Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 110: Old Tang invitation

Dreaming of heavenly magic?

The last text of the jade box, called "Dream into Heaven," was read by Gu Hai, and a fascination flashed in his eyes.

Dream into heaven? It is a kind of magical spirit. When it comes out, it can be divided into two hundred parts. It can be reborn or reborn in the spirit and soul state. At the same time, it is equivalent to two hundred people practicing at the same time. On the day, all the practices gained can be accumulated.

Dreaming into heavenly magic is just a supplementary exercise method. Can this supplementary exercise method increase the speed of practice 200 times out of thin air?

"The army of the gods and blood of the annihilation of the heavens has entered Asura's secret place for 6,000 years. When they came out, all of them were peerless. Can I lead the Dahan army into it? One year equals two hundred years?" Gu Hai's pupil shrank. .

Suddenly, I looked at Dreaming into Heaven again. After reading it again, Gu Hai raised her brows slightly, her face ugly.

Because dreaming into heavenly magic, you need a prop, that is, the ‘closed ghost box’ at the heart of the eyebrows. To be precise, it ’s called the “dividing ghost box”, which is an introduction that divides the spirit into two hundred parts.

In the old soul hall, Gu Hai first saw this ghost box. The evil spirits that ran out of it were not really evil spirits, but people who had divided souls in the past. At that time, there were thousands of coffins in the soul hall. Thousands of people collectively divided the ghost boxes and used dreams to enter the heavenly Dafa.

In principle, two hundred copies should be returned at the same time, but for some reason, something has happened. They have returned one after another, and they cannot return to the flesh. It turned into a ghost in the box.

This is also the reason why evil spirits come out at different times.

"A maximum of one thousand people at a time?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Powerful thousand generals, although extremely powerful, but Gu Hai is still unwilling.

Unfortunately, according to the "Dream of Heaven and Earth", there is only one ghost in this world. The material of the jade box is completely gone. Because it is formed by heaven. The material and the world are unique, and the exercises are based on the jade box. Without the jade box, it is useless to dream of magic.

"Wait?" Suddenly Gu Hai's eyes flashed.

Looking at the jade box, Gu Hai's eyes narrowed, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes. However, after a while, Gu Hai finally made up his mind.

The detective took out the health knife, his eyes glared, and he severed it with a slash.

"Meow, are you crazy?" A sudden cry exclaimed from the jade box.

It was in a distant mountain forest. The black cat that had been released from the ancient sea suddenly widened his eyes and showed horror.

The Ghost Box is refined by the Black Cat Gang Guhai. It has the smell of the Black Cat, and the Black Cat has its own means to sense it. Giving the jade box to Gu Hai is only a matter of time. It has its own mark on it. Sooner or later, it will return to its own hands, and let Gu Hai use it for a few years, even if he repays himself.

The Black Cat firmly believes that anyone who sees the "Dream of Heaven and Earth" is very excited and protects the ghost box carefully. However, after Gu Hai knew the situation, she destroyed it first. ? Slashed down? How can it be?


With a loud noise, the sub-ghost box was chopped into more than 1,000 pieces by the ancient sea. There was a burst of black gas among the fragments, and the black gas disappeared.

"Huh? There seemed to be a meow?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

The meow sound was familiar when I slashed it just a moment ago.

Gu Hai looked around diligently, but the trace of the black cat could not be found at all, and he had no choice but to feel helpless--

In the distant mountains and forests.

The black cat is stupid.

"This ancient sea is a stupid thing? Are you crazy? Crazy? It's a ghost box, where there are dreams and magical things, which are treasures that you can find everywhere. You, you, you are ruined? Destroy it You lunatic, isn't it in order to erase my mark? Yes, my mark is completely absent from the ghost box, but you ca n’t be such a loser. People in this world have n’t come out in 800,000 years. Has everything changed? Why am I so unlucky? "The black cat looked annoyed.

The ancient sea in Tianyin City naturally didn't know how the black cat felt, but carefully put away a thousand copies of the jade box, picked out one of the largest pieces, and condensed stillness, a gush of 'filling' from Dantian Tianli 'entered that jade box fragment.


The jade box fragments slowly recovered at a very strange speed.

Slowly, the jade box fragments became a complete jade box, exactly the same as before. This is just a patch of a jade box.

Gu Hai was urged in accordance with the dream of heaven.

"Om!" The jade box flashed a green light.

"Bu Tianli? Successful? Dividing the ghost box, don't need too much Bu Tianli, just special attributes?" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with excitement.

Just a patch repaired just now. I still have more than a thousand scraps. Wouldn't it ...

Taking a deep breath, Gu Hai carefully closed the jade box, and a flash of excitement flashed in her eyes.

A box of a thousand people, a thousand boxes is a 100,000 army, and maybe more.

Be very careful to pack the ghost box. Gu Hai then paid attention to the ‘thin soul thin’ in his body.

The human soul is thin and cannot be used by oneself, however, this object can hurt Chen Xianer, and it is naturally impossible for Gu Hai to give it to anyone.

Having a ghost box may allow Chen Xianer's soul to appear, but Gu Hai didn't want to take this risk, and when she wasn't completely sure, everything was quietly braked.

With calmness and calmness, the ancient sea slowly adjusted its interest rate, solidifying the great growth of this repair.

After five days. Ancient sea was slowly out of customs. Just opened the door.

"Brother-in-law, you can figure it out. If you don't come out again, I'll call the old man here!" Long Wanyu hurriedly excited when she heard the Guhai exit.

"Emperor!" Mo Yike looked at Long Wanyu with a bitter smile.

"Church master!" Mu Chenfeng also looked bitter.

"What's wrong?" Gu Hai looked at everyone in doubt.

"What can I do? It's not annoying yet, brother-in-law, you don't know. In the past few days, the threshold of my palace has been broken. They are invited to a banquet. Look, look at the invitation! "Long Wanyu pointed to the invitation in a box not far away.

"Oh? Invite me to a banquet?" Gu Hai wondered.

"The Holy Spirit seems to be particularly favored by the church owners. These people are here to get rid of it, but I don't understand why the three princes and Sima Zongzong also sent people to send invitations!" Mu Chenfeng curiously said.

"What can you do? Not two articles from the emperor!" Mo Yike shook his head.

"Article? At the Halloween conference, the" Zheng Qi Song "and" The Book of Morality "written by the church master? Mu Chenfeng's face suddenly changed.

"What else can there be?" Gu Hai smiled coldly.

"How is that! Huh, they will come again to see if I don't interrupt their legs!" Long Wanyu's eyes glared.

Nowadays, all the laws of ethics have been taken up by the sky, and all the book revisions have basically been abandoned. However, the articles left in the past can still trigger some laws of the law. These old articles have become even more valuable.

The Taishang Scripture is already the world's top and first-class scripture, but it is still lost in the hands of the Tao Te Ching. The power of the Tao Te Ching can be seen. I don't know how many people look at this scripture.

"The stop is unstoppable, it should come, or it will come!" Gu Hai looked dignified and shook his head.

"Emperor, what about this box of invitations?" Mo Yike looked at Gu Hai.

"Have you compiled the book?" Gu Hai looked at Mo Yike.

Mo Yike handed over a list.

"Yes! Dagan, from the prince to the people, people have sent invitations, all major holy places and major dynasties have sent invitations to show, everything is counted, there is only one invitation, some special! ...! "Mo Yike frowned.

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

Mo Yike pulled out an invitation from the box.

However, there is no word in this invitation, but the invitation paper is particularly outdated.

"Who's this? Did you forget to write it?" Long Wanyu puzzled.

Mu Chenfeng interjected: "The comer asked me to give the invitation to the host, and said, let the host go to him! When I look at the invitation, I will lose it on the spot. Can this person go crazy? For the invitation, the church owner may not be willing to go to the appointment. He, somehow, sent an empty invitation, but also wanted the church owner to turn to him? But, in the end, Lord Mo stopped me! "

Mo Yike nodded.

When Gu Hai saw the invitation, his eyes narrowed.

"Brother-in-law, what else are you looking at for this invitation?"

"Churchmaster, did the man deliberately make trouble?"

When Mu Chenfeng and Long Wanyu were puzzled, Gu Hai looked at Mo Yike: "Mr. Mo, how do you know ...?"

"In the past, in the heavenly capital without borders, I have seen Prince Qin used this invitation! The invitation is unique, and the cover is a blue star pattern, so the minister remembered it at the time!" Mo Yike respectfully said.

The blue stars? Gu Hai smiled slightly and carefully closed the letter.

It was not a blue star, but a pattern of the earth. This invitation was made by myself. When four righteous sons were taught as invitations, they each gave one.

There are only four in the world.

After listening to Mo Yike's speech, Mu Chenfeng and Long Wanyu suddenly realized. Suddenly curious about the invitation.

"Brother-in-law, otherwise, I'll ask someone to look for it, who sent you this invitation?" Long Wanyu looked forward to.

"Yes, the host, the subordinates did not know that the host had sent them. I asked the disciples of Yipintang to look for the messenger!" Mu Chenfeng said immediately.

"No need!" Gu Hai shook his head.

After seeing the envelope, Gu Hai knew who sent it, because the invitation card that he made by himself showed the difference at a glance. The invitation card was sent by the ancient Tang, the third of the four righteous sons. Since the third child sent someone to send invitations, there must be no danger.

Since there is no danger. See you again, how can I go to visit my son?

Almost two decades have passed. Is this ancient Tang still the original Tang? Twenty years, everything will happen!

ps: Go out today, two chapters and even more. Within this month, watch chess as much as possible to make up for the outbreak owed before. for sure! Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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