Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 10: Zhongtian Temple first

Tudou Palace Square.

At this moment, the gods all retreated, leaving only Lao Tzu, the Dragon Warring States, Gu Hai, Shakyamuni, and Jesus.

"Don't remember the past? Just remember that you are Xiaorou?" Dragon Warring States looked at Gu Hai with interest.

"Perhaps an accident happened during the journey of the two immortals!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Or, too disheartened, deliberately avoiding life, let Xiaorou will dominate it!" Dragon Warring States sighed slightly.

"Mr. Gu, did you agree?" I looked at Gu Hai.

"Agree? But this is not fair to them. I don't know when I will return when I go. Maybe, I won't be able to return in a lifetime!" Gu Hai frowned.

"If you want to come back, you can come back, after all, come back late, come back early, after all, people must have a hope. After all, letting go of it is the biggest injustice to them!" **** shook his head.

"I can see that Xiao Rou's affection for you is the most sincere and does not mix anything!" Shakyamoni laughed.

"Monk, are n’t the monks all empty and not close to women? How are you ...?" The ancient sea looked strangely to Shakyamuni.

"Only if you have loved can you let go. Monk, that's because you used to have a house, and you can get a monk. I'm also a man, why don't you know?" Shakyamuni laughed.

Gu Hai nodded his head: "I know. But I can't put it over the Six Immortals, but ..."

"Then you have to cherish yourself, protect yourself, and come back to see them later. For them, you have to live!" Shen Tzu said.

Gu Hai turned to look at Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu's words are the key. I hope the second daughter will give Gu Hai a spiritual bond. However, it doesn't matter if I say it or not, I can't rest assured.

"Gu Hai, love debt is difficult to pay back, if you care about it, you will work hard! Don't learn from me and Murong Yan, I lost it, I will know to cherish it." Dragon Warring States looked to Gu Hai.

Gu Hai nodded.

"I asked you for it!" I laughed.

"Huh?" Gu Hai frowned slightly at Lao Tzu.

"Zang Yulian, I have already accepted as a disciple, Master asked the disciples why? She agrees. As for Xiaorou, she agrees!" Laozi looked at Gu Hai.

"Mr. Lao, do you have to do this?" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"Do n’t have mother-in-law, the two women agreed, are you embarrassed?" Long Zhanguo frowned.

Gu Hai took a deep breath and nodded: "I have no pretense, I agree to this matter, but if I leave this time, please trouble me, protect me and wait for me to come back!"

"Don't worry, the time of the two immortals is asymmetrical and irregularly asymmetric, maybe you left today and you will return tomorrow!" Lao Tzu laughed.

"From the time you last walked, you have been away from the earth for fifty years, and there are only five years on the planet. If it shows regularity, the Six Immortals will wake up in fifty years, and you will grow up to five years on earth at most! At that time, everything will be clear. "Dragon Warring States nodded.

"Relax!" **** and Shakyamoni answered.

"That being the case, then prepare for it, and hold a grand wedding for you in Ling Xiao Bao Dian!" I solemnly said.

"Okay!" Gu Hai nodded--

Earth fairyland, three days later. Ling Xiao Bao Dian.

At the moment, the Ling Xiao Bao Temple is full of bright lights and tens of millions of lights. There are countless immortals, Buddhas in groups, and countless Western angels.

The wedding master of ceremonies was made by Yue Lao, and the flower **** sprinkled countless petals in the sky.

Gu Hai is dressed in a groom's costume, one left and one right, holding two brides covered in hijabs.

The Dragon Warring States, Lao Tzu, Jesus, and Shakymani were the main marriages. Sit on top.

In the red hijab, Xiaorou's face showed a silly smile, and all the way to the congratulations of the Buddha, it was like dreaming.

In the other red hijab, Zang Yulian's face was also flushed. Drunk, bowed his head as if drunk.

"Congratulations, Mr. Gu!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Gu and the girl Rou and Zang!"





Congratulations. Sanqing, Rulai, Jehovah, Maria, Brahma, Vishnu and many other gods and Buddhas all sent blessings.

"When the hour comes, once worshipping the Celestial Sky, Xie Xianqiong contains the grace of education!" Yue Lao Gao shouted.

The ancient sea three worshiped in front of heaven and earth.

"Thank you friends and relatives, thank your friends and relatives for sending you luck!"

The three men of the ancient sea worshiped the immortal gods headed by Dragon Warring States, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Shakyamuni and others.

"Couple worship, I wish the newly-married couple, the early birth of your son, marriage lasts forever!" Yue Lao Gao yelled.

Facing the second daughter, Gu Hai worshiped solemnly.

"Li Cheng, send to the cave!" Yue Lao Gao shouted.

Under a burst of fairy music, the three were quickly sent to the cave.


New house door closed.

The outside world, hosted by Lao Tzu and others, opened a huge feast. Peach peach, ginseng fruit, bodhi fruit, happy fruit, various holy fruit, fairy fruit, and **** fruit all came up.

All the immortals drank with joy.

Inside the cave house.

Gu Hai lifted the hijab of the second daughter.

"Engong!" Xiaorou said a little shyly in excitement.

"Is it still Gong Gong?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Xiangong!" Xiaorou's eyes were a little confused.

Gu Hai looked at Zang Yulian, but Zang Yulian was a bit shy at the moment.

"Xiang, Xianggong!" Zang Yulian shyly expected.

Since releasing the lock in happiness, and no longer rejecting the love for the ancient sea, this love has been flourishing and has now grown into a towering tree. It's just that I can't hide my face, and now it's time to say goodbye, and it broke out completely.

"Mother!" A guilty tenderness flashed in Gu Hai's eyes.

Zang Yulian can't forget the blend of souls, how could the ancient sea forget it? So when Zang Yulian did not look back, Gu Hai didn't hesitate.

As for Xiao Rou, because of missing Chen Xianer in the past, he always avoided Xiao Rou. When Xiao Rou died, the ancient sea figured everything out and regretted it.

external. Countless guests. The feast.

But there are also some people with their ears raised, listening to the movement in the cave.

Among them, Nezha waited for some juniors to be most excited.

"Sangong, love me!"

"Zi ~~!"




The sound was cut off by Gu Hai in the room, but Nezha et al. Still kept their ears excited.

"Well? Why is there no sound?" Nezha frowned.


Suddenly a white light covered the cave of the ancient sea, so that everyone outside could not hear the sound inside.

"Ah? Meet the Guanyin Bodhisattva!" Nezha and others immediately respectfully said.

"It's rude to listen to people's corners!" Guan Shiyin said with a smile.

"Yes!" The immortals looked bitter.

Lao Tzu waited in the middle of the feast.

The feast was held for three days.

Three days were over, and the three in the cave had not yet come out.

The immortals waited patiently until the sixth day.


There was a sudden loud noise, as if a powerful air flow rushed out of the cavern. Instantly smashed the sound-proof enchantment sprinkled by Guanyin Bodhisattva.

A strong breath emanates.

"This is it?" The good fairy appeared blank.

"The ancient sea broke through?" Dragon Warring States looked.


But I saw a huge yellow palace-like phantom rising from the cave.


The big palaces keep getting bigger.

"Zhongtian Temple? Temple of Merit?" The Dragon Warring States looked.


With the merits of virtual shadows rising up, there seemed to be a huge yellow virtual shadow in the palace.

"The soul of the ancient sea? The massacre in Asura Road's mystery really made it grow to the maximum!" A glimmer of expectation flashed through the eyes of Dragon Warring States.

"Zhongtian Temple? This is the cultivation of the earth soul. The cultivation of the earth soul requires merit!" **** frowned.

"Should we lend some to him?" Shakymani frowned.

Lao Tzu shook his head: "No, he is no less than us!"

"Oh?" Dragon Warring States looked at Lao Tzu.

"Xiao Rou has melted the blood of her son-in-law. The son-in-law had made up the sky, and the son-in-law even sacrificed to the fairy goddess. Alas, so there is no need to worry about it. Compared with merit, we may not have more son-in-laws together. The son-in-law is dead, and the merit is in the blood. Too easy! "I laughed.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

The palace of Zhongtian Temple keeps growing. When it grows tall, the goddess of heaven is widening his eyes.

"Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, how big is your Zhongtian Temple?" Nezha looked surprised at the huge Zhongtian Temple in the distance.

"When I first broke through, there was only one zhang palace, five inches of soul!" Guan Yinyin shook his head and sighed in admiration.

"what about now?"

"Thirty feet of palace, ten feet of soul!" Guan Shiyin said with emotion.

Because at this moment, the Zhongtian Temple in the ancient sea has reached 50 feet high, and it is still rising, rising, rising!

"Xiangong, I have merits to help you break through!" Xiaorou's voice sounded.

"Boom boom!"

The palace of Zhongtian Palace is getting taller and taller, and gradually reaches a height of one hundred feet, before it stops completely. The ancient soul of the sea is also skyrocketing, and it stopped at 64 feet.


The soul of the ancient sea is blooming with golden light, it seems that the surrounding world is shining brightly in an instant.

"The human soul is forty-nine feet, the earth soul is sixty-four feet? They are all perfect human souls. In Zhongtian Temple, he has reached the perfect limit again!" Long Zhanguo smiled bitterly.

"Others need only fill a pool of water to cultivate Zhongtian Palace. The ancient soul is as big as the sea. When will it be filled?" Nezha stared blankly at the huge human soul in Guhai.

Lao Tzu and others also showed a little worry, because others are slowly cultivating, first go to the Heavenly Palace, and then go back to expand the human soul, the earth soul, but the ancient sea is in one step, want to upgrade, but it is harder to get up.

"Don't worry about him. When he cultivated the human soul, we were also worried, but he completed the human soul in less than a year!" Long Zhanguo shook his head.

"Okay!" Everyone sighed slightly and nodded with a little worry.


Suddenly, the palace and earth soul of Zhongtian Temple shrank and retracted into the cave.

"Sangong, how?" Zang Yulian's voice came from the cave.

"Zhongtian Palace is the first and broke through. Thank you two ladies!" Gu Hai's voice came from the cave.

"I don't know why, just now ... I also broke through to the Heavenly Palace, and, back to the peak of the Heavenly Palace, one step away, I can go to Heaven!" Zang Yulian's voice came.

"I, I seem to have been in heaven!" Xiaorou's voice came.

"Your double practice?" Zang Yulian sounded with a hint of surprise. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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