Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 17: Getting messy

Yinyuehai, with the fall of Fengjing Supreme and Shangguanhen Supreme, has now become the world of the Xuanwu tribe.

Center Silvermoon Island.

Shangguanhen sat in a small courtyard with a figurine in front of him. Drinking alone.

Beside, Elder Miao Chen stood respectfully, frowning slightly: "Extreme, I've seen it outside, and still there!"

Shangguan marks a sneer in his hand, "Oh, Yi Tiange? Still watching me? OK, OK, OK!"

"Extreme, why do we need to face Yi Tiange all the time?" Elder Miao Chen smiled bitterly.

"Is n’t He Yi Tian Ge facing me, hum, I am doing this today, but also to preserve the Xuanwu tribe. Feng Feng Supreme? Oh, he was arranged by the old man who watched chess that year. The Xuanwu tribe almost collapsed last time. , Will be gone forever! "Shangguan marks Shen said.

"Ah? Why?" Miao Chen said blankly.

"Because the emperor, huh, you haven't heard of the news from heaven, who killed too much? Who killed it in the early days? Who killed it in the Dragon Warring States?" Shangguanhen said in a deep voice.

"But, Gu Hai is a fluke ...!"

"Luck? Oh, before, many people thought that Gu Hai was a fluke, and those people were dead. I have followed Gu Hai for all these years, and it's clear that don't look at the process, don't look at Gu Haixiu, see the results. Today, I wait If Yi Tiange betrays the Dahan dynasty, the Xuanwu tribe will disappear from this world in the next day! "

"No, isn't Gu Hai dead?"

"Have you seen the body?" Shangguanhen looked at Miao Chen.

"No, no! If there were ancient sea corpses, the Dahan Dynasty would have collapsed long ago!"

"Yeah, countless people think that the emperor is dead, but I don't think it is. His life is too hard to be as tough as the Dragon Warring States. He will come back. When he returns, it will be when the nights are destroyed. "Shangguanhen said in a deep voice.

"Uh, yes!" Miao Chen nodded with a hint of doubt.

"What's wrong with the Quartet?" Shangguanhen looked at Miao Chen.

"Extremely you are trapped in Yinyuehai, but you can rest assured that the Xuanwu tribe still has a lot of allegiance to you. According to your requirements, a large number of Xuanwu have been sent to spread the news. It has been broadcast in advance, and I believe that Wu Tiantian is ready! "Miao Chen nodded.

"Well, unfortunately, I still can't do anything. If the emperor is in the dynasty, the news is enough, Chen Tianshan, I hope he can stop it!" Shangguan marks sighed slightly.

"But, supreme, you will spread the message to all the forces in the Quartet. Will there not be more people with bad intentions?"

"Yes, there are more people with bad intentions. The more muddy the water is, the better it is for Chen Tianshan. I hope he can grasp it well, and if it can be passed to the emperor's ears, it will be even better!" .

Just after Shangguan's remarks were finished, the figurine of the piano suddenly opened up.

"Extreme, I am the skyless capital of this country. Prince Qin brought Supreme Master Fengjing and a group of basalt soldiers to force the palace Chen Tianshan. It has entered the scorching heat. Seems deadlocked! "

Qin figurine opening. Pass the message from the borderless sky.

"Daiyu Emperor also sent someone there?" Miao Chen's face changed.

"Oh, it seems that we leaked the news that the Dawu Emperor Dynasty and Yitiange shot. The Dao Emperor Dynasty also sent someone there? Oh, good, good, good, the more people, the more muddy the water! But stand up. "There was an expectation in Shangguanhen's eyes--

Reminder in advance of Shangguan marks, in addition to the Emperor Dai sent Emperor Long Aotian.

The major forces of the Quartet also sent people to one after another.

Two imperial dynasties and three imperial ancestors, because this period of time constantly breaking through the Dahan Dynasty city, can be described as high fighting spirit.

You know, all the lords of the Dahan Dynasty have experienced the baptism of the Asura Road. Now they have reached the beginning of the Xiatian Palace. They can break through the Dahan Dynasty city in this case, indicating that these five forces are all Has great strength. At least there are Xiatiangong strong, and even Zhongtiangong strong.

Now, two emperors and three suzerains, each taking a group of strong men, hide in the surrounding mountains and forests, staring coldly at the distant borderless sky.

Long Aotian and Gu Qin only looked at the heads of several major regiments. But Dahan is not only this talent, but also other slightly weaker talents, these small forces are bound to win.

Now that the war is about to start, it is a good time to touch the fish in the muddy waters, and perhaps, there are unexpected gains.

The sky is boundless.

Long Aotian sneered and looked down at the ancient Qin.

"Mr. Mo, Mr. Gao, the emperor greatly appreciated the two, and sent me here this time, solemnly inviting the two to visit the Dalai Emperor. Please do not disapprove them!" Long Aotian looked at the two again.

"Going to visit the Dachao Emperor Dynasty? Oh, the old man doesn't have this blessing!" Mo Yike shook his head and smiled.

"There is no such blessing in the next place!" Gao Xianzhi also sneered.

"There is no blessing? Oh, father emperor values ​​it, that is blessing. The two don't have to quit, so it's settled!" Long Aotian was very overbearing.

"Well, Long Aotian, are you sure you want to oppose me today?" Gu Qin looked coldly at Long Aotian.

Long Aotian sneered at Gu Qin: "Prince Dahan? Oh, I can't think of you as a running dog of Yitiange!"

"Gu Qin, you don't have to talk nonsense with him, just rely on him, can't make much of a storm!" Feng Jing Extreme looked cold, and his hand slammed into the sky flying boat.

In the cold of Long Aotian's eyes, a dark shadow blocked in front of Long Aotian.


The black shadow stalemate in the air with Feng Jing's supreme palm, agitating a lot of air. There are storms blowing across the borderless sky.

"Zombie? Admiral?" Feng Jing looked at the shadow coldly.

It was a zombie wearing an emperor's robe blocking Long Aotian.

"Feng Feng is supreme, haha, you are far worse than eight hundred years ago!" Long Aotian sneered.

"Do you think I can't take you anymore? Go and take Long Aotian!" Feng Jing Supreme looked cold.


There are dozens of basalts roaring into the sky, and the whole body exudes a huge breath, but they all open the Tiangong.

"A group of earthworms also want to fight with me? Opening!" Long Aotian looked cold.


Above the flying boat, all the coffins were loud, and suddenly, the coffin cover was opened.

As soon as the coffin cover was opened, Gu Qin and others suddenly sank.

But I saw that in the coffin, there were zombies wearing official and military uniforms. Each zombie has a yellow charm attached to his brows.

"Ten thousand generals and zombies?" Gu Qin's face changed.


Ten thousand zombies burst out. Suddenly pounced on those dozens of basalts.


Suddenly, Zhongxuanwu was trapped in the center by a group of zombies.

"Ah, ah, ah ...............!"

A lot of screams came from the besieged siege.

"Miscellaneous account!" Feng Jing Extreme's complexion changed suddenly and rushed to open the emperor.


Flipping your hands and snapping away a crowd of zombies, the basalts who flew into the sky fled out, but when they escaped, they were covered with wounds and were bitten by zombies and devoured large pieces of flesh.

"The zombies at the peak of Yuanying? No, there are still blockbusters that have opened the Tiangong?"


The Zombie Emperor shouted, and 10,000 zombies flew behind him, looking coldly at the basalts below.

"The peak of Yuanying? This is a zombie in a crypt found by his father. Each of them has a Fuyu seal on it. As long as the seal is torn, all zombies are in Kaitian Palace, believe it or not?" Long Aotian sneered.

"Open the palace?" Gu Qin's eyes narrowed.

"Well, I won't play with you anymore, Gu Qin, you accept the Dahan Dynasty, I only need Mo Yike and Gao Xianzhi, you can't stop me, of course, you can also try it!" Long Aotian cheeky Cold road.

"Long Aotian, do you think this group of zombie zombies can sweep everything? Gao Xianzhi 100,000 soldiers, did you forget?" Gu Qin sneered.

"Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, just the peak of Yuan Ying, how many have opened the palace? Huh, today, the prince dared to come, and have the confidence to take them both!" Long Aotian said coldly.

"Really? I just don't know Mr. Sima, do you agree?" Gu Qin suddenly looked at a loft in the distance.

"Huh?" Long Aotian turned his head and looked.

But I saw that on the top of the attic, at this moment was standing a group of Qingpao people. The first two are Sima Changkong and the former Crown Prince of the Dragon Clan, Ao Sheng.

"Sima Changkong? Ao Sheng? Huh, you want to stop me too?" Long Aotian sank.


Suddenly, behind Ao Sheng, a large number of Tsing Yi's body skyrocketed, turning into more than 4,000 dragons floating in the air, one by one, glaring at the 10,000 zombies of Dragon Aotian.

"Prince Gu Qin, good eyesight, actually saw me here?" Sima Changkong frowned at Gu Qin.

"After the praying mantis catches the cicada and the yellow bird, sometimes it is also‘ the hand is fast, the hand is slow ’!” Gu Qin laughed.

"Yes, you have fast hands, slow hands? But if I help you, what can I get?" Sima Changkong laughed.

"Not what you can get, but what will you lose if you don't help me?" Gu Qin shook his head.




The situation is becoming more and more complicated, and the forces in the muddy waters surrounding it are becoming more and more tangled at this moment. I do not know how to start.

Chongtiandian Square looks like a vortex center at this moment, and everyone becomes increasingly anxious.

Only a short distance away, in a restaurant, Gu Hai gently picked up a cup of tea, sipped the tea, and watched the thunderous chaos of the four parties.

While the ancient sea tea looked coldly at the outside world.

"call out!"

Suddenly a dark shadow flew into the restaurant where the ancient sea is located.







A group of black robe vampires suddenly appeared close to the enemy.

Even Chang Ming changed his face and protected Gu Gu's side. He seemed to be shooting.

"It's okay." Gu Hai waved his hand.

"Uh?" Chang Ming looked at Gu Hai in confusion, but he was still on the alert to the Heirobe man who suddenly came, and the Heirobe man suddenly stared at Changming, giving Changming a poisonous snake Sense of danger.

"Mosquito, you are not polite to look at my subordinates like this?" Gu Haiwei smiled.

PS: Sorry, I updated it so late. I ’m in the field these days. There are so many things. The update is not good. I ’m sorry. I ’ve been home in two days. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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