Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 115: Li Shenji's mistakes

This is the second more! ——

At the time of Gu Hai's battle against the superior, Li Shenji had taken the Shenjiying disciples to a distant hidden place!

"Song of Righteousness?" Gu Hai really reluctantly! "Said a disciple of Shenjiying.

"Of course he is willing, if not, don't want to leave today!" Li Shenji said with a narrow gaze.

"Owner, that group of disciples, can you do that?"

"They? It ’s too good to be of this generation. Except for Xuandu and this giant, everyone else is not worth mentioning, Xuan En? It's just a dog leg!" Li Shenji said with narrow eyes.

"Ah, look, an elder is dead, Gu Hai is so murderous!"

The crowd stared at the distance, watching Gu Hai kill the Quartet.

"Can't wait any longer, let him grow up, and kill the ancient sea! Today is his death!" Li Shenji's eyes were cold.


In the distance, there was a burst of roar, but I saw that the ancient sea killed the Quartet, but in the end, it stopped with a slash.


"Does Guhai kill too much?"

"It's ashamed of them to be scared!"




A group of disciples in the Shenji camp watched in the distance, watching a crowd of disciples begging for forgiveness, Gu Hai finally spared, and the disciples of the disciples followed Taishang.

At this moment, Li Shenji took out a golden long bow.

"Owner, shoot now?" A subordinate was surprised.

"Nice, too good? Oh, a bunch of waste, I still want to take it myself!" Li Shenji's eyes were cold.

"But, but ...!"

"Be assured, the Thursday that Gu Hai just cut out is not as good as me!" Li Shenji said coldly.

"But why don't adults wait? After tearing up the righteousness song, Gu Hai can only maintain a strong power for a while, and soon the power weakens! Wouldn't it be better to do it then?" A subordinate said blankly.

"When the power of the righteous song is exhausted, Gu Hai still has the" Traditional Sutra ", which was even more harmful at that time. Now, he just used the righteous song. It was time to be proud, thinking that without the" Traditional Sutra ", everything would I do n’t want to use the Tao Te Ching, but I do n’t want to take any action now, when? ”Li Shenji said coldly.

During the speech, the long bow in his hand bloomed with dazzling golden light, gathered a super power of Li Shenji on the long arrow, and released it instantly.

"call out!"

The long arrow came out of the bow, and instantly turned into a meteor blasting towards the ancient sea in the distance.

Just at this moment, above the flying boat in the distance. A Yipintang disciple found it.

"Campmaster, look!" The apprentice apprentice exclaimed.

Mu Chenfeng suddenly changed his face, and took out the sky gun without hesitation.


A thunderous sky flew out, passing by from the side of Gu Hai in an instant. Toward the distance.


The huge collision set off a violent storm in the distance, and Heng Tianlei failed to blow up Li Shenji's arrow rain, but it also weakened it to a negligible amount and was destroyed by the sword of the ancient sea.

"Li Shenji? Oh, still can't help it!" Gu Hai sneered.

A long distance away, Li Shenji looked coldly at the ancient sea. Gu Hai also looked coldly at Li Shenji.

"Gu Hai, you are really fatal!" Li Shenji sneered.

"You Li Shenji, but you have been trying to die again and again!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, look for death? Gu Hai, do you really think you are invincible?" Li Shenji said coldly.

"I did n’t say that the world is invincible, but it ’s enough to deal with you, Li Shenji, oh, I had hopes for you, to prepare for the day when you can accept your God Machine Sect, now it seems unnecessary! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Receive God Machine Sect?" Li Shenji in the distance showed a slight disdain.

"Although your design has framed you a few times, but after all, you have this method, but unfortunately you haven't used the right way, the dark arrow hurts people, after all, it is an inaccessible trail, are you vengeance for your child, Li Haoran?" Gu Hai stunned his eyes. .

"Huh?" Li Shenji stared.

Li Haoran is his nephew. This is a matter of common knowledge in the world. How did he know that Li Haoran was his son?

"The hostility is unabated, and the will is resolute. Oh, even if you surrender to You, you will also contain evil. For your resoluteness, the people around you are in distress, it is not worth it. Moreover, you are not worthy of You to pay so much attention!" Road.

Li Shenji sneered at Gu Hai: "I'm not worth it? Oh, Gu Hai, you really have a good breath. Do you think you can get away today?"

"Today, I am anxious to make a shot, even at the expense of exposure. Are you worried that the Dragon Warring States will give you a mission? I do n’t know who is not guilty? You killed me a hundred times? Can't see clearly! Some people, you can't easily offend! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Offense you, what? Gu Hai, do you think you can still control everything now?" Li Shenji glared with eyes and screamed, "God fortune!"


Suddenly, a large number of Shenjiying disciples quickly stood out of an army formation, holding a blue sky in their hands.


Void condenses a huge cyan longbow. Above the longbow, a huge cyan arrow of energy can be felt far away from it.

"Shenji big formation? The formation of Shenjiying's vertical and horizontal formations merged with the strength of the people in one battalion and shot a superb arrow? Oh, a big name." Gu Hai sneered.

The arrow of cyan energy toward the flying boat behind Gu Hai, even though far away, there was a huge killing intention coming straight.

Li Shenji, however, raised the golden long bow and pulled it away gently. A golden long arrow locked the ancient sea deadly.

"Now, it's too late. Today, no one wants to leave, Gu Hai, you said that this arrow shot at you, do you still have the ability to protect the flying man?" Li Shenji sneered.

"Boom in the sky, aim at the long blue arrow!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Hahahahahaha, the last blast of sky mine has run out, do you still want to scam me? Let the arrow go!" Li Shenji glared.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The long cyan arrow and the long gold arrow instantly turned into two meteors, rushed straight to the flying boat, and rushed to the ancient sea.

"Thursday!" Gu Hai's eyes glared and beheaded.

"Hum, can you protect yourself and others?" Li Shenji sneered.

"Let's go!" Mu Chenfeng shouted.

In the blasting cannon, a blasting thunder flew again.

"Boom! Boom!"

The long golden arrow was smashed by Gu Hai in a sudden, the ancient sea had a slight body shape, but the blue long arrow was blown into pieces by Hong Tianlei. The void rolled up a mighty wave.

The two long arrows collapsed.

"What?" Exclaimed a group of Shenjiying disciples.

"Hang Tianlei? Aren't there only ten? Why are there?" Li Shenji stared in surprise.

"Li Shenji, isn't there no news that Shenjiying can't find? None of this can be found?" Gu Hai showed a gleam of coldness.

"How else? Huh, even if there are, how about? Even if there are, it is dead! God machine camp, the stars fall down?" Li Shenji's face changed.

"Yes!" Shenjiying disciples shouted.


Immediately pulling the bow again, accumulating arrow power, and instantly gathered nine super long arrows over the large array. Once the long arrows came out, a huge killing intention came again.

Li Shenji's golden long arrow once again faced the ancient sea.

"Indeed, it's my intention. You still have a blaster? But blaster? You only have one bite. I see how you can stop my stars from falling!" Li Shenji stared.

"Booming camp!" Mu Chenfeng said coldly.

"Yes!" A group of disciples at Yipintang shouted suddenly.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Eighteen blasting cannons were erected on the flying boat deck.

Ten of them were facing Shenji Camp, and the other eight were facing Li Shenji.

"Eighteen mouthpieces? Impossible, it must be fake, let down the arrows and the stars fall!" Li Shenji glared and yelled.


Nine cyan arrows and a golden arrow shot at the ancient sea and the flying boat in an instant.

"Let's go!" Mu Chenfeng shouted.


Suddenly, the eighteen thunderbolts immediately greeted.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

Nine long cyan arrows exploded in a blast against nine blasting mines.

Two thunderbolts thundered, and the golden long arrow exploded instantly.

The void swelled in a storm.

The seven remaining thunderbolts turned into meteors and arrived at the Shenji camp in an instant.

"Not good!" Li Shenji's face changed.

The long bow in his hand pulled away quickly, and five golden long arrows shot at the same time.


Collision with Hongtianlei again. A void swept away, blocking five Thunder Sky Thunders, but there were two more.

One rushed to Li Shenji and one rushed to Shenjiying disciples.

"Miscellaneous accounts!" Li Shenji's complexion changed, and the long bow in his hand burst.

One thunderbolt exploded instantly, while the other thunderbolt rushed to the disciples of Shenjiying.


"Help! Ah!" ...............

Under a series of screams, a large burst of God Machine burst out, and a large number of God Machine Camp disciples exploded into the sky instantly, turning into a sky full of blood and rain.

The disciples at the Shenjiying camp were instantly disabled and screamed again and again.

Li Shenji's face turned wild.

"It seems that your **** machine camp is not as good as the rampant camp!" Gu Hai sneered.

"Eighteen? All are true? Gu Hai, how can you have it?" Li Shenji exclaimed.

Gu Hai didn't bother at all, but looked at the group of Shenjiying disciples, and said coldly, "Hangtian camp, continue, one without leaving, all killed!"

"Yes!" Mu Chenfeng shouted.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" ……………………

Suddenly, the blasting cannon sounded again, one by one, like dying, one by one, all of them came to the disciples of Shenjiying.

Li Shenji went to block Hong Tianlei, but there were too many Hong Tianlei. Even if Li Shenji went all out to hit Hong Tianlei with a lot of force, there were still a lot of explosions at the Shenjiying disciples.

"Ah, ah, ah .........!"

Under a series of screams, the disciples of Shenjiying were severely injured.

"Gu Hai, how dare you!" Li Shenji stared, and strode towards Gu Hai.

Li Shenji understands that if he goes on like this, his subordinates will be all over. Only by killing the ancient sea or destroying the sky gun can he save the disciples of Shenji Camp.

"Shenji camp, just killing us just now, it is their retribution to be killed now. Deserve it!" Gu Hai stared and greeted Li Shenji step by step.

"Mu Chenfeng, kill me!" Gu Hai whispered as Gu Hai rushed to Li Shenji.

"Yes!" Mu Chenfeng responded.

"Boom!" Once again, a large number of Boom Sky Thunders shot in the distance.

ps: This is the second change, and at night! Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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