Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 72: One thousand nine hundred referrals

The ancient sea was stuck, just wondering how to continue, looking up at the sky.

Perhaps the previous ancient sea left a deep impression on the saints. For a time, all the saints were excited and rushed to give the referrals to other contestants.

"Sage, their article has not been written!" Ram Ram stared at the heaven.

"Well, what if you didn't write it well, did anyone write it well? He didn't write it well. I just think his article is good, so I recommend him, what do you do with it?" A sage of the book said coldly.

"Yes, Gu Hai wrote well, but he didn't write well. What can he do?"

"Gu Hai, you are dead, hahaha!"




The sages laughed, but finally did not let the ancient seas succeed.

Even if the people in the Quartet insulted him, the saints ignored it at all. A group of Diaomin. After a thousand years, how many people can see us?

The saint ignored the insults of the people in the Quartet and looked coldly at the ancient sea.

Gu Hai didn't take it seriously and didn't even get angry, because the sages' eagerness helped him a lot. At this moment, he could not write anymore.

Looking at the saint, Gu Hai even showed a slight smile.

"Master, what should I do?" Gou Chen anxiously.

"Mr. Gu, these saints are shameless!" Changsheng looked ugly.

"Mr. Gu, your article is really amazing, they are almost catching up with me. Their saints are blind. What should we do now? Do we have to write?" Zi Wei frowned and looked at Gu Hai.

"No more, nothing more than that!" Gu Hai laughed.

In the distance, Taichu and Taishang looked at the ancient sea coldly, and in his eyes, he had a murderous intention.

In the future, the Buddha folded his hands and did not speak, and his whole body was extremely serious.

Where the Emperor Qing was, Dan Wang stared, "Emperor, Gu Hai, is this okay this time?"

The Qing Emperor shook his head and looked at Dagan Sheng in the distance: "Do you think Dagan really does nothing?"


Between King Dan's doubts. The ram saint in the distance once again said, "You saints, have you decided who to recommend?"

"That's right!" The five hundred saints immediately yelled.

"If you don't get a referral, please exit first!" Sheng Ram said.

In the Quartet, all the contestants who did not get a referral nodded, and nodded, and they retreated. Each one wrote well, but no one dared to say an article beyond Gu Hai.

How about ancient articles? Not to mention that the psalm is not finished, the preface is not what they can do, at least, in a short time, it is impossible to surpass.

Everyone was convinced orally.

Of course, there are some who are not convinced, such as Yehua.

For tens of thousands of contestants, only five hundred saints were selected. Naturally, it was impossible to cover everything. Yehua was not selected by the saints.

Jewa was gone, and there was a group of people who got a referral.

Five hundred people, can't all be the same as Wuyazi?

"Next, I feel ashamed that the book is not as good as Mr. Gu Hai, and I am willing to transfer the referral sign to Mr. Gu, and the text is right!" Suddenly, a contestant called.

"Okay!" Someone suddenly called.

In the previous scene, who has strong literary skills and high judgments, and the people's eyes are not blind, naturally understand that the people are not as good as the ancient sea. The heavenly soul is the only thing left in the heavenly sage, and it may have lost its integrity. Who cares about integrity. In particular, the ancient sea was just in Q & A. Many people are impressed.

"Today's competition, Mr. Degu's article has nothing to shake. Thank you for the teachings of Mr. Gu, and I am willing to transfer the referral to Mr.!" Immediately, the second person said, willing to transfer the referral to Guhai.

The Quartet shouted suddenly.

"Mr. Gu is really amazing, and those book repairs are overwhelming!"

"Those books are more erect than the saints in heaven!"

"Good job, Chang Shan, I'll wait for you!"




Among the people, they suddenly shouted.

Among the crowd, there was a group of people in the Dahuang Tianchao.

Conte stood among the crowd and looked at the field with a smile.

"Emperor, those people, really so generous?" One subordinate frowned.

Conte shook his head: "It's just a drama!"

"Ah? Emperor, you said, those people are big people? They deliberately? Just ..., what's the use of this?" The subordinate was surprised.

But I saw the Central Ram's Holy Path: "You are participating in Wenshu, and other festivals, the Rams admire. Although you cannot enter the Temple of Wendao this time, the library of our subordinate prisoners is open to you for one year, including An internal scripture of the Cause for you to observe for three days! "

"Ah? Thank you Ram for hosting!" Shouted Shu Shu, who had previously referred to the recommendation.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Host Ram, I will also transfer the referral sign to Mr. Gu. Is it late?"

"The right path in the world, it's not too late, everyone, Guozi Jianshu, open to you!" Gongyang Sheng called again.

"I recommend Mr. Gu!"

"Me too, pass on Mr. Gu!"




Suddenly, a large number of Shu Xiu who received a referral sign recommended Gu Hai.

This scene, staring at the heavenly saint.

"Ram ram, you are bold, do you dare to bribe the contestants?" Suddenly, a saint exclaimed.

Worrying about the recurrence of the Wuyazi incident, the five hundred holy talents scattered to recommend a group of contestants, but who thought that the ram saint was so shameless, openly fraudulent, and bribery for the ancient sea?

"Ram Ram, I want to enlighten God, you preside over fraud and bribe contestants!" Another saint roared.

"Bribery? The saints joked, where did I choose to marry? I only admired them after they made a decision and invited them to enter the Guozijian Library for cultural and moral exchanges!" Said Shengyang Dandan.

"Squib!" The saints stared.

The ram saintly smiled and ignored the saints.

At this moment, the participants in the square looked at each other. Suddenly, a lot of people rose up.

"Below conceited, I have to see Mr. Gu's article today. It is better to be ashamed. This is a recommendation sign, and I dare not be taken for granted!"

"I am willing to give the referral to Mr. Gu!"

"I'm willing to do it!"




Suddenly, a series of book revisions forwarded referrals.

The contestants who turned over the referrals were immediately applauded by the winning Quartet.

"Dean Zhang, good job!"

"Mr. Li Shan, righteous, gentleman!"




In a blink of an eye, there are already more than 200 recommended ancient seas.

And more than two hundred people are still insisting. There was a sound of grumble among the crowd in the distance.

"Then President Chen, I used to look at him too high, thinking how clean he was, and I wanted to go to his academy to communicate, but I didn't expect that he was also an unscrupulous person!"

"a shame!"

"It's not yours at all, but you hold it in your hands. This is to be laughed at by the world!"

"Well, what the hell!"




There was a murmur of yelling and yelling from the Quartet. Although the voice was not loud, it was introduced into the ears of more than two hundred people, and everyone seemed to resist the humiliation from all over the world.

"I got a referral. Even if I had one, I would n’t be able to enter the Temple of Wendao. I wouldn't continue to be ashamed anymore. Mr. Gu, I would be ashamed of this referral, please Don't disapprove! "Another cried suddenly.

At this moment, the Qing Emperor stood in the distance, staring at the man, showing a sneer: "Another trust!"

"Uh? Emperor, what care?" Dan Wang wondered next to him.

"Did you not see it? The compliments of the people and the disdain of the people around them all started deliberately and led the public opinion. The first one who gave the referral to Guhai was also a great one!" Qingdi eyes squint.

"This is also it?" Dan Wang said slightly.

The emperor took a deep breath and stopped talking.

Sure enough, as soon as one person started, someone continued to give Gu Hai a referral.

One after another, in a blink of an eye, there were only a hundred people left in the field.

These 100 people, about 30 people in each of the three sacred places, and 10 people are really unwilling to recommend the ancient sea. How many people around them cannot change their thinking.

Hundreds of people couldn't let them surrender their referrals, and the ram saint looked up again.

"Initiate heaven, I presided over the first comparison of the book. In the end, the 400 participants who received the referrals felt that they were not as good as Gu Hai, so they transferred the referrals to Gu Hai. Please recommend it from heaven!" Gongyang Sheng yelled at Tian.


Suddenly, Qiyun Yunhai was tumbling for a while again, and there were five hundred recommended characters in the book, and there were four hundred moving slowly, like a searchlight-like beam of light, and came straight to the ancient sea.


Gu Hai's whole body suddenly burst into vast white light.

"Holy, Guhai got 1,900 referrals!" Long Shenwu said with excitement.

"Holy sage!" A multitude of cadres immediately worshiped.

Earlier, when the Holy Sea was chosen by Gu Sheng, although the ministers didn't say it, they were very opposed to it, and no one thought that Gu Hai had that ability.

In the beginning, when an egg was born and a hundred sages became pregnant, Baiguan scolded Gu Hai in his heart. I don't think Gu Hai is finished this time.

But he didn't want to go around, Gu Hai's referrals far exceeded the expectations of the ministers, and one by one looked at Gu Hai differently.

"Yes!" Da Qiansheng praised it slightly.

The people congratulated the ancient sea. Mo Yike, Bing Ji and Mu Chenfeng all smiled.

There is only the saint in the sky. At this moment, there is no speech. Don't do those shameless things, but you still got Gu Hai's 1,900 referrals? This is more than just a face. The two thousand saints even feel bad about themselves.

"It's a shame!" A sudden humming sounded from behind the two thousand saints.

But it is the eight thousand saints in the other three holy places.

The eight thousand saints in the three holy places did not participate in the intervention of the two thousand saints from beginning to end. They only looked coldly and waited for the end to show disdain.

"We are embarrassing, what can we do for you?" The two thousand saints stared.

"Go aside!" One of the eight thousand saints said coldly.

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