Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 38: Unlucky Goblin

Ao Shunhua's carp jumped over the dragon gate, entered the white halo ball, and began to accept the inheritance of the West Sea Dragon God.

The ancient sea also exhaled secretly, turning to look at the loud noise coming from the sky in the distance.

The voices became louder and stronger, indicating that the destruction of Long Shenwu and Emperor Shi Tian was more and more severe.

"Your Majesty, there is a crack in the sky, and the Xihai Dragon Palace enchantment is about to break!" Shangguan Mark frowned.

Chang Ming also showed a hint of worry.

At the same time, a cloud of mist not far away was staring at Ao Shun's acceptance of inheritance.

"How is that possible? Turn into a carp? The carp jumps to the dragon gate? It's really troublesome. The divinity has also been accumulated for 800,000 years. I was going to collect it. Huh, huh, let's go back and grab it again!" Mist With a depression.

Instead, two eyes appeared in the mist, and suddenly stared at the three men in the ancient sea.

"Three people? I have one, and the other two have eaten. They are better than those rotten shrimps and stinky crabs. Among the three, the emperor in black? Well, it's him, his physical arrogance, I If I possess him, my strength will also be overbearing! "The eyes in the mist glowed a gleam of cold light.

After the mist was set, the body was agitated slightly.


Suddenly, the fog around the weak river rose sharply, and quickly shone toward the three men in the center.

"Not right, be careful!" Gu Hai's face sank.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a blue light shot straight into the ancient sea, the speed was too fast, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the ancient sea.

"Your Majesty, be careful!" Chang Ming's face changed.


Gu Hai's figure flickered, but she hid in the past.

"What?" Gu Hai sank.

"Giggle, actually hiding? Fast body, roar!" Blu-ray wrapped in the fog and headed straight for the ancient sea again.

Ancient sea explorer chopped out a knife.


Suddenly, the sword came out, and a huge knife suddenly appeared, chopped on the blue light.

However, the blue light seemed to be nothing, even if it was cut, it did not touch the general, and immediately came to the ancient sea.

"Miscellaneous accounts!" Gu Hai's face turned cold, and he was blown away with a punch.


With a punch in the air, the blue light seemed like nothingness, and in no time passed the ancient sea boxing fist.

"Your Majesty!" Chang Ming's face darted suddenly.

Gu Hai waved his hand and stopped everyone, his mind sinking into his body. Because Gu Hai heard a loud laugh coming from her body.

"Quack quack, good flesh, good flesh, this foundation is better than that of the West Sea Dragon King, ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Blu-ray laughed.

Go straight to the ancient sea head mud ball palace.


The **** of fire, water, wood, earth, gold, and even the goddess of the spirit shot at the same time, but he couldn't touch it at all, and he was such a beam of nothingness.

Vulcan leaned closer, and faintly saw the shape of a book in blue light.

The book has eyes, nose, and mouth, and is surrounded by a transparent blue light energy around the body.

"There is a word on the book?" Soul of the Earth? "Vulcan stunned slightly.

"Soul spirit?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

Chang Ming sent countless bats to find the spirits, and they have been down for a long time. There is no news. The spirits have been found by themselves?

I have to absorb energy for my own use. This soul spirit has found it by myself and has gone to my Zhongtiangong soul?

The ancient sea has a ridiculous feeling.

The spirit of this place is pumping? Run by yourself to give ‘energy’?

At this moment, the original obstruction of the ancient sea slowly stopped. No more blocking.

"Quack, quack, wait for me to refine your earth soul, occupy Zhongtian Temple, and slowly refine your human soul, heaven soul, and so on, everything is fine, you are my puppet, ha ha ha ha!" Shouting in excitement.


In an instant, the soul spirit struck into the mud pill palace of the ancient sea.

Nimaru Palace has been opened for two floors. In the first floor, there is a palace with a height of one hundred feet. The inner soul cannot be seen.

However, when he saw Guhai's Xiatian Palace, the soul spirit was suddenly shocked and remained silent for a while.

"I'm dazzled? Baizhang Xia Tiangong? This is the great consummation? Is this a treasure found? Great consummation! Ha, ha ha, a strong foundation, I thought that I could only let Zhongtian Palace become more and more complete. Unexpectedly, this body gave me such a big surprise, hahaha. "The spirit of the earth was excited.


The spirit of the earth passed through the floor where the next heaven palace was located, and went straight to the middle heaven palace.

One of them.

Earth Spirit: "…………………………!"

Is it another palace that is one hundred feet tall? Is this Zhongtian Temple?

Geospirit is a blue transparent sphere in the area of ​​Zhongtian Temple, but it is also fifty feet high.

But Baizhang Zhongtian Gongkou, at this moment is standing sixty-four feet high.

The ancient Haidi soul looked at the spirit of the earth like this.

The soul spirit's eyes were already staring, as if stupid.

I thought that the ancient soul was only one foot tall, but it was sixty-four feet high. Better than me?

"You, you, aren't you in the heavenly palace? The heavenly palace is the most important? How, how, how is the earth soul so big?" The earth soul essence looked at the earth soul of Guhai dumbly.

The soul of the ancient sea looked towards the spirit of the soul, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes: "If I guessed well, except for the" Soul "in the center of your body, the blue light on your body is all energy? 800,000 Has the energy accumulated over the years been formed? "


Geospirit took a step back because Geospirit saw his excited and greedy gaze from the eyes of ancient Haiti.

"Hell, I'm going, such a big earth soul? You only opened the palace for two days, how could it be so big? How can I talk about it? No, it is a good thing to be so big, how much is it to save me, how big is it? I Eat the same! "


Suddenly, the spirit of the earth went straight to the ancient Haiti soul, suddenly opened its mouth wide, the body suddenly swelled, the mouth became larger and larger, and it became bigger and bigger in a blink of an eye. Thoroughly swallowed.

"Quack quack, come on, be one with me, I will refine you!" After the horror, it turned into a strong excitement and swallowed the ancient Haitian soul.

A huge threat came straight to ancient Haiti.

The ancient Haidi soul did not fear, but looked slightly: "In the past, the ancestor of Yuanxian, Yuanzi, was the power to specialize in the soul of the earth. I also asked him about the cultivation methods of the soul, although I did n’t learn much. However, I learned a lot, but although the physical body is not suitable for performing, the soul does not matter. Try it! "

But he saw the ancient Haiti soul shake his sleeves.


The sleeves of the ancient Haiti soul seem to produce a huge suction, and at the same time, the cuffs suddenly become larger.

The soul spirit's mouth opened to the size of one hundred feet, and the sleeve of Gu Hai's right hand rose to the size of five hundred feet in an instant.

Just watching a bigger blood bowl swallowed to the soul spirit.

The spirit of the ground spirit was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Demon evil, evil evil, help!" The soul spirit screamed in horror, quickly escaping toward the outside.


The cuffs narrowed, and the blue light on the soul spirit bit a thousandth.

"How can this be? How is this? Just in Zhongtian Temple first, why is there such a perverted earth soul method? If I didn't run fast, I was almost eaten by you!" .

I thought it was a fat pig and was going to devour a bite, but who thought that when I just opened my mouth, it became a tiger, and would eat me in turn?

"Don't eat it, don't eat it!" Earth Soul refined his head and fled along the way.

"Well, don't go. Just now Qiankun in his sleeve showed up for the first time. If he didn't do well, come again, don't go!" Cried the ancient soul.

First show? Not performing well? Do you want to scare me?


Suddenly, the soul spirit ran into the place where Xiatian Palace was.


The gate of the palace of Xiatian Palace opened suddenly, and the human soul walking out of the ancient sea from the inside, the human soul was forty-nine feet high, and immediately stopped the way of the earth soul.

"Get away, otherwise I'll eat you, but I absolutely suppress the human soul!" The soul spirit roared.

"Earth Soul Essence, since it's here, don't leave!" Said the human soul.

"I ate you!" Earth Spirit re-opened suddenly.

This time, the soul spirit is not afraid, because the soul spirit knows the Dafa in the sleeve, only the soul can cast it, and the human soul is the divinity of cultivation, which can't be done at all.


As soon as I swallowed the ancient sea soul, I saw the ancient sea soul turned over and took out a book.

"Human Soul Book? How do you have it?" Dihunjing exclaimed.

The soul book instantly bloomed a dazzling golden light.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The soul spirit's mouth was blown up and crooked, and at the same time the figure flew out and flew back to the first floor of Zhongtian Temple.

"Why are you back again?" Earth soul spirit cried in horror.

Can't walk away?

The way back was blocked by the soul of Gu Hai with "Soul Book"? The ancient soul of the ancient sea has the Dafa in its sleeve.

Is it finished today?

"The sleeve is in the sleeve!" The soul of Gu Hai shook his sleeve again.

"Why am I so unlucky?" Di Hunjing shouted in sorrow and indignation.

I have kept it for 800,000 years, and I have an opportunity. How can I encounter such a demon?

The big mouth in his sleeve opened again, the spirit of the earth showed despair, and the lonely grievance of 800,000 years suddenly erupted.

"Come, come, all the" energy "that has been accumulated for 800,000 years is all the wedding dress made for you? Dreaming, dreaming, I just want to stop this body, and I won't give it to you. Growled in sorrow.


The spirit of the earth exploded and exploded. A huge explosion blew the spirit of the ancient sea out. At the same time, the sleeve of the right hand burst instantly.

A powerful airstream exploded, and the billowing blue light shot out through the ancient sea body instantly.

"No!" Gu Hai's face changed.

Earth spirits can't escape, but 'energy' can be emitted. 'Energy' and 'Divinity' are shadowless, invisible, rootless, and flat. This is also the previous attack of the ancient sea that has never been touched. the reason. Today, energy is leaked, but Gu Hai is powerless.

In the Heavenly Palace in the ancient sea, only that book, "Soul of the Earth," was left.

The energy shot out of the ancient sea, but with the spiritual consciousness of the soul spirit.

"Quack quack, I came out, came out! Unfortunately, what came out was only a period of my spiritual consciousness. Without the body, it will soon dissipate. I must find a terrestrial soul as soon as possible. I need a terrestrial soul. Countless 'energies' wrapped up in that period of anxiety.

Gu Hai, it dare not mess with it, standing next to Chang Ming.

"Consecrate your earth soul, I don't believe it, you will also be in your sleeve, and you also have" Soul Book "!"

Hu Long said. That spiritual consciousness rushed into Chang Ming's body with boundless energy.

"Uh?" Chang Ming's face changed.


A bead suddenly burst into dazzling black light.

"No, no, renyuanzhu? Go to your mother, why do you have renyuanzhu, if I still have the body, I will still be afraid of you? Ah, ah, ah ............!"


There was a scream and something annihilated in Chang Ming's body.

Changming burst into a golden light all over his body, but it was Zhunyuan Zhu who destroyed that spiritual consciousness and helped Changming refine his energy.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Shangguan Hen worried.

"I'm fine!" Gu Hai shook his head and looked at Changming.

"Chang Ming, how are you?" Gu Hai worried.

"Your Majesty, Chen is okay. That consciousness was melted by the mixed Yuanzhu, and then the mixed Yuanzhu absorbed all the" energy "into Chen's earth soul. , Can not be extracted for Her Majesty! "Chang Ming anxiously said.

"Hahahaha, once you are in your body, you can absorb it. This‘ energy ’should help you to go to the heavenly palace!” Gu Hai smiled, not thinking.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Chang Ming nodded his head and sat cross-legged, calmly absorbing this huge amount of "energy".

In the ancient sea, the previous "knife in the sleeve" had torn off one thousandth of the "energy", and one thousandth was equivalent to the "energy" of a talented person who has been born for 800 years. Tiangong Xiu has been increased, but for one thousandth of it, Guhai can only plug his teeth, and the soul of Guhai is too big. Zhongtian Temple is the top priority, or Zhongtian Temple. Not even heavy.

However, the earth soul picked up the book on the ground.

"Soul of the Earth"?

No, under the word ‘soul’, there is a faint little book ‘book’!

Earth soul book?

Gu Hai was looking at the "Soul Book of Souls" in surprise.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a sudden loud noise in the sky.

"Your Majesty, the enchantment is broken!" Shangguanhen's face changed.

"Gu Hai, Ao Shun, get out!" Ao Sheng's roar came from the sky.

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