Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 88: If you do n’t agree, do n’t mind picking your head

Sima Changkong looked at Guhai gazingly.

"Little Sima, go away, don't stop me, I'm going, I'll go with my brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu pushed Sima out of the sky.

Sima Changkong: "………………!"

There is only one place, Sima Changkong must be dead, standing bitterly aside, looking at Long Wanyu resentfully.

"Brother-in-law, I'll go with you!" Long Wanyu said excitedly.

Not too far away, Tai Chu's eyes narrowed, and what seemed to be in his mouth. Seems to send a message to Bing Ji.

The early transmission is extremely secretive. No one noticed.

Bingji's face changed for a while, and she shook her head bitterly.

Tai Chu's face was gloomy: "This is Tai Yizhi. Will you go or not?"

Bingji looked anxious.

In the distance, Gu Hai shook his head: "Bing Ji enter with me!"

"Ah?" Bingji's face changed.

At the beginning, it was a little stunned, with a slight smile: "Remember, the second bowl of Fushen soup! Fushen soup is a spirit, which can be brought into your soul."

Bing Ji's face changed for a while. Seems to be struggling.

"Think of your mother!" Tai Chu said lightly.

Bing Ji suddenly became a spirit.

"Why? Brother-in-law, I want to go in with you. Is there any danger in it? I can help you know!" Long Wanyu anxiously said.

"Inside, it should not die, but outside ...!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"What's outside?" Long Wanyu frowned slightly.

"Wan Yu, there may be a big event here, help me protect my body! Because in the big job, I only trust you!" Gu Hai solemnly said.


Long Wanyu also wanted to say something, but Gu Hai's sentence in Dagan just believed in herself, and immediately made Long Wanyu's passion to enter the Temple of Wendao extinguished.

"Okay!" Long Wanyu nodded with annoyance.


Ancient Hai immediately melted into the blue magic light ball. The whole body instantly emitted dazzling blue light, sitting cross-legged.

When Blu-ray enters the body, the ancient sea feels like a cold body all around, as if it has a force, suddenly pinching itself, so that a lot of different forces throughout the body are all pinched into a mass.

Under a spirit, Gu Hai suddenly stood up, but at this moment it was not the flesh but the spirit wrapped in blue light.

The right hand also grasped the black ball on Dagan Sheng. At the same time, Gu Hai felt that there was still a gourd in his soul.

Vulcan Palace, Vulcan's fire gourd? Bring it too?

On the steps, the ancient spirit of the ancient sea came out of the body. Outsiders could not see the fire gourd in the ancient sea, nor could they see the black ball in the palm of the ancient sea.

"Wan Yu, my body, please!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Come on, there will be nothing with me!" Long Wanyu said with a sullen expression.

The ancient sea looked at Bing Ji.

Bingji bit her lip.


Also integrated into a sphere of magic light, the spirit suddenly left the body and followed behind Gu Hai.

"Mr. Gu, Wendao Temple, only open for ten days, be careful yourself!" Sima Changkong said bitterly.

Gu Hai nodded.

Walk to the white ladder, step by step towards the top, followed by Bingji.

And in the distance, among the crowd.

In the future, the Buddha is carrying a group of bodhisattvas, but it surrounds the purple bamboo bodhisattva in the center.

At this moment, Zizhu Bodhisattva was trapped by a lot of shackles.

"Future Buddha, jerk, what are you doing? Why are you trapped? Giant, giant, save me!" The Zizhu Bodhis said angrily.

The Zizhu Bodhisattler roared, but the fog around it seemed to be soundproof, making it impossible for the outside world to hear what was inside.

The sound of the Zizhu Bodhisattva suddenly turned into a male voice.

"Ruby is a real person, and I've offended it a lot. Please be calm and restless!"

In the mist, you can see the outside world, but not the inside.

The Zizhu Buddha stared at the distant ladder, and the Taishang Giant and its subordinates were almost to the top.

"The Zizhu Bodhisattva is behind the giant? The giant chose me, and chose me to enter the temple of Wendao with the giant. At the point where I want to fuse the light ball of the god, you and me Changed? "Zizhu Boss stared.

"I remember it. On the third day of the ancient sea's sleep, I draw a big picture. I am fighting with the Zizhu Bodhisattva. The future Buddha is you. You hold me and the Zizhu Bodhisattva? Then, I feel a The warmth flowed into the body, and at that time, you had surgery on me? How did you do that? "

"Wuliangshou Buddha, real ruby, just a few days of grievances!" The future Buddha said lightly.

"No, the three deputies of the giant have been grabbed by you and changed their bodies. I know. Sixth of the ancient 16th magic weapon. Reincarnation pool. Is n’t the reincarnation pool a magic weapon for the Buddha now? He lent it to you. Now? Reincarnation pond? You swapped the Zizhu Bodhisattva and my soul, let her enter the Temple of Wendao, and let me be trapped here? Future Buddha, you are so insidious! "The real ruby ​​stared and shouted.

"Bulgarian Buddha!" ​​In the future, the Buddha folded his hands and ignored him.


Dagan Sheng glanced in the direction of the future Buddha, and seemed to notice something, showing a sneer. Instead, he stopped paying attention, and continued to look coldly at the high altitude. The spirits of the ancient sea and Bingji also slowly entered into it.


Four spirits entered, and the gate of Wendao Temple closed suddenly.

"Holy, go in!" Sima groaned.

"I see it!" Dragon Warring States said lightly.

At this moment, the whole person in the Dagan Sheng was tense up, staring at the Wendao Temple without blinking.

In the Quartet, Taichu, Qingdi, Confucius and others were all a little surprised.

"What's the matter? At this moment, Dagan Sheng is quite dignified?" Qingdi narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, emperor, isn't all this over? The Halloween Conference is over, wait another ten days, wait for the four of them to come out, or it will be over? Now, no one can do anything!" Dan Wang curiously said.

"Not right, not right!" Qingdi narrowed his eyes.


In the distance, there was a sudden loud noise at the boundary of Tianyin City. Everyone turned to look.

I saw that a four-winged angel seemed to fly out of Tianyin City, but was shot back by an arrow rain.

"What? You dare to murder!" The four-winged angel stared suddenly.

The people looked carefully, but saw that direction, at this moment, a large number of troops were lined up. More than a dozen flying boats were flying in the air. Just one arrow was the owner of the Shenji camp, and Li Shenji shot.

Li Shenji looked coldly at the four-winged angel, and said, "From now on, no one is allowed to leave Tianyin City for a step!"

"What?" There weren't hundreds of people, practitioners, or tourists in Tianyin City, all of them changed their faces.

"God!" The four-winged angel's wing was broken, and now with a horrified face, he turned to look at Tai Chu.

Taichu, Qingdi and Kongdi turned their heads and looked at the Quartet.

Except for that direction, Tianyin City suddenly flew a large number of flying boats in all directions.

One ship, ten ships, one hundred ships, one thousand ships, ten thousand ships, and a large army of tens of millions, surrounded the entire city of Tianyin completely.

Heaven and earth, densely packed, endless army. And everywhere, also arranged a large array of nets, it seems that no one would let go.

"Tianluodinet?" Qing Di sank.

"Dagan Sheng, what do you mean?" Tai Chu looked at Long Zhanguo with a heavy expression.

Dragon Warring States stood on a high platform, overlooking a circle of Tianyin City.

"Tianyin City, Dagan people, don't be impatient, stay in Tianyin City for a while, wait and be shy!" Dagan Sheng said.

"Yes, holy!" The people of Tianyin City immediately settled down.

The opening of the Holy Name is naturally a decree, and the people are extremely revered by the Holy Name of Dagan and instantly soothed.

But the strong men from the major forces in the world were dull.

"Wang Shou Buddha, Dagan Sheng, I don't know why? I was invited by Dagan Sheng to attend the Halloween Conference, why are you stuck in Tianyin City?" The future Buddha Shen said.

Dagan Sheng visited the quartet of strong men, and said lightly, "Wait a moment!"

"Wait a moment? What are you waiting for a moment? You still want to hit us all together?" Tai Chu replied coldly.

Dragon Warring States turned his head, glanced at Taichu, and stared at it with a fierce murderous spirit, coming straight to Taichu: "He said, wait a moment, if you don't agree, he won't mind picking your head ! "

The dazzling murderousness of the Dragon Warring States, coupled with the extremely fierce words, immediately made Taichu arouse. The whole body was chilly.

Who was Taichu? The old monsters passed down from ancient times have been reincarnate from generation to generation, and then recombined. I don't know how many years they have lived and how dangerous they have been. However, for some reason, they still trembled when they saw the fierce eyes on Dagan Sheng.

Who is the Holy Lord? Although there is no reincarnation through the ages, in his lifetime, he lay down a big celestial dynasty that is not weak in the Sun Shrine, and even held the world ’s first magic weapon to open the axe, and no one dared to shake it forever, always saying no.

He is going to kill you, he will do his best. He wants you to die, you must die.

If you disagree, don't you mind picking your head?

This sentence has revealed the intention of the Dragon Warring States.

Too early to kill? Enemy against Sun Jingu?

In the beginning, I had a cold heart, and did not doubt the killing intention of the Dragon Warring States, because he could do it. At this moment, however, he dare not refute, but with a horrific grudge in his heart, he looked at the Buddha, the Qing Emperor, the Kong Emperor and others in the near future.

The future Buddha, Qing Emperor and Confucius did not fight for justice at the beginning.

The three also knew the power of Dagan Sheng and understood his fierce power. Just looking at Dagan Sheng, I don't know what he is going to do?

The Halloween Conference is over. Why did Dagan Sheng suddenly become fierce? Cultivators from all over the world also showed curiosity. Not even many officials are doing it.

There are only a few officials. At the moment, like the Dragon Warring States, he has a serious look, and there is a great excitement in his eyes.

Dagan Sheng seems to be waiting for something. Everyone was waiting for something, waiting inside, Gu Hai put the black ball in the second palace of the humane secret place.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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