Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 113: Tearing the Song of Righteousness

Outside the heavenly court, on a barren stone forest, the fire was raging, and this sky and earth was burned!

Outside the sea of ​​fire, at this moment stood a group of disciples of Taishang Dao, the first elder Xuanen who was Taisang Dao.

"The news is right?" Xuan En stared gloomily at the sea of ​​fire.

"Dagan is extremely prepared for our Wanshou Taoism. So these days, we ca n’t get the news of the heavenly courts. There are numerous flying boats in and out of the heavens every day. We do n’t know which is the ancient sea. Yes, it said that the ancient sea flying boat came out, and pointed out which flying boat, the giant came only in person! "Said a respectable disciple.

"Elder, can you believe the words of Shenjiying? Li Shenji has a grudge against Gu Hai? Wouldn't it be a lie to the giants?" Another subordinate worried.

"Can't be wrong. When Li Shenji was in the heavenly court, he had framed the ancient sea. Huh, that's right." Xuan En's face turned dark.

"Elder, the giant is quite mysterious recently. Why did you kill Gu Hai yourself?"

Xuan En's face was gloomy: "Gu Hai, if the giant did not kill him with his own hands, the giant's cultivation would be ruined!"

"Ah? Why?"

"Because she is too high, too high to forget, Gu Hai? Are you really blessed? The giant's heart is broken by you! It seems that you are in your heart." Xuan En's face was somber.

"How is that possible! The giant didn't say ...?"

"Of course the giant will not tell you! Otherwise, can she still be too good to be a giant?" Xuan En looked grimly at the distant fire.

In the fire.

The raging flames of San Mei shrouded the ancient sea.

"Teacher!" A large number of Yipintang disciples showed anxiety.

The moment Tai Shang shrouded the ancient sea with the true fire of Samadhi, it was also a little stunned in my heart. I don't know why my heart trembled.

Suddenly, but saw that the real fire of Samadhi shrank in an instant, headed towards the center, and headed towards Gu Hai's mouth.


The ancient Haikou seems to have a huge suction force, and it is full of real fire, like a whale sucking water, all sucked into the mouth.

"What?" Tai Shangqiao changed his face.


In a blink of an eye, all the real fires of Samadhi entered the ancient Haikou. The ancient sea mouths belonged to all the flames. Except for the fire of Samadhi, all the flames in the heavens and the earth around them came quickly to the ancient Haikou.

Thousands of miles away, the blaze of flames, but at this moment, like an aerosol, was sucked into the mouth by the ancient sea.

Behind him, Mu Chenfeng and all the Yipintang disciples showed horror.

"That's the true fire of Samadhi. It can refine all the ill things in the world. How can you swallow the true fire of Samadhi?" Too staring.

But there were fewer and fewer fires around, and in a blink of an eye, all the fires in the heavens and the earth were sucked clean.

In the distance, Xuan En's other disciple disciples also changed their faces.


Gu Hai shut her mouth and swallowed all the flames.

"Too great, you are so mad that you can't hurt me. Just think about what I said!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Too exposed above, the vial in his hand was urged again.


The billowing fire again came straight to the ancient sea.


The ancient sea opened its mouth and sucked more violently than it had just before. It twitched against Sanmao's real fire. Suddenly, Sanmao's real fire poured into the ancient seaport, and the speed was extremely fast.

How much come and how much to suck.


In the end, the vial burst and burst open, and all the flames were sucked into the mouth by the ancient sea.

"How can this be? That is a fire storage bottle. The only baby that can store the real fire in the gossip furnace is broken?" There were a lot of disciples in the distance who were too confused.

"Evil thief, die!" Too loudly.


A swordman came straight into the ancient sea.



There was a loud noise, purple light all over the sky, and the Health Knife collided with Jianmang, a loud noise in the void.

The last time in Tianyin City, the three knives, the dead knives, and the knives, came out to resist, but now, a knives are blocked.

Gu Hai took a step back, too too.

The swords collided, but they didn't make any difference.

"Your cultivation has been lowered again?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

Too high is hate in the eyes, that is, the ancient sea, and he has cultivated himself to retreat constantly. Now, can't he even kill an ancient sea?

"As long as I kill you, everything will be fine, everything will be fine!" Too exposed above, and once again raised his sword.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ........."

The swords collided again. For a moment, quickly beheaded.

"Huangtian Cannon is ready!" Mu Chenfeng shouted loudly.

"Mu Chenfeng, don't get involved!" Gu Hai drank suddenly during the battle.

"Yes!" Mu Chenfeng immediately responded, showing a hint of anxiety.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

In the battle of the ancient sea and Taishang, for a time, the sword light and sword light filled the sky, and the endless sword gas and knife gas raged around the two people. However, for a time, the two did not separate the victory and defeat.

It's too anxious, it's getting more and more anxious.

In the distance, Xuan En had his eyes narrowed: "The strength of the giant has actually gone backwards so much, the peak of the next palace?"

"Yeah, isn't the giant the strength of the heavenly palace? How can it ...?" A lot of disciples on the road showed a daze.

"The giant now only has the strength of Xia Tian Gong. It seems right that Dao Xin was broken by the ancient sea, but this ancient sea is also born, Yuan Ying Jing? Yuan Ying Jing actually has the strength of Xia Tian Temple. We are too young. Look at him! "Xuan En's face was gloomy.


After a series of collisions between Guhai and Taishang, Taishang became more and more strenuous. From the very beginning, Guhai's fighting was hearty and slowly occupied the advantage.


The swords collided and stalemate.

"It's too high, it's enough to stop it. On that day, there was no intention to offend, but that black cat did!" Gu Haishen said.

"Don't think about it, I won't kill you today if I don't kill you!" Tai Shangxiu's face showed a bitter hatred.

A grievance of grievances seemed to squirt from the eyes.

"You can't kill me, your strength is constantly weakening. You are not my opponent, and you think wrong, your cultivation is retreating, not because the Tao heart is broken, but your Tao heart is perfect at the moment. The way of Taishang, the Taiji version, Taiji is the shape of yin and yang. Guyang does not produce, solitary yin does not grow. You ...! "Gu Hai advised.

Long knife suppression, it seems too helpless at this moment.


Suddenly, another Jianmang suddenly appeared on the side of the ancient sea.

"What?" Gu Hai's face sank, and the knife in her hand slammed away too far, hurriedly welcoming him.


The sword smashed, and that sword-mang came to Gu Hai in an instant and went straight to Gu Hai's chest.

Just as the ancient sea chest was about to be chopped, the dead knife and killing knife suddenly emerged from the skin.

"Boom! Boom!"

The ancient sea flew upside down, but it was worthy to block the sudden Jianmang.

"Who?" He looked too heavy and turned his head.

Gu Hai flew the killing knives and dead knives all around him, grasping the killing knives and looking.

But I saw a group of figures not far away.

"Xuan En?" Gu Hai looked coldly at the head.

"You won't die like this?" Xuan'en looked gloomily at Gu Hai.

"You? Why are you here?" Tai Shang changed his face and exclaimed.

But I saw two disciples with their heads down.

"Sin barrier, you betray me?" Tai Shang stared.

"Juzi, we are also worried about your safety, so, so ...!" The two disciples feared.

"Giant, even if they don't say it, we will know that Li Shenji is going to kill Gu Hai, you can't kill Gu Hai, he will definitely send someone to tell us!" Xuan En said immediately.

"You all know?" Too gloomy.

"The affairs of giants are things that are too good, they are ours!" Xuan En affirmed.

"Giant, if you want to kill Gu Hai, why bother you fighting, let's come!"

"Yeah, let's do it!"




Shouted all the disciples.

"You dare!" Too anxious.

Xuan En smiled slightly: "Elders, giants are no longer Guhai's opponents, let's do it for you!"

"Yes, giant, let's do it!" Others said.

There was a gloom in Tai Shang's eyes.

"Xuan En, and you, the five elders, do you want to rebel?" Too cold and cold.

About fifty disciples of Taisang Tao, five of them have Tai Chi patterns on their chests, which are obviously the elders of Taisang Tao.

The five elders tried to help Tai Shang kill Gu Hai, but Tai Shang didn't appreciate it.

Xuan En smiled coldly: "Giant, your Tao heart is broken? Only by killing Gu Hai with your own hands can the most perfect recovery be achieved. We killed Gu Hai but failed to restore your Tao heart to completeness? We know but you Is there still the ability to kill Gu Hai? "

"You! You! You want to take the position of a giant? You are not worthy!"

"At least, we can kill Gu Hai, can't we?" Xuan En shook his head.

The other four elders also looked at Gu Hai with a look of dismay.

Too gloomy, but helpless.

"You, Gu Hai, have insulted me Wanshou Taoism several times, and killed Master Xuandu's nephew, Feng Tonglao. This time, how to leave Gu Hai?" Xuan En said.

"Listen to Brother Xuanen!" Shouted all the disciples.

As for the words of giants, at this moment they don't care about the general.

"Ready for the sky gun!" Mu Chenfeng waved his hand.

But Gu Hai shook his head and said, "No, it ’s no use, the five elders of the Taoist Road, the five Zhongtian Temples, and a group of disciples from the Heaven Palace. It ’s too late to blast into the sky, no need!"

"Uh? Yeah!" Mu Chenfeng's face was worried.

But I saw Gu Haishou take out a scroll, looked at Xuan En and others coldly: "Five Zhongtian Temples? Today, no one of you has to go!"

Guhai Detective is about to tear the scroll in his hand.

The moment when the scroll was taken out, there was a burst of righteousness. And bursts of ghosts and gods chanted.

"There is righteousness in the heavens and the earth, and the manifolds are manifold!"




As soon as the voice came out, the elders of the five elder ladies suddenly changed their faces.

"No, it's" Song of Righteousness "!"

"Gu Hai is crazy? What is he going to do?"

"Quick, kill him!"




At a time when many disciples are anxious.

"Tear it!"

Gu Hai's hand yanked suddenly, and the "Song of Righteousness" in his hand was torn and opened instantly. The overwhelming spirit of righteousness raged out from the inside and headed for Gu Hai's body.

ps: It will start tomorrow. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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