Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 23: Take revenge on the country and kill the Quartet!

Dahandi stands up!

Gu Hai stood on the altar and looked at everything below. While the people were cheering, the ministers still maintained their respectfulness, which was quite awkward.

"Chen Tianshan!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"The minister is here!" Chen Tianshan immediately respected.

"During the absence of Dahan, how much was lost?" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Emperor Qilu, in the past five years, the Great Emperor captured ten large cities, and the Yongzheng Dynasty captured eight cities. The Yehui Dynasty captured eight cities, the Incense Valley Zongmen captured six cities, and Qingyun Zong captured five cities. , The Mountain Sect captured seven dynasties of the dynasty! A total of 44 cities were lost! "Chen Tianshan respectfully said.

"Forty-four cities? Hehe, Gao Xianzhi, commander of the First Army, obeyed!" Gu Hai gave a cold drink.

Gao Xianzhi and others have been worshipping, and dare not to get up. They are happy for the return of the ancient seas, but they are also embarrassed in their hearts. After all, in recent years, they have a little looseness to Dahan, and they are not very obedient to Chen Tianshan. When I just worshiped, I felt guilty in my heart, hoping that I could make up for it. Now, with the order of the ancient sea, Gao Xianzhi was instantly excited.

"Chen is here!" Gao Xianzhi said suddenly.

"For Gao Xianzhi, Marshal of the Nation, led the First Army, presided over the service and threw it into the 26 cities of the imperial dynasty and imperial dynasty, and the warlords of the Yongzheng dynasty and the Yehui dynasty, who committed crimes against me, paid 100 times more! The ancient sea sank.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Gao Xianzhi responded suddenly.

With this cry, she shouted extremely high, and she was also very happy. Is this an opportunity for the emperor to give her guilt?

"The commander of the Fourth Army Mo Yike obeyed!" Gu Hai sighed.

"Chen is here!" Mo Yike also took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"The Incense Valley, Qingyun Sect, and Backer Sect, provoked the Dahan dynasty, seized our city, wounded my subjects, and destroyed their ancestors, taking Xiaoxiao, inking Yike as Marshal Zhenguo, presiding over the three sects and committing crimes. Han people, pay it back a hundred times! "Gu Hai ordered.

"The minister obeys the order and will not disregard His Majesty's order!" Mo Yike yelled.

"Chen Tianshan!"

"Being there!"

"Billing the world, the Dahan Emperor paid revenge on the country, seized three dynasties, and those who dared to ally with it, treated him with Dahan's kingdom and killed without pardon!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Simply obey!"

Gu Hai nodded. Then look to the people who are still fearful and sincere.

"Qing Qing, flatten it out!" Gu Hai said slowly.

"Her Majesty! Long live Long Live Your Live Long Live!" The ministers secretly exhaled and said respectfully.

Only then did Gu Hai accept the Tianzhen Shenxi and Fengshenbang slowly stepping down the altar--

In the distance, Sima Changkong and Ao Sheng were flying fast, and there was no hunting behind.

"Mr. Sima, unlike you before, you don't have to be so afraid of the ancient sea, right?" Ao Shenghua turned into a human form and looked at Sima Changkong.

Sima Changkong smiled slightly bitterly: "I'm not afraid of Gu Hai. Even if I was caught by Gu Hai, Gu Hai would not kill me!"

"So why are you?" Ao Sheng wondered.

"I'm worried about Your Majesty!" Sima Changkong bitterly.

"Wu Di? What are you worried about Your Majesty?" Ao Sheng raised a frown, showing a blank look.

"Oh!" Sima Changkong sighed slightly.

Ao Sheng suddenly looked: "You mean, your family?"

Sima Chang nodded.

"If you were seized by Gu Hai, your family would be dead? No, the Sima family would be dead? Your father Sima Zong betrayed the Holy Spirit, and countless aristocrats and strong men in the world of Dagan would hate your family, if not Emperor Wudi's powerful wrists have protected your family, maybe they have all been killed now? Emperor Wudi admired your ability to protect your family. If you were caught by the ancient sea and died? Or immortal, even if you are detained As long as someone is slightly fanning the wind to ignite you to go to the ancient sea, the people in your family will have an immediate disaster. Your flight is only to save people? "Ao Sheng frowned.

Sima Chang nodded his head: "Prince Ao Sheng, no, Ao Sheng is extremely intelligent!"

"You are living so hard now!" Ao Sheng shook his head.

"Only this time, these dragons were arrested and killed by Gu Hai, but they cost you a lot of loss!" Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

"They? Oh, it's nothing, just die. My dragons will soon have a strong army of dragons, stronger than the old Beihai Dragon Palace, and countless dragons!" Ao Shengbut Don't care.

"Oh? Dragon clan? What do you mean? Speaking of which, I'm also surprised. I remember that you used to be at the peak of Zhongtian Temple. Why have you reached Shangtian Temple now?" Sima Changkong wondered.

"You don't know much, you thought, I would easily lead the Beihai Dragons to loyal to Your Majesty? Oh, you don't understand, Your Majesty has the ability to master the sky, His Majesty opened the Underworld Dragon Tomb!" Ao Sheng excited.

"The grave of the underworld?" Sima Changkong said blankly.

"Yes, my grave dragon grave, the place where the human soul belongs after the death of the dragon. That place, except for my father who has entered it once, no one else wants to enter it. His Majesty opened the dragon grave and released the ancient dragon soul Countless haunting dragons are about to revive. I am the new Dragon Clan Supreme, and the first to have the power of the Dragon Mound. This is just the beginning, and I will become stronger and stronger in the future! "Ao Sheng excited.

"Congratulations Ao Supreme!" Sima Changkong frowned and congratulated.

Just as the two talked.


But I saw a colorful light shrouded in the distance.

In the distance, countless Dahan people also emitted bursts of colorful light all over the body, and the colorful light soared into the sky.

"This is it?" Ao Sheng stared.

"Imperial dynasty? Guhai was promoted to Emperor Dynasty? Yeah, yes, Guhai killed the Holy Ghost, but got endless luck, Dahan Emperor Dynasty? This is bad!" Sima Changkong's face changed.

"Immediately report your Majesty!" ——

The ancient Qin and Fengjing Supremes were flying fast, and they could no longer see the Infinite Sky in the distance.

"Gu Qin, what are you afraid of? I am in the Heavenly Palace, what is the cultivation of the ancient sea?" Feng Jing Supreme frowned.

"You are better than the emperor?" Gu Qin replied coldly.

"Qing Emperor? Oh, what is he!" Feng Jing said in a cold voice.

"I'm talking about your current strength, not the peak moment of eight hundred years ago!" Shen Shen said.

Feng Ye Supreme face froze.

"The Qing emperor came here without gaining any benefit. Can you deal with Gu Hai? Did Gu Hai appear just now? Did he just come back? No, as far as I know him, it must not have just come back. Wu Jiangtian must have made arrangements and never fled. Can't escape! "Shen Shen said.

"Hum, when I am restored to ...!"

"While waiting for you to resume your cultivation, then think about playing the music. Yitiange is about to have a major event. At this time, you can't be in trouble!" Gu Qin Shen said.

Feng Ye looked at Gu Qin with curiosity: "That ancient sea is your righteous father. Didn't you have any thoughts of recognizing your relatives just now?"

"Oh, my life was given by the patron, and now, I have cut away my passion and love, and now I am only loyal to the patron. If you talk about this topic again, you will only be teased at Yitiange!" Gu Qin sneered! Road.


At this moment, countless colorful glows appeared everywhere.

"Promoted? Dahan Emperor?" Feng Jing Supreme suddenly changed his face.

"The Dahan Emperor Dynasty is in trouble!" Gu Qin frowned slightly--

Sky without borders.

The Dahandi Dynasty was successfully promoted. Gu Hai didn't hold a pilgrimage meeting, but quickly rushed into the study, and looked at the plots.

Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike started their entire troops. In the past, a number of dynasties and Xiazongmen invaded Dahan. Now they are fighting back. They are the divisions of justice. The people, the army, and the officials are all holding out countless evil spirits. Almost the whole country responded, preparing to kill the Quartet.

In the study, Gu Hai kept reviewing the memorials. There was only one person at the desk, Mengtai.

"Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei has also been responsible for supervising the Baiguan, some secretly surrendering, some erratic, some who have colluded with foreign dynasties and foreign sects to destroy the Dahan dynasty. Those who swear to defend Dahan have been compiled into a book, waiting for Her Majesty's instructions! "Meng Tai solemnly said.

The lord of the dynasty is called the emperor, and the lord of the dynasty is called his majesty.

Gu Hai stopped reading the memorials slightly and opened up the list.

The group of officials who swore to defend the Dahan dynasty, Gu Hai looked at it carefully, and placed it solemnly beside the desk.

Although Gu Hai didn't say anything, Montai understood that this group of officials was about to rise step by step.

In a country, capable people, sage people, and strange people are essential, but what the king values ​​most is the most loyal people. Not all positions need super-intelligent people, and those who don't need great wisdom can naturally give this group of the most loyal people.

Montai did not dare to report this list because Montai knew that His Majesty had another secret system in addition to his surveillance system. There is no need to make Her Majesty suspicious of her for a small bribe of some officials.

Gu Hai looked again at a group of vacillating officials, most of them.

"I haven't been in the DPRK for the next five years, and it's erratic, and it's human!" Gu Hai said lightly.

Putting this group of lists in another pile of memorials, obviously, no awards or punishments.

Gu Hai looks at the list of remaining officials.

"These are people who have rebelled against the DPRK. Some have colluded with foreign enemies, but have not done anything. Some have already harmed the interests of Dahan. There are even more traitors. Road.


Gu Hai snorted, and the list was thrown into a brazier by the sea and immediately burned.

Gu Hai didn't say anything, but Montai had comprehended and respected him, but he didn't mention it again. The next thing is Jin Yiwei.

"In the past, I asked you to control Lu Yacheng and bring Prince Ao Shun to the skyless capital of Xinjiang, right? Lu Yacheng, where is Ao Shun?" Gu Hai looked at Montai.

"Under the command, Lu Yacheng was captured by Yi Tiange. Prince Ao Shun suddenly closed and was temporarily in Lu Yacheng. I wonder if it was discovered by Yi Tiange people!" Montai said bitterly.

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned.

"I have no borders, and the predecessor is the Jiuwu Island of Qiandaohai. Qiandaohai is a huge chess piece. Without the piece of Jiuwu Island, it was filled by Yi Tiange with Lu Yacheng. Ao Shun The Prince was retreating underground, and his subordinates had no time to call him! "Montai explained.

ps: This is the second update, and today there is one more! Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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