Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 121: Underworld

Three months passed by!

The ancient sea, ancient Qin, Mongolian, Gao Xianzhi, and Shura, all turned out to be big and strong, and returned to the square in front of the killing temple again.

At this moment, the four of them emitted a scarlet gas all over their bodies. Obviously, these three months of killing were too fierce.

"Father Emperor, the child is fighting hard. The child can already face a second-class Shura, why should he come back?" Gu Qin was reconciled.

"Yeah, emperor, Chen feels particularly comfortable these days, and his spirits have been much tougher!" Montai said anxiously.

Although Gao Xianzhi didn't speak, at the moment he was a little uncomfortable.

Gu Hai looked at the crowd: "I will kill you again, and you will really become Shura!"

"Ah?" The three's faces changed.

"The Holy Massacre is immersed in this feeling, unable to extricate itself for six thousand years. Now, go back with your uncle, calm down, and digest the gains of these months!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" The three of them answered suddenly.

Walk to the energy ball of the altar, touch it lightly, and shake your figure. The four disappeared into the secret realm of Shura and returned to the altar of the infinite city.


The four spirits returned and each returned to the flesh.


Back in the flesh for a moment, Gu Qin suddenly vomited.

Gao Xianzhi and Mengtai also turned inwardly and seemed to vomit.


Ancient sea explorer threw a lot of spirit stones. The three quickly grabbed.


Suddenly, the three's bodies quickly absorbed the energy of the spirit stone. Soon, the spirit stone turned into powder, and the four took out the stone and absorbed it. It was better to absorb hundreds of spirit stones in a row.

"The soul is strengthened too much, and the flesh can't keep up. The next time you learn a lesson, you must put a spiritual array on the flesh!" Said Gu Haishen.

"Yes!" The three breathed in.

"Emperor, I don't seem to have much cultivation, but I feel my real element is even more refined!" Gao Xianzhi said in astonishment.

"Finally good, others, later!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.


With all the people, Gu Hai stepped out of the altar restricted area slowly.

Gao Xianzhi, Mengtai and Gu Qin looked at the altar in front of them with some reluctance. At the same time inexplicably excited.

The four walked out of the restricted area.

"Ancient emperor, it's time to go out!" A sudden voice sounded.

It was the first time that the East was undefeated to see the ancient sea.

Gu Hai nodded: "Anytime, are there Xiaoxiao coming?"

"Yes, there are 368 people who want to sneak in, and they have all been strung by me!" Dongfang undefeated pointed not far away.

Sure enough, I saw between the two mountains in the distance. At this moment, a thin needle was wearing a red thread, passing through the eyebrows of strong men, and hanging between the two mountains.

"Ancient, ancient emperor, I, we are wrong, forgive me, forgive me, I am a ghost, and forgive me!"

"Mr. Gu, I don't want the Tao Te Ching anymore, forgive me!"




Although she was strangled, she did not die, but she did not dare to move. Everyone understood that as long as the East was undefeated, she would shake the string gently, and she would be finished.

Gu Hai glanced coldly and ignored him.

"The emperor, Mr. Sima is here!" Chen Tianshan greeted quickly.

"Oh? Lead the way!" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

"Yes!" Chen Tianshan looked curiously at Gao Xianzhi and others.

"You go back first, stabilize yourself, fix your heart!" Gu Hai turned his head.

"Yes!" Gu Qin, Gao Xianzhi, and Monte Tai answered.

The ancient sea followed Chen Tianshan quickly to a palace in the imperial palace.

Sima Changkong is waiting patiently there. Soon, I saw the ancient sea coming.

"Mr. Sima! Wait a long time!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Mr. Gu is polite. Just two days later, I knew that Mr. Gu was retreating and did not dare to bother!" Sima Changkong laughed.

"Sir, did the master of Wanyu County come?" Gu Hai wondered.

Sima Changkong smiled slightly bitterly: "Wanyu County mainly came here, but the Holy Lord is not allowed, let me send you something, and things can be borrowed from you, but Holy Lord wants you something!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Your means of communication!" Sima Changkong solemnly said.

Gu Hai's pupils shrank. Slightly smiled.

Means of communication? Why I can pass the news to the heavens for a short time, but it is because I own the figurines made by Yunmo and use the figurines to resonate so that I can quickly transfer the news.

Originally very secretive, but the Dragon Warring States is too smart.

"Yes!" Gu Hai nodded.

In order to save Long Wanqing, Gu Hai could only provide some warriors to the Dragon Warring States, but the number was limited.

Sima Changkong showed curiosity: "I don't know what this thing Mr. Gu borrowed from the Holy Spirit?"

Sima Changkong took out a jade box, his eyes were full of curiosity, there was a ban on the jade box, but Sima Changkong did not dare to open it.

Guhai took the jade box. Detective pressed.


The restraint on the jade box was immediately lifted, and Gu Hai opened the jade box to reveal the contents.

"Nothing, open the axe!" Gu Hai said lightly.

Sima Changkong: "……………………!"

Rubbing his eyes in disbelief, Sima Changkong looked at Gu Hai in shock, and then smiled slightly: "Mr. Gu, you still don't tell me!" ——

Seeing that Sima Changkong left the borderless heavenly city with some dismay. Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly while standing at the Chongtian Temple Square.

"Emperor? Why should Sima Changkong know that opening the axe?" Chen Tianshan said blankly.

"I showed it to Sima Zongzong and all the princes!" Gu Hai Shen said.


"In this way, the help that Mo Yike has to do in Tianting will be much smaller!" Gu Haishen said.

"Uh, yes!" Chen Tianshan nodded.

Although I don't know why the emperor left Mo Yike in heaven, the emperor didn't say much and didn't ask much.

Kaitian axe is back.

Gu Hai also met the unborn again.

The unborn person looked at the open axe in Gu Hai's hands, and was at a loss for a moment.

"You, how did you do that?" The unborn were still a little unbelieving.

This is the first magic weapon in the world. Borrow it?

"Is this important? Save Wanqing first!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

The unborn looked at Gu Hai, and nodded in a somewhat complex look.

The Kaitian axe was carefully returned to Gu Hai, and he turned his hands. The unborn person took out the Dao De Jing and returned it to Gu Hai.

Gu Haitan took over.

"When is it going?" Weisheng asked Shen Sheng.

"The sooner the better, the best now!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Okay, you hold my hand!" Weisheng nodded.

Gu Hai grasped the unborn person, and the unborn person explored Ling Xu a bit.

"Om!" The void trembled, as if a vortex appeared. There was a billowing vapour in the whirlpool.


When the unborn one pulled the ancient sea, the two disappeared into place.

The next moment, the ancient sea arrived in a land of mountains and forests shrouded in boundless black air.

Looking up at the sky.

In the sky, a silver moon hangs high in the sky, and dazzles with silver light. It is as bright as the sun in the sun, but the silver light has no heat, but it has a cold feeling.

"Hell?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, hell, and fortunately, the territory of Houqing is not far away, and I will take you away!" Weisheng Shen said.

Talking, he pulled the ancient sea and flew towards the distance in an instant.

"call out!"

The speed was too fast, exceeding the speed of the flying boat several times, and it flew for a day and night before stopping.


The two stood in a raging wind. Around them, there was no ghost, only this bare mountain.


"In that piece of wind lake!" The unborn person pointed at a strange little lake in the distance. The water in the little lake was silver and white, but strangely rolled up a wave of wild winds blowing to all directions.

For some reason, Gu Hai suddenly felt that his hair was exploding, and the whole body was cloudy, but he did not know why.

"Nothing?" Gu Hai frowned.

The unborn child smiled slightly bitterly: "Close your eyes!"

Gu Hai revealed a hint of doubt, and slowly closed her eyes. The undetected man's hand took out some blue liquid and touched it on the eyelids and the base of the ears.

"It's him again, eat him!"

"Human flesh? Flesh and blood?"

"Sir, that terrible guy is here again!"




In the ancient ears, numerous roars were heard instantly and extremely noisy. Eyes opened.


The place that was empty just now was suddenly covered with endless ghosts. Even Gu Hai, at this moment, was lying with a few child-like ghosts, and his face was so ugly that he would eat the flesh and blood of Gu Hai.

"Miscellaneous accounts!" Gu Hai's face changed suddenly and suddenly.

However, it seems that they can't hurt the ghost children at all.

"They are ghosts, you haven't opened the eyes of the sky, the physical body, why can't they!" Weisheng explained, and the explorer would come to help Gu Hai.


But he saw Gu Hai's hand pulled out, and pulled out a long knife from his chest, which was exactly a knife.


"Ah! Ah! Ah!" ...............

The deadly knife passed, and the little ghost crawling on his body was immediately swallowed by the black gas emitted by the deadly knife.

"Oh? You still have a ghostblade?" Weisheng said with a hint of surprise.


The deadly knife passed, and a black gas suddenly formed. As long as the little ghosts around it came across, they were swallowed up by the small skull in the black gas.

Gu Hai turned to look at the Quartet.

Earlier, I couldn't see anything, but at this moment, I saw endless ghost soldiers. At this moment, I was holding weapons and staring at myself and the unborn.

Even at the mouth of the "Wind Lake", there were a large number of palaces suddenly seen. The largest palace was called the "Houqing Hall"!

Houqing Diankou, at this moment is standing a large number of ghost soldiers. As if the enemy is facing the unborn.

"Master Qilu, that shoushi is here again!" The ghost soldiers respectfully worshiped Houqing Hall.

"Come again? Qiu Fengshou, last time you forgot to die, this time, you came to die again? Bring me a flesh again?" A majestic voice came from Houqing Temple.

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