Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 18: Demon army out

The mosquitoes stared at Chang Ming as soon as they entered the restaurant.

The mixed Yuanzhu that he wants by all means is in the hands of the people in front of him. As long as he kills him, the mixed Yuanzhu is his own?

The mosquitoes wanted to take a shot, but stopped. Because there is still an ancient sea beside it.

Previously, mosquitoes felt that Gu Hai was a pig eating a tiger. Pretending to be weak, but powerful.

For a long time, no one believed, but what happened? Those who do not believe are dead.

The Qing Emperor died, he died too early, and he died too much, and even the Dragon Warring States died.

Everyone outside said that the death of the Dragon Warring States was because he was dead, and the ancient sea was only close to him, and he just made up a knife. Everything is a fluke.

However, in the eyes of mosquitoes, it was all farting. lucky? Are you lucky to kill a young emperor? Are you lucky to kill Taichu? Are you lucky to kill Taiji? Or who is lucky to kill the Dragon Warring States?

Not luck, but the weakness of the grandson who deliberately pretends to be ready for you.

Everyone said that Gu Hai was dead, but look at the radiant appearance of Gu Hai. Where did he die? This is why mosquitoes have been waiting for five years in Boundless Sky.

The mosquitoes were still watching the battle outside, but suddenly their nose sniffed and smelled the smell of ancient sea blood, and they suddenly looked up and flew over.

"Mosquito, you are not polite to look at my subordinates like this?" Gu Haiwei smiled.

"No, I'll take a look!" The Mosquito smiled immediately.

But resisted the urge to shoot.

On the one side, Chang Ming was suddenly shocked with a cold sweat, but Chang Ming really felt the killing intention of the mosquitoes.

"Gu Hai, where have you been in the past five years? Why haven't you heard from you all over the world?" Mosquito said curiously.

Gu Hai looked at the mosquitoes and smiled, but did not explain, but there was no explanation, the mosquitoes felt more mysterious.

"I was going to take away the Axe, Chaos Bell, Qiankunding, and all ten sides, but unfortunately, they are all broken. What I said to you in the past can only be pushed back!" Gu Hai looked at Wudu Tiandu Over the sky.

"It doesn't matter, I can afford to wait, there are fifty years left and right!" Mosquito smiled awkwardly.

"Chang Ming, the Mosquito Taoist is here today, and I also say to you that the Mosquito Taoist and the Puppet are allied with each other and want to get you mixed Yuanzhu and be stopped by the puppet. Later, wait for him to do two more things for the puppet and get the calendar One of the first fifteenth magic weapon of the ancient 16th National Congress, exchanged with you, I promised to come down! "Gu Hai looked to Changming.

"Mixed Yuanzhu? If the emperor wants it, it is always available without any magic weapon exchange!" Chang Ming solemnly said.

"Huh?" Mosquito eyes lit up.

"I promised, I will do it, rest assured, you are a real courtier, I won't let you suffer!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Yes!" Chang Ming nodded and backed away.

The mosquitoes were looking at Gu Hai with satisfaction. Chang Ming promised Gu Hai so that his own mixed Yuanzhu could not run.

"Gu Hai, you have no borders and sky, it's so lively. You haven't gone away after five years? However, today's forces are not good at coming!" The mosquitoes looked away.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "Yeah, the visitor is not good, but it is not a character!"

"Oh?" The mosquito Taoist looked at Guhai doubtfully--

Cupola Temple Square.

Ancient Qin, Sima Changkong, and Long Aotian immediately stalemate with each other.

In addition to Long Aotian's infinite war will, the ancient Qin and Sima Changkong are still overwhelming others. At the moment, the three parties have little difference in strength, and they all want to share a share in the Dahan Dynasty. At this moment, no one let it, verbally exasperated. Rush against each other, but did not rush.

In this way, on the Tiantian Temple Square, Dahan's courtiers, like outsiders, were abandoned aside. Perhaps it has become a lamb to be slaughtered, and he has no right to speak.

"Master Mo, Gao, and Montai!" Chen Tianshan said in a deep voice.

"Tianshan King?" The three looked at Chen Tianshan in doubt.

"I thought that Xiaxia had the ability to hold the Dahan Dynasty and wait for the return of the emperor, but now, it seems that there is no chance. Xiashan has a request for you!" Chen Tianshan looked at the three.

"Request?" The three questioned.

"Mr. Gao, you are the emperor's hand, presumably, your loyalty to the emperor is unquestionable, how the emperor treats you, not much to say, I just want to say, if something goes wrong, I implore you to wait for the emperor for some time Ten years? No, I don't ask too much. Five years, how about keeping the Dahan Dynasty for another five years? "Chen Tianshan solemnly salutes Gao Xianzhi.

"Tianshan King, what do you mean by this?" Gao Xianzhi frowned.

"Master Mo, I implore you for five years. Nothing else, just for the emperor's knowledge and respect for you!" Chen Tianshan suddenly gave a gift to Mo Yike.

"Tianshan King, you must not!" Mo Yike's face changed.

"Master, please believe that the emperor will definitely come back. Within five years, you will be able to return. You will still have the power. The Dahan Dynasty will become bigger and bigger, and it will achieve the imperial dynasty and even the heavenly dynasty. , And lost the shortcut to heaven! "Chen Tianshan said to Meng Tai.

"Tianshan King, what are you going to do?" Mengtai's face changed.

The ancient sea in the distance was moved for a while, and at the same time, I realized that Chen Tianshan's ability had risen to a new level. Chen Tianshan was afraid of things? No, he sees a lot of things very thoroughly. He has a deep understanding of the human nature of Gao Xianzhi, Mo Yike, and Monte Thai, but he never showed it. Can't do things, but know how to be human. Insufficient wisdom, right and wrong, but never wrong.

"I am most grateful, Chen Chenshan!" Gu Hai sighed a little in the distance.

Mo Yike, Gao Xianzhi, and Meng Tai seem to know Chen Tianshan for the first time.

"Three, if I am unfortunate, please three must keep Dahan, I do not require ten years, five years is enough, block the five-year small, the emperor must return!" Chen Tianshan solemnly said.

"Tianshan King, what are you going to do?" Montai said anxiously.

Today, this situation is not under its control at all. Whether it is the Dragon, Xuanwu, or Zombie groups, there are numerous Zhongtian Temples, and even more powerful Heavenly Palace. What else can I have to rely on today?

And a large number of courtiers, even disdainfully looked at the King of Tianshan.

King Tianshan, do you think you are the emperor? Can anyone resist now if they are slaughtered?

"Demon army obey!"

Chen Tianshan drank loudly.


Suddenly, around the temple, countless guards flew in, and a strong breath formed a rolling storm, and the three-way powerful men who had an instant impact changed their faces.

"This breath?" Sima Changkong's face changed.

However, I saw that around the borderless sky, a half-million army suddenly flew out, and the army vacated, representing that they were all strong in the Yuan Dynasty.

In the distance, the powerful parties hiding in the dark also changed their faces.

"What? Dahan Dynasty, there are 500,000 yuan baby? Impossible!"

"A half-million-dollar baby world? Isn't that sweeping all dynasties? The dynasty is first?"

"No, no, it doesn't seem to be Yuanyingjing?"




The powerful men looked at the army of 500,000 who rushed to Chen Tianshan, and his face suddenly changed.

"Demon army? Not good, quickly, take down Chen Tianshan!" Gu Qin pointed at Chen Tianshan, exclaimed with a stare in his eyes.

Sima Changkong also suddenly responded, knowing that it was not good: "Prince Ao Sheng, get out and get Chen Tianshan, the situation is wrong!"

"Chen Tianshan, you ant dare to resist?" Long Aotian stared.

Suddenly, a large number of zombies rushed.

Watching the Dragon, Xuanwu and Zombie rushing, Chen Tianshan smiled coldly: "The demon army did not need to worry about the safety of the king. The king died for Dahan and died well. At all costs, kill Sima Changkong , Killing Long Aotian, killing ancient Qin, this is a military order, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill! "


"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, an overwhelming army of 500,000 troops burst into the thunderous weather. As soon as the powerful Demon Army came out, it suddenly swelled into a storm, like a sharp arrow.

"not good!"

Gu Qin's face changed, soaring into the sky and fled away.

What happened to the others before they even reacted, and how did Qin escape?

But the next moment, everyone saw it.

"He, they're not Yuanyingjing, they're Kaitian Temple?" Suddenly, a scream of a dynasty emperor came from the forest in the distance.

500,000 to open the temple?

Are you kidding me? 500,000, 500,000? His dynasty was already powerful enough, and only three people opened the Tiangong. In the past, the predecessor of the Dahan Dynasty, the Shenlu Dynasty, looked like the emperor's imperial court songs were all Yuanying Realms. But now, the Dahan Dynasty still has such an evil army?

This, this invincible army? If they were sent out in the past, how else would they attack the city?

A crowd of forces suddenly turned their faces, and two dynasties and three ancestors suddenly felt a disaster.

"I said, don't kill the Dahan Dynasty. Who inspired me?"

"It's over, so many temples have been opened? No, all temples have been opened? My gate is in danger!"

"I'm going to be miserable!"




A group of forces were screaming.

Sima Changkong, Long Aotian, Ao Sheng, and Fengjing Supreme also all widened their eyes.

"Killed Chen Tianshan!" Feng Jing went straight to Chen Tianshan.

"No, save me first!" Gu Qin screamed in surprise.

Gu Qin understood the terrible nature of this army. They would not care about their prince at all. As long as the order was issued, they would fight with all their strength.

"Assholes, other Xuanwu races, go to kill Chen Tianshan, and save the ancient Qin!" Feng Jing's face changed.


Suddenly, Feng Jing came to the front of the ancient Qin, but at the moment, the ancient Qin was surrounded by hundreds of gods and demons, and the sword came straight.


Feng Jue swayed the demon army, and took the ancient Qin flying to the sky.

"Chen Tianshan, you are crazy!" Gu Qin shouted in surprise.

"Kill, except the Zombie Emperor, other soldiers are going to kill Chen Tianshan!"

At high altitude, Long Aotian's flying boat also exploded instantly. If it wasn't for the zombie emperor's hand, he would have been killed just now. Long Aotian looked stunned.

"Prince Ao Sheng, be careful!" Sima Changkong also turned away and changed his face.

However, the demon army is too strong and the number is terrifying.

A group of dragons couldn't stop it.

"Elders, I protect Mr. Sima, you can deal with Chen Tianshan, kill him, just fine!" Ao Sheng exclaimed with a change of expression.


A large number of strong men rushed to Chen Tianshan.

PS: tired for a day, the update is late, sorry! Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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