Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 11: Leave the earth

After the big wedding, Gu Hai accompanied Zang Yulian and Xiaorou for a year. Zang Yulian Xiu completely shocked the Heavenly Palace, and Gu Hai was quite relieved.

There was one year of fairyland and one day of earth time. In this year, the ancient sea did not return to earth. During this period, the Dragon Warring States also got to know the earth. In just one year, the Dragon Warring States was built into the Yuan Ying Realm.

"You're leaving?" Dragon Warring States looked at Gu Hai.

"Yes, I have to go back as soon as possible, I will try to come back again!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"I told Lao Tzu and let them come to see you!" Said Dragon Warring States.

"Okay, but are you sure you don't practice in this fairyland?" Gu Hai looked at the Dragon Warring States.

"I go to the earth and follow the rules of the earth!" Dragon Warring States laughed.


"Last practice, I failed. This time, I will naturally be different from before. Although the fairyland is unique here, after all, it is a bit futile. The outside world is the most real. It just happened to be a bottleneck!" .

"Here are all my accounts, and the money in them, you should use them first, and my properties are also entrusted to you!" Gu Hai handed out a book.

"Rest assured that they will all be the industries of the 'Dagan Group' in the future. I assure you that these industries will never stop, even at a loss!" Long Zhanguo laughed.

"Dagan Group?" Gu Hai was slightly surprised.

"Yeah, don't you always need an identity to survive on the earth?" Dragon Warring States laughed--

after one day. Director Zhang received a call.

"Hey? It's Guhai? Where are you? What? Okay, I'll be right there, you wait for me!" Director Zhang said with a hint of excitement.

I have just contacted an organization these days and have realized countless exciting news. This organization is only composed of secret arrangements by governments of various countries. Although they have fought many times with the black people, they have never won.

However, secret members of all countries know that there is a more advanced organization against men in black. They are the mythical figures of each country.

There are a lot of historical mythical figures in China, Lao Tzu in India, Sakyamuni in India, **** in Vatican, Zeus in Greece, etc. However, there has never been a chance to connect with mythical figures online.

Although the organization made multiple requests, the mythical figures never ignored. Now Gu Hai seems to be online. And Director Zhang got on the line of the ancient sea.

I was worried that Gu Hai did not contact himself. Now that Gu Hai is connected, Director Zhang naturally wants to see Gu Hai as soon as possible, using patriotism or the resonance of the oppressed people. He must persuade Gu Hai to let mythical figures and themselves Organization is online.

The first time Director Zhang found a fighter and flew to the East China Sea with him.

Over an island in the East China Sea.

The pilot stared blankly at Director Zhang: "Head, do you really want to jump from here?"

"Don't talk nonsense, go back and take care of your own mouth, today is a secret task, you must not leak a point!" Director Zhang commanded.

"Yes!" Director Zhang answered.

"call out!"

Director Zhang was ejected. The plane flew back quickly.

Opening the parachute, Director Zhang headed towards the center of the island.

The center of the island is now full of people.

As the parachute fell, Director Zhang began to rub his eyes.

"Who is that? Buddha, such as Buddha? And Fu Lushou Sanxing? Where is the third prince? Guanyin Bodhisattva? Jesus? Angel?" Director Zhang felt his heart beating strongly.

Before coming, Director Zhang thought that he would only see the ancient sea. If he wanted to see some mythical characters through the ancient sea line, it would take a lot of time to run in.

But now, just now, there are so many immortals? Isn't it a parody? Gu Hai is only a few years old, how can there be such a big face, so many gods are invited?


The parachute fell in the middle of the gods, and Gu Hai was comforting two women who were not beautiful at the moment.

All the gods looked at Director Zhang, who looked strange.

"Ancient, ancient sea?" Chief Zhang cried uncertainly.

"Oh, Director Zhang, you are here, come and introduce you, this is Lao Tzu! This is Shakymoni, this is Jesus, this is the Dragon Warring States!" Gu Hai introduced several important character.

"Ah? Lao Tzu? Hello, hello!"

"Sakyamuni? I missed it! The last time I demolished the temple, it was really not my idea. I will burn some incense for you in the temple tomorrow."

"Jesus? I came to church for a wedding last month, and you really look like the one on the cross!"




Director Zhang had a strange look and shook hands with everyone.

Looking around, if it wasn't for the imitation show, then what I saw today would be enough to shock me all my life. Look at it, that is the Guanyin Bodhisattva. That's Rugao Buddha. Is that Jehovah? And too old Laojun?

At this moment, Director Zhang was dizzy and excited.

"Director Zhang, this time I invite you, there is something to trouble you!" Gu Hai said.

"No problem, Mr. Gu, and all the fairies, you can speak!" Director Zhang said immediately.

"This is my friend, Dragon Warring States. Well, if you want to register a company, please help me walk through the process, or it's too slow!" Gu Hai handed a lot of information.

Director Zhang: "………………!"

After receiving the materials from the ancient sea, Director Zhang always felt that this group of people came to fool me, a large group of gods, please I go to the back door to register a company? This style of painting is wrong?

"It's called 'Dagan Co., Ltd.'. Also, there may be some branches and the like in foreign countries. At that time, some procedures and lawyers are needed. Please help me!" Gu Hai explained.

"Dagan Co., Ltd.? Uh? OK!" Director Zhang wondered how he promised.

"Director Zhang, next, trouble!" Long Zhanguo smiled.

Immortal in front of me, saying it's troublesome?

Why did Director Zhang feel like he couldn't keep up?

"Okay, okay, I'll do it well, rest assured. But, how can I contact you?" Director Zhang said strangely.

"Well, the trustee just set up a mobile phone yesterday, we just need to change the number!" Long Zhanguo laughed.

"Uh? Oh, okay, okay!" Director Zhang was stagnate.

Is this group of gods?

"Almost, Yulian!" Gu Hai looked at Zang Yulian.

Zang Yulian's eyes flashed reluctantly, Xiaorou's eyes were reddish.

"Rest assured, I'll definitely be back soon!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Sangong, we are waiting for you!" Xiaorou nodded with red eyes.

"Xiangong, take care!" Zang Yulian didn't cry, but Gu Hai felt the pain in Zang Yulian's heart.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ~~~~~~!"

Zang Yulian once again played Taishang Changsheng.

Gu Hai waved his hand.

"Om!" A black hole suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Xiangong, this piano is for you. This piano has sealed my Taishang Changsheng Yinqin in it. As long as you bring this piano, it will always tremble Taishang Shengsheng, ten days!" Guqin.

Guhai took the guqin, but no one played, but the strings kept trembling. There was a reluctance in his eyes, and in Zou Yulian, Xiaorou's face kissed: "Take care, I will return as soon as possible!"

"Hmm!" The second girl nodded—

In a modern room.

"Dididi, sir, there is news. Just in the East China Sea, a Chinese fighter jet deviated from the route for a while, and air-conditioned its head on an island. At that moment, the satellite cloud image was covered by the clouds. Someone may have gone "A man in black rushed to Leo.

"Is the ancient sea coming out? Haha, go!" Leo stared.

"call out!"

With a group of people in black, Leo got on a flying saucer and headed for the island where the ancient sea was.

The flying saucer was very fast, and soon came to the island where the ancient sea is located.

Above the island, there is a black hole. The ancient sea is holding a guqin and is about to step into it.

"Ah? UFO!" Chang Chang's face changed.

The man in black appeared? What should I do?

Leo in the flying saucer also changed his face: "What? They are all here? Oh, so many people, we can't stop them, hurry up! Let others know, hurry up!"

"Boom!" But at this moment, a red shotgun penetrated the flying saucer instantly.

"Don't, don't!" Exclaimed a group of people in black, and the flying saucer was dragged over by the **** goddess.

"Seal Lingbao, don't let them leak us!" Cried King Tota Lee.


But at this moment, the ancient sea suddenly threw a long sword in the storage space.


In an instant, all men in black were completely beheaded.

There is no aura on the earth, but the power of the ancient sea is also extremely scary. The flying saucer shatters instantly, and all men in black fly out of their heads instantly.

"Ah?" Chang Zhang exaggerated, exclaiming.

Gu Hai is so powerful?

"Just right, I take their souls and cross them again to see how their souls will become!" Gu Hai said.

With a large bag, he dragged the broken flying saucer into the black hole with the corpses.

"call out!"

The ancient sea stepped in, and the black hole entrance slowly disappeared.

"Xiangong, you should come back sooner!" Xiaorou said physically.

"Nausea!" Zang Yulian suddenly retched.

"What's wrong with you?" I frowned.

"Master, disciple is okay! Maybe a little uncomfortable." Zang Yulian shook her head.

"Cihang, come and see!" Lao Tzu looked at Guan Yin with a look of expectation.

Guan Shiyin stepped forward, and suddenly a red light appeared in his eyes. After looking for a while, his face was a joy: "Congratulations, sister, you are happy!"

"Ah? I'm happy?" Zang Yulian was slightly surprised. Touch your stomach slowly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, this is good news, go, let's go back to celebrate!" Lao Tzu laughed most happily.

For Gu Hai, Lao Tzu did n’t make any request, but he did n’t make any request. This is the biggest requirement. Lao Tzu has been matching Gu Hai with Zang Yulian and Xiao Rou to marry him to completely tie up Gu Hai ’s heart because Lao Tzu has a vague feeling Perhaps the ancient hope can make a big difference.

As long as Gu Haixin is chained, he will never give up on the earth.

Today, Zang Yulian is pregnant, but it is Lao Tzu's most wanted to see it. With a big wave of her hand, the entrance to the immortal world suddenly appears, and a number of gods and Buddhas rush in.

The entrance to the fairyland opened and soon disappeared.

Above the island, there was only a solitary person, Mr. Zhang, showing a blankness.


Director Zhang slaps himself, as if dreaming.

Everyone is gone? Did you dream yourself?

It wasn't until he saw a document bag in his hand that Director Zhang was sure he hadn't dreamed.

The document bag says ‘Dagan limited liability company! ‘Mobile users, please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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