Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 116: Death of Lee Shenji

This is the third more.


Li Shenji showed his face and came straight to the ancient sea!

Ever since the establishment of the Shenji Camp, it has never been so pretentious.

Shenji Battalion, using long-range attacks to restrain opponents, whether it is their own magic arrows, or the magic arrows of the magic machine array, has always restrained the enemy to death. Over the years, how many forces, even several times more powerful than Shenjiying, have finally drowned the arrow.

But now it's the other way around. The opponent's long-range attack is stronger than Shenjiying?

In this world, is there any longer-range attacking army than Shenjiying?

But right in front of me, this ancient sea that I never looked down upon.

Even if he tried to design and kill Gu Hai several times, he didn't take him seriously, but it was him. What ‘Hangtian Camp’ was better than his own magic machine camp?

Seeing that the Shenji camp that he had worked hard to cultivate, he would be completely destroyed in front of the bombing camp. How can you not be in a hurry?

You must kill the ancient sea as soon as possible and destroy that blasting cannon.

"No, Gu Hai is dead. It ’s mine!" Li Shenji showed his face, from a distance, not far from the ancient sea in an instant.

When approached, the longbow was of little use, and Li Shenji had an extra sword in his hand, and one sword was chopped towards the ancient sea.

This time, Li Shenji did not test the ancient sea, nor did he want to test it. The most important thing now is to kill the ancient sea with one sword.


Nether condensed a golden super sword, Li Shenji seems to be exerting his greatest strength.

Don't try, don't deal with it, as long as the ancient sea is dead!

The ancient sea did not hide, and ushered in.

Gu Hai also showed his face, and the knife in his hand was severely cut off.

"Huh, Gu Hai, you did it yourself. Do you think that I'm the same as the scumbags? I won't give you a chance. On Thursday, you can't stand the blow, let me die! "Lee Shenji exclaimed.


The golden sword **** was cut off, and the void was immediately shrouded in a storm of golden sword air, a great depression, pressing the Yipintang disciples to show thriller.

"Emperor, be careful!" Mu Chenfeng's face changed, exclaiming.


For Li Shenji, how can Gu Hai be underestimated, how can it be used on Thursday?

The sword was cut out suddenly, and a dazzling purple light burst out.

"Sunday ~!"

The hoisting knives burst out in a row, forming a huge field of knives, with a powerful sword force, like the fall of Tianhe, converging on the blade, and slamming into the sword of Li Shenji with the sword .

"Do you dare to hit it hard? Try to die!" Li Shenji showed his face.

However, when the sword was cut and entered the realm of knife air, Li Shenji suddenly changed his face: "No, it's not Thursday!"

"Five ~~~~~~~~~~!"

The ancient sea surface screamed loudly.

The sword was cut out, and all the heavens and the earth were dyed purple. Everyone was blinded by the glare. A horrible killing intention immediately dispelled Li Shenji's sword.

Li Shenji had no time to withdraw his sword. Suddenly, the swords collided.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super loud noise.

All the glare thorns can't see the general, but both the Yipintang disciples and the Shenjiying disciples are staring at the center of the glare, watching the dazzling light.


After the dazzling light dazzled, it quickly dissipated, and everyone saw it instantly.

But I saw that the ancient sea was still standing in place, the sword in his hand was cut off, the whole body was full of blue tendons, and his long hair was scattered in the air, as if the devil came and was shot fiercely.

Li Shenji, but the golden sword broke into the air, the whole person's clothes exploded and burst open, flying out.

On the fly, his chest exploded, blood spitting, blood spitting in his mouth, and his eyes showed despair.

"What?" Everyone changed his face.

Li Shenji, lost?

"No, hey!" Li Shenji flew in the air, spurting blood.

"What are you doing? Kill!" Gu Hai yelled loudly.

"Yes!" Mu Chenfeng's face changed.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

The sky-fired artillery fired a series of attacks again, suddenly, like a meteor shower, all the members of the **** machine camp.

"Ah, ah, ah .........!"

During the scream, the disciples of Shenjiying were instantly blown apart. escape? Can't escape at all.

Every thunderbolt can bomb a mid-term powerhouse in Zhongtian Temple, not to mention the god-machine camp disciples who are mostly in Yuanying Realm?

For a time, under the huge explosion, the disciples of Shenjiying quickly extinct and exploded.

"No, Guhai ...!" Li Shenji in weakness, shouting with a cheeky face.

The **** machine camp that I worked hard to train, then the whole army is gone?


Gu Hai came to Li Shenji in an instant.

Before Li Shenji landed, he cut again.

"Li Shenji, you are too overestimating yourself!" Gu Hai slashed his sword, showing his intention to kill.


Defeated so thoroughly, conspiracy, power, and army lore are not as good as the ancient sea?

Originally, there was no resentment between himself and Gu Hai, but in the end, he has never died. For what? Because Li Haoran?

If I return again, will I still end up with Gu Hai?

Yes, I still endlessly.

"Gu Hai, ha ha ha, you can't kill me, I will come back. Today, you destroy my God machine camp. In the next day, I will let your Dahan dynasty be destroyed, and I will kill everyone around you, one by one, Tortured to death, ha ha ha ha! "Li Shenji smiled with an open face.

"Do you still have a chance?" The ancient sea was exposed, and the sword was cut off.

"You wait, wait, explode!" Li Shenji screamed loudly.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Li Shenji burst into a blast.


Gu Hai's face sank, and the sword protected her body, which instantly blocked the power of Li Shenji's physical explosion.


Gu Hai receded to the side.

Li Shenji has exploded into endless fragments.

"Campmaster!" Exclaimed the alive disciples of Shenjiying.

The camp owner is dead?

"Really cruel, he committed suicide?" Gou Chen was surprised.

But Gu Hai's eyes narrowed: "Smashed body fled? Oh, Li Shenji, you thought you hadn't checked your details in recent years!"

Gu Hai pressed down on the fierceness in her eyes, and the detective put his health knife behind him, looking at the disciples at Shenjiying in the distance.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

The sky exploded, and suddenly the rest of the disciples of the Shenji camp were wiped out.


At the border of Dagan and the sea, there is a place of luck.

Under the envelope of luck, there is a next door. In the gate of Xia Zong, there is a pagoda.

Above the pagoda, there was a burst of white light.

"call out!"

A golden streamer from the sky came straight to the pagoda.

"Gu Hai, you can't think of it, I have a secret method, but the soul returns to the tower. When I reshape the flesh, I will kill the people around you one by one, one by one, and roar!" God Li came from the golden stream Jiji growl.

"call out!"

Instantly, the golden streamer hit the pagoda, and it seemed that it was about to rush into the pagoda.

Just at this moment. Suddenly, a **** hand emerged from the edge of the pagoda.


The big hand stretched out and caught the golden light.

"What?" Li Shenji's frightened voice came from Jin Guang.

The shape of the golden light is what Li Shenji looks like, but it is the soul of Li Shenji. However, at this moment he was caught dead by the golden palm.

"What's going on? Who? Who? People? People?" Li Shenji's golden spirit screamed.

Turning his head, he saw that a man in a black robe caught his soul.

"Human? Oh, there is no one to save you from Shenjizong!" The man in black robe sneered.


Suddenly, from behind the Heipao people, the endless bats soared into the sky. Once the bats came out, they immediately shrouded the God Machine Sect in all directions.

"Bat? Vampire, are you a vampire? Changming, you are Changming!" Li Shenji exclaimed.

"Master, help!"

"Master, help!"

"Master, Master, we are here!"




At this time, there was a cry for help in the distance. But it was the other people of Shenjizong who were **** and trapped in a square.

Above the square, there were a large number of people wearing blood robes. There are bats flying around the body, obviously also vampires.

"The emperor looked through a lot of information and found out that you were killed once in the past, but was soon resurrected in Shenji Zong, so the emperor guessed that you might have a life-saving method, so let me wait here, eh, God machine, everything really did not surprise the emperor! "Heipao often sneered.

"Emperor? Do you, you have surrendered to Guhai? Guhai asked you to wait in my God Machine Sect?" Li Shenji exclaimed.

"How can I know?" Chang Ming smiled coldly.

Detective grabbed Li Shenji's spirit in front of him, opened his mouth, and went to devour Li Shenji's spirit.

"No, don't!" Li Shenji exclaimed.

However, Chang Ming ignored it.

Li Shenji looked at the big mouth in despair, knowing that he was in danger today.

"Oh, ha ha ha, Gu Hai, Gu Hai, you are so cruel!" Li Shenji showed despair.

"Wait a minute, Chang Ming, I can give you my lifelong treasure, you wait!" Li Shenji called again.

"Oh?" Chang Ming said slightly.

"As long as you release the other people in my God Machine Sect, I will give you all my treasures!" Li Shenji anxiously.

"Oh, the emperor didn't let me kill your other people in Shenjizong, but as the commander of the blood armor guard of the Dahan Dynasty, naturally I had to share my concerns for the emperor and clean up all the dirt. How can we cut the grass without rooting?"

"Kill!" Chang Ming drank coldly.


The blood-covered guard on the square suddenly flew out a large number of bats and went straight to all the disciples of the God Sect. In the screams of the disciples of Shenji Zong, he drained all his blood.

"No, Changming, you must not die!" Shouted Li Shenji.

"I was going to hell. Your threat is useless to me. As for your treasure? I'll find it myself!" Chang Ming said coldly.

While talking, he opened his mouth and swallowed the spirit of Li Shenji in his palm, swallowing it down.

"Do not!"

Shenji Zong only left Li Shenji with a last scream. No one else's voice anymore.

An hour later, the rain poured down.

Chang Ming took a group of blood-clothed guards wearing blood robes and stepped away from the ruined Shenjizong quietly.

PS: Because there is no deposit, only one chapter can erupt, but it can continue and it will continue tomorrow. Watch the chess and work hard to see how many days you can persist. Come on!

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