Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 119: The origin of the unborn

The East is undefeated, Simon blows snow, Dugu seeks defeat, Zhang Sanfeng! The four great cloud beasts have condensed, and Gu Hai's safety to the borderless heavenly capital is slightly relieved.

After all, I ’m going to take people to Asura ’s mystery soon, and because of the Tao Te Ching, boundless heavens will surely become the focus of the world. At that time, countless strong people will come. Without a certain defense, they will be restrained everywhere. .

After settling down the four great cloud beast strongmen, Gu Hai repelled the ministers, and with the ancient Qin went to the depths of the palace.

"Gao Xianzhi, I asked you to arrange the staff, can you already arrange it?" Gu Hai asked as he walked all the way.

"The emperor, the minister has arranged a henchman, waiting for the order of the emperor, a total of 800,000 troops, everyone has fought for the minister, and Jin Yiwei also thoroughly investigated all of them, absolutely no problem!" Gao Xianzhi solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded: "Hmm!"

"Emperor, why arrange these cronies? In addition to this army, all the city leaders, officials, and Jinyiwei have selected a batch, what's the use?" Montai asked curiously.

"Shouldn't ask, don't ask!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

As for Asura's mystery, it is impossible for Gu Hai to say.

The crowd quickly walked to a palace inside the palace.

"Father Emperor, the unborn is inside!" Gu Qin solemnly said.

The ancient sea looked dignified and nodded.

With a wave of their hands, everyone waited outside the door, and the ancient sea slowly stepped into the hall.

"Kuang!" The door of the hall closed suddenly.

Surrounded by two energies in the hall, half white and half black, a man in black and white robes sat cross-legged in the center.

"Unborn?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

The man in the black and white robe looked up slightly and looked at the ancient sea. It was the unborn person, but the unborn person at this moment exuded a decaying breath.

"Gu Hai, you are so fast!" Weisheng said with a hint of surprise.

"Quick? Okay, I knew you were coming to Wudu Tiandu, and I'll be right back!" Gu Hai nodded.

The unborn person looked at Gu Hai in doubt: "I never knew that I came to the borderless sky? Oh, I only came in three months, three months? Only enough people to pass on the news to Tianting City. ? You have already returned? "

"I have a special method of communication." Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Oh?" Weiren showed a hint of doubt.

"Well, don't get entangled with this problem. You came to Wudu Tiandu and said to Gu Qin, you found Wanqing?" Gu Hai stared at the unborn person, quite excited.

The unborn person took a deep breath, silent for a while, and nodded: "Yes, now, Wanqing's heavenly soul and human soul are in my hands, and only the earth soul is left. In these years, I went to countless places in the underworld and finally found ! "

"Where? You brought it back?" Gu Hai eagerly said.

The unborn person was silent for a while, then shook his head: "I haven't been able for the time being!"

"Oh? Why? Is there something you can't do?" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"That's why I want to come to you and think of a way!" Weisheng sighed.

"How do you say?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Wan Qing is in a reincarnation secret, I, I can't enter!" Weisheng smiled bitterly.

"Reincarnation mystery? What reincarnation mystery? How do you know?" Gu Hai wondered.

"A ghost once saw Wan Qing and saw her in, but ...!"

"But what? You don't know what reincarnation, you haven't been in?" Gu Hai frowned.

"I was stopped!" Weisheng bitterly said.

"Who can stop you?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Hou Qing!" Weisheng smiled bitterly.

"Houqing? One of the four zombies?"

"No, he is the ancestor of Houqing zombies, he is Houqing. The first Houqing zombies in heaven and earth, the younger brother of Houtu Niangniu! One of the hegemons of the underworld. He guarded an entrance, no one let in, there In his private area, I tried several times, but I couldn't get in, and he was injured. "Weisheng smiled bitterly.

"Houqing? Houtu's younger brother? Very strong?"

"Yes, moreover, the entrance has been refined by him, and no one can break it without his permission. Houqing is extremely old-fashioned. Today, no one's face is given to both the yin and yang circles. No, there are only two. Personally, he can compromise ...! "Weisheng recalled.

"Two people? Let him compromise, who?"

"One is Hou Tu Niang Niang, and the other is Jiang Yan!" Wei Sheng Shen said.

"Well? The ancestor of that zombie zombie?" Gu Hai frowned suddenly.

In the past, I've seen Xun's shot several times, but it was extraordinary. He swallowed the Holy Massacre together with the entire army of God's blood.

"Yes, Hou Qing used to participate in a giant war in the southern part of Shenzhou. In the past, Hou Qing and Jiang Yan were generals and opponents of the two sides of the war, but later they fought more. He later became fond of Jiang Yan. Unfortunately, Jiang Yan had no meaning to him. The two had fought for a long time, regardless of victory or defeat, but Jiang Yan did not know what happened, cursed himself, and turned into a zombie drought. At this point, he gave up the war, and then Qing followed. Abandoned the war, and also turned into a zombie queen with the curse of self. So if Jiang Yan can come forward, even if hou qing cares about the reincarnation, then he is willing to let us in. As for the mother-in-law of Houtu, his sister, should Also let him let us in! "The unborn person solemnly said.

Can you fight against 妭, regardless of victory or defeat?

Suddenly, Gu Hai had a sufficient understanding of Hou Qing.

"Find a cricket? Or a queen mother?" Gu Hai frowned.

The unborn smiled slightly, and shook his head: "One of my veins offends both of them!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

"This is the end of the matter, and you don't need to hide anything from you, anybody in the world, do you know what?" The unborn person looked at Gu Hai.

"I have heard that Shoushi has eight pulses and four pulses to cultivate students, which is northeast and southwest. The four pulses repair to death, for spring, summer, autumn, and winter?" Gu Hai wondered.

Although confused, Gu Hai looked curiously at the unborn. Life is white, death is black, you are not born half black and white, what is it?

The unborn person glanced at the ancient sea and nodded: "You're right, Shoushi, stealing the life of the sky, widowhood and loneliness, you must not die! This has always been the case. Those who are living are getting younger and younger until they die. The dead are getting older and older until they die. The same thing happened to me! "

"What about you?" Gu Hai wondered.

"My name is an unborn person. I am an unborn person. I am an untransformed person!" Shen Sheng said.


"I have two masters, one is called" Ximen Shou "and the other is" Qiufeng Shou ". Every time a generation is replaced, Shou Shi will die inexplicably. There is no place for burial. It ’s impossible to die. Oh, Simon Shou and Qiu Feng Shou, at the same time they looked at my physique at the same time and encouraged me to practice. At that time, they wanted to break this curse, so they made me a fellow practitioner, both alive and dead! Now I look like a person without ghosts! "Weiren said bitterly.

"Ximen Shou? Qiu Fengshou? You have inherited two pulses by yourself?" Gu Hai was surprised.

The unborn person nodded: "Half-life and half-death, but for the fusion of life and death, if it is merged, I will transform and break the curse of the longevity of life. If it cannot be transformed, I will die worse than the two teachers. Everyone who is related to me will have no place to die. Therefore, I left Xiaoyue at that time, so I was called an unborn person, and I am not yet a person. I am not transformed into a reborn person. "

"But you can't hide it. If the sage master really has this curse, it's useless to hide!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, oh, this is the punishment that heaven and earth punish us!" Weiren said bitterly.

"Since you can't hide it, why not face it? Your loved ones will die tragically because of you. Can you do everything for them, not fight, just to protect them?" Gu Hai looked at the unborn.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Weisheng said quietly.

"Wan Qing is my wife, that is, my family. You are Wan Qing's father, so I want to ask you to stay in the Dahan Dynasty and face the curse of this fate with me." Gu Hai solemnly said .

"Oh, you want me to surrender?" Weisheng said coldly.

"It's not for you to surrender, but for alliance with me. I have sinned against heaven and there is no escape route, would you dare to fight with me?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"What?" Weisheng cried suddenly.

Although Gu Hai said vaguely, how could an unborn person fail to hear the rebellious intention in Gu Hai's heart?

"If I can do it, can I help you break the curse?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Joke, it's up to you?" Weiren naturally didn't believe it.

If the Dragon Warring States said this, the unborn can still believe, but who is Guhai? Cai Yuanying Realm, just say a lot?

"If you want to take it, you must give it first! You cultivate your life and death, and want to integrate the way of life and death. Although I don't know how the artistic conception is, I understand that the opposite of life and death is like Yin and Yang Tai Chi. One! "Gu Hai Shen cried.

"A big tone, you are the best in the world?" Weiren didn't believe it at all.


Gu Hai turned his hands to take out the Tao Te Ching, and when the Tao Te Ching came out, a super round Tai Chi figure floated above the scroll. A sense of perfect yin and yang came out.

"This is the Tao Te Ching I wrote at the Halloween Conference. How about you, how about it?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Tao Da Jing?" Weiren suddenly weird.

Take it carefully, and an instant rounded breath rushes into the body.

"This, how, how can it be more than the artistic conception of the Taishang Scriptures ..." Weiren was surprised.

"Too sutra, not perfect!" Gu Hai shook his head.

The unborn person grasped the Tao Te Ching for a while, and then said for a while: "Aren't you afraid that I will take your Tao Te Ching?"

"If you take it, count me as blind!" Gu Hai laughed.

No one was silent again. After a while, I nodded: "Let me see!"

"You said just now that you are Simon Shou and Qiu Fengshou?" Gu Hai said a different way.

"Simon Shou, offended Jiang Yan, Qiu Fengshou, and offended the mother-in-law, so ..." Weisheng said bitterly.

"That is to say, is it okay to pass Houtu and He?" Gu Haishen said.

"Yeah, Wan Qing enters that reincarnation. I don't know if there is any danger in it. I have fought with Hou Qing several times, all ... But, I came to you to ask you, but your head is more flexible. Are there other ways? "No one was worried.

"If yes, I borrowed the 'open sky axe' for you! Can you ...!" Gu Hai looked at the unborn.

"Borrowed to open the axe? How is it possible ...!" The unborn did not believe at all.

"I'm asking you, can you!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"If I could have an axe, I could retreat from Houqing, but how is that possible?" Weisheng didn't believe it at all.

"Please wait patiently here, within three months, Wan Yu will come to my borderless sky capital with a sky axe!" Gu Hai Shen chanted.

PS: Three more complete, tomorrow will continue to erupt, QQ chat tonight, a little later.

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