Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 21: Gas accumulation

"Long Aotian? They both fled. Only you are not afraid of death? Since you brought it to your door, you don't have to leave!" Gu Hai said coldly.

In the ancient sea, a large number of vines suddenly popped out, just like weaving a large net, rushing to Long Aotian and the zombie emperor.

"Broken!" Long Aotian called.


A hand knife, the vine was cut off instantly, but instead of withering, it suddenly split into two and continued to wrap around the zombie emperor.

The zombie emperor's mask is fierce, but the explosive power of the vine is also extremely fierce.


The hood was punctured by the vines and went straight to Long Aotian.


The zombie emperor roared angrily and waved countless air knives. Suddenly, a large number of vines exploded quickly. However, the vines exploded a little, and there were more. In a moment, the zombie emperor was completely bound and wrapped.

In an instant, it turned into a huge vine ball.


Long Aotian was thrown out before the vines were wrapped. After all, the vines were very toxic.

"Roar ~~~~~~!"


The Zombie Emperor roared again, and the vine ball that wrapped the Zombie Emperor exploded.

The zombie emperor was out of sleep, but it was too late.

At the moment around Long Aotian, suddenly a large number of stabbing swords appeared.


Long Aotian was sealed in the bone cage by dozens of stabbing blades.

The bone spurs stopped in Long Aotian's body, and there was no stabbing in.

In contrast, all the strong men who were punctured to the side, Long Aotian suddenly felt scalp.

The zombie emperor came to save Long Aotian.

The bone spurs were suddenly close to Long Aotian's skin. Long Aotian suddenly exploded his hair.

"Don't move!" Long Aotian exclaimed.

Because Long Aotian understood that as long as the zombie emperor moved forward, he was stabbed into a sieve by the bone spurs.

The zombie emperor immediately settled.

Long Aotian was too scared to move.

"Ancient, ancient emperor, I didn't intend to hurt the Dahan dynasty this time. Only the love of the father emperor was eager, and Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike were invited to visit. I never thought of hurting Dahan! Long Aotian said with a hint of fear.

After all, Xiao Ming is now caught in the thoughts of Gu Hai, and can only go to great lengths.

Gu Hai stared at Long Aotian with a sneer: "I know, otherwise, you are now a pile of debris!"

"Yes, yes, yes, the ancient emperor, please forgive me. I used to work in Shennong City in the past. Please Gu Gu to watch the past work together ..." Long Aotian begged for mercy.


Suddenly, a large number of bone spurs retracted from Long Aotian Zhou, and Long Aotian finally got out of sleep.

"call out!"

The zombie emperor guarded Long Aotian on the side.

"Thank you, the emperor, we won't bother, Gu Hai, say goodbye!" Long Aotian jumped in shock.

"I said, do you want to go together?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Ah?" Long Aotian's face changed.

"Just as you two leave, all the other generals and zombies are left!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Good!" Long Aotian nodded, but was afraid to refute.

"Go back and tell the dragon gods, in the realm, he doesn't owe him, he owes him!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Good!" Long Aotian answered blankly.

"call out!"

The zombie emperor took Long Aotian to the sky and flew into the distance. Escape.

The thought of Gu Hai, the countless bone-spurring peaks that soared up into the sky, shrank instantly, retracted to the ground, and disappeared.

"嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭!" ……………………

Suddenly, all the dragons, zombies, and basalts fell down.

"Take it down!" Chen Tianshan gave a cold drink.

"Yes!" The fifty million demon army answered.

Dragons, zombies, and basalts are all captured alive, and of course, only half of them are alive.

The return of the ancient sea was a major crisis that resolved in an instant.

"Long live the emperor live long live!" The people in the city shouted excitedly.

Previously, everyone felt that Dahan was finished, but who would have thought that when the emperor came back, it was all resolved. The group of people who had previously stood up to their feet and rolled their eyes in frightened eyes. If the emperor did not intentionally let them go, no one would Want to escape.

"Long live the emperor live long live!"

The half a million demon army roared excitedly.

The army of 500,000 gods and demons accompanied the ancient sea into the secret world of Ashura. The real loyalty is only the ancient sea. Because of the order of the ancient sea, Chen Tianshan's order was awaited.

In the past five years, the army of half a million gods has been worried day and night.

Now the emperor is back and everything will be fine.

There were shouts everywhere.

In the distant forest, the powerful men from all sides are at this moment frightened.

"How to do?"

"Go, go, go, once anyone is found, don't even think about leaving, hurry, the ancient demon is back!"

"It's finished, what's the next step?"

"It turned out that the Dahan Dynasty did not send troops because it was inferior to us, but was waiting for the ancient sea to return?"

"Six hundred thousand open the palace? Is this the rhythm that will sweep the world?"

"I'm dangerous!"

"I am in danger!"




The Quartet forces are absconding,

Yinyuehai, in the courtyard where Shangguanhen is located.

"Extreme, is Chen Tianshan going to die together? If he dies, the Dahan dynasty will really fall apart!" Miao Chen worried.

Shangguan's brows frowned slightly, and the wine glass in his hand stopped in the air, showing a hint of worry.

The figurines in front of it are still being recounted.

"Ah, Supreme, the emperor is back, Gu Hai is back, ah!"

The Qin figurine retells the voice of the messengers from the borderless sky.


Shangguan marks suddenly stood up, and the drink in the glass was instantly spilled to the ground.

"The emperor is back? Really?" Shangguan marks suddenly surprised. But he was a little worried, and it was false news.

"Yes, it's the emperor. That's right. Those who rushed to Chen Tianshan were all pierced by the bone mountain. Ah, the ancient Qin and Fengjing escaped, and Sima Changkong and Ao Sheng also escaped. Only Long Aotian Rushing to the Chongtian Temple, ah, the zombie emperor was bound by vines, Long Aotian was imprisoned in a bone cage, and Long Aotian lost? "

"Gu Hai is back?" Miao Chen was also pleasantly surprised.

"It's the emperor, can't be wrong, Supreme, the emperor is back!" The Qin figurine repeated.

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, okay!" Shangguanhen smashed the wine glass in his hand, smashing with excitement--

Cupola Temple Square.

The ministers are still worshiping.

Gu Hai still didn't let them get up. Instead, he turned over and took out the Tianzhen Shenxi.

"Luck, get out!" Gu Hai sang coldly.

"Ang!" Among the town's seals, there was a sudden loud noise.


Billowing with turmoil, he rushed to the sky of Wudu Tiandu, and in the roar, he quickly covered the sky above the Temple of Heaven, and it was still expanding.

"Come back, the luck of my Dahan Dynasty, come back!" The cheers of the people came from afar.

Demon army, countless guards, all show ecstasy.

Chen Tianshan looked at the skyrocketing sky air and was also excited. Although he knew that as soon as the emperor returned, air air would definitely return, but when he saw air air, he still had a great excitement.

At this moment, Manchu officials were still bending down and worshiping, feeling the luck of the sky, but they were afraid to look up, and their hearts were suffering.

Chen Tianshan looked at the ministers, and seemed to be unbearable in his eyes. However, Chen Tianshan didn't open his mouth to intercede. After five years in prison, Chen Tianshan could see it. This was the emperor beating the courtiers.

This time the emperor went out, it does not mean that the emperor will not go out next time. This time, the beating is a warning to the ministers.

Chen Tianshan took a deep breath and looked at the ancient sea.

Gu Hai is still looking at the clouds of luck.

In the distance, the forces that are quietly fleeing are suddenly changed.

"What? So much luck?"

"Still increasing? This is the luck of the Dahan Dynasty, no, it has been exceeded!"

"The fortune of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty? No, the territory of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty was first occupied by Dagan. Even if it was taken by Dahan a few years ago, the amount of luck will not be too much. But now, why, is it still rising? Still going up? "

"Killing the Dragon and Warring States? Yes, it must be because of the luck of a major player?"




The powerful were suddenly shocked when they were surprised.

The great luck of the Dahan dynasty has covered the entire sky over the borderless sky, spreading out in a flat, vast and even expanding.

The people of the borderless city of heaven all raised their arms and exclaimed to the emperor towards the direction of the Chongtian Temple.

"Dahan dynasty people, hey, come back!" Gu Hai said.


The huge sea of ​​clouds of Qiyun tumbling for a while, and the voice of the ancient sea passed through the clouds of Qiyun to the cities of the Dahan Dynasty and rushed to the ears of all the people of the Dahan Dynasty.

Qinglu city. Above a street, the originally lively street was suddenly quiet. All the people seemed to be fixed, and looked up to heaven.

"Me, am I wrong?"

"Yes, yes, the emperor's voice?"

"Is the emperor really alive? King Tianshan didn't lie, really, really emperor!"

"The emperor is back!"




With a bang, the whole street was noisy, the entire Qinglu City was noisy, and the people in all the cities of the Dahan Dynasty suddenly noisy.

Suddenly, there were countless voices of worship in all directions.

"Lord, long live long live long live!"

Countless sounds seemed to be transmitted through the Yunyun Sea of ​​Qi. For a time, the shouts shook the sky, and the entire Dahan Dynasty was in an excited cheer.

At the same time, there was a resurgence of luck from all sides, pouring into the cloud of luck.

Air transportation is piled up. At the very center, the air transportation seems to be condensing a prototype of a super golden dragon, continually condensing and condensing.

"Jinlong appears, this is, is this to consolidate the luck of Jinlong?" Chen Tianshan suddenly opened his eyes.

Lucky Dragon?

The golden dragon condensed by air transport is a symbol of the imperial dynasty. How much luck has been reached?

"Chen Tianshan, decorate the altar, Dahan needs to report to the heavens and advance to the imperial dynasty!" Gu Haishen said.

"Yes!" Chen Tianshan answered in excitement.

Beside, there was a bitterness in the hearts of Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike who bowed down to worship.

PS: Thanks to the new ally, King of Eternal, for tomorrow! Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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