Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 120: Asura Road

The Tao Te Ching is extensive and profound, and is infinitely more perfect than the Tai Shang Jing. It contains the yin and yang of Tai Chi, and the unconscious mind immediately sinks into it. Just looking at it for a day, the unborn person feels the vitality of life and death in their bodies, and suddenly they live in harmony.

Gu Hai didn't bother with the unborn. Through the audio transmission of the figurine, the news went straight to heaven with a terrifying speed.

After explaining everything, Gu Hai went to a large Han Dynasty forbidden area next to the imperial palace under the support of Gao Xianzhi, Mengtai and Gu Qin.

Outside the forbidden area, there are a large number of formations to cover and countless aerosols, making it impossible to see what is inside.

Outside, at this moment there are a large number of Dahan soldiers stationed and guarded tightly.

"Meet the emperor!" When the guards saw Gu Hai coming, they worshipped respectfully.

Gu Hai nodded and walked to the innermost.

In the large array, there was a huge altar. Numerous strange beasts were carved around the altar, and a pair of huge horns stood on the top of each strange beast. There are grooves all around, filled with spirit stones.

"Father Emperor, this formation is all done. What else is needed?" Gu Qin wondered.

"The East is undefeated, Simon blows snow, Dugu seeks defeat, Zhang Sanfeng, to protect the law, no one can approach!" Gu Hai sang suddenly.


Suddenly, the four big cloud beasts were out of the battle.

The ancient sea is a stone on the hand to urge the formation.


Suddenly, a certain array of energy is poured into it. Instantly, the entire altar turned blue.

The blue light slowly converged in the center of the altar to form a sphere, an energy ball, which grew larger and larger, eventually reaching a height of ten feet. An eerie scent erupted from inside the energy sphere.

Gao Xianzhi, Gu Qin and Mengtai all changed their faces. what is this?

At the same time, the unborn people who came to the "Tao Dao Jing" in the Royal Palace suddenly sank and turned their heads toward the outside altar. But it also felt that strange eerie atmosphere.

Although extremely curious, the unborn did not get up.

"The ancient sea of ​​the evil gate!" Shen Sheng said innocently.

After being silent for a while, the unborn person continued to observe the Tao Te Ching.

In the altar.

Gu Hai looked at the huge blue sphere in front of him, and touched it between the probes.


The blue ball suddenly shot a blue light into the ancient sea.

"That's what it feels like!" Gu Hai suddenly burst into joy.

"You guys, touch them all!" Gu Hai ordered.


Gu Qin, Meng Tai and Gao Xianzhi all touched. Suddenly, every blue light merged into the body.

"How is this ...?" Gu Qin stunned slightly.

But seeing Gu Hai suddenly sitting cross-legged, her body trembled with her eyes closed.


The spirit of the ancient sea suddenly left.

Ancient Qin, Mengtai, and Gao Xianzhi all learned the ancient sea.

"Emperor, we ...!" Gao Xianzhi looked at his body in amazement.

"The soul enters with you! Go!" Said Gu Hai Shen.

The ancient sea spirit stepped into the huge blue light ball, hummed, stepped into it, and disappeared.

Gao Xianzhi, Mengtai and Gu Qin followed suit.


The spirits of everyone disappeared on the altar and entered the blue light ball.

As soon as the blue light ball entered, it suddenly appeared at another huge altar. The altar is exactly the same as Wudu Tiandu. The altar also has an energy ball, but it is black.


Suddenly, black gas came from all directions, wrapping the spirits of the four people.


The dark air suddenly dissipated, and everyone looked at each other in amazement, but saw that each other actually had another body. However, the flesh is quite strange, the whole body is blood-red, as if the body is exposed, and there is a pair of horns on the head, which are extremities, as well as the face. Faintly see each other's looks.

"Is this Ashura?" Montai's face suddenly changed.

"We have all become Ashura?" Gao Xianzhi also changed his face.

"Father Emperor, what's going on?" Gu Qin stunned.

Gu Hai ignored the surprise of the crowd, but looked up at the sky.

The secret world of Ashura Road is different from the mysterious world of humanity. The sky is full of dark clouds. There is a scarlet light in the dark clouds. The entire secret world is quite dark. There are no broken souls in the dark clouds, only a boundless depression.

Where I am, is a mountain of mountains, surrounded by huge palaces. There is a main hall in the center with a plaque ‘killing temple’.

The ancient sea with Asura's body stepped towards the Temple of Killing.

There is a stele next to the Temple of Killing. Gu Hai looked carefully.

"Heavy heaven and earth, and heaven and earth. Holy Lord, lead peace and reincarnation.

In the first year, the blood soldiers of the Divine Blood Army approached the five kingdoms of Shura, suffering heavy losses and more than half of their injuries and injuries. However, a soul altar was built. The soul returned to the altar and rebuilt the body of Shura. In the tenth year, he settled the five kingdoms and slaughtered the country.

Asura's mystery is based on killing. The more killing, the stronger one is.

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!

In this century, the annihilation of the heavens swept through the 16 countries in the Eastern Region.

In this millennium, the scourge of heaven and earth straddles the world. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!

Asura's mystery. The evil people of this world gather. Do not remember each other, do not remember the past, reshape society!

Over the past two thousand years, he has killed 10 billion and beheaded 108 King Shura.

For three thousand years, the blood army of the Gods has slaughtered to the depths, fighting the first Shura in the world, the Styx! defeat!

Come here for four thousand years, the Holy Leader, and fight over the river, defeat!

Come here for five thousand years, the Holy Leader, and then fight the ancestors of the Ming River. level!

Come here for 6,000 years, kill the Quartet, and the whole army once again wants to kill the ancestors of Minghe. There was a change in the physical body, and the soldiers were stopped and returned to the land of Shenzhou! "

There is not much writing on the stele, but Montai et al. Opened their mouths.

"Asura's mystery?" Montai was surprised.

It ’s been a while since the news of the humanitarian mystery came, and Monte Thai is still digesting everything that happened in the heavens. How many twists and turns did the Dagan Saint waste before opening the door to the mysterious world? Turning his head to look at the ancient sea, Montai was even more respectful.

"The Temple of Killing? Is this the place where the holy slaughter lived in the past?" Gao Xianzhi said in astonishment.

In the surrounding palaces, there are a lot of leftovers built in the days of the massacre, and there are even some maps here.

Gu Hai took a brief look and took everyone to the top of a high mountain. Looking at the vast desert world.

The mysterious state of Ashura is much larger than the mysterious state of humanity, but the place where the four are located is like a huge enchantment.

Beyond the enchantment, all the Shura could see to the naked eye, tearing them around.

"A battlefield for killing and killing, six thousand years? No wonder, the holy grave is not enough to be abandoned in this six thousand years. However, it is all killing, but the brain cannot be exercised. It takes a while to wake up." Gu Haishen Sound channel.

"Emperor, is it a holy place for training?" Gao Xianzhi said excitedly.

"Father Emperor, those people you asked us to prepare, are they ready to be brought into the army?" Gu Qin looked forward.

"That's right. In this world, there is the Altar of Returning Souls set up in the Great Slaying Heaven. It can't be killed and can be reborn. But, everything needs to be used with caution! I'll wait for four people to try the strangeness of this Ashura's secret place! Sound channel.

"Yes!" The three responded in excitement.

With three people, Gu Hai picked some weapons around the Temple of Killing and slowly walked out of the boundary of the Temple of Killing.

When the three came to the edge of the enchantment, not far away, those Shura in the killing suddenly found Gu Hai and his party, and suddenly gave up all the fighting, and flew towards the four of the ancient sea together.

"Oh? It seems that the hatred left by the holy massacre is not small!" Gu Hai stared.

"Godblood? Quickly, eat them!"

"The old ancestors of the Minghe River accounted, and encountered the blood army of the gods, kill!"

"Four first Shura, they were vulnerable, slaughtered them, and went to the ancestors of Hades to receive the reward!"




Shura roared suddenly.

"Huh!" Gu Hai grunted, and the sword in his hand was chopped off.


There was a loud noise, but the strength was not as good, but was knocked away by a Shura in front.

"Oh? Shura also has a level?" Gu Hai sank, but still rushed up again.



On Tuesday, Na Shura exploded instantly. The moment it exploded, suddenly, like a ray of blue energy poured into the ancient sea.

That blue energy is like a big tonic. Let Gu Hai tremble, feel comfortable, and his strength seems to have increased by one point.

"Soulpower? The ghosts of the humane mystery are finally broken into pieces and devoured by the six immortals. Asura's mystery is the killing of evil people, the souls of power grabbing? The more you kill, the more you grab? The stronger you are?" pick.

"Ordinary Kaitian Gong, the three souls are out of the body, and the spirits are weak. No wonder the blood army of the gods uses the power of the three souls, which is comparable to Kaitiangong's physical body. Is the spirit soul tonic to a substantial extent?" Excited.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Ancient Qin, Mengtai, and Gao Xianzhi each killed a Shura. Nashura's body burst into pieces and his soul was absorbed by the three.

"Emperor, I feel stronger!" Gao Xianzhi said excitedly.

"Yes, the soul is strengthened, and it will take the flesh to absorb energy faster. At the moment, our flesh is boundlessly absorbing energy!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Huh!" Everyone excited.

"The killer just now should be the weakest level Shura, but we will get stronger and stronger." Gu Qin excited.

"Emperor, how many Shura are there in the Ashura world?" Montai expected.

"I don't know, the dynasty killed six thousand years, but not half of them! Moreover, this Ashura is increasing every day, all of the world's ferocious people have died!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Chen hated having to leave!" Gao Xianzhi said happily.

"Are you confident that you killed Asura's mystery?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Uh?" Everyone looked at Gu Hai with a change of face.

"Sixty years? Time is too rushed, you have to be fast. I met the ancestors of the Minghe River in the holy grave and stopped, but I have to lead the army, kill the ancestors of the Minghe River, and kill the entire Shura secret! Cheering cheeks.


Although the three did not understand what it meant for sixty years, Gu Hai's ambition at the moment was infecting everyone.

kill! No matter what.

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