Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 34: Di Shitian

Long Shenwu defeated Sun Wukong and punched Sun Wukong into the big palm-shaped pit below. At this moment, Sun Wukong suddenly thought of the scene where Wu Zhishan was suppressed in the past.

Isn't it because of Rulai ’s treacherous plan, maybe as powerful as Rulai? And the person in front is as strong as that?

Do you underestimate the people in this world?

Dragon God Wu looked coldly at Sun Wukong, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Guhai, Gudi?" Long Shenwu suddenly looked at Guhai.

"Prince III? Emperor Wu? Oh, what a coincidence? I wonder, how did you find us?" Gu Hai Shen Sheng looked at Long Shenwu.

Long Shenwu's gaze at the ancient sea was also quite strange. In the past, his father favored Gu Hai, which shows that Gu Hai is not ordinary. Moreover, the monkey just fled because of the ancient sea.

Although monkeys are not as good as themselves, their strength is undoubted. Such strength is actually afraid of the ancient sea? Is there anything else in the ancient sea that I can't see?

As for the ancient sea killing the Dragon Warring States?

Long Shenwu didn't care too much. From the news of the former celestial world, the ancient sea should be just a relief for the Dragon Warring States.

"Yi is also curious, what's so strange about this monkey? Let you come to the West hundreds of thousands of miles to catch him?" Long Shenwu looked at Gu Hai and wondered.

"Yi has a destiny with this monkey, but I waited for her whereabouts to be hidden, and chose this hidden place. Wait ...?" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with doubt.

Long Shenwu hasn't spoken yet, Ao Sheng laughed on the side: "Hidden? Hahahahahaha, I'll wait near this area. How could we find out if you didn't move much?"

"Uh?" Gu Hai sank.

Right here? So coincident?

With a look, Gu Hai turned to look at Ao Shun: "Ao Shun, is this place near the Xihai Dragon Palace?"

"Oh?" Long Shenwu's eyes narrowed.

"I don't know. The location of the Xihai Dragon Palace is hidden. In the past, no one knew except the father!" Ao Shun shook his head.

"How do you know!" Ao Sheng sank.

Really close to Xihai Dragon Palace?

Gu Hai felt so depressed that she really picked a good place. Did you come to Long Shenwu?

"Originally, I still want to invite Prince Ao Shun, but today it seems that Xu is God, are you here?" Long Shenwu said lightly.

"What do you want to do?" Ao Shun's face changed.

"Brother, borrow your blood!" Ao Sheng sneered.

The combination of Long Shenwu and Ao Sheng, the two of them, have already gained the absolute upper hand, and everyone seems to have nowhere to run.

Ao Sheng is so proud at this moment, but Long Shenwu is staring at the ancient sea and attaching importance to the ancient sea.

"Borrow my blood? Ao Sheng, you just opened the Beihai Dragon Mound, and you still want to open the Xihai Dragon Palace? Did you forget your ancestral training?" Ao Shun glared suddenly.

"Forget? How can I forget, but is it too wasteful for my dragons to be placed there like this? 800,000 years, 800,000 years, above the dragon gate of the Xihai Dragon Palace, the ray of God Sex, maybe it has recondensed the new god! "Ao Sheng laughed.

"Don't you already jump the dragon gate?" Ao Shun said in a deep voice.

Ao Sheng's face sank: "Beihai Dragon Gate? Huh, are you talking about this dragon god?"

During the talk, Ao Sheng suddenly appeared a black light behind his head, and the black light emerged, instantly condensing a huge black dragon phantom, and a black dragon phantom came out, exuding a puppet of dragon power.

"Beihai Dragon God?" Ao Shun sank.

"The old dragon is not dead, the new dragon is not born, the father ’s dragon **** is dead, and the new North Sea dragon **** can be resurrected, but my new dragon has not been resurrected. It is only a puppet, without spirituality, that is, no godhead. Although Divinity accumulates into a dragon **** body, but there is no godhead, just a source of energy! So, I want the Xihai Dragon God! "Ao Sheng frowned.

Ao Shun's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Ao Shun, a Beihai dragon god, also had one. When Ao Tianhuang died in the past, a ray of divine thought helped himself to start the dragon god, a dragon **** with a personality? Because of the resurrection of his own dragon god, Ao Sheng's dragon **** will never be able to consolidate the godhead?

Ao Shun didn't say it, Ao Sheng was still depressed there.

"Wu Di, I don't know how much Ao Shun's blood you need?" Gu Hai asked.

"Uh?" Ao Sheng froze slightly.

"I don't know, maybe just bloody!"

"Is this good? I will accompany you to open the Xihai Dragon Palace, and Ao Shun will be responsible for cooperating, but how will this monkey be handed over to you? Ao Shun, alive, will be more convenient for you to enter the Dragon Palace than a pile of blood." Gu Hai Solemnly.

Long Shenwu groaned and nodded: "Okay!"

Gu Hai turned to look at Sun Wukong not far away.

Sun Wukong's face changed, and he suddenly shouted, "Gu Hai, do you want to catch me back? Think of it!"

"call out!"

Sun Wukong suddenly turned into a stream of light.

"Splash the monkey, want to escape?" Long Shenwu's eyes were cold, and the detective hand once again grabbed at Sun Wukong.

Long Shenwu's palms were huge, showing a tendency to be so powerful that he immediately wrapped Sun Wukong in the center.

"Wuzhishan?" Sun Wukong's face changed.

He seemed to have seen his face hugged by Wuzhishan of Rugao Buddha, and his face changed.

Just when Sun Wukong was in doubt, a fist suddenly appeared, crashing into Baotian Giant Palm of Long Shenwu.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The punches were huge, and when they collided with the palms, the void shuddered suddenly. There were ripples of void. The earth below was constantly shaking, and the quartet of seawater was rolling up a towering tsunami.

Sun Wukong fled because there was suddenly another man with a gold robe in front of Sun Wukong.

The man had a wide face, a white hair combed back, his eyes were extremely sharp, and a spirit of killing rushed in all directions. It was the man in front of him, and his punch was comparable to that of Long Shenwu.

"Di Shitian?" Ao Shun looked cold.

"Oh? Prince Ao Shun? I sent Shi Zhenzi to invite you. Did you think you were here?" Di Shitian laughed suddenly.

"Huh!" Ao Shun snorted coldly.

Emperor Shi Tian looked coldly at Long Shenwu.

"Oh, Emperor Wu is a good tool, just fight with me to open the Xihai Dragon Palace, and also have time to come and catch this monkey?" Di Shitian sneered.

"Di Shitian, don't catch monkeys, you can't take care of them!" Long Shenwu said coldly.

"Yeah, I can't take care of it, but the Xihai Dragon Palace is not your thing, right? Prince Ao Shun, maybe he came to me, maybe, Prince? Ao Shun?" Smile at Prince Ao Shun.

Obviously Emperor Shitian saw that Ao Shun was under restraint.

"Di Shitian? You think too much, I have already formed an alliance with Wu Di and have nothing to do with you!" Gu Hai suddenly interjected.

"Huh?" Di Shitian looked at Gu Hai with a deep expression on his face.

Turning his head, Emperor Shitian looked to Ao Shun and said, "Prince Ao Shun, you have to think clearly. Long Shenwu and Ao Sheng dug the Long Hai of the North Sea, and they also dug the Long Hai of the West Sea. You follow me, I Guarantee the dragon **** Wu Nai, why can't you, I will never open the dragon grave, and do n’t want the Xihai dragon god, how about I only have a copy of the “earth spirit” of the Xihai dragon palace? ”

Although Di Shitian has just arrived, he also sees that Ao Shun should really want to get rid of the dragon **** martial arts.

Ao Shun glanced at the ancient sea, then shook his head and said, "No need, this is a matter of my Ao Long, and it is not your turn to take care of it by an outsider!"

"Huh, I don't know what to do!" Di Shitian's eyes were cold.

"Di Shitian? Why did you save me? In the past, I have killed countless disciples of Tianlong Babu." Sun Wukong frowned at Di Shitian.

"Smelly monkey, don't be affectionate yourself. Hurry back to your Huaguoshan. If it wasn't for the Buddha asking me to save you, I will let you die!" Emperor Shi Tian said coldly.

"Uh?" Sun Wukong looked stiff.

Not far away, Gu Hai and others also looked pale.

It seems that he and his party have indeed been exposed, not only that Long Shenwu found himself, but also the Holy Land Holy Land. But why did n’t the third Buddha come out? Just let Emperor Shi Tian come out? What is the idea of ​​the third Buddha?

"Ao Shun, go!" Gu Hai sighed coldly.

The ancient sea took Ao Shun, Shangguan Hen, and Chang Ming, and slowly flew to the land of dragons and gods.

"Ao Shun, you think about it!" Di Shitian's face showed an anxiety and grabbed at Ao Shun.

"Presumptuous!" Long Shenwu screamed and punched.

Emperor Shitian's face changed, and a punch greeted him.


The two fists bumped again into the ripples of the void, as if the fists had collided, and the void was unstable, rushing out and crushing dozens of mountains.

No one can do nothing.

Di Shitian's face looked gloomily towards Ao Shun. Unfortunately, Ao Shun and his party had already reached the place of Long Shenwu.

Sun Wukong looked aside and sank.

"call out!"

He turned a somersault, flew into the distance instantly, and disappeared into the sky.

You shouldn't stay here for a long time. The emperor's heavenly speech has arrived here, and there is nothing to say.

Sun Wukong left, but Emperor Shitian looked coldly at Long Shenwu.

Long Shenwu refused to let it go, sneering: "Di Shitian, are you trying to keep you here today?"

"Long Shenwu, wait and see!" Di Shitian snorted.

call out!

Di Shitian also flew into the distance instantly, and then plunged into the sea all at once.

"Your Majesty, that Emperor Shaotian should not give up!" Ao Sheng frowned.

"What if you ca n’t do it well? Well, the third Buddha wants to take advantage of the fisherman? See who can laugh till the end, let's go!" Long Shenwu said coldly.

The ancient sea looked slightly.

Xihai Dragon Palace?

Although he did not catch Sun Wukong, Gu Hai felt that this Xihai Dragon Palace seemed not simple. For the time being, he followed the Dragon God Wu to avoid being caught by the third Buddha.

Sun Wukong can only discuss from a long-term perspective.

The group flew quickly.


Everyone flew into the sea and disappeared.

In the distance, the holy land of Lingshan, the gate of Noble Heroes.

Now the Buddha, the Buddha in the past and the Nanlong girl are all looking at a picture condensed by air transport. In the picture, it is the battle in the ancient sea in the distance.

"The ancient sea is here, Buddha!" ​​The Buddha frowned in the past.

"Also cheated Sun Wukong? Why did he catch Sun Wukong?" Nanlong girl frowned.

"Wait to open the Dragon Palace and win them all together! Ask me clearly." The Buddha now said in a voice. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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