Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 73: Difficulties of the Eight Thousand Saints

Four hundred Shudao recommendation symbols were voted for Gu Hai! Gu Hai gave a small gift to those not far from the four hundred turn referrals: "Thank you!"

"Mr. Gu, you're welcome!" Everyone responded.

"Mr. Gu, can you finish that article?"

"Yes, Mr. Gu, you can finish it!"

"Mr. Gu, what's next? How many more words?"




Contestants were curious.

The surroundings also calmed down, after all, the five-character poem just now, its magnanimous spirit, is long-lasting in the air, and it is determined to be extraordinary. Many people want to take a peek at it.

"Sixty-sentence five-character poems throughout Zheng Qi Song, the remaining fifty-two sentences have not been thought about yet, sorry!" Gu Hai smiled slightly bitterly.

"Eh!" The books were slightly hesitated.

Sixty sentences, how many sentences are you accurate, the rest are not thought about? How can it be? Do you think we can believe it? You didn't think about how to say fifty-two sentences later?

The contestants frowned slightly, but no one blamed Gu Hai, but looked up and looked strangely at the Saints. Mr. Gu must use this to ridicule the saints.

"Mr. Gu said well, it should be disgusting them!" Suddenly the people shouted in excitement.

"Hum!" The sage of the Five Hundred Scholars snorted!

Obviously, the eight thousand saints who have just been despised by the second round are now satirized by Gu Hai again, but have nothing to say and are very depressed.

Gu Hai could only smile a little bitterly. There are indeed 52 sentences left in "Song of Righteousness", but I am stuck and can't change it. With so many historical figures, I can't change it for a while. I'm telling the truth, why no one believes it?

No matter what other people think, the first round of big games is over, Gu Hai very carefully rolled up that volume of articles written by Ziwei.

This is the first text. At the time, "Will Go Into Wine" was torn, and the huge power of the first text rushed into the body, and it pulled out its own power to the power of Kaitian Palace. Definitely only strong but not weak.

Very carefully, Gu Hai put it away, or one day, it will be used.

Seeing Gu Hai put away the article, many people regretted it. After all, many people wanted to collect this article.

Outside, Ye Hua exited depressedly and flew directly to Tai Chu.

"Father, the child is ashamed of his father!" Ye Hua smiled bitterly.

Looking at the scene too early, he shook his head: "No wonder you, even if you can get results, it's useless!"

"Ah? Why?" Ye Hua froze slightly.

"You haven't seen it through, but Qingdi and Kongdi have seen it through!" Tai Chu looked at the distant group of Qingdi and the group of Confucius with narrow eyes.

"Oh? Before the composer, the Qing Emperor and the Emperor Confucius took the representatives of the Dayan Dynasty and the Day of the Huanghuang Dynasty to leave early, didn't they think it was inferior to the ancient sea?" Ye Hua was surprised.

Shaoqi shook his head too early: "The Qing Emperor is extraordinary. I do n’t want that Conte is also clever. I discovered the preparation of Dagan early, so I won't take it any more!"

"Bad yourself?"

"Do you think the ram saint is just bribery?" Tai Chu eyes narrowed.

"Without bribery, does he still want to use force, and the recommendation of robbing other people is unsuccessful?" Ye Hua saw a trace of unbelief in his eyes.

At the beginning, he did not refute, but took a deep breath: "If it is not effective, it is not necessary, but I never imagined that the Dragon Warring States is so determined this time? What is he planning?"


The Supreme Master also looks to the distant Dagan Sheng.

"Juzi, the old man who watched chess last year made many plans, but he wanted to enter the Temple of Wendao. Why, Dagan himself did not participate in the Big Titan? Does he not want to enter the Temple of Wendao? If he does not enter the Temple of Wendao, There are so many plans, for what? "A too-elite disciple frowned.

The Taishang Giant shook his head: "No one can guess him, Dagan Sheng!"

In the West, the future Buddha is extremely silent and does not say a word.

"Emperor, isn't Dagan Sheng just to help Gu Hai?" Dan Wang frowned.

The Qing Emperor shook his head: "The Dragon Warring States has never done anything useless, and Gu Hai has not qualified for him to be so enthusiastic and bring in great resources to help. There must be a plan!"

"But what is the plan? Even if Gu Hai succeeds in the end, he won't get anything?" Dan King was puzzled.

"Unclear for now!" Qingdi shook his head.

In the sky, two thousand saints have given way, and the one hundred pregnant saints have not yet woken up. A group of saints who had been so proud in the past, at the moment, ended bleakly and returned.

The eight thousand saints slowly stood at the top of the central square. Looking down the ancient sea one by one, it is more magnificent than the previous two thousand saints. Not only is it four times more numerous than the two thousand saints, but it is also much better in quality than the two thousand saints.

"The first round of the Halloween Convention ends, and the sponsors enter the second round. The second round is for the Sun Temple, Wanshou Taoism, Lingshan Holy Land, and those who have previously received sponsors to compete for the saint's recommendation. An hour later, the second round of Halloween conference officially began! "Ram Ram shouted.

Of the 100 people recommended not far from the ancient sea, most of them are three holy places, so the main reason is the dispute between the ancient seas and the three holy places.

Too early, too high, the future Buddha is about to speak.

There was a sudden sound in the sky: "Slow!"

"Huh?" Ram Ram turned his head to the sky.

It was a saint who interrupted the ram's word.

Everyone looked up.

The saint chanted: "In the second round of the Halloween Conference, I can wait for the proposition, but I can also set a constraint for all participants!"

"Set a constraint? Sage please tell me!" Said the ram, Sheng Sheng.

"In the second round of competition, everything depends on your own means. Brushes, piano, chess, and paintbrushes. All participants are treated equally. All are the same. In the second round of competition, the use of celestial piano, celestial brush, and celestial brush is not allowed! Open up.

"What? Don't let us participate?" Ziwei's eyes glared.

"Old thing, believe it or not, let Gogo Chen sing a song for you to listen to?" Changsheng suddenly became irritable.

Gou Chen silently glanced at Changsheng, turned his head to the heavenly saint and said, "Let Changsheng draw another egg for you!"

The people around had not responded, Gou Chen, Ziwei, Changsheng jumped up immediately.

"Presumptuous!" The saint sang loudly.

At this moment, Gu Hai frowned.

Others don't know the situation. Gu Hai himself knows that Qin Qi, calligraphy and painting, and only the chess course is the best at him. The other three are not good at it, and there is no mood at all.

"Mr. Gu?" Ram Ram frowned at Gu Hai. It depends on Gu Hai's attitude.

Gu Hai frowned. The ram saint immediately understood.

The former saint whispered coldly: "I have already seen the first comparison just now. The paintings, the ancient seas all depend on eternal life, right? Qin Tao, all rely on Gou Chen, right? Wrong, that's your own means, you can create good text, but what about it? Although I won't choose you, I can't let you coax the world anymore! "

"Oh, coax, you're wrong!" Gu Hai sneered.

"Huh?" The saint stared.

"I'll tell you again. What I'm good at is chess, piano, and painting. I don't understand. Even the book in your mouth, in fact, I know nothing!" Gu Hai sneered.

Gu Hai is telling the truth.

But at this moment, no one believed.

Regardless of Dagan Sheng, Qingdi, Confucius, Taichu, Taishang, and future Buddha, no one believes what Gu Hai said.

"Mr. Gu is ironic!"

"Yeah, Mr. Gu is so good at painting, calligraphy and painting. How could he know nothing?"

"That sage is really not a thing. Is it necessary to bully people like this!"

"I thought these eight thousand saints were better. They turned out to be the same as the previous two thousand saints!"





Suddenly, there was a sound of falling around the Quartet.

Even all the saints felt that Gu Hai was saying something ironic, after all, the sermon was real.

"Well, the rules are what I waited for. I must follow what I said!" The saint said coldly.

The ram saintly said coldly: "The saints mean that each person can only participate in one of the categories of Qinqi, calligraphy and painting? The leaders of the three holy places can only participate in one?"

"How you want to participate, how to participate, when do I say that each person can only participate in one?" The sage said coldly.

"If you do n’t say, it does n’t mean that you ca n’t. Our four chairmen will spend time and try to end together. Even the leaders of the three holy places can only participate in one. Do you believe it?" Ram Ram said coldly. .


"Presumptuous? Where is presumptuous? The role of Celeste Qin and Celestial Pen is only that when the contestants invest in a big match, they can participate in other projects instead of the contestants. Previously, Guhai used it this way. Celestial piano, Celestial pen, isn't it just for everyone to participate in only one? "Ram Ram said coldly.

The saint stared at the Ram Saint.

"Well, that's the case, then each contestant can choose three people as deputies, but the sky piano and the sky pen are not allowed to use, this is our final constraint!" The saint said coldly.

Glancing at the saint coldly, the Ram was helpless for a while.

However, Gu Hai lost Gou Chen, Chang Sheng, and Zi Wei, but it was tricky for a while.

"Well, let's start in an hour, get ready!" The saint in the sky said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Gu, what do you need to prepare? What three deputies do you want?" Ram Ram said.

Gu Hai looked at the distant, early, upper, and future Buddhas in the distance, and smiled slightly. Gu Hai can be sure that these three are definitely stronger than the first round of contestants. With a strong literary foundation and eight thousand saints all facing them, how can this match go on?

It is even more difficult now that I do n’t need to go to Chen, Changsheng, and Ziwei. It is extremely difficult to get a referral in the hands of the eight thousand saints.

"No more, Gou Chen, Changsheng, Ziwei, you go down first, let Bingji, Mo Yike, Mu Chenfeng come over!" Gu Hai said.

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