Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 25: Resurrection Conference

The seizure of the three dynasties and two dynasties did not occur in any unexpected situation, and the speed was extremely fast. The most important thing was that the other forces in the Quartet did not intervene, letting Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike pass the news to Wudu Tiandu again and again.

The gap between the imperial dynasty and the imperial dynasty is still huge. The imperial dynasty and the emperor Xiuwei are all up in the Heavenly Palace. It is like the former Emperor Xiyu. If the Emperor Xiyu intervenes, the Dahan Army will be frustrated again and again.

Now that the Quartet has just received the news of the return of the ancient seas, the Dahan dynasty was not sure about the situation for a while. Moreover, the fierce name of the heavens is out, and at this moment, when he comes back to kill the chickens and tamarins, whoever intervenes, he will never die, and all the imperial dynasties and Zhongzong gates have not been blended in.

Although the Dahan dynasty had a huge army under the Heaven Palace, there were not many peerless powers going up. Otherwise, the three major forces would not be forced into the borderless sky by the three forces a few months ago.

Gao Xianzhi's method was to use violence to control violence. After the fight, he strongly killed the dynasty king.

Mo Yike ’s method is a soft knife. If the suzerain chooses to move in the gate, if he refuses to accept it, the nails buried by Mo Yike in the past will engage in internal countermeasures. The patron saint accepted the enlistment, and Qing Yunzong fought hard to resist, but after a few countermeasures by Mo Yike, the interior actually killed each other. The Qing Yun suzerain was mad and slaughtered all the veterans and soon disintegrated. In the Incense Valley, Mo Yike killed a batch, recruited a batch, and fled a batch.

In just half a year, all the five major forces have died.

A lot of luck is pouring into the borderless sky.

After Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike wiped out three dynasties and two dynasties, the class teacher returned immediately. As for the next thing, they do not need to do it for themselves. Those other cities in the dynasty and Zongmen had their own extremely active Dahan officials. Want to behave. The two don't need to do it, they can give some credit to others.


The fortune of the borderless sky is constantly increasing.

Cupola, Mo Yike, Gao Xianzhi returned.

"Marshal Protecting the Country, Gao Xianzhi, Chief of the First Army, took over the territory with merit, and defeated the enemy Yehui King and Yongzheng King. This third Dahan dynasty protects the country and rewards one hundred million spirit stones!" A servant sighed.

"Your Majesty!" Gao Xianzhi took a deep breath and laughed.

"Ms. Zhen Guo, the leader of the Fourth Army, Mo Yike, took advantage of the territory, recruited the Mountain Sect, defeated the Qingyun Sect, and destroyed the incense valley. This Dahan Dynasty was the third-ranking Zhen Guogong and rewarded 100 million high-quality spirits!" The attendant shouted again.

"Your Majesty!" Mo Yike also respectfully said.




A series of rewards were reported, and this time some of the successful ambassadors gave rewards one by one.

With the reward, it shows that Gu Hai has no blame for the past mistakes of the ministers.

"His Majesty, the protector of the kingdom and the reign of the kingdom have reclaimed a large number of cities and opened up countless grounds. Today, my Dahan emperor has reached 300 cities, and in the world, the emperor's dynasty is also a very large number of emperors "Chen Tianshan laughed.

"Three hundred cities? But it is not a tranquil place, the people's hearts are unstable, and the national authority is not right. It needs to appease the people and apply good governance widely." Gu Hai sat on the dragon chair and groaned for a moment.

"Yes!" The ministers nodded.

"Chen Tianshan!" Gu Hai began.

"Being there!"

"From today, you will be responsible for comforting the people in the cities, supervising the implementation of good governance in the Quartet, and letting the people who have just entered the Dahan City receive the Dahan Emperor from the bottom of their hearts as soon as possible. That is the heart of heaven, which cannot be scattered, pressed, respected, loved! "Gu Hai commanded.

"The minister obeys the order!" Chen Tianshan answered.

"His Majesty, Lord Li, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, is dedicated to the country and the people. In the past, it was to clean up the countless grievances of the innocent people, and was awarded the name of" Li Qingtian "by the people. He was arrested in the prison of Jin Yiwei, and there were rebels who tried to kill him, His Majesty, Lord Li, and his ministers. They impeached Jin Yiwei and commanded Meng Tai, abused his power, and killed loyalty! "A minister suddenly said.

"Secondary, second opinion! Your Majesty convict Montaigne, please listen!"

"Secondary, second!"

"Secondary, second!"




Suddenly, a large number of officials stood up and accused Jin Yiwei of Montai.

Above the dragon chair, Gu Hai's finger lightly struck the armrest of the dragon chair, looking at Montai through the bead curtain of the flat crown.

Montai stepped out.

"Under the sacrifice, Jin Yiwei got the news, Master Li of the Ministry of Rites, colluded with the Yongzheng dynasty, opened the gate of the city of Buzheng with his son, cooperated with the Yongzheng dynasty, sold his country for glory, and eventually caused the family of the city of Butiancheng to be forced to death. The wicked sin was heinous. Jin Yiwei conducted a thorough investigation and entered Li Mansion. Lord Li was even more stubborn and stubborn. Without repentance, there was some killing. This is guilt and evidence. Please take a look at it! Thick file.

"Leave it to you Ai Qing for review!" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Yes!" Monty held a bunch of files and handed them to the ministers who had just jumped out to impeach himself.

The ministers took it blankly and looked at it carefully. Originally, they thought that Montai had deliberately done it, but they looked at it, and all the officials were suddenly shocked. One by one, the evidence is as strong as a mountain. A lot of officials watched cold sweat.

"Your Majesty, the minister was blinded by the traitor and misunderstood the Lord. Please also His Majesty forgive me!"

"The man was blinded by the traitor, and he almost misunderstood the Lord, please forgive me!"




The ministers suddenly turned against each other and pleaded guilty.

"I don't know who is not guilty!" Gu Hai said lightly.

The ministers were immediately listed, ashamed.

Today is just the beginning. The **** cleaning of Jin Yiwei has just begun. Ministers have been found to be colluding with foreign enemies, and they are killing, killing, and killing!

For a while, the impeachment memorial floated to the study like a snowflake. However, Montait had collected enough evidence this time to suppress everything.

Jin Yiwei also did not have the reputation of the Demon Army. For a whole month, Dahan's ministers felt a sense of self-danger.

Fortunately, a month passed and everything rained and cleared. Jin Yiwei no longer kills people, and Gu Hai also needs a stable political environment.


The Dahandi went to work step by step. He had just been promoted to the imperial dynasty at this moment, and his affairs were particularly numerous. Fortunately, the ancient sea policies and laws were quickly revised.

A series of government orders were issued to put the Dahandi Dynasty on track quickly.

Officials from the Quartet have also spared no effort and continued to comfort and work hard for the three hundred cities of Dahan.

During the period, the Quartet forces also sent delegations to make good relations, and Gu Hai also sent the mission to send diplomatic missions abroad. For a time, the Dahan Emperor's dynasty looked like an ordinary dynasty and recuperated.

Until half a year later. Dahandi came to a guest.

Guanjiu, the nine sons of Yitiange in the past, played against Guhai on the island of Jiuwu and helped Guhai. After being invited by the Dragon Warring States to open the Halloween conference, Jiugong was responsible for chess.

Jiu Gong came alone, and Gu Hai was still very friendly to him. Instead of meeting with the courtesy, he hosted a family banquet, and Gu Hai and Jiu Gong were both. All the attendants were responsible for pouring wine and adding food.

"Jiugongzi, a long time ago, really haven't seen each other for a long time. What wind brought you to me?" Gu Hai smiled and toasted.

Jiu Gongzi has lost the arrogant Lingyun of his former days, but drank a bitter wine a bitterly: "Congratulations to the ancient emperor, now the Dahan emperor is flourishing!"

Gu Hai smiled at Jiu Gong a little, as if waiting for Ji Gong to continue to say.

"The ancient Qin was the son of the ancient emperor. Hey, he should have come. However, the last time I came to the Supreme Court with Feng Ye, it was considered an offense with the Dahan Emperor, so I ran a errand!" Jiugongzi smiled bitterly .

"Evil? He is my son after all. He didn't say evil, but I am quite confused about the state of the ancient Qin now. Is he the ancient Qin?" Gu Hai stared at Jiugongzi.

Jiu Gong nodded: "It is indeed the ancient Qin! He accepted the inheritance of the patron, with the patron's mark, and watched the chess nine sons. No matter who died, the three souls would be transferred to Yitiange, and then reshape the body. He It is the ancient Qin. However, it has lost all its affection and desire, and is only loyal to the Lord! "

"Oh? Really ancient Qin?" Gu Hai suddenly changed his look.

"Yes, not only the ancient Qin, but also the emperor, only loyalty to the patron, so it is normal for the ancient Qin to have some unusual offenses. Yi Tiange raised him, and he only loyal to the patron!" .

"Only loyal to the old man watching Guanqi? The seven emotions and six desires are gone? The old feelings are gone? Is there any way to recover?" Gu Hai worried.

"No, maybe the master knows, but I can't help it!" Jiugongzi smiled bitterly.

Gu Hai's face was cloudy and cloudy. After a while, she sighed slightly, and then said to Jiu Gongzi: "Thank you for your time!"

"It's nothing, you will know this sooner or later, I just said one more thing in advance!" Jiugong shook his head.

"I don't know Jiugong came, but ...?" Gu Hai asked again curiously.

Jiu Gong turned his hands, took out an invitation, and handed it to Gu Hai.

"This is it?" Gu Hai took it curiously.

The invitation is half black and half white. On the white side, the words "Resurrection Conference" are written.

Resurrection Conference? The ancient sea looked moved.

"One year later, the Lord resurrected and invited the ancient emperor to Qiandaohai to observe the ceremony!" Jiugongzi solemnly said.

"A year later, the old man watching chess is resurrected? The resurrection meeting? The old man watching chess was not destroyed by the six immortals?" Gu Hai suddenly raised a brow.

"The Lord has his own means of resurrection. Therefore, the Lord of the Two Holy Lands, the Lord of the Two Heavenly Dynasties, and some extremely powerful men, such as the ancient emperor, are invited." Jiugongzi laughed.

"Oh? One year later? The old man watching chess really reminded him, isn't he afraid someone will go to destroy it?" Gu Hai frowned.

Observing the ceremony, coming with good intentions, everything is nothing. If it comes with malicious intentions, and disrupts the process of resurrection, isn't it that the bamboo baskets are empty?

If it is oneself, it will definitely be carried out quietly, why bother to announce the world like this?

"The Lord's resurrection this time is not only as simple as the resurrection, but also the return of the heavenly souls of all those who died for 800 years!" Jiugongzi explained.

"What are you talking about? Soul of heaven?" Gu Hai suddenly shrank his pupils.

"Yes, the master defeated the last fight, and his death passed away? No, the master planned to spend his whole life, and always has a second hand. At that time, the master did fight to regain the soul of his wife 'Murong Yan'. Although he failed to die, it was deliberately made by the owner. He entered the place where the heavenly soul was, and went to find the soul of Murong Yan. He must have found it. This return not only brought back Murong Yan, Also brought back all the 800 days of normal death of the soul. Major forces, people who hope to be resurrected in the end, relatives, friends, the soul of heaven will return to the Qiandaohai with the cabinet. So no one will destroy, Instead, he will defend the law for the cabinet master, waiting for the cabinet master to return! "Jiugongzi explained.

"Tianhun? Tianhun? Isn't that ...?" Gu Hai suddenly trembled in her heart, and a great joy filled her heart.

Chen Xianer? I am most worried about the soul, and now I want to return?

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