Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 114: Apprenticeship

"Tear it!"

Gu Hai's hand yanked suddenly, and the "Song of Righteousness" in his hand was torn and opened instantly. The overwhelming spirit of righteousness raged out from the inside and headed for Gu Hai's body.

The rolling force filled the ancient sea's body in an instant, and now the repair is increased, and the ancient sea can withstand even greater strength.

The moment when strength filled the body, Xuan En's sword had reached the heart of Gu Haimei.


The sword slashed sharply. A dazzling purple light burst, and Xuan En's sword was hit back instantly.

Xuan En took eight steps back to stabilize her figure.

"No, he tore up" Song of Righteousness ", and the power has reached Zhongtian Temple!" An elder's face changed.

"How can he be willing to do that, it is" Song of Righteousness ", the book of the world has been abandoned, use one less!"

"The song of righteousness should be mine, he actually tore it!"

"Don't rip him the Tao Te Ching, do it!"




A crowd of disciples came straight to the ancient sea.

"Huh!" Gu Hai's face was cold and hummed.

As soon as the detective picked up the killing knife and the deadly knife, he grabbed the killing knife and chopped it to the crowd. For a time, the sky was full of ancient sea swords.


Gu Hai was cut again on Sunday and Thursday, and a huge sword came straight to Xuan En.

"Not good!" Xuan En's face changed, and Long Jian welcomed him.

"Brother, I'll help you!" The four elders also drank.


The sword clashes with the five-handed sword. The void shuddered slightly, and a gust of wind rolled up. Ancient sea stature.

"Ah!" "Ah!" ………………

The five elders blasted out and burst out.

The powerful force even rolled out all the powerful men under the sky.

After a series of screams, instead of stopping, Gu Hai shook his body and went to an elder.

"What?" The elder's face changed, showing his horror.

"Thursday!" Gu Hai cut it again.


There is no resistance at all.

Suddenly, the elder exploded and burst into flames.

"Master!" Exclaimed the elders.

"Stop him, hurry up!" Xuan En's face changed.


Everyone shot everything and chopped the ancient sea together.

"Too good? But that's it!" Gu Hai grinned.


Another Xia Tiangong disciple burst into the air.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

All the disciples of Xiatian Palace who rushed to the ancient sea burst out instantly, and the ancient sea suddenly reached an elder place.

"Brother, help me!" The elder's face changed.

"It's too late!" Gu Haixi laughed.


It was cut out again on Thursday, and the elder exploded.

"No!" A group of apprentices from Xiatiangong exclaimed.

The ancient sea at this moment is like a demon god. When encountering a Buddha **, encountering a **** and killing a god, anyone who approaches him will suddenly lose hope of survival.

Among the roars, the disciples were all slaughtered quickly.

Kill the ancient sea? Take the Tao Te Ching? The crowd had long lost this thought, only one thought, fled, fled.

"Hurry on, hurry on!" Xuan En exclaimed with a change of expression.

"Leave? Is it a bit late, Da Zhoutian's anger?" Gu Hai yelled.


Taking Guhai as the center, countless swords suddenly appeared in all directions, surrounding all Taisang Tao disciples. Gu Hai seemed to be standing in the center of a chessboard. Numerous swords and swords were raging fast, blocking a crowd of Taisang Tao disciples. When they approached, they were immediately cut The air was blocked.

Gu Hai came to Xuan En again.

"Thursday!" Gu Hai exclaimed.

"Kill!" Xuan En is also a full sword.


The sword collided, and a storm suddenly hit, but Xuan En didn't explode, but was also shocked by a huge shock, and the whole body of the shock was blood. Flying upside down.

"Righteousness song? Righteousness song? Everyone, it's too late, and I'm going to tear my too good book!" Xuan En exclaimed.

"it is good!"

But when he saw Xuan En and the two remaining elders, he immediately took out the scroll like "Song of Righteousness". No more pity, tear it apart without hesitation.

"Tear! Tear! Tear!"

Suddenly, a swarm of righteousness poured into the three elders. The strength of the three suddenly skyrocketed.

Gu Hai's face sank, and she rushed up instantly.


Xuan En's sword blocked the Health Sword in an instant, but it didn't have much advantage, just barely blocked it.

"My poem can't compare to" Song of Righteousness "?" Xuan En's face sank.

"But that's it! Then go on!" Gu Hai looked cold.

The Health Sword was cut again, and it was still Thursday, Thursday. There were many moves on Thursday. Guhai did not upgrade Sunday, because it was enough to deal with them.


For a time, Gu Hai and the three elders fought fiercely. No one can kill anyone, but Gu Hai still has a big advantage. The blood of the three elders is increasing, and the ancient sword is too powerful.

A crowd of people under the sky, at this moment did not dare to act arrogantly, because the movement of the sword around him locked himself to cut.

Gu Hai alone made all the disciples of the Taoist horrible. Xuan En was even **** and anxious.

"Well, it seems that you can't do it anymore, and you don't need to waste time, let's die!" Gu Hai's eyes were cold.

The knife air suddenly changed around, but it seemed that there was a forest of cold air on the health knife, and the hairs of all the thorns exploded.

Sunday five! The ancient sea is about to be cut off on Friday.

"Giant, help!" All the disciples shouted in shock.

Tai Shang always stood on the side and saw Gu Hai was so powerful that he was desperate for a while, killing Gu Hai? It seems like it can never be done.

Watching the deaths of Taishang disciples, Taishang, although very deflated, was a bit unbearable after all.

Seeing Gu Hai beheaded again, the big killing intention seemed to be beheaded everyone. Too much at this moment is also anxious.

Until the desperate plea of ​​all the Taoist disciples, Taishang finally shot.

"No!" Xuan En shouted in despair.

At this moment, the ancient sea cut out the fifth day of the week. Each sword has the power of four days of swords. One day of four days of swords, Xuan En can barely handle it. Coming straight at me, it seems that I can cut myself in an instant. A death threat rushed to the heart instantly.

It's over, it's over.

Not only Xuan En, but all the disciples are too, showing one by one despair.

Sword cuts, infinite despair.


A loud noise.

All the disciples who closed their eyes and waited for a moment to die, the knife gas burst into disintegration and collapsed completely.

When the disciples were too excited, did they die?

The crowd turned their heads.

But I saw the sword of the ancient sea sword, and stopped in front of the giant.

At that moment, the giant used a long sword to hit the health knife, but the sword was completely unsustainable and broke completely. When the health knife was about to chop the giant, it stopped.

There was a cloud of uncertainty in Tai Shang's eyes. Looking at the ancient sea, he was still a little bit magical.

Did Gu Hai kill herself?

The ancient sea knife stopped, and the knife air and knife blade all disappeared. At the last moment, Gu Hai stopped.

Staring at Taishang, Gu Hai took a deep breath and pressed down the violent heart in his heart.

"You, you, why don't you kill me ...?"

"You helped me, I won't kill you, this time, spare their lives, but there will be no next time!" Gu Hai Shen said.

A crowd of disciples who were too good was agitated.

In Tai Shang's eyes, he looked at Gu Hai in a complicated manner, and there was a great bitterness, which was beyond words, incomprehensible, and extremely lost.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Gu!" A lot of disciples thanked the disciples.

"Thank you, thank you very much!" Xuan En also worshiped Gu Hai in horror.

The desire for survival has long forgotten their former identity. As long as Gu Hai doesn't kill himself, what about worshipping?

"Let's go!" Taishang turned his head, his face stunned, and he wanted to take all the Taishang disciples away.

"Okay! Yes, thanks to the giant!" The disciples on the road followed the giant with gratitude.

"Wait a minute!" Gu Hai cried abruptly.

The disciples of the Daoist agitated and looked towards Gu Hai.

"Today, I ’m looking at Taishang. For your death, I will go to Wanshou Taoism in the future. If you are ungrateful and target Taishang again, I will take your life one by one. Those who are dead! "Gu Hai said coldly.

Gu Hai's voice was full of killing intention, and everyone who listened was trembling in their hearts.

"Yes, we will support the giant and stop betraying the giant!" Everyone answered.

Gu Hai didn't speak, just stared at the crowd and panicked. But dare not say more.

"It's not my turn to take care of you, hum!" Too coldly hummed.

Swinging his sleeves, Tai Shang flew towards the distance, and the disciples of Tai Shang looked at the ancient sea with fear, and turned to follow Tai.

Watching all the disciples of Taishangdao leave, Gu Haichang exhaled.

"Master, do you want to protect the tyrant who is too good? Why did you let this group of villains? Even if they let them, they will not appreciate it." Gou Chen frowned.

"Tai Shang is now retreating. Even if they kill them, there are other Tai Shang disciples who offend. It would be better to leave them innocent and to set up a wicked image for you. It is a little shock to others!" Gu Hai shook his head. .

Just as Gu Hai shook her head.

"Let's go!" Mu Chenfeng shouted.


A thunderous sky flew out, passing by from the side of Gu Hai in an instant. Toward the distance.

"Huh?" Gu Hai's face turned and looked down.

But I saw that in the distance, a long golden arrow, like a meteor, radiated from the distance, and the target was the ancient sea.

Hun Tianlei flew out, rushing towards the golden long arrow that was fired towards the ancient sea.


With a loud noise, the long arrow and the thunderous sky collided instantly in the void, blowing up a rolling storm. During the storm, the golden long arrow did not blow up, and an arrow flew again. However, the power was countless less at this moment. An instant before the ancient sea.


A blade of gas came from Gu Hai's body, and the arrow that had weakened to the extreme was destroyed.

The ancient sea looked coldly into the distance, but saw a distant mountain top. Li Shenji grasped a long golden bow and looked at himself coldly.

"Li Shenji? Oh, still can't help it!" Gu Hai sneered.

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