Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 77: Chess Climbing

I want a hundred!

Gu Hai's resolute attitude made Jiugong momentarily embarrassed. This time, he promised to win more referrals for Gu Hai as far as possible. Why is it so dangerous that things should be so secure?

Jiugongzi turned to look at Dagan Sheng, but Dagan Sheng nodded gently.

"Hurry up, what do you want to see? Just deal with these rookies, what are you worried about? My brother-in-law said yes, then it must be OK!" Long Wanyu called immediately.

Jiugongzi smiled bitterly: "Well, please, a hundred chess saints play against the ancient sea!"

With a loud shout, the chess sage in the sky burst into anger.

"Too much bullying!"


"Huh, do you really want to learn the old man of chess? He is alone, and he is playing against everyone at the same time, do you dare?"




The saints were angry, but there were still hundreds of saints who flew down angrily. Hundred chessboards surround the ancient sea.

"Gu Hai holds the sunspot, start!" Jiugongzi yelled.

Gu Hai once again probed, and suddenly, a hundred sunspots landed exactly on the Tianyuan position of a hundred discs.

The noise of the people in Tianyin City has been much smaller, one by one, looking at the ancient sea in surprise.

With a bucket of a hundred, this is not unusual to see. Hundreds are all chess saints.


Hundred saints kept falling.


The ancient sea once again spilled a hundred pieces.

The two sides confronted again.

Why does Gu Hai want to play against so many saints? It is not entrusted or ostentatious, but Gu Hai needs a super complicated chessboard to advance his chess skills.


In the past, there was a world-wide chess game. Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one. For each complete game, the ancient sea's chess power will make a qualitative leap, which can be seen from the continually condensed endgame space. .

Chess is a literacy that requires an opponent. The stronger your opponent, the more powerful your sharpened self becomes. However, it is so difficult to find an opponent in Guhai today.

Even the previous set of boundless sons was just the top of the thirty-first peak. The ancient sea has been playing chess games thoroughly for thirty-one days, but there is no way to make further strides. Nowadays, a bucket of money is an opportunity. The quality cannot be achieved, and the quantity can be used to make up.

Playing a hundred sages at the same time seems complicated, and it seems extremely difficult to remember a hundred games. However, it is not much for a strong chess practice, because the deduction of each chess game is horrible. The number of chess pieces is the least. At the beginning, Gu Haimei had 100,000 endgames and played 100,000 at the same time.

The 100,000 basic pieces can not be compared with the chess board set by this group of saints, but the quantity is extremely extensive.

Able to mentally count 100,000 articles, this one hundred of them can naturally be done better.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!" .........


The ancient sea is still in an orderly way, but all the saints are very angry.

Around, Tai Chu squinted at Gu Hai.

"Father, this ancient sea chess power, is it really so powerful?" Ye Hua was also surprised.

"An old man watching chess again!" Tai Chu said coldly.

"Ah?" Ye Hua was surprised.

Not far away, Tai Shangzi looked at Gu Hai coldly.

"Giant, the ancient sea chess course is so powerful. Do we have to rethink what we planned in the past?" Said a disciple who was too good.

"Know why I'm a tycoon, and aren't you?"

"Uh?" Said the disciple, who was too good.

"You can still be blinded by foreign objects, and I have achieved that the leaves do not stick to the body, and the grain dust does not touch the heart. It is too good. Forget love and sex. Once you decide something, it is impossible to change it easily. Yes! "Too loud and cold.


On the other side, the future Buddha folded his hands: "The Buddha of infinite quantity!"

"Buddha, what's wrong?" Zizhu Boss wondered.

"I responded to the chessboard with inspiration. Oh, with a bucket of one hundred, such a complicated chessboard, I can no longer deduct it!" The future Buddha smiled slightly.

"That ancient sea, how could chess be so strong? He hasn't lived for more than a hundred days since he inquired these days?" Zizhu Shen said.

"No more than a hundred years, why can't it be so strong?" Future Buddha laughed.

"Buddha, you mean, the ancient sea is also a reincarnation?" Zizhu Boss sank.

The future Buddha took a deep breath, shook his head, and did not speak.

The layman looks lively, the layman looks at the doorway, the more the chess player is, the more he knows the difficulty of the game.

Especially boundless child, eyes narrowed at this moment, his face was gloomy.

"Mr. Wuyazi, how good is Gu Hai today?" Kong Di frowned.

Wujizi shook his head and said, "I don't know, but the strength of the hundred sages now has the strength of my previous possession!"

"Oh?" Conte sank.

In the distance, Qingdi stared at the chessboard.

"Emperor, how about that ancient sea chess ability? I have already seen the glare, and I can't keep up with this chess ability at all." Dan King frowned.

"Don't interrupt!" Qingdi said coldly.

King Dan looked up, but saw the Qing emperor staring at the chessboard as if he could catch up with the ancient sea and play against hundreds of saints.

"Yes!" Dan King didn't dare to say more.

Field center.

The ancient sea kept falling, and among the children, the ancient sea finally felt that the eye-catching Go game seemed to be moving, and there seemed to be a recombination momentum.

"Not enough, not enough!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"What is not enough, brother-in-law?" Long Wanyu curiously.

"Mr. Gu, what's wrong?" Jiugongzi worried.

At this time, you must not go wrong.

"Not enough? Hahaha, he can't hold on to the ancient sea, right?" A chess saint sneered.


Gu Hai immediately spilled a hundred black chess on the chessboard: "It's accepted!"

"What?" The saints stunned.

Looking down at the chessboard one by one.

"Gu Hai, what did you say, we haven't lost yet!" Several saints yelled.

However, most saints said in sorrow: "How can this be?"

"Not lost yet? You all lost!" Outside, Qingdi and Wujizi squinted at the same time.

The saints who yelled for a while and drank for a while, and each of them lost a son. Then, without the need of Gu Hai to say anything, everyone opened their mouths.

"Gu Haisheng!" Jiu Gong yelled.


Suddenly, another one hundred recommendation signs shone dazzling light and came straight to the ancient sea.

"Mr. Gu, congratulations!" Jiugongzi excited.

"Host, this time, I need all the saints to come!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"What? There are 1,389 saints left!" Jiugongzi said in astonishment.

"Please!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Jiu Gongzi: "………………!"

Wujizi: "………………!"

Qingdi: "………………!"

Quietly around.

Jiu Gongzi turned to look at the land of the holy god.

"A scene a thousand years ago, repeated?" Bei Mingshou said in a deep voice.

"Ancient sea? Watch chess?" Dagan Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Come on, this bunch of stinky sweet potatoes, where is my brother-in-law's opponent, end sooner, good sooner!" Long Wanyu cried immediately.

"Huh!" A hundred saints shook their sleeves and returned to the sea of ​​luck.

However, at this moment, no saint will count the ancient sea again, because this scene was performed a thousand years ago, and that time was even more horrible, and there was also the Qidao artistic conception, the terrible Qidao artistic conception came out, and the boundless sea set off Towering waves. Even the saint was horrified. Fortunately, the law of chess was taken away by heaven. No vision.

Long Wanyu didn't understand chess, so she said hurry up, but Jiugong didn't dare. Instead, she looked at Dagan Sheng and waited for the decision of Dagan Sheng. After all, this time the risk was a little big.

"Just!" Said Dagan Sheng lightly.

"Yes!" Nine sons answered.

"Please ask all saints to settle against Gu Hai at the same time. Those who are unwilling to deal with it will lose it!" Jiugongzi yelled.

"Hum!" The Saints murmured coldly.

Suddenly, 1,389 saints fell on the square.

Above the square, a large number of chessboards were immediately tiled, and the waiter brought a mountain-like chess piece to the ancient sea.

"Gu Hai holds the sunspot, start!" Jiugongzi yelled.

Guhai big sleeves flung.


More than a thousand pieces were at Tianyuan, but there was a loud noise.

Quietly around, the holy people continued to play against the ancient sea.

One vs one hundred and thirty-nine.



The whole city of Tianyin is a quiet one, and everyone is holding their breath, staring at the fallen child in the ancient sea.

When the ancient sea fell to eighty-six pawns, it was finally not as fast as before, but was contemplative.

"The ancient sea is dead? Haha, he finally doesn't know how to get off!" Ye Hua exclaimed with excitement.

"You can't help yourself, huh, can't you do it now?" Zizhu Bodhis grinned.

Jiu Gongzi was worried.

Outside, Qingdi squinted at the chessboard.

"Mr. Wuyazi, how much is this thousand saints playing against each other at the same time?" Kong Di asked Shen Sheng.

"I remember that there is a record in the legacy of the old man who watched chess. When he played against 1,389 sages, he once said that this chess power had already entered thirty two!" Wuyazi frowned.

"Thirty-two Heaven and Earth chess game? I remember, the last game of the old man watching chess, playing against heaven, was thirty-three?" Kong Di frowned.


"Thirty-three against heaven, is this close to thirty-two? One step away?" Kong Di narrowed his eyes.

"One step away, but it's a far cry!" Wuyazi shook his head.

Conte nodded and didn't say much, but the ancient sea reached this chess power, and still made Conte greatly shocked.

Gu Hai's falling has slowed down, not because I don't know how to play, but with the continuous advancement of chess, Gu Hai has made a breakthrough, and the space of eyebrows, thousands of endgames, suddenly began to merge again.


The first chessboard merged four or four, as if a chain reaction was formed. More and more chessboards began to merge four or four. Ancient sea chess is rising rapidly.

ps: qq chat at night, maybe a little bit later, no wonder.

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