Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 20: Sound shock quartet

"Dahan isn't flourishing, how can I be willing to let Aiqing leave? Chen Tianshan, in the past five years, you have been affected!" A thick voice came from the bone peak group.

The sound is not loud, but it seems to have a strong penetrating power, and it is instantly introduced into the ears of countless people.

Everyone who heard this voice was stunned. At the same time, he turned his head to look at the direction of the sound, and rushed to the top of Tiantian Temple Square. A black brocade man suddenly appeared.

Around the man, there was still a burst of smoke and dust, and he could dimly see the outline. But with that trace of outline, the Dahan dynasty's ministers and the people were all excited.

"Chen Chen Tianshan, welcome to the emperor, long live the long live the emperor!" Chen Tianshan suddenly bowed in excitement.

When Chen Tianshan worshiped, everything had been explained. It was not the others who stood in the slowly dispersed smoke but the emperor who had disappeared for five years.

"Chen Gaoxianzhi, welcome to the emperor, long live the long live the emperor!"

"Chen Mo is also a guest, welcome to the emperor, long live the long live the good old!"

The two of them immediately roused their spirits and started to drink. Although they were extremely happy in their hearts, they also had a trance. After all, although they did not rebel from the Dahan dynasty, they had a little thought after all. He did not cooperate very well with Chen Tianshan's previous supervision. There was guilt and worry.

"Chin, Monte Thai, welcome to the emperor's return. Long live the long live!"

Mengtai is the most excited. Like Chen Tianshan, his excited nose is a bit sour. Fortunately, he has always been determined, hahaha, the emperor is back, the emperor is back, everything is kept. No more worrying, no more worrying.

The smoke slowly dissipated, slowly revealing the clear figure of the ancient sea, yes, it was the emperor.

Is the emperor really alive? The emperor is back?

"Welcome to the emperor, long live the long live!

All ministers worshiped all at once, but the attitudes of the officials who worshiped at this moment were different. Most people were excited, but a handful of people were sincere. After all, it was tantamount to rebel when you dared to embrace the prince to the throne.

"Welcome the return of the emperor!" Gao Xianzhi's 100,000-day soldier suddenly exclaimed.

The high drink of 100,000 soldiers spread to the distant high altitude. In that high altitude, the 500,000 demon army was fighting at this moment. The voice of the ancient sea was not heard clearly. It caught the attention of all the demon army.

The next moment, the voice of visiting the emperor suddenly came around the Chongtian Temple Square?

"The emperor is back?"

"Look, the emperor is really back at Chongtian Temple Square!"

"Roar, come back, brothers, kill me, kill these three rebels, and return to the Emperor!"




The demon army seemed to hit chicken blood instantly, and one by one madly rushed into the high-altitude battlefield.

Above the battlefield.

Ao Sheng, Fengjing Supreme, Sima Changkong, Long Aotian and Gu Qin all changed their faces.

"No, that's impossible!" Everyone looked down.

Below, Gu Hai stood exactly above the Chongtian Temple Square. Although far apart, in the eyes of everyone, it looked like he had a heavenly figure.

As soon as the ancient sea came out, the momentum of the Dahan Dynasty suddenly changed.

In the distant forest, the forces preparing to touch the fish in the muddy waters also opened their mouths at this moment, and a horror flashed in their eyes.

"Impossible, why is Gu Hai still alive?"

"Gu Hai is back? Really back?"

"Isn't he dead? Five years ago, isn't he dead?"




All the powers were panicking.

The return of the ancient sea, plus the 600,000 soldiers, saw the despair of all the forces at once. This must be playing me? Did n’t you say that Gu Guhai died?

Above the square, hundreds of bone-knife peaks came out, and immediately pierced a crowd of three powerful parties. As for the other dragons, zombies, and basalts, what if they rush again?

One hundred thousand soldiers are here, all of a sudden swarm up, don't even want to leave, don't even try to escape.

The ancient sea appeared, and the whole situation turned upside down in an instant.

Gu Hai ignored the others, but very carefully raised Chen Tianshan.

"Chen Tianshan, you are tired, I'm back, I'm back!" Gu Hai moved with a smile.

Chen Tianshan was crying and lifted up by the ancient sea at this moment.

"The emperor returned, even if the minister died, he would die without regrets!" Chen Tianshan moved.

"Dead? Whoever dares to let you die? Ha ha ha ha ha!" Gu Hai laughed.

As for all other ministers such as Gao Xianzhi, Mo Yike, and Monte Thai, Gu Hai ignored them for a while, and Gu Hai ignored them. Gao Xianzhi, Mo Yike and others continued to worship. At this moment, they knew that the emperor was dissatisfied with himself. Do not dare to flatten.

Without paying attention to the worship of Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike, Gu Hai turned to look at the sky.

"Go, go, hurry up!" Gu Qin pulled Feng Jingzhang in fright and fled towards the distance.

"My Xuanwu clan ...!" Feng Jing Extreme reluctantly, after all, his subordinates are below.

"Hurry, hurry, you can't escape if you don't leave, hurry, hurry, hurry ..." Gu Qin called in horror.


Feng Jing Extreme tangled for a while, pulling Gu Qin, fled away in an instant.

"Where to escape!" A group of gods and demons suddenly rushed over.

"Go away!"


Feng Jue Supreme immediately broke through a group of gods and demons and fled towards the distance.

The moment the ancient sea was seen, the ancient Qin knew that the operation had failed. No one knew the ancient sea. Only the ancient Qin knew the power of the ancient sea.

Gu Hai just appeared? No, I must be back for a while. He's going to shoot. Who runs away? Don't you want to run?

Fengjing Supreme is the Heavenly Palace? so what? The ancient Qin's heart was born with a fear of the ancient sea and a blind worship. Shangtiangong doesn't work either.

Run away!

The ancient Qin and Fengjing Supreme shot into the distance instantly.

Gu Hai looked at the ancient Qin and Fengjing Supreme flying far away, and frowned slightly, and did not stop.


In the distance, the trapped knife in the hands of the ancient Qin trembled, as if struggling with the hands of the ancient Qin.

"Hold, hold this knife. This knife is part of Yi Tianqi's fragmentation, and bring Yi Tian Ge, quickly!" Gu Qin handed out a trap knife to Feng Ye Supreme.


The trapping knife was so powerful that it quickly broke away from the hand of the ancient Qin and turned into a stream toward the ancient sea.

"Yi Tianqi?" Feng Jing Supreme changed his face, and wanted to chase.

"Don't chase, no more, let's go!" Gu Qin's complexion changed, pulling Fengye Supreme, instantly turning into two streams of light radiating towards the distance.


The trapped knife flew back to the ancient sea and was caught on the handle by the ancient sea.


The trapped knife was squared, and a large array began again.


At high altitudes, the East was undefeated, Zhang Sanfeng, Ximen Blowing Snow, and Tokgo seeking defeat suddenly trembled and recovered his soberness.

"Ancient emperor? Are you back?" Zhang Sanfeng smiled suddenly.

"Have met the ancient emperor!" The four said at the same time.

Gu Hai nodded.

the other side.

Sima Changkong, Ao Sheng, when he heard shouting from below, his face changed.

"Gu, Gu Hai is back? He is alive?" Ao Sheng sank.

"Come on, go on, go on!" Sima Changkong exclaimed suddenly.

"My dragon clan ...!" Ao Sheng reluctantly said.

"Hurry up, I will take your token order, quickly take me away, hurry up!" Sima Changkong almost shouted to take out a token.

Ao Sheng's face sank, as if reluctant.


With a loud yell, Ao Sheng turned into a huge black dragon, and instantly took Sima Changkong towards the distance.


The dragon body was so huge that it flung away a group of gods and demons and flew to the sky in an instant.

"Mr. Sima, is it necessary to be so afraid of the ancient sea? What do my dragons do?" Ao Sheng still reluctantly said.

"The ancient sea is back, something is going to happen, and you can survive well, hurry up!" Sima Changkong called.


Ao Sheng was faster and quickly flew into the distance.

Only Long Aotian saw the ancient sea and did not run away.

Seeing the return of the ancient sea, Long Aotian sank. Speaking of the former Shennong City, Long Aotian also saw the ancient sea's ability, but always felt that the ancient sea was just a coincidence.

"What about the return of the ancient sea? The order of the father emperor, Mo Yike and Gao Xianzhi, must be taken away, ancient sea? Shennong City, you have saved me, but I am not ready to kill your Dahan dynasty people, I only need Mo Yi Ke and Gao Xianzhi, leave these gods and demons, and take me down to win Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike! "Long Aotian glared and yelled.


The Zombie Emperor roared.

In an instant, he broke away from a group of gods and demons, and took Long Aotian to shoot towards the Chongtian Temple Square.

"call out!"

The speed is extremely fast, and it will soon reach the Chongtian Temple Square.

From Long Aotian's point of view, no matter how strong the ancient sea is, it is not possible to be in the Heavenly Palace. He has a general zombie emperor in his hand, which is definitely the most powerful one here.

"Bold!" "Presumptuous!" "Arrow!"

Gao Xianzhi's 100,000 heavenly soldiers greeted him with a burst of drink, and thousands of arrows rain came straight to the zombie emperor.

However, the zombie emperor could not penetrate the whole body. No attack will work at all. Diving down, it seems that Mo Yike and Gao Xianzhi are coming.

A big threat went straight to Mo Yike and Gao Xianzhi. The two also understood that Long Aotian was coming at himself, but at this moment, the two did not hide, and still kept worshipping the emperor, because the emperor had not yet made himself flat.

"Quick, fast!" Long Aotian looked at the two in excitement.

Really stupid, can't you hide? How much time was saved for me.

"Catch them, grab them, and we'll go!" Long Aotian shouted excitedly.

At this moment, the ancient sea looked at the sky with narrow eyes. Chen Tianshan stands behind Gu Hai and is extremely confident in Gu Hai.

"Long Aotian? They both fled. Only you are not afraid of death? Since you brought it to your door, then you don't have to go! Huh!" Gu Hai snorted. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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