Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 81: Li Er

"In the past, I explained the Tao Te Ching to Yin Xi. Now that you are here, I will tell you it again. Unfortunately, everything is late, alas, everything is late!" sigh.

"Can you get the little red flowers in the kindergarten?" Xiao Guhai licked the ice cream.

The old man smiled slightly bitterly: "Yes!"

"Okay, you tell!" Gu Hai licked the ice cream.

The old man smiled slightly, pointing his hand to Xiao Guhai's brows.


A moment when my fingertips touched the heart of Gu Haimei, Xiao Guhai ice cream did not eat, and suddenly a sound like Hong Zhong Da Lu rang in my mind.

"The Tao is the way, the very way! The name can be the name, the very name. At the beginning of the unknown world, there is a mother of all things, so often there is no desire to see the beauty, often there is a desire to look at its concubine. The mystery of the same meaning, the mystery of the mystery, the door of all mysteries!



... "

Each of the 81 chapters of the Tao Te Ching seems to be engraved in Xiao Guhai's mind. It is not a word meaning, it is more like a mood, a mysterious feeling.

Xiao Guhai's ice cream fell to the ground.

The old man taught Xiao Guhai's Tao Te Ching at his fingertips.


Suddenly, a strong wind passed over Qingyang Palace.

"Look, flying saucer, that's the flying saucer!" A tourist suddenly screamed.

"It's a flying saucer. Have you taken it? Take a picture!"

"I didn't take it. It flew away. It was really a flying saucer!"

"There are really aliens!"

"Willn't it be military technology?"

"Shit, that's the flying saucer!"




Suddenly, Qingyang Palace tourists shouted in surprise.

The old man pointed at Xiao Guhai's brows and looked up at the flying saucer that had left.

"Oh, flying saucer? Aliens? Everyone in the world wants to contact aliens. Everyone knows that in the eyes of this group of aliens, they are just pigs and sheep in the circle. They are running dogs. Raging life! There was a chill in the eyes of the departing UFO.

Xiao Guhai naturally didn't know anything, just the whole person was standing there. Receive constant commentary from the Tao Te Ching.

"Xiaohai, where are you Xiaohai?" Gu Hai's mother returned from the toilet.

All around was chaotic. All the tourists shouted excitedly when they saw the flying saucer, dancing one by one, constantly making phone calls, sending messages, and spreading information.

Gu Hai's mother returned, and suddenly saw Gu Hai standing there alone. The ice cream in my hand is gone, and it drops to the ground.

"Xiaohai, what's wrong with you? Don't scare your mother, what's wrong with you?" The woman was extremely anxious.

"It's okay, this kid may be scared. A flying saucer flew by just now!" Someone next to him comforted.

"UFO? How could there be a UFO?" The woman was surprised.

The woman turned a blind eye to the old man standing aside, or in other words, she could not see the old man at all.


Suddenly, another strong wind came.

"Look, look, come again? Come again? UFO, take a picture, take a picture!"

"Flying saucer, the smooth one is flying saucer!"

"Aliens, aliens, come down!"




The entire courtyard of Qingyang Palace was boiling.

Just a moment ago, some people were not so sure, but now, another UFO is coming. This time it ’s true. There is no engine, no propeller, nothing. It just floats in the air, flat. Is n’t this a flying saucer?

"I found the signal source, in the Qingyang Palace, in the Qingyang Palace!" A strange voice came from the flying saucer.


Suddenly, like a wave of light, instantaneous radiation radiated in all directions, and radiated to an infinitely far away place.

"咻!" "咻!" "咻!" ………………

Streams of light came from a distance, faster and faster, more and more, coming straight, it seems that they will soon reach the Qingyang Palace.

"A lot of flying saucers!"

"Is this alien invasion of Earth?"

"Hurry up!"




Tourists finally showed a panic around.

"Hey, is it the police station? I want to call the police, yes, call the police. I'm in Qingyang Palace. Yes, I have aliens here. Come on, what? Aliens, ah, do n’t hang, do n’t hang! ”

"Hey, is it the police station? There are a lot of flying saucers here, okay ... why did you hang up with me?"

"The aliens have invaded the earth, police ... you are a lunatic, you are from a mental hospital!"




A crowd of tourists were anxious, the police went out, and no one believed it.

Flying saucers came from afar.

The old man took his finger away from Gu Guhai's heart, and frowned slightly: "You are still found, this group of running dogs, you can't tell them why, they have already lost their heart, they are not them back then. Heaven soul? Oh. "

"Heaven and earth are innocent, taking all things as rude dogs, saints being innocent, and people as rude dogs!" Xiao Guhai said.

"Xiaohai, what are you talking about?" Cried Gu Hai's mother.

The old man laughed: "Are you enlightened, saints? Their saints have already become the running dogs of heaven. Natural people are the rude dogs. The world is innocent and all things are rude dogs, and the saints are innocent and the people are rude dogs. Between the heavens and the earth, what is it about? They are empty and unyielding.

"Benevolence in heaven and earth regards all dogs as rude dogs, and sage indifference treats people as rude dogs. Between the heavens and the earth, what is it ?? I read it out in a blur.

"Xiaohai, don't scare your mother, what are you talking about? What's wrong with you?" Guhai's mother was so anxious that she didn't care about the flying saucers flying in the sky.

"Your child, do you recite the Tao Te Ching? This is the fifth chapter of the Tao Te Ching. The memorization is really good. However, so many flying saucers fly at this time, this kid still has the mind to recite the Tao Te Ching?" One tourist wondered.

"What moral scripture? No?" Gu Hai mother anxiously.

"Whew!" "Whew!" "Whew!" ……………………

The wind blew quickly, and flying saucers encircled the Qingyang Palace.

The old man looked at the UFO in the sky with narrow eyes and took a deep breath: "It's too late, they don't know what happened to you, they must go immediately!"

While talking, the old man poked.


Xiao Guhai soared into the sky and flew towards the sky.

"Xiaohai!" Exclaimed Gu Hai's mother.

However, Xiao Guhai was already flying high, flying higher and higher, getting higher and higher, and suddenly came to a place of flying saucers.

"Come on, stop him, a visitor from heaven, come on!"

"catch him!"

"Don't run away for him!"




There was a roar of roar from the saucer. The flying saucer flew quickly.


Xiao Guhai seemed to turn into a meteor, suddenly soaring into the sky, and instantly hit a crowd of flying saucers and opened.

"Your son is flying!" The tourist next to him was completely shocked.

call out!

Like a meteor, it rushed across a group of flying saucer groups and flew towards a farther sky.

"Come on, don't run away for him!"

"Catch it back!"

"Catch up!"




The flying saucer only heard a sound of anxiety. Then, flying saucers quickly chased away from the ancient sea. The speed was extremely fast, and the sky had reached the blink of an eye.

The entire Qingyang Palace was boiling.

"The flying saucer flew away!"

"Did you take it? Did you take the picture?"

"UFO, so many UFOs!"




The tourists exclaimed. At this moment, the sound of siren came from outside Qingyang Palace.

The whole Qingyang Palace is full of noise in all directions.

The old man stood in the middle of the crowd, but no one could see the old man.

Watching Xiao Guhai's departure, the old man took a deep breath and said to heaven: "Everything is late, but if you want to fight, try it, remember that people are not immortals, and they are powerless to face the sky. Everything starts with 'Fair 'For the root, find the fairy dome, you can try it and find the fairy dome!'

After saying that, the old man watched the ancient sea that had disappeared in the sky slightly sighed: "Oh!"

The ancient sea turned into a meteor and soared into the sky, quickly piercing the clouds.

Stupidly, Gu Hai opened his eyes, but when he saw the clouds, he seemed to be standing in a few individuals.

"There, don't run away for him!"

"Hurry, catch him!"




The figure on the clouds shouted, but in a blink of an eye it was far from infinity, and the group could not catch up with themselves.

The ancient sea felt that it had penetrated the atmosphere, entered space, and was still flying fast, as if a meteor slipped down into the sky and shuttled quickly in the starry sky.

Everything seemed extremely silent. However, in the mind, the voice of the old man came.

"People ca n’t become immortals, and they are powerless to face the sky. Everything takes‘ fairy dome ’as its root. Find the fairy dome, you can try it and find the fairy dome!

The old man's voice echoed in the mind of the ancient sea.

Xiao Guhai's figure also seems to be slowly getting bigger, getting bigger and bigger, and slowly getting older, but soon recovered.

It seems like I have relived the traces of the years I have experienced over the years. Slowly, the ancient sea seemed to think of the land of Shenzhou and the Halloween Conference.

"Qingyang Palace? That old man? Laozi? Li Er?" Gu Hai's face suddenly changed.

The ancient sea is getting faster and faster. Shocked. The slowly ancient sea seems to be transformed into a streamer, into an extremely fast streamer, as fast as a certain degree, as if the void is distorted.


Suddenly, the ancient sea disappeared into the starry sky.

"Whew!" "Whew!" "Whew!" ……………………

At this moment, a large number of flying saucers suddenly flew here, stopping one by one where the ancient sea disappeared.

"That's it, aren't the visitors from outside?" A cry from the saucer came the cold voice.

"Check it out for me, what's going on? How can there be a foreign guest!" Another UFO uploaded angrily.

"Yes!" The flying saucers burst into a rush.

At this moment, the ancient sea was confused, and it seemed to hear another voice, the voice that entered the dream.

"Sleeping gods, longevity dreams! The way is too high to pass through the heavens. Others say I don't, I say others are humane."

Gu Hai aroused his spirits and woke up in the field of Halloween. This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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