Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 76: I want a hundred

Challenge the saint?

Around the people, they suddenly calmed down, stared at the ancient sea with their eyes wide open, and then quarreled instantly.

"Mr. Gu, he wants to challenge the saint?"

"Just kidding? That's a saint, the master of chess in his lifetime!"

"But Mr. Gu is not bad at chess!"

"I heard that the old man who watched chess was the same in the past, Mr. Gu may be!"

"Mr. Gu can definitely win!"




The noise of the people.

The saints in heaven are also angry.

"Well, you can't help it, you want to learn to watch chess?"

"Desperate, do you want to be ashamed?"

"Gu Hai, you just want to challenge us?"




The saints disdain.

Not too far from the beginning, too far, but eyes narrowed slightly, the future Buddha will not say a word.

"Father, can the ancient sea be crazy? He thought he was an old man watching chess?" Ye Hua scorned.

Jiu Gongzi said in a deep voice: "Hosted by me, the second round of the chess competition, allows Gu Hai to challenge the saints, those who are saints will be defeated if they do not fight! Please make quick decisions!"

"Presumptuous!" Said the saints coldly.

Jiu Gongzi looked at the sky coldly without fear.

"Which saint is coming first!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Well, you can't help it. Since you are looking for your own way, let me know what the Supreme Master is!" A saint shouted.

With a wave of Jiutong's detective, a huge chessboard suddenly appeared in front of Gu Hai. There are sunspots and whites on the side.

"Hosted by me, in the second round of chess competition, the sage of Zhunqidao left Haoran Zhenghai and played against the contestant Gu Hai!" Jiugong shouted.

"Huh!" The saints hummed for a while.

The saint who had spoken before was throwing his sleeves, like a white light, and actually went above the square in front of Gu Hai.

"Provincially, I bully the little, and you'll settle down first!" The saint said coldly.

"Thank you!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

Between the words, a black chess was picked up and placed in the center of the board.


Zi Luo in the center, Tianyuan location.

"Well, you also want to learn the old man of chess, first son Tianyuan?" The sage said coldly.


The sage has fallen.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!" ...............

The ancient sea and the sage quickly settled down.

Watched by the four major hosts, the other three categories did not start, and everyone could only stare at that chessboard.

Too early and too cold to watch, the future Buddha said nothing.

Outside, Qing Di, Confucius, Wujizi and others all stared at the chess.

In a blink of an eye two hundred seeds had fallen.

Gu Hai stared at the chessboard, sinking in his heart, watching, Gu Hai frowned.

Although this is not the world's chess game for the elderly, Gu Hai has gradually analyzed the chess power of the saints in front of him. This chess power is just barely thirty-one days, and it is still reluctant, which is worse than the previous borderless children A bit.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's your turn!" The saint drank.

But Gu Hai frowned and looked at the saint in front of him. Is the saint's chess ability inadequate, or is his chess ability really high?

"What are you doing? Do you want to lose?" The saint said coldly.


A piece of ancient sea chess fell, and then he said, "It's been accepted!"

"What did you accept? You ..., uh!" The saint was angrily, then looked at the chessboard in amazement. Then, how did this chess suddenly change?

"No, it's impossible, how could you lose?" The saint said in astonishment.

"The first game, Gu Haisheng, please go to the Heavenly Gods. The saint recommends a loser to Gu Hai!" Jiugong Gao shouted.

"How, how!" The saint looked at the game in horror.

"What's wrong? Lose, lose to my brother-in-law, without losing shame, quickly, hand over the referral sign!" Long Wanyu reprimanded.

"Little girl!" The saint became angry and angry.

"Please the saint, please!" The ninth son called immediately.


The saint hummed.


In the sky, a recommendation sign appeared again, and the recommendation sign instantly shined a light, straight into the ancient sea, covering it.

"Mr. Gu won?" The people all around were surprised.

"Mr. Gu really won. It turns out that these saints are not so good!"

"Mr. Gu could win so easily? Wouldn't you, slowly play chess, win all the saints?"

"As long as you have time, Mr. Gu can always win?"




The people were happy for Gu Hai, but the officials were excited.

Gu Hai can win one, then win the second, take it slowly, and win slowly.

"Huh!" The saint snorted, and returned to the sea of ​​luck with his sleeves.

"Gu Hai, it's just a dog!" Ye Hua not far away didn't believe.

Jiugongzi, Gongyangsheng and others are also quite happy.

"Mr. Gu, can you take a break?" Jiugongzi asked.

"No need, this time, please invite ten more saints!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"What?" Everyone wondered.

"I don't know if this group of saints is their own chess power, or there is only Heavenly Spirit left, the chess power has weakened a lot. I just feel that the sage was too weak in that game!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Shot, wanton!"


"Jack! You dare to slander me!"




The sky saint roared.

The people around were naturally uproar again.

"A big breath!"

"Mr. Gu is too arbitrary?"




Regardless of the noise of the outside people, the roar of the saints. Jiu Gong frowned: "Mr. Gu, in the ten games at the same time, they are distracted ten times. It is easy to make mistakes. Why not set them one by one? This is a sure win!

"No need, let them come!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Alright!" Jiu Gong nodded.

Turning his head, Jiu Gongzi looked at the sky: "I will preside over the chess course. In the second round, there will be ten saints to play against Gu Hai!"

"Hum, I'm coming!"

"Sage Liu just made a mistake for a moment. I don't know the ancient sea, so let me teach you!"

"Without your control, you want to challenge ten!"




In anger, ten saints slowly flew down the square.

In front of Gu Hai, ten games of Go were suddenly uttered.

"All of you, as I just said, I will continue to lead!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Hum, now know to ask for mercy? It's useless, see how I teach you today!" A chess saint whispered coldly.

Guhai Detective took ten sunspots and sprinkled them gently.


Ten sunspots were neatly thrown into the position of Ten Yuan.

The saints were faint for a moment.

"Ten sets are the same, aren't you one by one?" A saint said in astonishment.

It ’s the same for ten games and one game for each game. At each game time, you can think about it a little bit more time. Speaking of it, only ten games in your mind take turns to switch games. In my mind, tile ten games. Always remember every change in ten games clearly. This difficulty has not only increased tenfold?

"Huh!" The holy men snorted.

"Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!" .........

Ten saints settled at the same time.


The ancient sea detective spilled ten sunspots while placing the order.

The saint looked coldly at Gu Hai, thinking that Gu Hai was insulting himself.

Gu Hai ignored it and continued.

The whole city of Tianyin calmed down, watching Gu Hai playing against ten saints at the same time.


"Holy? I remember, the old man who watched chess also played chess like that?" Bei Mingshou said in a deep voice.

Sima sighed side by side: "The old man who watched chess said that the sage's chess power should not be like this, it seemed to be much weaker than before!"

Dagan Sheng supported the dragon chair and looked at the middle of the field coldly: "That's because the saints' chess power was taken away by heaven!"

"Received by Heaven? Can it be taken away?" Long Shenwu stunned beside him.

Dagan Sheng looked up at Tian Yan's eyes and said, "Heaven will take away whatever you want. There is nothing impossible! Because he is in heaven."

"Uh!" Long Shenwu and all the courtiers around him showed a daze.

But I saw that Gu Hai constantly threw ten sunspots in the field, and kept throwing them, when each game of chess fell to nearly two hundred.

"You, let it go!" Gu Hai said lightly.


Ten sunspots landed on the board at the same time.

"No, how can this be?" The ten saints stared at the chessboard.

The saint in the sky was also shocked: "Same as a thousand years ago? Impossible, it's enough to have an old man watching chess in this world. How could another one come out?"

"Brother-in-law, you are amazing!" Long Wanyu cried in excitement.

Looking at Gu Hai's son, Long Wanyu instinctively felt a handsome, brother-in-law is really handsome!

"Boom! Boom!" ...

Suddenly, every recommendation sign appeared, and another ten recommendation signs shone under the dazzling light, instantly covering the ancient sea. But Gu Hai won again.

The people outside are so noisy.

"It turned out that the sage's chess power is just that, and it can still be judged?"

"Mr. Gu is still great, hahaha!"

"But this is the saint!"

"It's too easy to challenge the saints, so can I!"

"Just you? Forget it! That's because Mr. Gu is very good at chess."




The people were noisy. However, because of the words of the ancient sea in the next moment, they all stopped for a moment.

"Ten saints' chess skills are not enough. I'm tired of hosting. This time, I'm going to play a hundred!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

One hundred games?

The people calmed down and stared at the ancient sea, but the saint who had just lost chess was throwing his sleeves: "Stand, bullying!"


Ten saints soared into the sky.

Jiu Gong looked at Gu Hai with some worries: "Mr. Gu, at the same time ten sets, isn't this good? In case .........!"

"A sage's chess power barely enters the chessboard for the first 31 days. Ten sages enter the room, but it is a bit worse than Mr. Wujizi's peak 31. Ten saints are better than Wuyazi Yes, you can rest assured, I will do what I can, this time, I want a hundred! "Gu Hai Shen said.

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