Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 83: 30,000 miles from Ziqi East

This is the second update. Go out immediately and update in advance! ——

"Mr. Gu, at the command of the Holy Spirit, we will take ten days for you. Now, there is nothing we can do now. We still ask Mr. Gu to take a shot!" Sima Changkong smiled wryly at this moment.

Gu Hai then looked up and looked at Taishangdao Giants carefully.

The black-and-white avenue of Taishangjing seems to connect the heavens and the earth, and the mighty power covers the thirty-three cities in the heavenly courts. The tentacles and rules of the tentacles are like a big net that covers everything.

The sounds of Taishangjing erupted, grand, spectacular, vast, and majestic, as if they were telling the truth of heaven and earth. The power of this voice alone is greater than the oppression brought by the tens of thousands of saints in the sky.

"The emperor is careful, because it is in the contest and there is a great priest here, the Taishang Daozi did not dare to presumptuously. In fact, the Taishang Scripture is still in a contracted state. Once it is spread out, it is a whole world! Power Absolutely! "Bing Ji whispered.

Gu Hai closed his eyes and listened for a while. In the end, he sighed slightly, and smiled slightly bitterly: "It's really like, Sanqing to Sanqing. Buddha III to Buddha III. Too much to too much. The whole world is like it!"

After Gu Hai sighed, she was slightly silent.

On the earth, there are three Qings, and this world exists today. Not a mythical story of the earth, but after all, some of them are figured out.

It's like this "Sutra", if before, Gu Hai didn't understand it, but during the ten days and ten nights, Li Er explained to himself the Tao Tetra, very similar, very similar, but, Not as good as the Tao Te Ching.

As far as Gu Haijing's "Tao Da Jing" is concerned today, Gu Hai can see that the "Tai Shang Jing" has an embryonic form of "Tao Da Jing", but it is not as complete as "Tao Da Jing", but it seems to be gradually moving towards " Tao Te Ching.

Lao Tzu said that all the ethics of the earth have been taken up by heaven.

No wonder in the past, "Will Enter Wine", "The Great Tragedy", "Xia Ke Xing", and even "The Book of Morality" on the earth, there is no meteorological effect, but between this world and the world, it shows its boundless power.

The rules of ethics are still there?

Is your dream true?

Gu Hai hesitated slightly, but still took a step forward.

"Brother-in-law, be careful, that woman is not a good thing!" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

On the side, the future Buddha folded his hands. Without saying a word.

Tai Chu also sneered at Gu Hai, and sneered at Tai Shang Dao Zi.

"Father, why did we give her a referral before?" Ye Hua was a little unconvinced.

In order to deal with the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, it is not necessary to give a recommendation sign to the Taishang Daozi, she is not completely too. Too powerful, and our too weak too.

What does she do? She should fulfill us.

A six-winged angel whispered, "Second son, God has done this, but it is to divert the hatred of the cadres!"

"Huh?" Ye Hua froze slightly. Turned his head and looked up at Dagan Sheng.

Instantly, Ye Hua realized.

Dagan Sheng paid too much attention to this Halloween conference. Today, the three holy places disrupt the plan of Dagan Sheng, and naturally they will be hated and even retaliated by Dagan Sheng.

Now, is this revenge transferred to the superstar giant?

Not only did he stop the Dagan Saint from touching the temple of Wendao, but at the same time he passed on this hatred to the Supreme Master, why not?

"Yes, the child has misunderstood his father!" Ye Hua immediately smiled bitterly.

Yeah, the father of Wendao Temple hasn't been there. There is no need to attract the hatred of the Dragon Warring States in order not to enter.

When Gu Hai looked at the Taishangjing, the Taishang Giant also looked at Gu Hai with a sneer in his mouth.

"It's all this time, just wake up, what else? Gu Hai, what do you think of my" Tai Shang Jing "?" Tai Shang Daozi said lightly.

"Brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu worried.

"Hong Zhong Daluo, refreshing! It's too forgotten! No desire! Nothing but toughness!" Gu Hai took a deep breath and nodded.

"Oh?" The too big giant raised his brow slightly. Some wonder why Gu Hai praised the Taishangjing so much.

The people in the Quartet looked forward to the ancient seas, showing anxiety.

As everyone in the Quartet was anxious, Gu Hai added: "It's just a pity that there are many flaws and it's rough!"

"What?" The faces of the people in Quartet suddenly changed, and suddenly they were surprised.

Many people are excited about Gu Hai's satirical look at the Taishangjing, but they don't believe in it. Will the ancient Taishangjing have many flaws? Crude?

"Mr. Gu?" Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

Although I wanted to ask Gu Hai to help, I didn't expect Gu Hai to refute the Taishang Jing so useless.

In the Quartet, the Qing Emperor and the Emperor Kong all showed a slight disdain and obviously did not believe what Gu Hai said. Tai Shang Jing, this is one of the treasures of Wanshou Taoism. You say he has so many flaws and is rough? How can it be?

There is only one restaurant in the distance. At that time, Lord Tang, who had saved seven kills in the past, shrank his pupils.

"Master Tang, are you crazy about the ancient sea? You just talked nonsense as soon as you woke up?" A subordinate laughed.

However, Master Tang shook his head: "No, the old man smiled just a moment ago. That was his signature smile. Only when he showed extreme contempt for one thing, and only when he had the most confidence, he would have that smile. He was very confident But why ...? "

"Uh? Lord Tang, what are you talking about?" The subordinate curiously asked.

"It's nothing, don't talk, keep watching!" Master Tang muttered.


Field center.

"Various flaws and rough? Huh, what about the Holy Book of God you did?" Clear Sky Classic "?" Blood River Classic "?" Huangquan Destruction Classic "? Didn't you see any great ones? In front of Tai Shang Jing, it is simply weak and unbearable! "A Taishang disciple sneered.

Gu Hai smiled slightly, but suddenly gave a little gift to the Taoist giant.

"Huh?" There was a quiet moment all around, somehow.

Gu Hai just insulted the Taishangjing, but at this moment suddenly gave a gift to Taishang Daozi. Why? Is he schizophrenic?

"Thank you very much for the" Taihang Changsheng Voice "of Taishang Daozi! I have benefited a lot from here." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Uh?" Taishang Daozi narrowed his eyes.

Everyone around was also amazed, because "Taisheng Changsheng" made you sleep for ten days and ten nights, missed so many games, and you thank him?

"However, what I said earlier didn't mean to stigmatize the Taishang Scripture. What I said is the fact that your Taishang Scripture has some rough flaws. Don't be proud and complacent!" Gu Hai solemnly said.



"Gu Hai, do you dare to slander too scripture?"




The disciples of Taishangdao have not argued yet. The saints in the sky are yelling and scolding. The ancient sea is too unknowable to be high and thick. You think we ca n’t hear you. You are ironic?

Everyone in the Quartet thinks that Gu Hai is sarcastic on the Taoist giant, but I don't know. Gu Hai is telling the truth, especially the dream of these ten days and ten nights. It seems that Gu Hai has realized countless things in an instant. Well-informed, but no one believed it.

"Well, if you think my" Sutra "is rude and unbearable, write a copy of it? Or, let's talk about it, where's the rudeness?" The upper-handed giant said coldly.

"Mr. Gu!" Sima Changkong looked at Gu Hai with a stunned expression.

Is the ancient sea too big?

"Since Your Excellency wants to know, that's okay, once I read it, you try to read!" Gu Hai laughed.

Gu Hai was grateful to the Taoist giant, and did not mean to hit her. Moreover, it is no harm to just realize that the Tao Te Ching was written. Even now, Gu Hai wants to enter the Temple of Wendao at this moment. If he wants to find out, if he can find the heaven soul of his wife Chen Xianer, he must defeat the Taoist giant.

But the words of Gu Hai, in the ears of countless people, are always not so interesting. What is it that you write once? Where can you go with your breath? Can it be compared with Taishangjing? That's perfected countless years. Can you play it on the spot?

No matter how many people doubt it.

Ram Yang still fetched pen and ink, and looked at the ancient sea with a strange look.

"Mr. Gu, please!" Ram Sheng smiled bitterly.

Gu Hai nodded: "Master Lao Ram!"

The ram Sheng nodded bitterly and stepped back.

"Brother-in-law, write fast, write her to death!" Long Wanyu, however, was the first to support Gu Hai and yelled.

Everyone smiled slightly bitterly, after all, Long Wanyu didn't understand how difficult it was to write the Book of the Holy Word, and had to go beyond the almost impossible thing of the Taishang Scripture.

"Bing Ji, I don't have the artistic conception of writing. You write for me. I say, you write!" Gu Hai looked at Bing Ji.

"Ah? I? Emperor, my book is plain!" Bingji said anxiously.

The people all around looked strangely at Gu Hai. No one believed that Gu Hai had no artistic conception of writing, but why did Gu Hai himself not write and let Bing Ji write? This is to pretend!

"I want you to pretend, I'll see how shameful you are, huh!" Ye Hua showed a disdain.

"Write, listen to me!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Uh, okay!" Bingji took a distress and grabbed the brush blankly.

"The title" The Book of Morality "!" Gu Hai began.

Bing Ji slowly wrote down, Tao Te Ching.

Three words come out, there is a purple gas on the nib.

"Purple gas?" Many people showed curiosity.

Gu Hai continued to read, Bing Ji wrote with a pen.

"The Tao is the Tao, the Tao, the name is the name, the very name! The beginning of the unknown world. There is a mother of all things. Therefore, there is often no desire to see its beauty, often its desire to see its concubine. The same name is mystery. Mystery is mysterious, the door to all mysteries! "

The Tao Te Ching was slowly written. With the writing of the first chapter, the nib purple sky soared to the sky. The heavens and the earth seemed to echo this article. The eastern sky suddenly saw thunder.

In the thunder, in the four sides of Hao Ran's righteousness, a burst of purple air burst out from nowhere. The purple air was endless, endless, and mighty. Coming from the east, it seems to bring out a vibrant world.

"Ziqi comes 30,000 miles to the east!" Sima Changkong looked at the purple gas that was rolling in the east suddenly.

PS: Something happened today and it was updated in advance. Introducing the WeChat public account: An exclusive interview with the latest bookmates on aiguanqi, the bookmates have burst into photos, big beauty, everyone has a free time to watch, the prestige public account of watching chess: aiguanqi, the first book from 17K Novel Network, the first Time to see genuine content!

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