Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 122: Hou Qing

Hades, Fenghukou!

With the help of the unborn, Gu Hai instantly saw the appearance of a ghost in the underworld.

The last moment, there was no ghost, but the next moment, surrounded by hundreds of millions of ghosts.

"Come again? Qiu Fengshou, last time you forgot to die, this time, you came to die again? Bring me a flesh again?" A majestic voice came from Houqing Temple.

"Houqing, this time, I'm not looking for you!" Weisheng said coldly.

"Oh? Not you?" There was a cold hum in the palace of Houqing.


The entrance to the main hall suddenly rolled up a storm, which swept towards the unborn and the ancient sea in an instant.


No one hummed, the rolling storm approached, and it collapsed instantly.

Guhai's eyelids flickered slightly, because in that storm, Gu Hai seemed to see the wind knives completely condensed by the wind, and each knives carried a bitter cold, as if each knives could cut a peak of the Yuanying.

However, in front of the unborn, it suddenly collapsed. What is the strength of the unborn?

"咚, 咚, 咚, 咚 .........!"

But I saw that the entrance of the hall, in the strong wind, came a low footsteps slowly, and slowly came out a white man from the inside.

The man is quite handsome, with long hair and a white robe embroidered with a silver dragon, sword eyebrows and eyes, and his eyes are extremely sharp. However, at this moment, he was locked with a large number of chains, and behind him there were two chains, one red and one white, connecting the interior of Houqing Hall.

"Master!" The ghost soldiers worshiped respectfully.

"Houqing?" Gu Hai's pupils shrank.

"He was imprisoned in Fenghukou, and no Houqing zombies were allowed to approach, but even if he was imprisoned, I was not his opponent! Every time after, he would open that cycle and let countless ghosts enter!" Weisheng explained .

"Oh? Prisoner? Who imprisoned him?" Gu Hai exclaimed.

"He himself!" Weisheng explained.

"Self? Prison yourself? Why?" Gu Hai was a little puzzled.

The unborn shook his head. It is also quite puzzled.

After seeing Gu Hai, Hou Qing sneered: "Boy, are you looking for me?"

Gu Hai's face sank, and he nodded: "I've met Zombie, Mr. Hou Qing!"

"Have you seen me? Qiu Fengshou shot at me several times and wanted to enter the world I was guarding. Why, you want to go in too?" Hou Qing said lightly.

During the conversation, Hou Qing seemed to be exhaling an endless storm of qi, looking at Gu Hai, her eyes were rather cold.

"Exactly! I want to find a local soul here! I also ask the ancestors and ancestors to make it easy!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, find a soul of the land? You did not enter the land of reincarnation? Moreover, most of the people who entered it were unscrupulous. You find the soul of the earth, full of evil, reincarnation, or shattered! "Hou Qing said coldly.

"It's ridiculous, my wife, pity for the world, how do you judge her forgiveness?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

No one bitterly said, "Wan Qing may be tired of me. Although she died, her bad debts were divided by her!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai's face paled.

"Huh, sage master, widowed and lonely, not good fortune, for the evil source of the world, boy, advise you to stay away from him, or you will be contaminated with bad karma and you will be punished by reincarnation!" Hou Qing said coldly.

Gu Hai took a deep breath: "Mr. Hou Qing, Gu Hai is not talented. Today, I must go into reincarnation, looking for a wife! I also want to be convenient!"

"Convenient? Hahahaha, why should I do it for you?" Hou Qing said coldly.

"Human world, Dagantianchao, I do not know Mr. Houqing, can I hear?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Dragon Warring States, Dou Tian wins? Huh, boy, are you from the Dragon Warring States?" Hou Qing's eyes narrowed suddenly.


Turning his hands, Gu Hai had an extra jade box in his palm.

As soon as the jade box came out, an eerie breath erupted.


Numerous ghost soldiers suddenly knelt down and were suppressed by this breath.

Hou Qing's face sank.

The ancient sea opened the jade box, and suddenly a breath several times stronger than the moment just erupted.


This breath is very weird. Gu Hai seems to feel nothing at all, while the ghost army is suppressed and unable to breathe.

"Ah, ah, ah, Lord, help!"





The ghost army trembled in horror. Even the storm emanating from Hou Qing's body was instantly suppressed.

"Dragon Warring States? Open the axe?" Hou Qing's face sank and his face was sullen.

"Mr. Hou Qing, how can I use this axe as a basis? I don't want to be an enemy with you, I just want a soul, and if I get it, I will leave immediately, and I will prepare a great gift in the future, in order to reward Mr. Da! Road.

Hou Qing looked at Kai Tian axe glum.

"Hou Qing, you sent that ghost into the reincarnation realm, we only need that ghost!" The unborn person sank.

"Huh, open the axe? No one, you are really a good helper. You went to the human world and found the Dragon Warring States? Dragon Warring States just won the battle and everyone knows that you want to use Dragon Warring States to press me. Hou Qing faced cold.

"Mr. Houqing, just asking!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Request? Gu Hai? You listen, here is the underworld, not your world, what about the Axe of Heaven? If you were to open this reincarnation mystery today, I have been a prisoner for 3,000 years, and I have lost a lot, and I want to enter the reincarnation mystery. , Let ’s say Ponto wins! ”Hou Qing stared, unwilling.

Gu Hai's face sank. But it is a bit troublesome.

However, Long Wanqing is in the secret world of reincarnation held by Hou Qing. Is there any reason to give up today?

While the ancient sea was showing firmness, it was ready to start.


On the sky axe, dazzling blue light suddenly bloomed. A burst of destruction seemed to form an axe, and suddenly rushed towards Houqing.

Hou Qing's face changed, and a punch was punched out.

With a loud noise, Hou Qing's fist collided with the axe.


The ground beneath Houqing's feet exploded innumerable moments, resulting in countless ditches like a spider's web. Except for the Houqing Hall, all the palaces in the Quartet also burst open.

"Ah, ah, ah .........!"

Countless ghost soldiers kneeling around, blasted out instantly.

"Kaka Kaka!"

The axe was slammed into Hou Qing's fist. Hou Qing's face was emaciated and her eyes were hated.

The unborn and the ancient sea all changed their faces.

"You started?" Weiren was surprised.

"No!" Gu Hai frowned.

Did you shoot it yourself?


At this moment, on the axe of the sky, a burst of blue light suddenly emerged, and when the blue light came out, a figure slowly condensed, but it was the shadow of the Dragon Warring States wearing a dragon robe, standing in the void, holding on to the open Tian axe, cut out the axe, and severely suppressed the opposite Hou Qing.

"Projection?" Weiren exclaimed.

"Dagan Sheng?" Gu Hai was also surprised.

The Dragon Warring States projection grabbed the axe, looked coldly at the opposite Hou Qing, and turned to Gu Hai.

"Wan Yu asked for her, and she knew that you were coming to the underworld, and then left a ray of divine thought attached to the sky axe, but you didn't want to, but you helped me find another secret of reincarnation? OK, OK, OK! Hahaha! The projection of the Dragon Warring States seemed quite happy.


Getting a human reincarnation secret has been able to defeat the six immortals. Now, if another one is obtained, wouldn't it be a step up in strength?

"Wait, Lord Dagan, you won the reincarnation. It is not blocked below, but please give me Long Wanqing among them." Gu Hai suddenly anxiously.

"Long Wanqing? Since it's inside, naturally there is no problem!" Long Warring States projection lightly said.

During the talk, the Dragon Warring States turned his head, his eyes looked slightly at the Houqing who lifted his fist against the axe.

Hou Qing's face was sullen, and his face was not stingy.


As soon as the Dragon Warring States Detective closed his hand, the axe returned instantly. Dragon Warring States withdrew the axe, but Hou Qing did not dare to come forward.

"Dragon Warring States, you promised my sister, don't get involved in Hades!" Hou Qing exclaimed, staring angrily.

However, the Dragon Warring States showed a sneer: "In Houtu, I will go and say, now, give up the secret reincarnation of your care, otherwise, even if you are immortal, you can believe you, believe it or not!"

Staring at the Dragon Warring States, a big killing rushed out.


The intention of killing swept the Quartet, Hou Qing suddenly turned wild.

Hou Qing is very powerful. Even if he is in prison, the unborn are not opponents, but no matter how strong he depends on who the opponent is.

In front of the Dragon Warring States, even Hou Qing's glorious history cannot be the opponent of the Dragon Warring States. Dragon Warring States said one and two, killing you today, will definitely not drag on tomorrow.

Moreover, even if he did not kill himself, the Dragon Warring States killed himself, he could still find the entrance to the reincarnation. Unfortunately, he was a prisoner here for three thousand years, but he lost all his power.

"Hum!" Hou Qing groaned in a sullen mood, and looked at the unborn and the ancient sea with hatred. It was the two of them who brought this evil star.

The Dragon Warring States looked coldly at the back Qing, took a step, and a stronger killing sent out.

Hou Qing reluctantly, the probe opened.


The Houqing Temple burst open instantly, revealing a huge blue jade jade inside, above the jade jade, two chains locked the Houqing, and the other end seemed to merge into the jade jade.

"Is this the thing?" Dragon Warring States narrowed his eyes.


Above the jade jade, it seems that a faint blue energy can be seen, slowly rotating, it seems like a vortex.

"You can find Long Wanqing here!" The unborn person pinched a hair to Houqing.

"Wan Qing's hair?" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with expectation.

Dragon Warring States also looked coldly at Hou Qing.

Hou Qing's face was tangled, but under the high pressure of the Dragon Warring States, he had no choice but to pinch Long Wanqing's hair, and touched Yu Yu gently.


Above the jade jade, it seems to form a ripple, suddenly showing a picture inside.

However, in the picture, there is a dark river, the river is galloping, as if it has the power to destroy the world.

On the bank of the Heihe River, there were huge figures standing at this moment. Each of these figures exuded **** blood, each with horns and cheeks.

"Asura?" Gu Hai suddenly changed his face.

"Asura's mystery?" The unborn person was suddenly surprised.

On the bank of the Heihe River, there are a large number of Shura. Shura's skin color is no longer limited to the scarlet muscles, purple, white, cyan, and blue.

Long Wanqing's hair was where Shura suddenly drifted towards one of the green skin. Green Shura also seemed to feel something, turned his head and looked.

"Wan Qing, that's Wan Qing, she's incarnation Shura!" Weisheng suddenly surprised.


The appearance of a hair suddenly caused Heihe to rise suddenly.

"Boom!" In the Heihe, he burst out of the black water and straightened his hair.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a huge force formed, seemingly coming towards the jade.

"Meet the ancestors of the Minghe!" On the banks of the river, Shura worshiped Heihe respectfully.


The black water rushed out, forming a force, which instantly washed out all the pictures on the jade.

ps: Three more complete, continue tomorrow! Come on! Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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