Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 109: Favor of the Dragon Warring States


A sword smashed like a broken bamboo, it seemed to split the ancient sea in half in an instant.

At the critical moment, Gu Hai's face changed suddenly, he suddenly pulled out the health knife and chopped it up.

"Thursday!" Gu Hai's eyes glared, and he beheaded.

Above the square, a group of knife air quickly gathered with the sword, and smashed towards the sword.

The earth and the earth were instantly filled with the purple light on the health knife.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A loud noise.

The blade of the razor knife formed a huge explosion. Under the explosion, the blade of the sword burst and burst open. The purple light disappeared.

However, Taijian's sword also weakened countlessly, even so, he continued to cut towards the ancient sea.

Before the sword came, a sharp sword gas instantly tore the skin of Gu Haimei's heart, the skin broke open, and the blood overflowed, and a scarlet long knife burst out from the place where the ancient sea was bleeding. It is the killing knife that has been hidden in the ancient sea.

The killing knife came out, and the world was instantly dyed scarlet.

The sword gas instantly collapsed, and the blood-knife sword condensed into a white sword.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The killing sword and sword smashed suddenly, but at this moment, the sword shovel had weakened 90%, and even so, it instantly cut to the ancient sea.


At the wound that had just opened, a bone knife was suddenly rushed out, and the knife was dead.


They collided fiercely, and finally annihilated the mighty sword sword power.


Gu Hai took three steps back to stabilize her figure.

"Not dead?" Numerous practitioners changed their faces in the surrounding squares.

Just a moment ago, everyone thought Gu Hai was dead.

Who is that? It's too good to be a giant, but that's the strength of the Heavenly Palace. With a sword of hatred coming down, Gu Hai, a little Yuanyuan, cannot possibly fight back.

But, just a moment ago, what happened? Gu Hai blocked Taishang's sword?

"No, it's too strong, only Zhongtian Temple? Regressed?" Dragon God in the distance closed his eyes.

"Too high-minded, broken? Gongfu?" Long Shenwen's face sank.

"Zhongtian Temple? Isn't that what Gu Hai could resist?" Long Shenwu was surprised.

"Evil thief, go to death ~~~~~~!" Too eyes widened, and the sword in his hand was cut again instantly.

A sword just now, didn't kill Gu Hai?

Too sorrowful, and the double cultivation in the humanitarian mystery has made too much work, and the cultivation has fallen sharply.

All the disciples who were too good at the disciples looked at the giant in amazement. How could this be so?

Although Shuang Xiu was too addicted at that time, once he woke up, he wished to kill the ancient sea. Only by killing the ancient sea can he restore his mood.

No sword, and a second sword.

Tai Shang cut it again with a sword.

"Let it go!" Mu Chenfeng glared in the distance.


When the Taishang sword was cut, a thunderous sky rushed straight up too quickly. If it was too high in the past, it would not care at all, but now it is greatly reduced, but it has to withdraw the sword to resist.


The sky cannon collided with Taishang's sword instantly.

Too upper body jumped back suddenly and paused.

Tai Shang was not injured, but just now was hit by the sky gun.

"Huh, I don't believe you have so many sky-high thunders!" Tai stared at his eyes and killed again towards the ancient sea.

Tai Shang cuts to the ancient sea, but a large number of dignitaries in the distance are watching indifferently.

"Presumptuous ~~~~~~~!"

There was a sudden anger and blast, and a strong wind rolled up in the center of the square, and it immediately flew towards the ancient sea.


Too much suddenly went backwards more than ten feet.

The cold drink just now came from the Dragon Warring States of Dagan Shenglong.

The Dragon Warring States are drinking and scolding too?

With a yell, they made all the disciples' faces change.

With a cold drink from the Dragon Warring States, the Dragon God's figure flickered in an instant, reached Taishang, and punched Taishang.


Tai Shang was hit and flew out instantly, slamming into the mountains in the distance, more than a dozen giant mountains stopped in an instant and broke, and Tai Shang stopped.

"Giant!" Anxiously said all the disciples.

"On Dagan Sheng, the giant did nothing intentionally, and did not offend Dagan. Please forgive me on Dagan Sheng!" The disciples of Taishang Dao begged.

Although I don't know how the giant went crazy to kill Gu Hai, the most important thing at this moment is to appease the Dragon Warring States. Otherwise, no one can leave.

However, the Dragon Warring States looked coldly in the ruins there, and slowly climbed out too far, a murderous lock, which temporarily made Tai Shang cold sweat.

"Too much, I invite you to attend the Halloween Conference, not for you to presumptuously!" Dragon Warring States said coldly.

Too much calm at this moment. Looking up at the Dragon Warring States.

"Dagan Sheng, this is my personal grudge with Gu Hai!" Too unwilling to say.

"Huh?" Long Zhanguo's eyes were cold, and the atmosphere was suppressed.


Under the coercion of the Dragon Warring States, Tai Shang suddenly sprayed blood.

"Offended!" He bowed his head too much.

"Well, the people in Lingshan Holy Land are gone, the people in Sun Temple are gone, and the people in your Taoism Taoism should also go!" Dragon Warring States said coldly.

"Let's go at once!" A crowd of disciples said eagerly.

I looked at the Dragon Warring States too, and there was a reluctance in my eyes, but I could only bow my head and said, "Yes!"

A group of Taishang disciples quickly went to help Taishang. Take out the flying boat and lift it up.

"Giant!" Said the disciples anxiously.

"Let's go, cough cough!" Too vomiting blood.

"call out!"

Feizhou carried Wanshou Taoist people and flew towards the distance quickly.

Above the deck. Tai Shang looked bleak and looked at the ancient sea in the center of the square in the distance.

"Gu Hai, you and I are endless, endless!" Too exposed above, eyes full of hate.

"call out!"

The flying boat flew away quickly and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Gu Hai turned his hands around the knife and looked too far away, but his face was slightly heavy.

"Master, are you okay?" Mu Chenfeng rushed to the front anxiously.

"No problem!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Dragon God retreated to the side, looking at the ancient sea with a complex look.

Regarding Gu Hai's life and death, all the courtiers did not care about it. Even the princes were just watching coldly. The princes were all very intelligent people. They seemed to have seen the ambition of Gu Hai, knowing that this man was difficult to conquer and died? Either dead. Save trouble later.

Moreover, Gu Hai also had the Tao Te Ching, which was dead, so the Tao Te Ching has become a thing without subject, and it can be argued.

However, the princes suddenly found that the Dragon Warring States seemed to favor the ancient sea.

Just a few words, "presumptuous" to make an escape for Gu Hai, the dragon **** suddenly understood the attitude of the Father, and immediately came to help.

Dragon Warring States looked coldly at the audience: "So far today, let's go!"

"Yes, sacred!" A large number of leading officials suddenly respectfully worshipped.

"After ten days, Gu Hai will see you in the study!" Dragon Warring States suddenly looked at Gu Hai.

Ancient sea?

A large number of cadres showed a hint of surprise, and the strong forces of the Quartet also looked pale. I don't know what Dragon Warring States means.

Since the Dragon Warring Kingdom defeated the sky, everything has changed. Every word and every action of his, the strong players on all sides continue to figure out.

Gu Hai looked at the Dragon Warring States, nodded, and gave a slight gift.


However, when I saw the dragon warring country's figure flashing, it disappeared on the central square the next moment, and disappeared out of thin air.

"Congratulations!" All officials and the people immediately respectfully worshipped.

"The old man can't speak clearly if he has something? God is mysterious!" Long Wanyu frowned.


Nearly everyone in the Quartet suddenly turned to look at Long Wanyu. Nearly everyone is eloquent. Want to drink and scold Long Wanyu, but do not know where to drink.

After this battle, Dagan Sheng is truly the first person in the world. Do you dare to disrespect him? But, this is the master of Wanyu County, maybe only she dares.

The three princes smiled bitterly. But no one spoke.

"Brother-in-law, you're bleeding from your forehead, how is it now?" Long Wanyu suddenly thought of Gu Hai, anxiously.

"It's okay!" Gu Hai took a deep breath and shook his head.

The eyebrow wound has recovered.

Killing knives and dead knives have already been incorporated into the body, leaving only the knives behind.

"Congratulations to Mr. Gu!" Sima Changkong paid a respectful gift to Gu Hai. Then, Sima Changkong slowly retreated.

Master Liuli, Shengyang, Jiugongzi, Dingding, no one spoke to Gu Hai anymore.

Almost everyone, at this moment did not come to say hello to Gu Hai, just watching Gu Hai.

Perhaps Dagan Sheng will call on the ancient sea ten days later. At this moment, Gu Hai seemed to be isolated from everyone.

Only a group of Long Wanyu and Dagan left Guhai to the center.

"Congratulations to the emperor!" Mo Yike walked over with a smile.

"Go back first!" Gu Hai shook his head.

The crowd nodded.

Gu Hai slowly withdrew from the square with Long Wanyu, Mu Chenfeng, Mo Yike, Gou Chen, Changsheng, and Ziwei. Return to Long Wanyu's palace.

Along the way, countless people stared at the ancient sea, but no one came forward to say hello.

Among the crowd, Conte looked at Guhai with narrow eyes.

Qingdi looked at the back of Gu Hai, but smiled confidently.

Among the Quartet army. Li Shenji was standing at a corner with Shenjiying, his eyes narrowed slightly: "The practice of Gu Hai has actually been greatly improved? Too much sword, but not dead? Hmm, but there is one left in the sky!"


Long Wanyu's palace. As soon as Gu Hai came back, she declared that she was closed.

During the retreat, Gu Hai's heart sank into his body.

in vivo.

Vulcan is carrying a fire gourd, and the fire baby is fifth.

The water **** holds the iceberg, and the water baby is fifth.

The earth **** holds the soil, and the earth baby is fifth.

Jin Shen grasped the vine that cut the fairy flying sword, Jin Ying was fifth.

In front of the Spirit Mother God King is the chemical industry to supplement Tianchi. The babies are third.

"This double repair? The effect is actually so good? Yuanying Realm is twenty-three days? Five babies realm? Five babies realm can impact the opening of the Heaven Palace?" Gu Hai was surprised to see the changes in Yuanying in his body.

With your eyes closed, your mind sinks into your body.

"In my mind, there seems to be something, what is it? The human soul is thin? In my body, there is another one, yes, alas, is that 'ghost box'? The ghost box becomes emerald green? There are words on it! "Gu Hai carefully sensed inside.

Feeling the words on the sealed ghost box, Gu Hai read it carefully. After reading for a while, Gu Hai suddenly opened her eyes, and a surprise flashed in her eyes: "Dream into heavenly magic?"

PS: Continue to announce, please take annual leave tomorrow, please eight days, from tomorrow to the seventh day of the new year, forgive me! The eighth formally resumed the update.

Join the group right away and chat! Chinese New Year, I wish you all auspicious year of the monkey, good luck, and happy family!

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