Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 35: Xihailong Palace

The ancient sea quickly jumped into the sea with Long Shenwu and his party!

After an hour, he stopped in a huge valley. Around the sea valley, there is a formation enchantment. At this moment, a group of officials and some dragons are standing in the enchantment.

"Your Majesty!" Officials saw Long Shenwu respectfully.

"What's wrong?" Long Shenwu said in a deep voice.

"A lot of formations were used, only the broken spirit formation was slightly useful, but the blood of Ao Zhizun may be almost inferior!" One of the officials respectfully said.

Long Shenwu looked at the ancient sea.

"How much?" Ao Shun frowned.

"Just a small cup!" The official's eyes brightened, surprised.

Ao Shun frowned, and the detective forced a small cup of blood out of him.

"Enough is enough!" The official said excitedly.

After receiving Ao Shun's blood, the official was satisfied for a while.

Gu Hai and his party saw that he had set up an altar, and the altar urged it, and there was a gleam of colorful light on it, pouring Ao Shun's blood into it.


Above the altar was like firing a red beam cannon.


The beam cannon shot out into the enchantment and rushed into the depths of the valley. Seeing that it was about to hit the stone wall, it was a strange meal, as if it hit another transparent wall.


From the point of collision, a huge blood ripple rippled suddenly, and when the ripples came out, the seawater around them suddenly sloshed and wobbled, and on the other side of the transparent wall, a huge palace group was looming. Countless night pearls illuminated the world.

"Sure enough, Xihai Dragon Palace?" Dragon God Wu flashed a beam of joy on his face.

"The location is right, hahaha, this area of ​​the sea is the boundary of the West Sea Dragon Palace, found!" Ao Sheng flashed an excited red light in his eyes.

Ripples appeared, the world on the other side could see, but still failed to open the entrance.

Long Shenwu stepped forward and punched the ripples that had already appeared.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a single punch, he finally had a landing point. You can see that the sea water is separated from the palms of the Dragon God and Wushan instantly, and the Xihai Dragon Palace enchantment suddenly trembles, and it seems to crack a crack.

However, when Long Shenwu retracted his right hand, the ripples were strangely restored.

"Can heal himself?" Long Shenwu's face sank.

"Your Majesty, use the Shou array ablation technique, it will take a few days!" An official said excitedly.

Long Shenwu looked at him: "Yeah, you and Bei Mingshou have also studied for decades, let's start!"

"Yes!" The official answered.

Then, as the officer waved his hand, a black gas burst out of a jade box, straight into the transparent wall.


A violent sound of corrosion came out, but the black gas was corroding the transparent wall.

The transparent wall is constantly rumbling and wants to be restored, but the black gas is too corrosive, and it is too late, so you can see that the corrosion is getting heavier and heavier.

at the same time.

Around the enchantment where the crowds were, there were small fishes swimming.

The fish swims for a while and shoots into the distance.

In the distance, in another enchantment under the sea, Emperor Shi Tian stood behind a group of strong dragons, and looked coldly at a distance.

The little fish swims to the place where Emperor Shaotian spit out a bubble, and in the bubble is the picture of the Dragon God Wu Department.

Di Shitian sneered: "Xihai Dragon Palace? Oh, Ao Shun's blood is really pure. No wonder Ao Tianhuang used to hold him so tightly, hum!"

"Extreme, what shall we do now?" A subordinate worried.

Emperor Shi Tiantian squeezed a golden ball into Xiaoyu's mouth.

"Come on, let's install the dragon of Beihai Dragon Palace. It's time to do something!" Emperor Shitian said coldly.

"call out!"

The little fish swam back again.

In the enchantment where Dragon Shenwu is.

It will take a few days because of the erosion of the Xihai Dragon Palace enchantment.

Long Shenwu owns a palace.

Among the halls, only Dragon Shenwu and Ao Sheng. While passing the Qin figurine, listen to some affairs from the Great Wudi Dynasty.

"Qin figurine? It really is a good thing. Gu Hai can think of this thing, and it is extraordinary. Unfortunately, Yunmo's brain is so deadly. How good is this Qin figurine if it is exclusively for Dawu!" Long Shenwu sighed slightly.

"Your Majesty, Guhai them, you don't care? Why didn't they seal them for repair?" Ao Sheng frowned.

"Our goal is to enter the Xihai Dragon Palace. If you don't move them, they will cooperate best in Guhai!" Long Shenwu shook his head.


"Furthermore, the ancient sea is quite weird. Now we enter the western Lingshan Holy Land area. The third Buddha is staring at the back. It should not be surrounded by enemies. The ancient sea and his party can help us distract most of the third Buddha. The ancient sea, but they A group of evils! "Long Shenwu sneered.

"Distract most of your attention? Will you?" Ao Sheng worried.

"Surely, don't underestimate the ancient sea. This person is deeply thoughtful and the city is very deep. He wants to forcibly seal him, which may provoke him to a strong rebound. He has many back-hands, in case of anger and dispute, it will make Emperor Shi Tian and the third Buddha and fisherman have benefited. In this case, why do you have to do it multiple times? Entering the Xihai Dragon Palace is the key! "Dragon God Wu Dandan said.

"Yes, just, I'm afraid he will run away ...?" Ao Sheng worried.

"Escape? He won't!" Long Shenwu chuckled.


"Emperor Shi Tian has already made it clear that the third Buddha can stare outside. What does the third Buddha want to do? Oh, don't you just want to enter the Xihai Dragon Palace? Let's break the dragon palace in front and they will sit behind to collect the profits Gu Hai should also hear that, he won't leave us! "Long Shenwu said incomparably.

"Really!" Ao Sheng frowned slightly.

"Also, I'm still staring at it!" ——

The ancient sea is located in the main hall.

"Ao Shun, are you serious?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

"Yes, the Four Sea Dragon Palace is a small world pioneered by Ao's ancestors. Ao's Dragon God can naturally enter! It can also bring people into it!" Ao Shun laughed.

"That's it!" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with joy.

"However, I am worried that Long Shenwu has been staring at us, monitoring us with the strength of Long Shenwu, we ...!" Ao Shun worried.

"Relax, there will be a chance soon!" Gu Hai laughed.


A day later.


There was a loud noise on the other side of the sea.

Long Shenwu suddenly stepped out of the palace, "What's wrong?"

"No, I don't know, it's in the sea of ​​Di Shitian!" A subordinate said blankly.

"Not good, there is also the breath of the Xihai Dragon Palace over there, Di Shitian also found it?" Ao Sheng's face changed.

"What's going on? The Xihai Dragon Palace is hidden in the small world of Xumi. It can't be touched, not even the blood of Ao Sheng. Di Shitian can't touch it unless Ao Shun's blood ..." Long Shenwu His face sank, and suddenly he looked at Ao Shun, who stepped out of the hall not far.

On the side of Guhai's face changed, "Ao Sheng, did you send the Dragons to ask Ao Shun for blood?"

"I didn't ...!" Ao Sheng's face changed.

"What man?" Long Shenwu looked cold.

"Extreme, Xiao Yi is gone."

"Extreme, I watched Xiaoyi rush out!"




All of Ao Sheng's subordinates cried.

"The insider?" Ao Sheng's face changed.

"Huh!" Long Shenwu snorted, and rushed towards the distant Emperor Shitian.

"Ha ha ha ha, Long Shenwu, you are busy with you, I am mine, what do you come to do ........." There was a sudden laughter from Emperor Shi Tian in the distant sea.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and the sea water was suddenly tumbling around.

Ao Sheng's face sank and he flew out.

The two powerful men left, Gu Hai smiled slightly: "Now, isn't there a chance? Ao Shun, let's go!"

Taking advantage of the chaos, Ao Shun and the three flew to the transparent wall.

"What are you doing?" The faces of those around him changed.

However, he saw that Ao Shun had reached the transparent wall, and the detective waved a bubble to wrap the three of the ancient sea.


Bubbles spooky into the transparent wall. The four seemed to have wall-penetrating skills, and the weird went in.

"No, come out for me!" Everyone screamed.


With a loud noise in the distance, Long Shenwu and Ao Sheng flew back in an instant.

"Your Majesty, they went in, Ao Shun took them in!" Exclaimed a number of officials.

"Impossible, no one can get in except the Dragon God of the Four Seas. I have Dragon God and can't get in. How could Ao Shun go in?" Ao Sheng exclaimed with a change of expression.

Long Shenwu was horribly gloomy: "Perhaps, Ao Shun has a real dragon god!"

"Impossible, how could he have it, unless the father was the father, the father? The father is really biased, really biased!" Ao Sheng suddenly showed his anger.

"Whew!" Di Shitian and a group of subordinates also approached.

"Oh, ha ha ha, it seems that we are all accounted for by the ancient sea?" Di Shitian suddenly sneered.

Long Shenwu looked at Emperor Shitian coldly: "If it weren't for you, how could the ancient sea slip away from under the eye?"

"What's the use of saying so much? Long Shenwu, you and I have been fighting for a long time, but have been taken advantage of Gu Hai and Ao Shun, you are not comfortable, I feel comfortable? You still want to fight?" Emperor Shi Tian sneered .

"I want Xihai Dragon God, Dragon Mound, Earth Spirit!" Dragon God Wu Shen said.

"All the benefits are for you, what do I want? Huh, after you go in, you have your own means!" Di Shitian Shen said.

Long Shenwu was silent for a moment: "OK!"

"You promise, then start cooperation. Come, set up!" Di Shitian coldly yelled.

Suddenly a group of subordinates set up the formation method, a wave of golden breath poured into the transparent wall.


Like black gas, it is generally corrosive to transparent walls.

"Shoot together!" Di Shitian shouted.

Long Shenwu and Emperor Shitian shot at the same time, hitting the corroded transparent wall.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the transparent wall trembled, and a large number of cracks appeared. However, the cracks are rapidly recovering, but there is a corrosion of gold and black, even if the recovery is a trace of scars.

"At such a speed, it can break open at most half a day, continue!" Long Shenwu said coldly.


Di Shitian and Long Shenwu once again shot at the same time. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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