Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 111: Promise of the Dragon Warring States

This is the second more! ——

Tianyin City, in an inn!

Lord Tang stood in a small courtyard and looked at Long Wanyu's palace in the distance.

"Sir, it's been eight days. Didn't Guhai receive our invitations? So many invitations, we haven't written a word." A subordinate worried.

"No, his subordinates are not confused people, especially Nemo Yike. One of our invitations has nothing written, but it must be carefully examined, and it is impossible to throw it away!" Master Tang looked coldly into the distance.

"When he saw the letter, Gu Hai knew it was us? He would come to us? But, could he find it?"

"He is looking for someone, even if it is hard to find, he will definitely find it, mainly because he is willing to find it. Eight days later, almost, he didn't come to me? Oh, old man, you are really stubborn! You I thought, was that the year? "Master Tang glared slightly.

"Then we .........!"

"Well, since he doesn't come to us, let's go to him!" Master Tang whispered.


Tianyin City, in a manor house.

Li Shenji also stared coldly at Long Wanyu's palace.

"Sir, Gu Haitian Thunder, there is one left!" A subordinate laughed.

Li Shenji nodded: "Yeah, there is one left! But his cultivation has increased again, Yuanying Realm? Even if Yuanying Realm is dealing with an ordinary Xiatian Temple, it should not fall behind. Come on! "


"Can't let him grow any longer! When he has seen the Holy Ghost, if there is no heavy duty assigned to the Holy Ghost, we will start!" Li Shenji stared.

"But, what if he was entrusted with the Holy Lord?"

"That's just his luck, my **** machine camp, never again against him." Li Shenji said in a deep voice.


Ten days passed in a flash.

Although a large number of invitations were sent to Gu Hai, no one saw Gu Hai. After spending ten days in Longwanyu Mansion, he headed for Tianting City.

The Dragon Warring States sent guards to personally **** Gu Hai. Along the way, countless powerful men looked at the flying boat welcoming the ancient sea from afar. I wonder what the Dragon Warring States thought.

The battle defeated the sky, and the fierce mighty world of the Dragon Warring States. Every move at this moment involves the heartstrings of the strong all over the world.

Tianting City, study.

As soon as Gu Hai entered the study room, the door of the study room closed suddenly.


Go to study close.

Dragon Warring States sat at the desk, reviewing the memorials, and as the pens were written, a golden brilliance was written in the memorials, like the laws of heaven.

"Yipintang, Guhai, I've seen Dagan Sheng." Guhai said slightly.


The Dragon Warring States put down the writing brush and looked at the ancient sea.

Although he did not let out the slightest breath, Gu Hai still felt the imperial power coming. Perhaps after the defeat to heaven, the temperament of the whole person has been sublimated again, and it seems to have an invincible feeling.

"Gu Hai, you are here!" Dragon Warring States exhaled softly.

"Yes, Lord Dagan, I don't know why you saw me alone this time?" Gu Hai frowned.

"This battle defeated six immortals, you have contributed!" Dragon Warring States smiled slightly.

"I? Dagan Sheng said and laughed. I just brought a black ball into the secret place of humanity. For another person, you can let him bring in!" Gu Hai shook his head.

At that time, the fighting power of the Dragon Warring States was completely able to forcibly seize referrals, which may take some work, but it is not necessary to be indispensable!

Dragon Warring States shook his head.

"Xi said, not only this, but also King Lu Yang, as well as the Emperor Yuan Dynasty, the most important thing is, I said to you last time that you have nothing to do with the Six Roads!" Shen Zongguo said.

"Oh? King Lu Yang?" Gu Hai wondered.

"In the past, King Lu Yang rebelled and even killed his daughter Long Xiaoyue, why did He still condone him and never shot?" Long Zhanguo took a deep breath.

"Yes, I am also curious at the bottom, then King Lu Yang is not a holy opponent at all, no, even if a prince goes, he can calm down instantly. Why ...?" Gu Hai wondered.

"He was one of the six eyeliners. He didn't want to fight grass and frighten the snake at the time! Although he didn't know it was the spy of Liudao, but Liudao's hand reached all over the world. In the year, he once succeeded against the sky and naturally didn't want to repeat the same mistake. Throughout the world, he has countless eyeliners. Maybe those eyeliners don't know their mission, but when triggered to a certain degree, it will automatically cause six alarms! "Shen Zongguo said in a loud voice.

Gu Hai's eyes were stunned: "The six immortals have some kind of trigger mechanism for the strongest people in the world to monitor you? So, in the past, you never acted. Once you started, you must kill with one blow? "

Long Zhanguo glanced at the ancient sea with a slight chuckle: "That's why I said that you have contributed!"

Gu Hai's eyelids flickered for a while, and it was obvious for the first time that Liu Daoren realized the surveillance of the world.

"Under these six immortals, even though they are all over the world, they can only be trapped in this cage. Every move is under surveillance!" Long Zhanguo took a deep breath.

"Congratulations, Dagan, you have defeated six immortals. This cage is no longer there!" Gu Hai laughed.

Dragon Warring States shook his head: "No, the battle has just begun!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked for a moment.

"Do you think that the previous two eyes are the full power of the Six Immortals? No, one in ten thousand is not as good, neither is there. If the Six Immortals had only this ability, why did they go against the sky in the past? Moreover, 800,000 years, you Do you think he's just standing still? "Shen Zongguo cried.

"Not the full power of the Six Immortals?"

"No, the Six Immortals have not yet awakened, they have not fully awakened, they just woke up a little, they just woke up a little bit of consciousness, they have crippled one of his eyes, he has others, hands, feet, and Body, mouth, nose and ears! This is just the beginning! "Shen Zhanguo said in a loud voice.

Gu Hai was horrified: "When will those six immortals reappear?"

"In sixty years, he will definitely come out all over, but within this time, all parts of the body, waking up at any time, must be fast, and strong enough to be able to completely chop him!" Shen Zongguo said.

"Sixty years?"

"This time, you have made a great contribution. I remember it in my heart. All rewards. After sixty years, I won't forget your achievements!" Shen Zhanguo said in a loud voice.

"There is no Dagan Sheng, and those things will be done in the next, yes, this time, here I will return the" Xiyang "and" Vine that cut the fairy gourd "on Dagan Sheng!" Guhai explorer took out two jade boxes.

Although a little bit reluctant, but it is not your own, after all, you can't take it!

"The reason why He gave away something has never been returned! You keep it!" Dagan Sheng shook his head.

"Thank you!" Gu Hai nodded.

"I don't know, Dagan Sheng, come to me, why?" Gu Hai solemnly said again.

"I need you, to enlighten the great Yantian Dynasty." Dragon Warring States Shen said.

"Dayan Tianchao? Me? Why?" Gu Hai frowned.

"The Six Immortals were wounded, and you have contributed a lot. That is to say, the Six Immortals will definitely not spare you lightly. You cannot be the six pawns. You can rest assured!" Dragon Warring States laughed.

"Uh?" Gu Hai froze.

Doesn't this mean that when the Six Immortals will be connected in the future, they will definitely count themselves?

"Second, I believe in your means, what you have done in these years, I know, you can definitely complete it!" Shen Zongguo said.

"What did you accomplish?" Gu Hai sank.

"Convince Jiang Lianshan, and together with the uncle, cut the six immortal hands and feet, and cut off its source of power!" Shen Zongguo said in a loud voice.

"Jiang Lianshan? Lord of the Dayan Dynasty?" Gu Hai frowned.


"But, why is it me? Besides, how can you be in the next place? I am a baby boy ...!" Gu Hai frowned.

"I don't force you, except you, I will let a second group of people go, but if you do this, I will give you all the territory of the former Emperor Yuan Dynasty, how about you?" Dragon Warring States? Shen said.

"All the territories of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty?" Gu Hai's pupils shrank.

"Good! As long as you can hold it!" Dragon Warring States laughed.

The Dahan dynasty was caught between Dagan and Dayuan in the past. Now, Dayuan is also included in Dagan's territory, and the Dahan dynasty is covered by Dagan's territory, such as the state within a country. For Dahan, it is extremely unfavorable. But now ...

"The land is the foundation of a country. Why ...?" Gu Hai frowned at the Dragon Warring States.

"If Xun can kill six immortals, what is this emperor dynasty's territory for Xun?" Long Zhanguo said quietly.

If the Six Immortals were beheaded, the whole world would be his. Still care about gains and losses in some cities?

The ancient sea moved slightly, because the Dahan Dynasty could not expand, but now ...

The Dragon Warring States seemed to see the heart of Gu Hai, and said in a deep voice: "I allow you to act quietly, so as not to frighten the snake, after all, you are still too weak to cultivate!"

The ancient sea is also uncomfortable.

"Yun allows you to pick a group of people below the Marquis and below the Sixth Grade Officer, and go with you!" Solemnly said of the Dragon Warring States.

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes lit up.

"Success or failure, I don't blame you. You do your best and promise your decree, you can do it cheaply!" Shen Zongguo said in a loud voice.

"Then try it next time. However, as you said, Dagan should be covered with six immortals' eyes and not stay in the heavens to avoid trouble. In the future, I will send you the list of people you need. You arranged for them to come to the borderless heavenly capital of my Dahan dynasty and join me! "Said Gu Haishen.

Dragon Warring States glanced at the ancient sea and nodded: "Okay!"

Gu Hai nodded.

"In Dayan Dynasty, you will transfer this sachet to Jiang Lianshan!" Long Zhanguo handed out a very worn red sachet. The flowers in the sachet seemed to have dried out, white silk was embroidered on the outside, and a gossip pattern was embroidered on the center. .

"This sachet?" Gu Hai took it carefully.

"You tell him, 'This is what Murong Yan embroidered for you that year. Murong Yan's heart has not changed, but you don't deserve to have her, and you reincarnate once? Even if you reincarnate ten times, she won't choose you. Watching chess for She, you can point to the Six Immortals, how about you? '"Long Zhanguo took a deep breath. There was blood in his eyes as he spoke.

Murong Yan? In the past, Emperor Xiyu sent troops to fight in the dynasty. It looks like 'this girl' is an introduction? Isn't the old man watching chess against his wife? Is it the old man's wife who is watching chess?

"Good!" Gu Hai was silent for a moment and nodded.

PS: Going out today, two chapters and even more, this month, watching chess as much as possible to make up for the outbreak owed years ago. for sure! This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content! Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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