Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 19: Bone Knife Peak

Instantly mess around in the sky above the Tiantian Temple Square!

Chen Tianshan suddenly realized that today's horror is impossible to escape. It was imperative that the ancient Qin brought Fengjing to the Supreme Court. Fengjing Supreme went to the Heavenly Palace. The Dahan dynasty now did not go to the Heavenly Palace to sit in the town. In this way, he could not escape even if he escaped.

If ancient Qin succeeded in seizing the country, the first person to kill himself was the Tianshan King. Because the Dahan Dynasty did not need a second voice.

As for the emergence of Sima Changkong, there was no peace of mind, but judging from the dialogue with Ancient Qin, the two parties seemed to have some kind of covenant.

Long Aotian didn't look at himself and wanted to capture Mo Yike and Gao Xianzhi. If the two were arrested, the hearts of the Dahan Dynasty would not be far apart.

Therefore, Chen Tianshan finally ordered the army of 500,000 gods and demons to kill the three men.

Ancient Qin, Sima Changkong, Long Aotian.

When the ancient Qin died, the Dahan dynasty would not be captured because of the ancient Qin. The Xuanwu clan represented by Supreme Master Fengjing could not seize power at all, and no one cared about them. When Sima died in the air, the dragons will be in a mess. Long Aotian died, and a group of zombies disappeared.

As long as the three of them die, the disaster will come to an end. Even if they die, even if Fengye Supreme and Ao Sheng want revenge, as long as they die, the revenge is over, and the Dahan Dynasty is guaranteed. As long as they die!

As for the future, I can't help myself, I hope the emperor will return soon.

500,000 under the Heavenly Palace, the amount of terror, even if Zhongtian Palace did not dare to easily collide, the unified army formation, the fierce murderousness of the three people suddenly shocked their faces turned wild.

In this way, Fengjing Supreme must quickly protect the ancient Qin.

Ao Sheng must also protect Sima Changkong immediately.

The zombie emperor must also protect Long Aotian immediately, otherwise, when the three died, the crowd would be defeated.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

At high altitude, there was a loud noise suddenly, and Feng Jingxun and others shot, and all the demon army were suddenly blown out. However, this group of gods and demons is an absolutely loyal army trained by Gu Hai. How about being beaten? Keep killing.

In the past, the killing spirit in the secret realm of Asura was once again exposed, and I didn't care about the three strong ones. Although I was seriously injured, I had 500,000 and 500,000 troops. Would I be afraid of you?


The shock wave appears to form three super tornadoes in general, one by one, the soldiers with swords in hand, fearless death, facelessly rushed into the tornado storm.

There was a huge shock, and there was a chill in the powerful forces below.

"Hundreds of thousands of heavenly palaces, can't be wrong, how could there be half a million of heavenly palaces? How did the Dahan Dynasty do it?"

"I used to think that the Dahan dynasty was just a weak little dynasty. After taking the Grand Canal and joining the line of the Dragon Warring States, I just found out that it was all wrong. Because of the power of the Dahan Dynasty, the Dragon Warring States can see it. Go to the Dahan Dynasty! "

"How could it be so strong?"

"In the past, we captured the Dahan Dynasty city. Each city owner was a Kaitian Palace. I was surprised. It turned out that the Dahan Dynasty opened so many palaces?"




The quartet strong was terrified.

The other basalts, zombies, and dragons who opened the Tiangong Palace went straight to Chen Tianshan while roaring.

"The First Army, protect the King of the Tianshan Mountains!" Gao Xianzhi shouted.


Suddenly, a large number of soldiers came straight from the Quartet.

Gao Xianzhi's 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers, but existed like the Demon Army, quickly came from all directions, and suddenly showed the powerful atmosphere of Kaitian Temple.

"What?" The elders of the dragon clan changed their faces.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom .........!"

Suddenly, a series of loud noises blocked a large number of dragons, zombies, and basalts. Even the first legionary army shot extremely cruelly, and for a time, quickly killed them.

The dragons, zombies, and Xuanwu suddenly died.

"The Shoucheng array is opened to protect the people!" Mo Yike waved.

The borderless sky trembled with the battle, but gradually stabilized as the large group opened. From all corners, a thick fog suddenly appeared, protecting the people of the borderless sky.

At this moment, the people and officials of Wutiantiandu looked at the demon army of the Dahan Dynasty, but they all widened their eyes and seemed unbelievable.

"My Dahan Dynasty, is it so powerful?"

"Xiatian Temple? So many, so many? Why don't I know? How is that possible?"

"The Emperor has laid a foundation for Nuodaji!"




Suddenly, many officials were surprised, with surprises and terrors. Each has a different mentality.

Meng Tai beckoned, and the strong players in Jinyiwei guarded Chen Tianshan. Watching the Dragon Clan, Zombies, and Xuanwu keep being killed by Gao Xianzhi's 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers.

The beheading is only part of it. Although there are many 100,000 soldiers, they are all under heaven.

Among the dragons, basalts, and zombies, there is still the Zhongtiangong strong. Although there is nothing to do with the 100,000 soldiers, they can still approach Chen Tianshan in the army.


Huge shocks again and again, one by one the Heavenly Soldiers were knocked away, and ten Zhongtiangong strong men were already close to Chen Tianshan.

"Qin Zibai!" Mo Yike called.

Qin Zibai suddenly burst out of a bamboo stick in his hand and slammed into a Zhongtian Temple basalt.


That basalt burst out.

"Zhongtian Palace? Qin Zibai?" Suddenly, the masses recognized Qin Zibai.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

Qin Zibai blocked three Zhongtian Temples instantly and was still in an advantage.

"Hurry up and kill Chen Tianshan, then the demon army may have no master, we blocked Qin Zibai, you continue to rush and kill Chen Tianshan, hurry up!" A dragon elder cried.


Suddenly, four Zhongtian palaces stopped Qin Zibai, and the strong men in Zhongtian palace rushed towards Chen Tianshan again.

"Stop him!" Montai yelled.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Montenegrin, Gao Xianzhi, and Jin Yiwei were immediately blown out by a number of Zhongtian Temples.

In a flash, Chen Tianshan was isolated.

The entanglement of Jin Yiwei and the entanglement of the heavenly soldiers couldn't stop the Zhongtian Temple.

In an instant, the front of the Xuanwu tribe's Zhongtian Palace rushed to Chen Tianshan.

Around Chen Tianshan, there was no one left. No one around him could save Chen Tianshan.

"Hahaha, today, it's me, Cui Jinli, who made this work, and killed me!" The elder Xuanwu stabbed Chen Tianshan with a sword.

"Tianshan King!" Mo Yike, Gao Xianzhi, and Montait exclaimed.

Chen Tianshan did not close his eyes at this moment, but suddenly burst into laughter, and a regret flashed in his eyes.

"Chen Chen Tianshan, but can no longer be loyal to the emperor, I hope that I am boundless, and the emperor live forever!" Chen Tianshan yelled at Yang Tian.

The roar was very inconspicuous in the roaring around, but it was just a humble shout, but it was like a heavy hammer, which hit hard in the hearts of all officials.

Many officials, including Gao Xianzhi, Mo Yike, and Monte Thai, felt ashamed immediately.

The quality of Tianshan King is not comparable at all. Mo Yike and Gao Xianzhi discovered for the first time that they were not as good as Chen Tianshan. In the past, I looked down on Chen Tianshan's ability, but today, how ridiculous I am.

But even though everyone showed anxiety, Cui Jin's sword had pierced Chen Tianshan's face door.

Seeing that Chen Tianshan was about to die under Cui Jinjian.

At this moment, the ground at the foot of Chen Tianshan suddenly burst out like a bone.

The spurs burst out instantly, the longer the longer. Headed straight for Cui Jin's sword.


The bone spurs hit the tip of the sword. The strong hardness gave Cui Jin's sword a sudden meal.

"What?" Cui Jin's face changed.

Around, other people also appeared dazed.

To stab? Spurs? Does Chen Tianshan hide other means?

But looking at Chen Tianshan, Chen Tianshan's face also showed a daze.

"Is this ...?" Many people were puzzled. Why did a bone spur block Cui Jin's sword?

Why did the bone spurs save Chen Tianshan?

Suddenly, a light flashed across Chen Tianshan's mind, a bone spur? Bone attack? This is, this is ... ………………!

Chen Tianshan's nose became sour for a moment, and his eyes lit up. In his eyes, a burst of tears burst into tears. The whole person suddenly shivered.

"Come back, come back ........." Chen Tianshan shivered with joy.

"What a magic weapon, hum, let me die!" Cui Jin failed, and turned his hands to Chen Tianshan.

At this moment, Chen Tianshan was not afraid at all, and even showed excited joy.

Just as Cui Jin was about to hit Chen Tianshan's gate.


Suddenly, another bone spur emerged from the ground, and instantly penetrated into Cui Jin's palm, tore it from the wrist, and went straight to his chest.

"Ah!" Cui Jin screamed in pain.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the bone spur punctured Cui Jin in an instant.


Cui Jin spurted blood.

The bone spurs have not stopped, they are still rising, they are still big, they are getting higher, they are getting more and more. It soared into the sky in an instant, as if it turned into a huge bone-knife peak, stabbing to the extreme altitude.

Cui Jin was almost divided into corpses, struggling trembling in the air. It seems incredible this weird scene. A bone mountain punctured itself?

"Why? Hey!" Cui Jin spit blood, taking a final breath in despair.

The sudden change made all the people who attacked Chen Tianshan look blank. How could this happen?

But it's not over yet.


Around the Tiantian Temple Square, hundreds of bone spurs popped out, and the bone spurs instantly stabbed all the people who came from Zhongtian Palace to the sky. However, this time it was not as hard as Cui Jin, but it only made them instantly. He lost all his fighting abilities, penetrated his body, and was stabbed into the air.

The bone-spurring peaks soared into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, a terrible group of bone-blade mountain peaks was formed in the Chongtiandian Square, and everyone in the Quartet was shocked.

As soon as Gushan came out, Gao Xianzhi, Mo Yike, and Monte Thai seemed to have guessed something, and suddenly they showed ecstasy.

"Dahan isn't flourishing, how can I be willing to let Aiqing leave? Chen Tianshan, in the past five years, you have been affected!" A thick voice came from the bone peak group.

PS: The update has been unstable for the past two days, and stability should be restored tomorrow, forgive me. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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