Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 24: Good news keeps coming

"I have no borders, and the predecessor is the Jiuwu Island of Qiandaohai. Qiandaohai is a huge chess piece. Without the piece of Jiuwu Island, it was filled by Yi Tiange with Lu Yacheng. Ao Shun The Prince was retreating underground, and his subordinates had no time to call him! "Montai explained.

"Retreat? He was seriously injured at the time!" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, his injuries were not good. The Six Immortals deprived the people of life, and Chen went to sleep. When he woke up, he saw that Prince Ao Shun was hurt alone. He was the first to wake up, and it seemed that we had awoken a long time ago. If you guessed right, he should have cried before. The minister asked him what he said, but he didn't say anything. He just told the minister before the retreat that he would pay him back when he went out! "Montai explained.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Where's the figurine?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"After Sima Changkong and Long Aotian knew about the figurines of the figurines, my Dahan figurines may be in danger. Therefore, Mr. Mo decided to talk with Yunmo for a while and exposed that Yunmo could make figurines. Secret. And it is widely spread that it will be auctioned publicly in Yinyue Mountain Villa. In this way, although Dahan's Qin figurines have been taken away, some hidden ones have been preserved. Now Yun Mo can be regarded as hot. It's up! ”Montai laughed.

"It wouldn't be a big secret for the Qin figurines to communicate? No, it wouldn't be it, the previous outlets were destroyed, and they would start again!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"By the way, Your Majesty, today Jin Yiwei has just heard a message! About the Monkey King that Her Majesty let the court pursue!" Meng Tai looked away.

"Sun Wukong?" Gu Hai looked.

"Yes, it was His Majesty Sun Wukong who gathered in a large array in the past. After Sun Wukong fled, he went to the Western Lingshan Holy Land. Just now I got the news, Sun Wukong made a lot of Lingshan Holy Land!" Montai said strangely.

For Sun Wukong's trouble finding the current Buddha, Meng Tai still doesn't understand.

"Then what?" Gu Hai looked at Monte Thai.

"When Sun Wukong broke through the five hundred Arhats, and then ran in again, the original anger gradually faded away. No, I heard that at the time, Sun Wukong seemed to be stunned by the whole person. It felt like the wrong person.

Later, for some reason, Sun Wukong was now called "a fight to defeat the Buddha" by the current Buddha. Stayed in Lingshan Holy Land for the time being! "Monte said.

"Fight against the Buddha?" There was a strange look on the ancient sea.

"Yes, some people say that Sun Wukong is not happy in the Holy Mountain Holy Land, as if he was forced to fight to defeat the Buddha. The specific minister is also unclear, but for the time being, Sun Wukong is in the Holy Mountain Holy Land, where Sun Wukong himself opened a cave. It seems to be called 'Huaguoshan, Shuiliandong'! "Montai explained.

"Now that you find it, it's all right!" Gu Hai's eyes were condensed.

Montaigne was in doubt, what did the monkey, Her Majesty care? They ran away and were disobedient.

However, for Gu Hai, that monkey is extremely important.

Because Gu Hai wants to summon people from the earth, he must send Sun Wukong back.

Sun Wukong is not tamed and does not listen. But the ancient sea, but greeted the gods on the other side of the earth, those gods, but very much looking forward to being able to come to the six heavens. It would be a great help to summon them.

The premise is to send Sun Wukong back to Earth's fairyland.


Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike formed their army very quickly.

On the third day of Gao Xianzhi, he took the First Army and began to collect a large number of cities. Although Mo Yike did not have the hundred thousand soldiers like Gao Xianzhi, under the command of Mo Yike, these years also attracted a large number of Yuan Yingjing By.

Commander Mo Yike, Qin Zi white-collar soldier. It took five days for the army to pull out the Quartet.

The Dahan people all knew the return of the ancient sea, and they advanced the dynasty. At this moment, the people's heart is flourishing, and the news is spreading quickly in all directions like wings.

Forty-four people in the occupied cities soon got the news.

"The emperor is back, ha ha ha ha, this group of turtle sons, wants you to raise taxes, increase taxes? As soon as you win the city, increase taxes, see what you do now!"

"The Dahan Dynasty? Now is the Dahan Dynasty, Emperor, no, Your Majesty will soon send someone to rescue us, everyone remember, don't pay taxes, don't pay!"

"We are the people of the Emperor Dahan, not yours, the people of the Emperor Yehui. When the emperor is here, who will dare to pretend? While the emperor is retreating, invading my Dahan, it is completely death!"




Dahan ’s ruling has a unique charm. The people naturally turned to the Dahan emperor. In addition, not long after the cities were seized, where could they be in control?

As soon as the army of Gao Xianzhi arrived, in the blink of an eye, a riot broke out in the city, welcoming the army of Gao Xianzhi.

Occasionally, the army that lost its gate was broken by violence almost immediately under Gao Xianzhi's 100,000 soldiers.


What fight?

Those who are stationed in a large number of cities will have the highest peak of Yuanying Realm. In front of 100,000 soldiers, that is not even a slag, and all of them will seize the city in an instant.

Too fast, every city retakes, Gao Xianzhi will not spend more than half a day. One hundred thousand soldiers swept all the way.

Only the city captured by the Emperor Wudi had the Kaitiangong strong, but unfortunately, it was not enough in front of Gao Xianzhi. Almost all of them soon won.

As for Mo Yike, although Mo Yike does not have 100,000 soldiers, Mo Yike has kept countless secret hands. Mo Yike has multiple routes to reach cities and towns.

The inside and the outside should be combined. Mo Yike spent less time than Gao Xianzhi, and quickly regained the cities.

Forty-four cities were recaptured in just two months, most of which was spent on the road.

The speed of terror made the two dynasties and Zongmen personally tremble.

Dahan Dichao's visit is too fierce. There was no chance of breathing at all. It was too fast, almost sweeping all the way, people blocked killing, Buddha blocked **.

Gao Xianzhi is also struggling at the moment, even at the expense of violence. What he wants is to complete Gu Hai's order as soon as possible to redeem his past sins. Although Gu Hai didn't blame Gao Xianzhi, Gao Xianzhi still felt guilty in his heart, the more he felt guilty , The harder it is.

Suddenly, the two dynasties were miserable.

Gao Xianzhi now has an absolute advantage and no longer captures cities one by one. Instead, he beat Huanglong straight. One hundred thousand soldiers went down to the palace and headed for the dynasty.

One hundred thousand Kaitian Palace soldiers are under the city, especially the ordinary dynasty. What is the concept? However, it was just as if Ao Shun brought the Dragon Army to Jiuwu Island in the past.

Gao Xianzhi was not as confused as Ao Shun. At this moment it is sober countless. Even if fighting a dynasty, they did not take it lightly.

The lord of the dynasty, mobilizing the power of luck. The power climbed to Zhongtian Temple, even the peak of Zhongtian Temple, and even higher.

Gao Xianzhi is not an opponent, but Gao Xianzhi can also hide, and use the strategy of enemy retreat.

When the king mobilized the strength once, Gao Xianzhi retreated, and when the power of a country was consumed, Gao Xianzhi sent another soldier. When the king mobilized another country, Gao Xianzhi immediately retreated.

Going around five times in this way, the Emperor Yehui couldn't stand it. Not the king couldn't stand it, but the people couldn't stand it.

As soon as the people lend you strength, as soon as their strength is restored, they borrow it again? Don't do anything yourself?

Just rested and borrowed again? Just rested and borrowed again? When do we lay eggs?

The people's hearts were turbulent, and fewer and fewer people borrowed money. After five times, they were almost brought down.

The army of Gao Xianzhi was energetic. The advantages are getting bigger.

Gao Xianzhi sent a strong force, why not Mo Yike?

Mo Yike has Qin Zibai, the highest peak of the Heavenly Palace, and countless subordinates. Mo Yike even buried countless dark nails in these gates as early as the Yuan Dynasty.

This time, the Dahan emperor was promoted. In the name of revenge, the five forces were slashed, and they swore to kill chickens and tamarins. The four forces felt danger but no one came out to help. Because everyone saw Gu Hai's determination. Similarly, I have no idea about Gu Hai for the time being.

How much does Dahandi Dynasty have?

In addition to these two armies, there are half a million demon army, and this ancient sea, how strong is it? Why did Fengjing Supreme and Aosheng both run away in fear when they saw the ancient sea? There is a zombie emperor in Long Aotian, why did he lose instantly?

All kinds of thoughts contributed to this battle, and there was no helper. More importantly, Gao Xianzhi sent troops too fast and had no time to respond.

Mo Yike's action is very gentle, but he hits the seven inches of the three gates every time.

In just one month, the soldiers had a **** stroke and settled in a next door. With the first, there is the second and the third.

During this period of time, the air movement over the borderless sky is constantly pouring in.

In the morning, into the temple.

Gu Hai was wearing a black gold dragon robe, wearing a flat crown, sitting on a dragon chair, holding his arms in his arms, overlooking the ministers.

The ministers stood on both sides and kept telling about what happened in various places.


There was a loud noise in the sudden sky, and a huge fortune came straight.

"Report, Marshal Zhenguo came to report, relying on Shanzong willing to surrender the Dahan Emperor, bowed his heads! Please Your Majesty, please!" An official rushed into Chongtian Dian to report the joy.


Another luck came from the horizon.

"Report! The Marshal of the National Guard comes to report that the Yehui dynasty is over and the King Yehui has been beheaded under its dynasty capital. Please send your Majesty to assist the takeover of the Yehui Dynasty cities!"

The good news came. It's all quiet.

"Just!" Gu Hai Shen cried.


"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations!" Chen Tianshan laughed with excitement.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations!" Congratulations from all the officials were also happy.

Finally revenge, this group of dynasties, Xia Zongmen, who had high spirits before, have been swallowed up by the Dahan Emperor for only a few months? His Majesty is still wise and His Majesty returns, everything is different.

On the dragon chair, the majesty of the ancient seas took a hint of satisfaction: "Throughout, Marshal Zhen Guo and Marshal Hu Guo, from now on, the two Marshals are allowed to start memorizing, and then they can be added to the Merit Book until they return , And reward! "

Chen Tianshan suddenly looked up, and the meaning of Gu Hai was already clear. At this moment, Mo Yike and Gao Xianzhi were finally forgiven. You can remember the work.

"Your Majesty Ende!" Chen Tianshan worshiped.

News spread quickly to the front.

Gao Xianzhi, while getting the order of the ancient sea, was happy and laughed for a long time.

Mo Yike's face finally showed a smile of relief.

PS: Three more complete. Thank you ‘King of all ages’. We will have dinner later, and we will have a QQ group chat after dinner.

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