Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 89: Decapitation


The ancient sea stepped into the temple of Wendao, and the gates behind closed up!

Bingji turned to glance, but Gu Hai didn't, but looked at the hall in front of him in surprise.

The main hall looks very large on the outside, but when found inside, it is larger than expected. The internal space is the size of several football fields.

Orient, at this moment is full of books, fur books, knots, bamboo slips, paper, thin ice shape, flame shape, among the books, there seems to be a sound of chanting . There was a lot of righteousness floating there out of thin air. But it didn't come out.

"Early, when people still drank their hair and drank blood, they would only tie notes. When there was no text, the Temple of Wendao appeared. Word by word appeared. Article by article appeared. Moving articles are all here! "Suddenly a voice sounded in front of Gu Hai.

Gu Hai turned his head, but saw a transparent man, as if floating in the air, explaining to Gu Hai.

"You are?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I am the instrumental spirit of the Temple of Wendao. Heaven allows me to watch the heavenly texts here. For your convenience!" The transparent man laughed.

"Spiritual spirit?" Gu Hai narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes brightened.

"Yes, I can show you everything around, you see, the best articles in the world are gathered on the east side, do you see the elf on the west side?" Qi Ling pointed to the west side.

To the west, there is a big tree. Around the big tree, there are a lot of elves flying, there are millions, millions and even more, one by one shaking and flying.

"This is the Qin Tao, the world's Qin Tao Sanctuary is sealed in every elven, look!" Qi Ling pointed at those little elves.

"Qindao accumulation?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Yes, from the earliest days, the first voice born in heaven and earth has been to the present. Everything is there. Looking at the north, that is the painting!" Qi Ling explained.

Gu Hai turned his head and looked.

Right north, at this moment is full of paintings.

In the scroll, there are waterfalls, mountains and rivers, and there are many characters. There are various scrolls, mostly ink paintings. Even Gu Hai saw some sketches and oil paintings.

"Oil painting?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"There was a time when I became popular with oil painting. Unfortunately, it finally fell, there was no intention in the physical, there was no realm in the mind." Qi Ling explained.

Not far away, the Taishang Daozi and his subordinates stood before a painting.

"What about chess?" Bingji curiously asked.

Qi Ling looked south, and besides the gate, there was a wall in the south of the hall, but the wall was now dark.

"In the past, there was a chess record for all ages. Unfortunately, it was ruined by heaven a thousand years ago!" Qi Ling explained.

Gu Hai looked at the dark picture. Brow slightly.

"You guys, you have only ten days. Which one do you want to see?

If it were another Wen Dao practitioner, it would be ecstatic at this moment, but for Gu Hai, there was no attraction at all.

Gu Hai is only specialized in chess. What's the point of it being gone?

Scripture? No, I don't have the artistic conception of writing, and because of the accumulation of the earth, I can't use it for the time being.

Qin Tao? He has no mood of piano.

Draw the road? Not to mention.

"I want to know, there is the news of the heaven soul here in the Temple of Wendao?" Gu Hai solemnly asked.

Heaven soul?

Gu Hai wants to find Chen Xianer's heavenly soul. The main purpose of entering the temple of this Taoism is this.

"Tianhun? I don't know, my vision is limited to this palace!" Qi Ling shook his head.

Guhai frowned slightly.

"Would you like to see, which literacy do you need? You have ten days!" Qi Ling asked.

"A thousand years ago, what did the man who entered the Temple of Wendao see?" Gu Hai asked curiously.

"A thousand years ago?" Qi Ling frowned slightly.

"Yes, a thousand years ago!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"The person watching may not be suitable for you. You still think about it, what kind do you want?" Qi Ling shook his head.

Gu Hai shook his head: "I want him to see it, please give me pointers!"

Qi Ling struggled for a while, and after a while, Qi Ling nodded: "Follow me!"

Gu Hai and Bing Ji followed Qi Ling slowly towards the area of ​​the book.

On the other side, the two Taishang Tao giants ignored the ancient sea and went straight to the painting area. The painting area was huge and the scrolls were endless. They seemed to be looking for something.

Gu Hai and his party quickly reached a corner of the study area.

"The old man looked at this volume, you want to ...!" Qi Ling said, pointing to a bamboo slip.

Before he finished speaking, Bing Ji's face suddenly changed: "Emperor, look!"

Gu Hai turned his head, but saw the two giants in the distance too, walked to a picture, took a step, stepped into it.


They disappeared into the hall.

"Come on!" Gu Hai grabbed the bamboo slip that Qi Ling said, and led Bingji to the disappearance of Taishang Daozi.

"Well, wait, I haven't finished talking yet!" Qi Ling hurriedly zoomed.

The ancient sea was too late to pay attention, and went directly to the disappearance of the Taishang Giant.

That's a painting.

In the painting is a promenade. Around the promenade, there are waterfalls and rivers. Even across the scroll, they all seem to hear the rushing water inside.

At the end of the promenade is a palace.

"Soul Hall?" Bingji frowned and looked at the hall in the painting.

In the painting, you can see the two Taishangdao giants. They have already reached the Hall of Souls and entered the Hall of Souls.

"You can't go in!" Qi Ling chased anxiously.


Gu Hai took Bing Ji and strode towards the scroll.


The two disappeared instantly in the Temple of Wendao and reached the painting.

Upon entering, Gu Hai and Bing Ji immediately entered a new world.

"This is it?" Gu Hai frowned.

"The world in the painting?" Bingji was also curious.

The river flowing around and the rapids of the waterfall look exactly like the real one.


The two walked down the promenade and headed for the Soul Hall.

Tai Shangdao two people entered the soul hall.

Outside, the instrumental spirit of the Wendao Temple suddenly looked anxious: "Can't go over there, it's a restricted area!"

However, Gu Hai could not hear the sound outside.

Soon, the two arrived at the entrance of the soul-calling hall.

The door of the hall was open, but it was so gloomy that it could not see the inside.

"Emperor, it looks so dark inside, shall we go in?" Bingji worried.


The two stepped into it.

Step into it.

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Return my life!" "I want to drink your spirit!" "Spirit spirit, I want ** soul!" ...............

A slamming sound came to his face, Gu Hai and Bing Ji suddenly saw, as if the evil spirits suddenly bit themselves, it seemed that they would swallow themselves in an instant.


But at this moment, on the right hand of Gu Hai, the black ball given by the Dragon Warring States instantly produced a suction.


Under the big suction, all the spirits were all sucked into the black ball in an instant.


Bingji took a breath of air, a spirit.

In the hall, countless evil spirits were suddenly sucked and suddenly became brighter.

But I saw that in the center, there was a jade box. I do n’t know who opened the jade box, and countless evil spirits just popped out of it.

"Seal the ghost box? It looks like they opened it too much to hurt you. But it doesn't matter now!" A loud voice came suddenly.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked at the black ball in his face with a deep expression.

The voice just now came from this black ball. It is the voice of the Dragon Warring States.

"Good job, Gu Hai, you can put the black ball in the hall. You have already finished the request. Please quickly follow the third door on the left on the front to chase them!" The voice of the Dragon Warring States passed from the black ball again. Come.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

Gu Hai put the black ball into the hall.


Suddenly a large amount of black liquid emerged from the black ball, slowly spreading to the entire hall. Above the black liquid, it seems like a layer of golden runes.

Gu Hai frowned, and didn't care. I looked around in the Hall of Souls, but saw that in the Hall of Souls, there were thousands of coffins spreading out.

A hall full of coffins?

Gu Hai didn't think much, picked up the sealed ghost box he had prepared to harm himself, and walked towards the third door.

Just as soon as the ancient sea stepped out of the third door.


The liquid erupting from the black ball suddenly seemed like a river, and the entire Hall of Souls was completely submerged in an instant. The huge black water even rushed towards the ancient sea.


Gu Hai shut the door behind him.

At this moment, the black water was flowing endlessly, and even swept from the Hall of Souls to the Quartet, and all the Hall of Souls were flooded in an instant, and the promenades outside were all flooded. Blackwater rushed out of the scroll world and went directly to the temple of Wendao.

"What's going on? What's this?" The instrumental spirit of the Wendao Temple revealed a daze.


The black water continued to erupt, and everything in the Temple of Wendao was washed away suddenly. The area of ​​Shudao, Huadao and Qindao were all drowned in an instant.

"No, no, help, no!" Qi Ling screamed.

The next moment, the instrument spirit was in the black water, and it was drowned instantly. The water instantly shrouded everything in the Temple of Mantra. It's all filled up.

And outside.

Dagan army surrounded the Tianyin City.

Dagan Sheng stood on the high platform and looked coldly at Wendao Temple.

The saints in heaven frowned and looked at Dagan Sheng. After all, Dagan Sheng threatened too early, which made all the saints very unhappy.

"Huh, the arbitration of the Halloween Conference, God has given you the opportunity to start the Halloween Conference, not to make you do anything wrong!"

"You want to be the enemy of the whole world?"

"Holy pilgrimage? Huh, I have seen many of these ancient times, nothing great!"

"You can't help it!"




Suddenly, there are hundreds of saints who fall into the holy grave.


Suddenly a cold hum, but saw Bei Mingshou detective's move.


In the void, it seemed as if a hundred chains were rushed out instantly, rushing towards the saint in the sky.

"Bold!" Exclaimed the saints.


The a hundred saints who had insulted Dagan Sheng just now were **** by chains and pulled suddenly.


Hundreds of saints were dropped from the high clouds and slammed onto the central square.

"In the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, I also want to insult the Holy, decapitate!" Bei Mingshou said coldly.


Suddenly, a group of soldiers rushed straight to the central square. Carrying a large knife in his hand, he chopped down at the hundred saints who were locked and dropped by the chains.

"Dare you!"

"You can't kill me. My body is from heaven!"




Hundreds of saints roared, but the chains were bound, and they could not resist the general.

"Dagan Sheng!" The face of the Buddha changed in the future. Want to ask for love.

Hundreds of big executioners raised their knives and dropped them with their hands.


The heads of hundreds of saints flew out!

"Kill the heavenly servant, is this rebellion?" Tai Chu's face changed.

PS: QQ chat at night, it is yesterday's advance to today. Forgive me. Will be online later.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!


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