Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 117: Sinner

Xuan En and other disciples of Taishang were released by Gu Hai. Although I left, I haven't gone far.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance, and everyone turned to look.

"Li Shenji?" Xuan En suddenly blinked.

"Li Shenji personally killed Gu Hai?" A crowd of disciples suddenly excited.

Although the fear of being suppressed by Gu Hai is inexplicable, but he also has an unforgettable hatred for Gu Hai. Now, watching Gu Hai is about to be beheaded by Li Shenji, he naturally paid attention.

Tai Shang also looked into the distance, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes. He didn't even know what he was worried about.


Under a series of loud sounds in the distance, the pictures that the disciples hoped to see did not appear, but Gu Hai suddenly added a blast camp.

"Booming sky cannon? How could there be eighteen?"

"If Gu Hai used the sky gun at the beginning, wouldn't we have long been ...!"

"Gu Hai wants to kill us, you don't need to do it yourself ...?"




The disciples of Taishangdao were shocked for a while, and there was no luck at all. They only looked at Gu Hai, and there was a fear in their eyes.

The battle between Gu Hai and Li Shenji was fast, and the victory and defeat were immediately split.

"Failed? Li Shenji lost?"

"Gu Hai was going to cut this sword just now!"

"He is going to be cut off, we, we .........!"




The disciples were too bitter for a while.

"Okay, let's go!" He sank too loudly.

The disciples of Taishang looked at Taishang together, and their looks were extremely complicated. If they were not giants, they would have died.

Not dare to stay, everyone quickly caught up too, and disappeared into the sky together.

At this moment, the entire army of the Shenji Battalion was annihilated, and Li Shenji completely exploded and died.

"Master, what you just did is amazing!" Gou Chen said excitedly.

"Tunner, fortunately, the whole army of Shenjiying was annihilated!" Mu Chenfeng was also excited.

Shenjiying, a major foreign affairs department, is a powerful organization in the top ten. No, there is Li Shenji, but it is also in the top three. However, such a powerful Shenjiying was killed by itself. Mu Chenfeng felt that following the ancient sea was full of hope.

Gu Hai nodded and stepped on the flying boat deck. Instead of calling everyone away, he turned his head and suddenly looked in the other direction. Suddenly, Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Huh?" Everyone looked along Gu Haimu in doubt.

"Fei Zhou?" Gou Chen sank.

"There are enemies? Prepare for the blasting cannon!" Mu Chenfeng sang.


A blast of sky guns suddenly flew towards the distance.

"Don't move!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Uh, yes!" Mu Chenfeng looked at Gu Hai in doubt.

However, I saw a large banner erected above the flying boat in the distance, with a large 'Tang' character above it.

The flying boat stayed in the distance, as if watching the battle in the ancient sea. Until the fighting stopped, the flying boat slowly came.


On the top of the flying boat deck, it was Lord Tang.

Gu Hai stepped in front of the deck, and looked at Master Tang in the distance. Then Master Tang also showed a slight smile on his mouth, staring at Gu Hai.

The flying boat was getting closer, and soon it was near.

Not far apart, the two looked at each other from the air.

Gou Chen and Mu Chenfeng looked from Gu Hai's face and saw a gloomy face.

Gu Hai looked at Lord Tang and did not speak, but his expression was extremely serious and gloomy.

"Old man, don't come here for nothing, Li Shenji has been chopped by you, and his body is still tough!" Master Tang suddenly laughed.

Old man?

Gou Chen and Mu Chenfeng show a hint of curiosity, are they talking about the ancient sea?

However, when hearing this from Master Tang, Gu Hai's eyes softened slightly.

"What's your name now?" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Tang ancient, Tang ancient, Tang ancient!" Tang smiled.

Going aside, it's a bit embarrassing. Can the name be introduced like this?

"Tangu? Why, what wind today is blowing you to see me?" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Old man, you are still the same, ancient Qin Yuan, ancient Han rot, you should follow me then, but it is not too late, old man, this time to go north to work, originally, should come to you by the way, but wait I went back, but found that Jiuwu Island is no longer there! "Tang Gu laughed.

Tangu? In the face of the person in front of him, he did not restore his original name, "Ancient Tang," and Gu Hai understood that there was something in front of him.

"Oh, would you be so kind?" Gu Haidan whispered.

"Of course, not only that, I will also take you to the Dayan Heavenly Dynasty, where is the place we should go!" Tang Gu laughed.

"Oh? Are you letting me go to Dayan? Be yours? Fight for your work?" Gu Hai suddenly laughed.

"You can say that, of course, the old man, your means, may not be my men, you and I may sit on equal terms!" Tang Gu laughed.

"Presumptuous!" Gu Hai stared suddenly.

Gu Hai shouted coldly, a group of subordinates behind Tang Gu suddenly rushed up, but Tang Gu waved his hand and stopped everyone.

"Sin child, you are really arrogant! You dare to say such words!" Gu Hai stared.


The subordinates of Gou Chen, Mu Chenfeng and Tang Gu suddenly changed their faces. What happened?

"Niezi? Oh, you are not biological, you have raised me for decades, what is it?" Tang Gu showed a slight disdain.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed, and his eyes were gloomy.

"Old man, do n’t let your breath down, you ’ll be mad, but I said that letting you follow me did n’t mean to frame you intentionally. You have to know the situation, maybe you do n’t need to persuade me to go to Dayan Heavenly Kingdom! Dahan Dynasty, you will give up. "Tang Gu laughed.

"Oh? Then you talk about it!" Gu Hai sneered.

"Dahan Dynasty? Old man, what was your original intention to establish the Dahan Dynasty?" Tang Gu laughed.

"Original intention?" Gu Hai said with a narrow gaze.

"Kill the emperor, and take revenge for your mother-in-law, right!" Tang Gu said lightly.

"What?" The faces of everyone suddenly changed.

Kill the Qing Emperor? revenge?

How powerful is the Qing Emperor?

The ancient sea did not refute, but looked at Tanggu with a cold eye, and the son was really insane. How can such a thing be said so grandly?

"However, old man, you may be wrong, killing the emperor, maybe you don't need it!" Tang Gu laughed.


"Old man, don't you think it's strange? Our Jiuwu Island, a barren desert, the emperor is so strong, why not travel hundreds of millions of miles to kill an ordinary mortal? Isn't it strange? And, the old man and I Following them, they agreed easily, why? "Tang Gu said in a deep voice.

"I don't care why, for whatever reason, Chen Xianer is dead, Qingdi is going to die!" Gu Hai said firmly.

"What if the mother-in-law wasn't dead?" Tang Gu laughed.

Gu Hai's pupils shrank.

"How is it possible!" Gu Hai sneered.

Tang Gu shook his head: "Old man, you want to break up, the mother-in-law did not die, really did not die, she is now in the Dayan Heavenly Dynasty, and she is the 'White Emperor', the King of Gold!"

"White Emperor? Emperor?" A group of subordinates behind Tang Gu said in surprise.

The ancient sea froze slightly, revealing a doubt, but instantly confirmed what he thought. The moment Chen Xianer died, he saw it with his own eyes, and there was no dead body. Moreover, Chen Xianer's human soul is now on himself, how can Tanggu be allowed to talk nonsense?

"Old man, I won't lie to you. The Qing Emperor was obliged to look for the soul of the reincarnation of the White Emperor, and the soul of the reincarnation of the White Emperor was born again, and the Emperor took back the soul of the Mother. Back to the Dayan Dynasty, let the mother-in-law return to the flesh and merge with the heaven-soul and human-soul. Therefore, the mother-in-law did not die, but changed a living method, old man, you follow me, righteousness My mother keeps thinking about you, waiting for you, don't you want to see your mother-in-law? "Tang Gu looked forward to Gu Hai expectantly.

"Bai Di? Earth soul?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, old man, come back with me. Before I came, I promised my mother-in-law to take you back." Tang Gu's eyes flashed with confidence.

Tang Gu understood the ancient sea's love for Chen Xianer. If Chen Xianer's whereabouts were known, it would surely go.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha ha, sinner!" Gu Hai turned her face suddenly.

"What?" Tang Gu frowned and looked at Gu Hai in amazement.

"Xianer was the best for you and the fourth child. I never let you get aggrieved. Whatever is delicious, I will think of you both first. That year, when I was injured in cultivation, she took you with you. Picking medicine in the mountain, and encountering a group of wild wolves, Xianer let you hide in the cave. She blocked the hole with her body and protected you with her life. I never thought of raising a white-eyed wolf. Good, good, good! "Gu Hai There was a cold light in his eyes.

"What white-eyed wolf, old man, what are you talking about? I've been guarding my mother-in-law, born and dying for her mother-in-law, Baidi is the mother-in-law, and Mother-in-law is the white emperor!" Tang Gu stared anxiously.

"Stop!" Gu Hai stopped drinking.

During the break, Gu Hai exudes a menacing murderous spirit and comes straight to Tanggu.

Tang Gu's face was cold, and his whole body also exuded a powerful flame.

"Xia Tian Gong? Well, it seems that you have been with Baidi over the years, and you have gained a lot of benefits. No wonder you can forget everything in the past and sell your mother for glory? Hahahaha, good, good, good!" Road.

"Old man, Baidi has been thinking about you forever, don't you know what to do!" Tang Gu said coldly.

"What I miss is Xianer, not Baidi, what is she?" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with irritability.

"Presumptuous, you dare to disparage the emperor ...!" A person next to him stared.


Gu Hai suddenly turned his head, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Mu Chenfeng waved his hand suddenly, and all of the bombers were facing the socket.

"Uh?" The man's face changed suddenly, and he was sweating.

"Presumptuous? Today, let me leave you alone, believe it or not!" Gu Hai stared.

"You!" A group of Tang ancient subordinates changed their faces, but did not dare to say more.

Just now, Li Shenji was killed, but he saw it with his own eyes, and he was indeed worse than Gu Hai.

"Old man, do you really miss your mother-in-law?" Tang Gu glared angrily.

Gu Hai stared deadly at Tang Gu, his body exuding a sense of killing.

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