Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 82: wake

"Sleeping gods, longevity dreams! The way is too high to pass through the heavens. Others say I don't, I say others are humane."

Gu Hai aroused his spirits and woke up in the field of Halloween.

Eyes opened slightly, and light seemed to enter the eyes.

"Wake up, wake up, brother-in-law woke up!" Long Wanyu cried suddenly.

"Ten days and ten nights, emperor, emperor!" Bingji exclaimed.

"Mr. Gu is awake. Look, Mr. Gu is awake!"

"I'm really awake, this is all right, what **** Wanshou Taoism!"

"Mr. Gu, if not for the kindness of the Holy Spirit, no one would want to participate in the contest again!"




The whole city of Tianyin was suddenly boiling.

The ancient sea is still confused, although Yi Jiling opened his eyes, but still remembered the scenes of Qingyang Palace in his mind.

Qingyang Palace? It was once as a child, I went to play with my mother, but there was no Li Er in my memory.

Li Er? Pass me the Tao Te Ching?

Earth? UFO? Alien? Is the earth a prisoner?

Every scene makes Gu Hai strange.

Is that dreaming? How could dreams be so strange? Or did you just return to Earth just now?

Why doesn't Tianxin Shenxi of Meixin resist?

"What happened to me?" Gu Hai rubbed his head.

"Brother-in-law, you're awake, it's bad if you don't wake up! Sima Changkong can't hold on to it!" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

Gu Hai rubbed his head and looked towards the center of the field in the dimness, but saw that the central giant in the field was above his head, unrolling a scroll, and when the scroll was opened, it seemed like a huge beam of light reaching the sky.

It is not a small beam of light for recommendation, but a super huge beam of light that goes up to Jiuxiao and goes to Jiuyuan. A transparent beam of black and white color, the transparent beam of light will envelop the Taoist giants, and the holy light envelopes it, making its glamorous appearance even more brilliant.

Above this transparent beam of light, it seems as if a huge tentacle emerges. Each tentacle is like a whirlwind of the sky, throwing it in all directions, and it is like a large blooming net that stirs the void slightly. general.

Above each tentacle, it sounds like a chanting chanting sound, as if each tentacle is a verse, endless and violently gushing out of righteousness, the entire city of Tianyin, and even the thirty-three cities in heaven are shrouded in vastness at this moment. Haoran righteousness.

"That's the Taishang Scripture!" Bingji pointed at the scroll above Taishang Daozi's head.

Corresponding to the Taishang Daozi, it is Sima Changkong. There are three beams of light around Sima Changkong, one red, one green, and one yellow. However, these three beams of light are much weaker than the light beams that are too close to the top, and there are tentacles on the three beams of light. However, at this moment, most of them have withered, and they have been pulled down, leaving a little bit left. .

Each of the three beams of light has a scroll.

"Mr. Sima's three books, the" Huangquan Extermination Method "," The Clear Sky Classic ", and the" Blood River Classic ", of which the" Clear Sky Classic "is the blue law avenue. It was obtained in the past in the metropolis. It was only later torn apart in half with the ram of the ram, and the power weakened countlessly, leaving only the power of the quasi-sacred scriptures. The "Blood River Classic" is a sacred scripture, but it is far worse than the "Tai Shang Jing" Far away, the entire "Blood River Classic" and "Clear Sky Classic" are constantly corroborating with the scriptures of the Taishang Scripture. The rules collided and were almost completely abolished, so we barely won for three referrals. Only three Now it is the "Huangquan Extermination Methodology", which has also destroyed several passages, but still cannot make any progress! "Bingji bitterly said.

"Brother-in-law, please teach him quickly, Qin Dao recommends and draws Tao recommends, they are all taken away!" Long Wanyu anxious.

Gu Hai rubbed his head and became awake.

"Mr. Gu, are you awake?" Ram Ram exclaimed anxiously.

Gu Hai stood up and looked around a little confused.

There were shouts in all directions, shouting his name.

For ordinary people, these ten days and ten nights can be described as ten days of nightmares. Previously, the ancient seas were all the way to get the referrals, and the people were just happy and didn't feel anything.

But these ten days, the people finally found out how much ancient sea was needed.

The three holy places, Dagan Tianchao, are fighting. That ancient sea is the master of the Daqian dynasty. The nature it represents is the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, and the nature it represents is itself.

The first game didn't feel anything, but in the second round, the competition was basically the home of the three holy places.

Each of the three holy places exists at the same level as the Daqian Heavenly Kingdom. Moreover, the three holy places are unknown for thousands of years and years, and the underlying sedimentation is extremely horrible.

Qin Tao, painting Tao. In the beginning, the first, and the future, the three took out an old work, or a previous work, and they were all shocking and glorious.

Although the Daqian dynasty is not weak in the three sacred sites, it is worse in terms of sedimentation.

Sima Changkong has done his best. Many people can see that Sima Changkong's ability is better than most of the competitors in the first round of the previous round, and has the things collected by the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty, but it is still not comparable to the three holy places. .

Since Gu Hai fell asleep, he saw that Sima Changkong lost again and again. Sima Changkong was Guhai's deputy, and naturally also represents the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty and the Quartet people.

Watching people lose again and again. Can the people not be in a hurry?

At the same time, the people were extremely insulting to the Taoist giants, and the shameless three holy places, which did not fight the ancient sea, fainted them.

If it weren't for the Lord to be held accountable, the people would even want to bomb them away immediately.

Too much, this is cheating.

Those ten days and ten nights, who have suffered the tense days of ten days and ten nights, who can bear it?

Only when receiving the qi, do you feel the preciousness of the ancient sea and the importance of the ancient sea.

Earlier in the first competition, Gu Hai won countless referrals by sacrifice to the saint. Most of the people were happy, but after all, some people disagreed and thought that Gu Hai used the next three indiscriminate methods, which was too unruly.

But now, in the eyes of the people, the festival is a fart? What's the use of martial arts? Can I eat it as a meal? Mr. Gu, wake up quickly.

Countless people stared at the ancient sea.

An agitated spirit in the ancient sea, a moment of awakening, no one cheered naturally.

Although I know the power of Taishangjing, that power has broken through the sky. However, Mr. Gu's previous success stories finally gave the people a big hope for him. At this moment, Mr. Gu awoke and almost everyone shouted.

"Wake up? It's too late, but it's the" Tai Shang Jing ". Ten days and ten nights, everything has no chance!" In the crowd, Conte's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The ancient sea can only fight for painting and piano, but unfortunately, it's all over, and there's only scripture left. How can the scriptures of the world be compared with the three holy places?" Eyes froze slightly.

Right north, the place of the Great Lord.

"Finally awake!" Bei Mingshou took a deep breath.

"However, Father ’s Father, Qin Dao and Hua Dao, there is no longer any chance. Only Shu Dao is left. Today's" Tai Shang Jing "only reveals five columns. It has defeated the" Clear Sky Classic "and" Blood River Classic ". Although the "Huangquan Extermination Method" is powerful, the effect obtained may not be too good! "Long Shenwu frowned.

"The three princes have been promoted as ministers. The" Huangquan Extermination of the Sutra "still needs to be improved too much, but the" Tai Shang Sutra "has been passed down from ancient times. It is constantly improved, continuously enhanced, and maybe, I The "Huangquan Extermination Method" will also enter the footsteps of the "Qingkong Jing"! "Sima shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Although Sima Zongheng is proud of the "Huangquan Extermination of the Sutra", it is afraid to compare it with the "Taishang Sutra".

"No wonder a thousand years ago, the old man who watched chess did not dare to touch the scriptures of the Holy Word, but only took the piano, chess, and painting. The book was never prepared!" An official said awkwardly.

"Although the ancient sea can write such good texts as" Will Go Into Wine "and" The Great Tragedy ", it is only poetry, song and fu, only the path in the book, and the scripture is the avenue. So ... One official said bitterly.

"Gu Hai woke up? Everything is late!" Long Shenwu sighed slightly.

"What are you worried about, the contest is not over yet!"

"Hugh, you need to say more. This time, Gu Hai will be able to enter the Temple of Wendao. Do you forget?" Bei Mingshou said lightly.

"Uh?" A few officials around him gave a slight pause.

Then, I suddenly thought of Long Wanyu, who had previously said it here. The ancient sea can go in.

But, can this situation be entered now? Gu Hai can also turn the tide?

"Can Gu Hai write down the scriptures of the Taishang Scriptures?" Long Shenwu narrowed his eyes.

"Huh, you think that the former Taichu, the future, and the Supreme Lord were presumptuous in front of the Holy Lord. Why did the Lord tolerate them to continue? The Halloween Assembly must continue to be held, and the ancient sea will certainly be able to enter the temple of Wendao. The giant fainted the ancient sea. Otherwise, even if the three of them came from the three holy places, they could all be left in the holy place, and even if they went to war with the three holy places, they would not invade!

"Yes!" The worried officials immediately answered.

Dagan Sheng stared at the scene. Although he was more confident in Long Wanyu's prediction, he was worried at the moment. What other miracles can that ancient sea produce?

In the field. Taichu and Taishangdao giants all saw Gu Hai wake up.

"It's been ten days and ten nights, the painting and the piano are all over. What's the point of waking up again?" Taichu smiled coldly.

The saint in the sky is also mocking Gu Hai at this moment: "Wake up, what's the use of waking up? Hahahaha!"

"What's happening now?" Gu Hai took a deep breath and slowly woke up.

"Mr. Emperor, you slept for ten days and ten nights, the painting and the piano are over. Unfortunately, the referrals were taken away by the three holy places, and in the book, all the saints also voted for the referrals. The people in the holy land, just two days ago, the future Buddha, Taichu, and even the top Taoist giant were elected, giving her all the referrals! "Bingji smiled bitterly.

"Taichu and future Buddha, give up a big comparison?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes, they recommended the Taoist Giant to let her enter the Temple of Wendao, including 100 people who stayed in the first round, 90 of whom were disciples of the three holy places, so now ten casual practitioners have 10 recommendations. The emperor, you have 3403 referrals. Taishang Daozi has 6,587 referrals! "Bingji bitterly said.

"Mr. Gu, at the command of the Holy Spirit, we will take ten days for you. Now, there is nothing we can do now. We still ask Mr. Gu to take a shot!" Sima Changkong smiled wryly at this moment.

PS: There is something going out today, the update is not stable, the second is more, I try to be early!

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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