Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 118: Four Cloud Beast Powerful

Gu Hai stared deadly at Tang Gu, his body exuding a sense of killing.

Tang Gu appeared angry and seemed quite dissatisfied.

Many of Tang's subordinates are at the moment showing anxiety, I do not know what to do.


Above the flying boat, a subordinate place in Tanggu suddenly burst out a light from its palm.

As soon as the light came out, a huge transparent light and shadow condensed in an instant. Guangying, in white, was as tall as two people, and immediately gave off a gentle breath, instantly dissipating all the murderous spirit of the ancient sea.

But it is a very beautiful woman, exactly like Chen Xianer, but in the eyebrows, there is a full of British spirit, a breath of superiors exudes.

"Meet the emperor!" A group of Tang ancient subordinates worshiped in a respectful manner, showing excitement.

"Meet the Emperor!" Tang Gu also respectfully worshipped that light and shadow.

Chen Xianer? No, it's Baidi!

Gou Chen and Mu Chenfeng looked at the light and eyes in shock.

As soon as that Baidi's light and shadow came out, he naturally looked at the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's murderous spirits were dissipated. He looked up at the light and shadow in front of his eyes, his frown slightly, and his complex look.

"You're young!" Bai Diguangying softly said.

"Ha ha ha ha! Baidi? Baidi!" Gu Hai smiled for a while, and there was a look of hate or love in his eyes.

"Come with me, help me!" Baidi said softly again.

"Well, I will come to you soon, but not to help you, but to kill you and recapture my fairy!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Chen Xianer? I'm Chen Xianer!" Bai Dirou whispered.

"You are not!" Gu Hai chuckled coldly with red eyes.

"Yes, my earth soul is Chen Xianer, but even if you separate my three souls, what about Chen Xianer's human soul? Chen Xianer's heaven soul? Do you have it?" Bai Di said lightly.

Gu Hai's eyelids beat for a while.

"Come here first, I'll wait for you at the White Palace!" Bai Di said lightly.


The light and shadow trembled slightly and gradually disappeared.

"Congratulations to the emperor!" Tang Gu and all his subordinates respectfully worshiped.

When the light and shadow completely disappeared, all the people stood up and looked at the ancient sea again.

However, Gu Hai's murderous spirit is now dissipated.

"Old man, the emperor has been thinking of you, the body of the past is no longer, and now the emperor's soul is the mother-in-law, and I hope you think twice!" Tang Gu solemnly said.

"Hum, evil barrier, get out!" Gu Hai stared.

Tang Gu frowned, but Gu Hai's eyes were full of anger, but he didn't say much.

"Go!" Tang Gu said in a deep voice.


Feizhou slowly left and shot towards the distant sky.

Gu Hai stood at the mouth of the deck, looking glumly at the flying boat leaving in the distance.

Tang Gu also stood alone on the deck, facing away from everyone, his originally frowned brows loosened, and inadvertently, Tang Gu's mouth showed a pleasant smile.

"call out!"

In a blink of an eye, Feizhou disappeared into the sky.

"Master, we are now ...!" Gou Chen looked at Gu Hai and worried.

"Go back to the borderless city, immediately!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" Mu Chenfeng responded--

Tianting City, study.

A large number of dignitaries, such as Dragon Gods, Dragon Gods, Dragon Gods, and Sima Zong, stand respectfully in the Dragon Warring States Study Room.

"Holy, the news just came, the Shenji camp, the entire army was annihilated, and all were killed by the ancient sea, and even the **** machine sect was destroyed by the ancient sea!" Ye Shenzhen respectfully said.

After Ye Shenzhen finished speaking, all the court officials looked intently, and carefully looked at the Dragon Warring States who had applauded the chapters.

The writing brush of the Dragon Warring States continued to write only a little.

"Li Shenji? Do it yourself, you can't live!" Dragon Warring States didn't look up at all, faintly said.

A word was revealed. No more mentioning.

But for all the courtiers, it was enough.

Lee Shenji? Although he is only an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he is a highly respected courtier. However, such a courtier was killed. There is not much response from the court. He also blame. Obviously, it is possible to pay more attention to the ancient sea.

During this time, all the officials were speculating whether the Holy Sea reused the ancient sea. The meaning has not been known, but now, don't guess. The death of Li Shenji has explained everything.

After coming out of the upper study, the dignitaries immediately arranged quickly.

"Go back and withdraw all surveillance of the Dahan dynasty!" Shenshen Longsheng asked the subordinates.

"Stop all plans for the Tao Te Ching!" Long Shenwen arranged.

"Notice, everyone, you can't trouble Guhai!" Long Shenwu ordered his subordinates.




Messages are delivered quickly.

Gu Hai also smoothly returned to the Dahan Dynasty. Heavenless Capital--

When the ancient sea flying boat returned to the borderless sky capital. Ancient Qin, Gao Xianzhi, Chen Tianshan, and Meng Tai led the ministers to stand on the Tiandian Square.

"Welcome to my emperor, long live my long live!"

Gu Hai glanced at the ministers and nodded: "Be flat!"

"Thank you, Emperor!"

"Father Emperor!" Gu Qin welcomed him excitedly.

Gu Hai nodded.

After getting off the boat, Mu Chenfeng looked at the officials around with curiosity. Gou Chen even looked around.

The Dahan Dynasty now has sixty cities, and natural talents are abundant at this moment.

Yuan Yingjing officials have a large number. When I saw the ancient sea, I worshipped extraordinarily.

"Nothing these days?" Gu Hai looked at Gu Qin.

"I've been to some Xiaoxiao, but with the undefeated East, everything is safe!" Gu Qin nodded.

The ancient sea looked up and just saw a mountain not far away. Above the mountain, there were three large characters, Heimu Cliff.

Blackwood cliff top! The undefeated East is watching the return of Gu Hai.

Gu Hai nodded to the East undefeated, and the Oriental undefeated looked at Gu Hai and nodded, in return.


With a move, Gu Hai's palm suddenly had more than a hundred fragments.


Above the sky of Tiantian Temple, the trapped knives seemed to have induction, and a large amount of mist spewed out instantly, slowly showing the shape of the knife.


The ancient sea incorporated the debris into the trap knife.


The trap knife suddenly burst into a dazzling turquoise green light, and a burst of ripples suddenly burst into all directions. There was a tremor in the void around the borderless sky.

"Fragments again? More than a hundred copies?" Gu Qin surprised.

"Before returning, I talked to the Dragon Warring States secretly. He asked him what he needed. He said that he needed a magic weapon for the old man who watched chess. Come! "Gu Hai laughed.

"Uh? Dragon Warring States?" Gu Qin stunned slightly.

Officials also showed surprise on Thursday. The emperor and the Dragon Warring States asked, and the Dragon Warring States helped find it? That ’s the Dragon Warring States. The news came early. The Dragon Warring States is now the first person in the world. The emperor has such a big face?

"Chen Tianshan, you come to house a disciple of Yipintang, and go to Chen!" Gu Hai looked at Chen Tianshan.

"Yes, emperor!" Chen Tianshan respectfully said.

"Gu Qin, you letter from that day, the formation is complete?" Gu Hai looked at Gu Qin.

"Yes, but the son Chen will not start yet, everything else is done!" Gu Qin solemnly said.

Finished? Gu Hai's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

The arranged array is not something else, but a construction drawing obtained from the holy massacre. Forged map of Asura's mysterious entrance. Entrance to Asura's Mystery.

Six reincarnations, humane reincarnations, have just entered in heaven recently. In order to enter the humane reincarnation, even if it takes a lot of trouble for Dagan Sheng, now, can you bring people into the secret world of Ashura? It was the most killing of the six reincarnations.

"The layout is complete. The layout is complete. Wujiang Tiandu also needs more strong men to sit in town!" Gu Haishen said.

While speaking, Gu Hai's hand grabbed the trap knife.


Suddenly, the knife trembled. Starting from the trap knife, a green void ripple suddenly rolled up and spread out in all directions.

To others, this green void ripple is nothing, but to the undefeated East, it is a change of face.

"Ancient emperor, are you ...?" The undefeated East showed anxiety.

"Relax, it's only good for you!" Gu Hai shook his head.


The green ripples swelled from the undefeated body of the East in an instant. Suddenly, the undefeated body of the East shrank a circle, and instantly became the size of an ordinary person.

"Oh? I feel my body is more real. This is, thirty days and a half, have you upgraded?" Dongfang Undefeated was surprised.

"This is thirty-one, and I have changed a little!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Oh? Thirty-one days of vertical and horizontal battles?" Dongfang undefeated eyes brightened.

"Thirty-one, they can come out too!" Gu Hai sank.


However, at the node of the ripples in the void, there was a sudden void in the sky, and an aerosol condensed, turning into a white-haired old man.

"Wudang Zhang Sanfeng, I've met the ancient emperor!"


Once again, a black robe figure suddenly appeared, surrounded by billions of black swords.

"Sword Demon, Dugu seeking defeat, met the ancient emperor!"

The East was undefeated. Seeing Zhang Sanfeng and Dugu seeking defeat, the pupils suddenly shrank, and they seemed to feel a strong breath exuding from the two.


The void was frozen again.

But it was a man in white wins snow, stepping on a piece of snowflakes and suddenly condensing out.

The man in white was rather cold, standing with his sword in his arms, like a sword, and pierced Jiuxiao.

Suddenly, the sword of Dugu trembling suddenly seemed to produce a strong sense of war.

"Sword God, Simon blows snow, met the ancient emperor!" The man in white clothing wins the snow slightly.

"Sword Demon? Sword God?" Gu Qin showed a hint of astonishment.

However, they saw that the sword gods and sword demon seemed to see each other as ordinary enemies and looked at each other coldly.

With three more Beast figures, Gu Hai also stopped.

"Today's big battle, you can only support you and four others. The East is undefeated, the West is blowing snow, the Duke seeks defeat, Zhang Sanfeng, the borderless city of heaven. In the next period of time, you may be attacked by Xiaoxiao from the Quartet. Take care, defend the borderless heavenly capital for the uncle. Four directions, four each take one side! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"The ancient emperor rest assured!" The four were almost at the same time, giving a slight gift.

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