He would enter the wine in one stroke. From the first sentence, it was overwhelmingly righteous!"

"Why is this so? Like Xiaoxi!"

"Yeah, less than other Shudao practitioners!"




Hundreds of people were at a loss.

However, although the three holy places disdain ancient sea words, they stared at the ancient sea one by one.

"Giant, what's the use of this **** written by Gu Hai? What's the use? He lost it!" Said a disciple who laughed.

Tai Shangdao shook his head and looked at Gu Hai coldly.

The Taoist practitioners in the Quartet also sneered and looked at Gu Hai. After all, the previous contestants were still worried about Gu Hai, but it was unexpected that Gu Hai wrote so badly.

But seeing Ziwei's dictation in the ancient sea, he continued to write.

"Said: 'It is difficult to raise it. It is Qi also. It is as large as rigid, and it is harmless by direct cultivation. Then it is between Qi and heaven and earth, it is Qi, and its meaning and Tao are true; Those who are born of righteousness are also taken by non-righteous attack.

Ziwei wrote it word by word.

In all directions, no hundreds of people looked at the article written by Gu Hai at this moment, because many of them could not understand it.

However, some Shudao practitioners saw it clearly.

Seeing Gu Hai write that sentence, her face changed almost instantly.

"That's ...?" Tai Chu suddenly stood up from his seat.

"Book of Classics? Gu Hai is writing the Book of Holy Words, not poetry?" Tai Shangzi also changed his face.

"Human righteousness? The infinite Buddha, the ancient sea he actually ...!" Shen Fu said in the future.

The Qing Emperor and the Emperor Kong who had already gone to the outside world all shrank their pupils.

"This is not an ordinary poem, song, and poem, but the righteousness of the heavens and the earth? What an ancient sea!" Kong Di raised a brow with surprise.

"Sacred Scriptures? Where does the ancient sea come from? There are really people in this literary world. Qinqi calligraphy and painting are all perfect? ​​He wants to write scriptures?" Qingdi narrowed his eyes.

"Emperor, that ancient sea really has such a talent?" Dan Wang revealed a hint of wonder.

"There are two possibilities!" Qingdi narrowed his eyes.


"For one thing, he has the talents of heaven and earth." Qingdi squinted.

"The talent of Jingwei? Second?" Dan Wang curiously said.

"He has a 'fairy dome'!" Qingdi whispered.

"Immortal dome? What immortal dome?" Dan Wang stunned slightly.

This is the first time Dan King heard the word "fairy sky", but what is it?

The Qing Emperor looked coldly at the ancient sea in the distance, but did not answer.

The saint in the sky saw Ziwei write this line of words, and the previous mockery abruptly calmed down.

Because, with the last drop, suddenly from the paper, a tsunami-like righteousness soared to the sky, and that mighty righteousness seemed like hundreds of times as many as others.

Violently struck the sky in a sea of ​​righteousness.


Hao Ran's righteousness violently swayed, and the five hundred Shudao sages immediately above his body suddenly shook.

"Writing a scripture? How is it possible, how could he be able to write a scripture?"

"Every book can only be created after countless years. He played the ancient sea on the spot and couldn't write it!"

"Book of Classics? Book of Classics in the first round? Or writing on the spot, how could he still be good at scripture?"




Suddenly, all the saints were amazed.

In Ziwei's writing, Sima Changkong, Yehua, and other scholars of the Taoist Scriptures suddenly overshadowed.

I saw the magnanimous righteousness in Ziwei's pen, which made the sky full of righteousness. Seems to resonate with the spirit of righteousness.

Suddenly, Hao Ran's righteousness squeezed the others' anger, filth, yin, water, and popularity.

"嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭!" ………………

As you can see, the air pillars written by one contestant after another burst away instantly, which was rejected by this world.

Hao Ran is righteous, and wo n’t take you to play?

Suddenly those those who wrote pentras suddenly fell asleep. How about this?

"Me, I just wrote about halfway!"

"What happened to my pen? Why not?"

"I'm sure I can become a weeping ghost, why is there no response at all?"




Participants stared anxiously.

"The Book of Secularism is here, Wanwen is deterred?" The ram's eyes stared, showing a hint of surprise.


"Gu Hai? Is he really writing the Book of Songs? In front of the Book of Songs, Poetry, Songs, and Fu are all trails. Once the Book of Songs is published, the world will regard the Book of Kings as the esteem and the King of Books as the king. "Bei Mingshou wondered.

Gu Hai also looked around and saw the Quartet Wenxiu being interrupted by himself, but also a panic. He wrote an article from the previous book "Mencius" on Earth. The effect is so great?

Although shocked, Gu Hai continued to dictate.

"I therefore said that the accused did not try to understand the truth, but also the others. There must be things that do n’t be right, do n’t forget the heart, do n’t encourage them. None of the Song people do. Graceful return. It is said that its person said: 'Today's illness, to help Miao Changzhi.' His son tends to look at it, Miao is crippled. The world does not help Miao the elderly widow. "If you do n’t work with the seedlings, you also help the elders, and those who help the seedlings. It ’s useless and harmful."

Ziwei wrote down one stroke at a time, writing to the last stroke.

For a moment, the sky sounded with immense majesty. In a word by word, Gu Hai recites this "Q & A"!

It seems that Hao Ri rushed out of the paper under Ziwei's pen, straight into the sky and was righteous. The other contestants' articles were completely radiant.

"How can this be?" Ye Hua stood staring in disbelief.


The mighty righteousness of the sky receded again and suddenly poured into the ancient sea. The ancient sea felt that there was a chaotic atmosphere all around. Straight into my head.

In his mind, billowing Hao Ran's righteousness was sucked into Tianzhen Shenxi.

Absorbing Hao Ran's righteousness, Tianzhen Shenxi also exuded a huge majesty, which was radiated through the body of the ancient sea. The majesty soared into the sky, as if it collided with the sage's momentum.

"Book of scriptures? Have the scriptures been written on the spot?" Said a sage in horror.

The people of Quartet had already stared at the ancient sea with their eyes wide open.

"It turns out that Mr. Gu's book is the most powerful!" Said the people in astonishment.

"Although it is not a complete scripture of the Holy Word, there is already a glimmer of light, good articles, and an ancient sea!" In the beginning of the distance, his eyes suddenly fell cold, and there was a killing in his eyes.

"Giant, will Gu Hai affect our second ratio?" Said a disciple who was too upset.

"No, my too superior" Sutra "is the first scripture in the world. Can he compare this" Question and Answer "? He is only a stub, even if it is complete, it is not the" Sutra " "Opposite!" Too big Shen Shen said.

There was almost no suspense. As soon as Gu Hai's Q & A came out, others' articles did not need to be read at all.

"Gu Hai used a" Question and Answer "to make no competitor comparable. Please invite all the saints to be fair and recommend!" Gongyang Sheng said.

Recommend? Saints recommend ancient sea?

Looking at the breath of Gu Hai below who was not weak, all the saints were agitated.

"Well, we said, poetry, song and fu are all fine, but Guhai, not writing poetry, song and fu!" Suddenly, a sage of the book said.

"Yes, this Q & A is not a poem, song or fu at all. Even if it is written well, how about it? Can't recommend Guhai!" The Qindao saint was instantly excited.

"Can't recommend Gu Hai!" Cried the painting saint.

The saints of chess are also excited.

"Wursling? Husbands and sages, all of you saints, stand up against one another and take advantage of the inferiors? Are you good enough to stand up to your judgment?" Ram Ram stared.

"Well, how can I judge, but I ca n’t tell you, I just do n’t choose Gu Hai, and the Q & A is awesome. What about it? It ’s not poetry and poetry, we do n’t take it! If you have the skill, let him write a poetry Endow it. "A group of saints sang immediately.

"You!" Ram Ram stared at the sky.

The Quartet's people were also angry.

It was between noisy chants, but when Gu Hai read it again, Ziwei also wrote it.

"There is righteousness in the heavens and the earth, and the manifold forms the manifold! The lower part is Heyue and the upper part is the sun star!"

Once again, in Ziwei's pen, countless Hao Ran's righteousness soared into the sky, and the instantaneous rumbling Hao Ran's righteousness was shaking again.

Suddenly, the saints were silent. The people of the Quartet scolded the saints were also silent.

"Five-character poem?"

"How can I forget, since Mr. Gu can write the Holy Book, how can he not write poetry and poetry?"

"Hahaha, now, what do the saints say? Mr. Gu is writing poetry and songs!"

"The Q & A just now is just the preface to these five-character poems!"




Suddenly, Tianyin City was making a noise.

Gu Hai once again wrote "Song of Righteousness", with the sequence of "Questions and Answers" as an example, suddenly, the strength of righteousness inflated infinitely.

How could the saints in heaven think that Gu Hai wrote such a powerful Q & A to write a preface to these five-character poems.

As soon as the first four sentences came out, the momentum was not weak. The next one must be of this quality. We, do we have to face ourselves again?

"Yu Ren said Hao Ran and Pei Cang Cang Ming. The Huanglu Road was Qingyi, Han and Tuming court!" Ziwei wrote again.

Throughout the article, the momentum is constantly rising, and the sages who watch it are heart-warming.

After that, Gu Hai wrote the poem. Do you have any excuses? Let Gu Hai win? No, the referral must not be given to him.

At this moment, the ancient sea suddenly jammed.

This is the Tianxiang "Song of Righteousness" above the previous earth. The first few sentences are okay, but the next sentence, but there is a large article about the loyalty of the loyal officials of all dynasties, there are no ancient loyal officials on the earth. I could n’t write at all. I had to replace someone. For a while, I could n’t think of so many corresponding ones.

The right song is wrong?

Gu Hai suddenly turned black and made a mistake. Then, I ca n’t write anymore.

Ancient sea stuck. Looking at the saints in the sky. However, the saints do not know the ancient sea jam. Suddenly a shock.

"God to heaven, I recommend that article!"

"I recommend that man's poems to Kaiqi!"

"God to heaven! .........!"




For a time, the people of the Taoist saints ignored any reason at all, and immediately made a recommendation to those who did not write well, but did not recommend Gu Hai.

Suddenly, the five hundred referrals appeared, spread apart, and recommended five hundred participants. There is no ancient sea. Of course, there is no single person to prevent the recurrence of the previous tragedy.

Such indiscriminate fingerlessness instantly angered the Quartet people.



"Well, Mr. Gu wrote so powerfully, are you blind?"

"Shit saint!"




The people of the Quartet counted, and the whole city of Tianyin was noisy.

Only the ancient sea, but secretly exhaled, great. No need to write! This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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