Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 16: Ancient qin seize power

"Gujia Jiangshan? Hahaha, Your Royal Highness, you have misunderstood. This is not Gujia Jiangshan, it is the emperor's Jiangshan. You brought the Xuanwu tribe today to seize the country and seek dynasty? The holy purpose is this, who would dare to collide! "

Chen Tianshan held up the imperial imperial seal of the ancient sea, staring at the ancient Qin, staring at each other.

As soon as the imperial edict of the ancient sea came out, everyone looked pale and dignified.

Feng Ye Supreme was ready to take the shot, but the next moment, he was stopped by the ancient Qin detective.

The imperial edict is the king's order. Even if it is the ancient Qin, as long as it is shot, it is also against the king. Although the ministers support the ancient Qin, they can no longer be compared to the ancient sea. It is no longer possible to follow the ancient Qin to rebel.

"Chen Tianshan? King Tianshan? Did you know that this palace has supervised the country for many years. Only because the father and the emperor heard the death of the palace, did you supervise the country. You have the decree, and this palace also has the decree!" Gu Qin took out a smile. Sealing decree.

"His Royal Highness has a imperial decree, but His Royal Highness, I am the last order of the emperor. Your imperial decree is only the previous one, and its effectiveness has passed. Therefore, please please His Royal Highness not to be entangled in this, so that you can do it for yourself!" Road.

"But, this is the imperative after all. Whenever there is no joke, the king is like a mountain! Isn't it?" Gu Qin laughed.

"Huh?" Chen Tianshan sank.

"If there is no joke, the imperial edict of this palace will always be valid. My officials, my father and the emperor let this palace supervise the country, and my officials, may I respect the imperial edict?" Gu Qin suddenly looked at others.

"Xiaguan is willing to honor the decree and wait for His Royal Highness to be dispatched!"

"Xiaguan is also willing to wait for His Royal Highness to be dispatched!"




Immediately, a small number of officials spoke and were willing to follow the ancient Qin. After all, over the years, I was so disappointed with Chen Tianshan that I was too wacky. Such people are not worthy to lead me.

Some officials who have been distracted have agreed.

"Huh, Dahan Dynasty, it's been a long time since the grass on the wall has been cleaned up!" Chen Tianshan hummed.

The official who had just turned to Gu Qin flinched, but did not dare to speak.

Ancient Qin looked at Gao Xianzhi, Mo Yike, and Monte Thai.

"Three, if this palace re-supervises the Dahan dynasty, please ask three more for assistance!" Gu Qin looked at the three.

"Prince!" Chen Tianshan stared. Are you digging now?

These three people had great authority in the Dahan Dynasty. As long as the three people agreed, Gu Qin would quickly **** nearly half of the officials and be able to fight against their own court.

Mengtai's eyelids flickered. Speaking of which, if ancient Qin invited him, Mengtai agreed, but at this moment, Gu Qin's gaze was looking forward to Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike. For himself, he had to invite by chance general.

Montai's heart was agitated, and a sneer was revealed. The touch of preparation was wiped away instantly. The great wisdom may not be there, but this kind of cleverness is still indispensable.

Mengtai did not speak, but looked at Mo Yike and Gao Xianzhi.

Gao Xianzhi shook his head: "His Royal Highness, I'm sorry, I only honor the emperor! Only the emperor's order!"

Gu Qin's brows frowned slightly, and he did not refute Gao Xianzhi. This was the general who opened the country and had 100,000 troops in hand. It was not easy to conquer.

Gu Qin even looked forward to Mo Yike because Gu Qin understood Mo Yike's ability.

"Master Mo, the Dahan dynasty, needs a wise man like you! If Master Mo has been idle in the house, it would be too rude!" Gu Qin looked to Mo Yike.

It seems to be provoking Mo Yike and Chen Tianshan.

Mo Yike smiled slightly: "His Royal Highness, the King of Tianshan has made it clear that the Dahan Dynasty is just the Dahan Dynasty of the Emperor. It is not the King of the Tianshan King, nor is it His Royal Highness. Moreover, the old ministers idled in the government. It's a blessing, never a feeling of meritocracy! "

Mo Yike was regarded as rejecting Gu Qin.

Gu Qin's face was slightly heavy.

"His Royal Highness, you can be alive, but it is my blessing, but you want to re-monitor the country, please wait for the emperor to return, the old minister also wants to surrender the rights, but the old minister must be loyal to the emperor. Never take a step back! "Chen Tianshan solemnly said.

"Oh? If the Father Emperor does not return, you will dominate the Dahan Dynasty? If the Father Emperor never returns?" Gu Qin Shen said.

"Presumptuous!" Chen Tianshan stared. "How could the emperor not come back?"

The surrounding ministers were also uproar.

"Well, Chen Tianshan, do n’t deceive yourself or deceive everyone. The father emperor has already fallen into the sun temple. Why do you want to dominate the Dahan dynasty in the name of the father emperor? North Korea usurped? "Gu Qin stared.

The emperor scoffed?

The surrounding ministers suddenly looked ugly. Speaking of which, when the luck disappeared, all the subjects had guessed, but no one wants to accept this fact. The ancient sea is like a spiritual pillar that supports everyone. ? Everyone couldn't bear it. It wasn't until Chen Tianshan said that the emperor would retreat and he would return soon, so that everyone could find a trace of sustenance.

Even if someone keeps shouting that the emperor is dead, as long as the top man Chen Tianshan hasn't said death, everyone thinks those people are deceiving people.

But now, the crown prince, he said that the emperor was dead?

Is it really dead?

Everyone was a **** in his heart, but he was a prince. Does the King of Tianshan dare to slay the Prince to respect the people?

"His Royal Highness, what are you talking about? The emperor will definitely come back, do you want to rebel?" Chen Tianshan was furious.

"Rebellion? Hahahaha, a big crime, Chen Tianshan, this palace is the Prince of the Dahan Dynasty. When the Prince, the Prince of Chu, the King of the Han Dynasty, what do you mean by Chu? Can you explain to me?" Gu Qinta Take a step and looked coldly at Chen Tianshan.

Chu Jun?

When Chen Tianshan's eyelids jumped, all the officials around him looked different.

"Chu Jun is the reserve king. When the king dies, the king can be crowned as the king, which guarantees that a country will not leave, a country will not be in chaos, the Dahan Dynasty, and the eternal foundation!" Said the ancient Qin.

"Presumptuous, the emperor is not dead, prince you dare to usurp the throne?" Chen Tianshan glared and yelled.

"It is you who seek the usurp, Chen Tianshan, the father and emperor are dead, and everyone in the world knows that luck will not deceive others. You rely on the decree to deceive fellow ministers and deceive the world, but you want to modify the Dahan Dynasty Not? "Gu Qin stared.

"So, Your Royal Highness, today you bring Supreme Master Feng Ye, and a group of basalts, who returned to the Dahan Dynasty to take the throne?" Chen Tianshan exclaimed.

"The Xuanwu tribe is the national beast of the Dahan dynasty. It is only to stabilize the foundation of the Dahan dynasty. The demon is rebellious. When the thief is removed, today, the palace will destroy the thief on behalf of his father. With this palace, won the national thief Chen Tianshan! With the power of Zhengdahan! "Gu Qin shouted.

"Yes!" The man who had previously poured out to the ancient Qin was suddenly excited and drank.

However, other officials were still in shock and had not recovered from the death of the emperor.

Feng Xun took the lead first and grabbed Chen Tianshan in an instant. He was ordered by the ancient Qin Dynasty, and Chen Tianshan needed to be destroyed as soon as possible, leaving all officials without a chance to choose.


Feng Jing Extreme blinked to Chen Tianshan.


Suddenly, a sword rang, but saw that above the sky, a white sword light cut to Fengjing Supreme instantly.

"Who?" Feng Jing Extreme's face changed, and he slammed away.


At the same time, the sword puppets burst into pieces, and at the same time, tens of thousands of sword gas came straight to Fengjing.

The East is undefeated, Tokgo seeks defeat, Zhang Sanfeng, and Xi Menxue, almost at the same time. All sharp and sharp.


Feng Jing shouted loudly.


All swords and swords smashed.

Although the four strong ones are strong, they are only Zhongtian Temple in the end, and Fengjing Supreme is the strongest in Heaven Palace, and he is immediately repelled by Fengjing Supreme.

"Four, why do you protect the national thief Chen Tianshan?" Gu Qin stared.

Ximen's snow blowing and Dugu seeking defeat were all cold in his eyes, and Zhang Sanfeng frowned at the moment and looked at the ancient Qin.

"Prince of the ancient Qin Dynasty, the national thief is not Chen Tianshan, the chaotic thief is you, I have seen the hypocrite of Yue Buqun, and I will still be fooled by you? Hmm, the Supreme Master Feng Ye shot Chen Tianshan again, I will not protect him! "The East is undefeated.

"Huh?" Gu Qin showed a hint of doubt.

"The four of us, staring at you to kill!" Dongfang undefeated coldly.

"Bold!" The basalts suddenly stared.


Gao Xianzhi, Mo Yike, and Monte Thai all blocked Chen Tianshan behind him.

"His Royal Highness, please respect yourself!" Mo Yike said coldly.

Although everyone was displeased with Chen Tianshan, at this moment, right or wrong, the crowd still stood by Chen Tianshan.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha, sure enough, only the emperor can let you surrender, anyone, any force, you look down on. However, today, you will offend everyone!" Gu Qin took a deep breath and said coldly.

While talking, he gently moved a trick in his hand.


At high altitude, the array trembled suddenly, Zhang Sanfeng, Ximen Bingxue, the East was undefeated, and the Tokgo seeking defeat suddenly swayed and almost fell.

But it was the ancient Qin detective who grabbed a long emerald green knife in the void, and the long knife burst into a billowing mist, which connected the large array in the sky and manipulated the four strong ones.

"Trapped knife?" Chen Tianshan's face changed.

"The Father Emperor taught me how to use a trap knife. Now, these four sword repairs can't help you!" Gu Qin said coldly.

"His Royal Highness, I'll wait to follow you!"

"His Royal Highness, I want to be loyal to His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness, no, the emperor, the emperor himself will do his job!"




Suddenly, many courtiers turned to the ancient Qin, and many of the Jin Yiwei immediately turned their backs on Mengtai and were willing to submit to the ancient Qin. Immediately annoyed Monte Thai.

Ancient Qin smiled coldly.

Just as Gu Qin was about to continue his killer.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, I came here just in time, really a good show!" A loud laugh came from the sky.

Everyone looked up.

But at this moment it was a huge flying boat.

On top of the flying boat, there were several men, the first one being the proud prince of the past, Long Aotian. Son of the Dragon God.

Long Aotian was standing on top of the flying boat, above the deck behind him. At this moment, a dense coffin was erected.

"Long Aotian?" Gu Qin sank.

"Don't worry, Gu Qin, I won't compete with you, I only need two people, Mo Yike and Gao Xianzhi, I will take them away!" Long Aotian smiled with a smile.

Below, Mo Yike, Gao Xianzhi, Chen Tianshan, and others all frowned and looked at the unexpected visitors.

Chen Tianshan, Gu Qin, Long Aotian, the three parties suddenly stalemate, confronting each other.

Just when the three principles are facing each other. There is a group of people wrapped in black robes in a restaurant not far from the Cupola. While guarding the restaurant, he looked respectfully at the man in the black brocade.

The man is not someone else, it is the ancient sea hurried back.

Gu Hai stood at the window, standing with his hands on his shoulders, watching the dispute over the distant Chongtian Temple Square, didn't step forward, just squinted.

Beside him, there was Changming of Heipao.

"The emperor, the above is the information collected for the minister. Now that the ancient Qin prince has changed, should the emperor come forward ...?" Chang Ming respectfully said.

"Wait a second, oh, I have to see, what other charms!" Gu Hai sneered.

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