Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 22: Imperial world

Chen Tianshan arranged that a huge altar was soon set up in the Chongtian Temple Square.

Above the altar was a huge table, and on the table was a gold scroll. It was the scroll of the former nation, and it was also Dahan's first imperial edict.

The ancient sea entered the Temple of Heaven, changed into a black gold dragon robe, wearing a flat crown, and slowly stepped out of the Temple of Heaven.

"Go to the altar, please go to heaven!" Chen Tianshan seemed to be the ceremonial ceremonial master and yelled.

The ancient sea slowly stepped on the altar.

Looked up and looked up at luck.

Gu Hai suddenly gave a gift to the sky.

"Today ’s Dahan Dynasty, the ancient sea, worship heaven, as a testimony to you, the dynasty has reached the extreme, and you want to advance to the imperial dynasty. Today, with the blood of you, sacrifices to heaven, so that you will know that the ancient sea will treat its people well Han country! "Gu Hai shouted.


At high altitude, the sea of ​​clouds of fortune trembled, and the voice of the ancient sea instantly spread to the world of the Dahan Dynasty.

"The emperor wants to be promoted to the imperial dynasty?"

"This is, the emperor sacrificed to heaven?"

"Borderless heaven, are you advancing?"




Hundreds of people were suddenly surprised, and then looked forward to it.


Below the earth, the earth's dragon veins of the Dahan dynasty seemed to feel the thought of the ancient sea, and suddenly roared. All the boundaries of the entire Dahan dynasty were suddenly shaken.

Over the head of the ancient sea, Qi Yunyun was over the sea. Suddenly, there were countless strong winds in the air, as if in the midst of a meditation, with the slightest thought coming to the Dahan Dynasty.

At this moment, please testify to heaven that this 'God' is not the six immortals, but the immortal body. The births of the immortals include the six immortals. The six immortals are only the most accomplished, and they have mastered the law of the immortals. The six immortals are heaven. Heaven is just the Lord of Cangsheng.

The heaven worshipped by the ancient sea is the entire immortal sky.

For the founding empire, worship the heavens and the earth.

Found the emperor's dynasty, only worship the sky, not the earth.

The ancient sea shouted loudly, it seemed to be inductively connected to the whole fairy dome, and seemed to be integrated with all the laws of heaven and earth.

Probe the hand, cut off the right hand, blood stained the right finger, and Gu Hai wrote a large 'han' character again on the golden scroll in front of him.

This is Dahan ’s first imperial edict. In the past, the dynasty wrote a ‘han’, but now it ’s a ‘han’.

As soon as the word Han came out, countless fortunes descended from the sky and went straight to this imperial edict.


Entering from one side, flying out from the other side, and returning to heaven again, the gold scroll suddenly burst into dazzling golden light, as if there was a moment of spirituality.


Countless strong winds rolled towards the golden silk, as if heaven and earth were sensing the weight of the gold scroll.

"Three knees to heaven!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.

After drinking, Gu Hai took the lead in kneeling.


All the people in the heavens and mountains suddenly bowed down, at the same time, Yunyun Yunhai heard the voice in the ears of all the people in Dahan, and all the people followed them down.

"Hey, please go to heaven, be honored by Dahan Jindi, worship!" Gu Hai shouted, and took everyone to worship God.

Hundreds of people heard the voice of the ancient sea, and worshiped, and at the same time drank, "Come to the sky, and be honored by Emperor Han!"

"Hey, please go to heaven, be honored by the Emperor Jinhan, and worship again!" Gu Hai once again informed the people of the world and worshiped again.

"Hey, please go to heaven, be honored by Emperor Han!" Shouted without hundreds of people worshiping.

"Hey, please go to heaven, be honored by Emperor Jinhan, and worship!"

"Hey, please go to heaven, be honored by Emperor Dahan!" Shouted Dahan people.


Above the head of the ancient sea, a roaring wind howling came suddenly. Under the wind howling, a lot of colorful light seemed to come out of nowhere, heading for the gold scroll.


The gold scroll suddenly emits a lot of colorful light.

As soon as the colorful light came out, Gu Hai flashed a hint of joy in his heart. This set of procedures extended countless years. When the colorful light came, it was the mark of the permission of heaven. Caiguang is an imperial dynasty certificate given by heaven.

"Early ancient sea, thanks to Heaven's permission, with the seal of the imperial dynasty, the great imperial dynasty!" Gu Hai burst into a loud shout.

In a big drink, Gu Hai stood up and lifted up the Tianzhen Shenxi, and hurled toward the gold scroll cover.


Tianzhen God Seal falls on the gold scroll.

In an instant, the ancient sea, the town's seal of the town, and the scroll of golden silk seemed to merge together, blooming a colorful light of heaven.

The colorful light instantly bursts into the sea of ​​clouds of gas, and the light of colorful clouds blooms instantly. The light was still spreading, and instantly burst into the ground.


Suddenly, from below the earth, a huge golden dragon soared into the sky is exactly the vein of the earth. After receiving the colorful light, the huge dragon head also bloomed with colorful light in an instant.

The light is still spreading.

"Om, hum, hum!"

From the ancient sea, from the sea of ​​Qiyun, from the earth's dragon veins, to all the subjects of the infinite city, suddenly all the subjects burst into colorful light.

Through the sea of ​​luck, it seemed to spread to all the people of the Dahan Dynasty.

For a time, the colorful light scattered into the endless land.

Countless people were surprised to see the glare from themselves.

Is this Dahan's promotion? Skyfall Ruifu?

"So comfortable, like a hot bath!"

"This is the emperor's success, promoted to the imperial dynasty? The light of Ruifu has made my bottleneck repair for many years, and has it loosen? I seem to be breaking through?

"I've gotten rid of all my ill health? Auspicious!"




Hundreds of people are excited about their own changes.

Rui Fu came in for a moment of incense.

"call out!"………………

In an instant, all the colorful lights seemed to disappear in an instant, heading straight for the ancient sea.


Tianzhen Shenxi and the gold scroll made a loud noise. It seems that all the colorful lights in the world of Dahan have converged under the seal.

At this moment, all the light on the scroll was introverted. At this moment, the gold scroll seemed to change color, and it became dark gold.

The ancient sea gently lifted the Tianzhen Shenxi.


The scroll lost all its glory, but Gu Hai suddenly felt a sense of connection with her mind.

However, I saw three colorful fonts printed on the back of the scroll, which seemed to come out of thin air, but had a simple and magnificent atmosphere.

Three words: Fengshenbang!

"Fengshen list?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened, and he looked up at the sky.

It was a sea of ​​clouds of air in the sky, suddenly compressed quickly towards the center, and rolled into the golden dragon's shape, slowly squeezed it into a golden egg.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

Qiyun Yunhai shrank in half after a short while, and was still shrinking until one third was left. Suddenly, all the luck seemed to form a vortex around a golden egg in the center.

The ancient sea is waiting.

The golden egg was brewing for half an hour, and suddenly it seemed as if the shell of the egg was broken, with a crisp sound.


The eggshell is broken.

The next moment, the broken golden egg exploded.

"Boom ~!"

A super bang, the egg shell exploded and opened, and countless lucks, it also exploded to all directions in an instant, in the center of the explosion, a golden light suddenly rushed straight down, towards the ancient sea body.


Ancient Hai was suddenly possessed by golden light. Guhai's body suddenly swelled up, it seemed to be filled with countless powers in an instant, and among the seven tricks of Guhai, all the light was released.

"Ang ~!"

Gu Hai raised his head and shouted, and actually made a sound of trembling dragons, a vigorous vitality, and the world was instantly heard.


The earth dragon vein also roared suddenly, seeming to be happy for the ancient sea.


Between the mouths, a golden dragon and a thousand-mile-long super dragon emerged from the ancient sea mouth.


Thousands of miles of golden dragons rushed towards the sea of ​​Qiyun clouds. Suddenly, countless Qiyuns circled their bodies, as if the dragon were swimming in the sea.

"A lucky golden dragon? A symbol of the imperial dynasty?" Chen Tianshan smiled.

Jinlong was wandering in the sea of ​​luck for a while, and seemed excited.

The expression of Gu Hai at this moment actually had some imagination with Jinlong. Because the ancient sea found that Jin Long's vision was his own vision. He is like a golden dragon.

"Golden luck lucky golden dragon!" Gu Hai exulted.


Qiyun Jinlong roared suddenly, standing on top of the cloud of Qiyun, extremely excited.

Jinyun Qiyun looked into the distance, and for a moment, his eyes actually saw the distant place.

"Qinglucheng?" Gu Hai suddenly opened his eyes.

Jinlong's eyesight is his own eyesight. As long as Jinlong looks, he can see it.

Jinlong looked around constantly and looked down in a circle. The whole Dahan Dynasty was all in the eyes.

What Jinlong can see is the ancient sea. As long as the ancient sea is in the borderless sky, you can see all parts of the Dahan Dynasty, no matter which city?

No wonder the emperor wanted to refine the Golden Dragon, no wonder the eyes of the former Emperor Xiyu could see the empty city from the metropolis and the dragon vein city. It turned out that it was because of luck.

"Fengshen list came out, lucky golden dragon appeared? Is this promotion successful?" Gu Hai flashed a joy in his heart.

"To all the people of Dahan, we have the heavens and the hearts of the people. From now on, the Dahan dynasty is not there. In this world, there is one more Dahan dynasty!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.


The golden dragon of Qi Yun shouted loudly, and the voice of Gu Hai was instantly heard in the ears of all the people in the world.

"Dahan Emperor Dynasty? Success! The emperor is amazing, no, now is His Majesty. His Majesty is amazing."

"Long live dynasty! Long live long live!"

"Long live Your Majesty, live long live!"




For a time, there were hundreds of people worshiping. The difference between the imperial dynasty and the imperial dynasty was very different. When they reached the imperial dynasty, they were qualified to say that the world was conquered. At the time of the imperial dynasty, it was only a lingering remnant.

Long live the mountain.

Sounds from all over the world spread above the sea of ​​luck. The endless sound detonates the borderless sky.

This is the weather of great powers. Hundreds of people shouted long live.


The earth's dragon vein roared, and it seemed to be congratulating. Then it sank again into the earth, and the dragon vein walked past it. On the earth, countless trees and flowers grew, and it was flourishing.

Above the sky, Qiyun Jinlong slowly lay on top of Qiyun Yunhai, swallowing Qiyun to strengthen himself.

Dahan, at this point the emperor came to the world.

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