Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 36: Goblin

Gu Hai, Ao Shun, Shangguan Hen, and Chang Ming stepped into the enchantment of the Dragon Palace in the West China Sea and immediately fell down.


The four landed on a huge square.

Looking up, the four looked at the sky enchantment.


Suddenly, I saw the outside world Long Shenwu and Di Shitian join hands to attack that enchantment, the enchantment mouth, and cracks all around, it seemed that they could not persist for too long.

"Gudi, do we seem to be in despair?" Ao Shun smiled bitterly.

"Outside, Long Shenwu and Emperor Shitian must hate us to the extreme, and outside, there is the third Buddha staring, looking back, how do we go out?" Shangguan marks smiled slightly bitterly.

"Don't worry, it's not difficult to leave here. I just don't want to leave!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Oh?" The three looked at Gu Hai in doubt.

"One for each, take care!" Gu Hai handed out a golden dan to each of the three.

"This is it?" The three questioned.

"** Xuan Gongdan, that Sun Wukong can change seventy-two because of" ** Xuan Gong ". Unfortunately, this exercise is demanding. Unless you give up your own exercise and start over, you will lose more than you pay, but I got it. These '** xuan gong dan' can change their shape in a short time, but they are limited in quantity, and they should be carefully collected. When you leave, swallow the elixir and change into a fish, and you can swim out quietly! " .

"Oh? Deformation?" The three of them suddenly hesitated, and carefully closed them.

This is one of the treasures that the ancient sea once obtained from the earth. Take it out for the first time at this moment.

"** Xuan Gong? Your Majesty, what is that?" Ao Shun stunned slightly.

"** Xuan Gong is the practice of the integration of Buddhism and Taoism. After training, the three heads, six arms, and seventy-two will change, and the King Kong will not be bad. Unfortunately, you need to restart your head to practice, you don't think about it!" Gu Hai shook his head .

"Eh? Yes!" The three nodded blankly.

"Rest assured, when I go back this time, I will pass on some of your special exercises, although not too tough, but, after all, it is amazing that can help you wait for even more racial talent!" Gu Haishen said.

"Yes!" The three of them immediately burst into joy.

"Ao Shun, they are about to come in. Xihai Dragon Palace, what is your dragon family? Let's get it quickly!" Gu Haishen said.

"Xihai Dragon Palace, there is a book of soul spirits, and above the Dragon Gate, a trace of divinity of the Xihai Dragon God, 800,000 years, you should be able to grow some." Ao Shun's eyes flashed a look of expectation.

"This Xihai Dragon Palace, no one came for 800,000 years? Is it a small world?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"Yes, the Four Sea Dragon Palace was developed by ancient ancestors. It is difficult for ordinary people to find, and it is impossible to enter at all!" Ao Shun nodded.

"I think there's a lot of aura here, won't it be a small fairy sphere here?" Changming wondered.

"Of course not. Fairy sky is rare. Fairy sky is already self-sufficient and self-sufficient, and this small world needs to absorb the outside world's aura and external nutrients to survive. How could it be the same!" Ao Shun laughed.

The Xihai Dragon Palace is extremely large, and the palace groups are scattered all over the place, which is a little larger than the borderless sky of the ancient sea. However, fortunately, Ao Shun has a heritage of the Beihai Dragon God and is familiar with it.

A group of people quickly shuttled through the palace group, some of the palaces were underground, and some of them were in coral reefs. After a round of roundabouts, everyone came outside a hall.

"Dihundian!" Shangguanhen's eyes brightened.

"Here it is! Earth soul spirit, I hope it is still the same!" Ao Shun worried with a hint.

"Oh!" The four pushed open the door of the hall.

For a while, the billowing dust rushed towards the face. Everyone waved their hands and exhausted the dust, but they saw nothing in the hall. There was a high platform on the far north, and there was nothing on the high platform.

"Gone?" Ao Shun's face changed.

"Ground spirit? What's that?" Chang Ming wondered.

"That's a book, it's in the memory of Beihai Dragon God, it's here, it escaped?" Ao Shun's face sank.

"Escape? What do you mean?" Gu Hai wondered.

"What is the soul spirit?" Shangguan marks did not understand.

"A book that can absorb the energy of heaven and earth by itself. Even if there is a trace of energy, you can trace the whereabouts of the soul that leaked energy. It seems to have its own thoughts. No one has collected it for the 800,000 years. The "energy" absorbed in the heavens and the earth is difficult for it to accumulate energy to a certain degree, is there the power to leave? "Ao Shun's face sank.

"Absorb the" energy "between heaven and earth on your own?" Chang Ming was surprised.

"Energy? Is it the energy of Zhongtian Temple?" Gu Hai looked intently.

"Yes, the Three Souls cultivate 'Essence, Qi, and God!'. In Xiatian Temple, the human soul needs to nurture and absorb the" divine "cultivation between heaven and earth until it is complete. "Energy" until it is complete. Cultivation is difficult. However, there are also some tricks in this world. This is the essence of the soul spirit. It can capture the free "energy" between the heavens and the earth and provide it to the practitioners! Speed ​​up the cultivation. "Ao Shun explained Road.

"Oh? What about the speed? The soul spirit absorbs the 'energy' between heaven and earth quickly?" Chang Ming curious.

"That is not the same as the speed at which a talented person can cultivate 'energy' on his own, but how much should it accumulate for 800,000 years? Moreover, this kind of unfocused energy, You don't need refining, it's a great supplement for those in the Heavenly Palace! "Ao Shun explained.

In Ao Shun's explanation, Gu Hai suddenly opened his eyes.

Tiangong ’s practice is too slow in Zhengchou. In such an instant, God sent this thing?

"Ancient Emperor, the soul spirit should be hiding! Otherwise, let's go to the Dragon Gate. Find the Xihai Dragon God first? Then look for it again." Ao Shun's eyes flashed a look of expectation.

"No, you have to find it, I need this thing, Chang Ming, can't you make hundreds of millions of bats? For you, you must find the spirit spirit!" An expectation flashed in Gu Hai's eyes.

"Yes!" Chang Ming answered.


When Chang Ming waved his hand, all of a sudden, endless bats appeared in all directions.

"Squeaky squeak!"

Numerous bats quickly blasted in all directions, and the carpet-like search quickly began.

"Earth soul essence? The accumulation of 800,000 years, I hope to fill my earth soul!" Gu Hai flashed a look of expectation.

A group of four people, flying quickly towards the depths-


Long Shenwu and Emperor Shitian shot again and again, the cracks in the Dragon Palace enchantment in the West Sea were getting more and more, and it was not far from breaking.


But I saw that countless bats in the West Sea Dragon Palace soared to the sky, densely packed, as if it were to be spread throughout the West Sea Dragon Palace.

"No, this is a vampire talent. Gu Hai wants a carpet hunt? Will things be cleaned up?" Ao Sheng's face changed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, vampire? OK, OK, OK!" Di Shitian laughed suddenly.

"Eh? At this time, can you still laugh?" Ao Sheng said depressed.

Long Shenwu also revealed a sneer: "This shows that the ancient sea they could not find what they wanted. Earth spirit? Or the West Sea Dragon God? Dragon God does not need to find, it seems that the Earth Spirit is hiding, good thing! "

"Continue!" Di Shitian said with excitement.


The two continued to bombard the cracks in the enchantment, the bigger the cracks, not far from being completely broken.

"Hum, wait for the enchantment to break and see how I can clean them up!" Ao Sheng also looked grimly--

Countless bats searched for the whereabouts of the spirit spirit described by Ao Shun.

Gu Hai and his party went straight to the land of the West Sea Dragon Gate.

The land of Longmen is an area of ​​stone mountains.

Ao Shun and the three of them entered the place, and immediately became a figure.

"Be careful, the land of Dragon Gate is the impossible land that Zulong opened in the past! All the spells in it are useless, and the gravity is increased by a factor of millions!" Ao Shun explained.

"Oh?" The three froze slightly.

As Ao Shun stepped in.


The hair of the four men's clothes straightened instantly.

Changming's black robes may not be of good quality.

"Tear it!"

The hat ripped off instantly.


The original fluttering hat actually fell into the ground and made a super loud noise.

"It's so heavy!" Shangguanhen grinned bitterly.

"Mana really can't work? What a weird area?" Chang Ming smiled bitterly.

Everyone suddenly felt that their bodies seemed to be filled with lead water, and it was difficult to move. No, the lead is still light, and everyone feels that everyone is walking with a huge city.

Walking on the flesh alone is difficult.

"Millions of body weight? It's so hard. What's so bad about this?" Chang Ming smiled bitterly.

Take a step.


Below the ground, as if two giant mountains collided.

"No, I think, this land of dragon gates is a great place to cultivate!" Gu Hai smiled.

Of the four, Gu Haixiu was the weakest, but at the moment, Gu Hai was the easiest to walk.

Ao Shun looked at Gu Hai suddenly: "Emperor, did you feel unwell?"

"Some inconveniences, after all, OK!" Gu Hai smiled.

Ao Shun: "………………!"

The four slowly walked towards the center of the valley, listening to the sound of a full waterfall in the distance. Ao Shun's eyes excitedly said: "It's almost here, right in front!"

The crowd quickly entered the valley.

And after everyone disappeared.

Outside this area of ​​the Dragon Gate, there is a mist of fog between a stone gap.

"Oh, want to find me? Take my energy? Giggle, a group of little bats, also want to find me? For 800,000 years, all the shrimp soldier crabs in the Xihai Dragon Palace will be eaten by me, giggle, and finally go out Here! "There was a sound of soaking in the mist.


Suddenly, a group of bats seemed to find this place and rushed over to inspect it.


The mist turned and shrouded the bats.

"Bang, bang!"

As if a group of bats were dead, they quickly fell to the ground and fell into a pile of black gas as they fell.

The mist did not bother the bats around, but slowly followed the footsteps of Gu Hai and drifted towards Longmen District. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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