Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 39: Longmen, pack it up


The enchantment of the Dragon Palace in Xihai was smashed and opened by Emperor Shitian and Dragon God Wu Wu.

This time, the enchantment never recovered, and with this collapse, the rift was slowly growing.


The billowing seawater rushed into the Dragon Palace from the West Sea.

The West Sea seemed to be leaking, forming a super huge vortex above the sea surface, swirling wildly towards the inner center.

Creak creak!

Countless bats suddenly fled away in panic.

Long Shenwu and Emperor Shitian guard each other, but after all, they stepped into the Xihai Dragon Palace together.


Both outside parties followed.

"Gu Hai, Ao Shun, get out!" Ao Sheng drank coldly.

Long Shenwu and Di Shitian did not shout, but looked at the Quartet coldly.

After all, the Xihai Dragon Palace is too big, with numerous pavilions, corals and mountains. At a glance, it was strange everywhere, but I didn't know where I was looking for anything. Only billions of bats were flying.

"Dragon God?" Di Shitian suddenly changed his face.


Instantly, Emperor Shitian flew towards the land of Longmen. After all, Emperor Shitian is also a dragon body, and embodies his own dragon god. If his own dragon **** swallows the Xihai dragon god, his own dragon **** is even more powerful.

"call out!"

The Longmen is not far away, and soon Di Shitian arrived.

"You are really here?" Di Shitian's face sank.

But what about Ao Shun?

Looking up at the white halo above the portal. Di Shitian had a bad hunch.

On step, Di Shitian landed in the Longmen area.


The mana is gone, and the whole body suddenly weighs a million times.

At this moment, Emperor Shitian had no time to pursue Gu Hai and his party, ran to the weak river, and kicked at his feet.


Di Shitian looked like a cannonball in an instant, and shot directly at the white halo ball on the portal.

"Not good!" Shangguanhen's face changed.

Because the speed of Emperor Shi Tian was almost the same as that of Gu Hai, this foot soared into the sky and actually shot on the dragon gate.

Emperor Shi Tian was exposed, worried that Ao Shun had seized the Xihai Dragon God. At the moment, his mind was thinking about hundreds of methods to force Ao Shun to deliver the Xihai Dragon God.

By his own means, that Ao Shun must not fight himself.

Just before flying to the Dragon Gate.


Suddenly, a shadow came straight. The speed was extremely fast, and with a fierce air, Di Shitian's face sank and he turned his head and looked away.

But seeing a boulder like a sharp arrow, shot in front of him instantly.

"Miscellaneous account!" Di Shitian's face turned cold, and he patted it with one palm.


Suddenly, the huge stone was broken by Di Shitian. However, the trajectory of Di Shitian's flight was deflected by this boulder, and he suddenly fell in the other direction.

Di Shitian's face was cold: "Gu Hai, are you?"

The boulder was just lost by the ancient sea.

"Oh!" Emperor Shi Tian fell to the ground.

The ancient sea looked coldly to Di Shitian: "Di Shitian, you can go to the Xihai Dragon Palace for other things, the dragon gate, which has been packed!"


It was such a big tone that no one dared to speak to himself like this for a long time.

"Gu Hai, do you want to die?" Emperor Shitian said coldly.

I still want to continue to jump.

"You can try, next time, it will not be a stone!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Di Shitian's face turned cold.

"Huh, I don't know what is called. If you seek death, this seat will give you a ride!" Di Shitian said coldly.

During the conversation, the body suddenly turned into a sharp black arrow, shooting straight from a distance.

The black sharp arrow is too fast, it is too late for Shangguanhen to intercept it.

Who is Emperor Shi Tian? The strength is comparable to that of the Dragon God, and the radical leader of the Tianshan Babu in Lingshan Holy Land. It is equivalent to the existence of an emperor dynasty. Is it very difficult to kill a rising star?

"call out!"

In this difficult place, Emperor Shitian's speed was surprisingly fast, and he arrived at the ancient sea in an instant, and a punch came, as if the ancient sea was blown into a smash.

Gu Hai's face turned cold, and he took a step forward with his left foot, his right leg arched, and greeted him with a punch.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The two fists met, and the hard black stone ground under the two feet instantly exploded countless crushed stones. The crushed stones blasted the Quartet, and immediately shot the surrounding stone forest into numerous huge holes.

Hard-hitting, once collided, Gu Hai stood in place, but Emperor Shaotian paused for a while.

"You ...?" Di Shitian's face sank.

"Here is the physical body, and Xiu Xiu is not as good as you, your physical body is not as good as you!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Oh, ha ha ha, but this one is absolutely terrible, wouldn't it be better than you?" Di Shitian stared at the eyes, and rushed towards the ancient sea again.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

Under a series of impacts, the two shattered rocks around them, and even Shangguan's marks were somewhat unbearable, and they retreated with Changming in cultivation.


Emperor Shitian stepped back again, staring at the ancient sea that did not retreat.

"Yi said, the land of Longmen, I pack it!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Di Shitian not only did not retreat, but a flash of warfare flashed in his eyes.

"This place understands it, and will not flinch, nor has it flinched! Absolute heart, do not flinch, come again!" Di Shitian shouted with a shouting face.


The two fought again.

The sound of the battle roared.

Everyone in the distance searching the Quartet was suddenly attracted.

"Xi Hailong God?" Ao Sheng's eyes brightened.

"call out!"

Ao Sheng shot at Longmen instantly.

"Stop him!" Gu Hai sighed coldly as he battled the Emperor's release.

"Yes!" Shangguan marks rushed up.

"Huh, fight with this seat, and dare to be distracted!" Emperor Shi Tian snorted, and punched Gu Hai's chest with a punch.


But Gu Hai's chest, like a copper wall and an iron wall, was so tough that Emperor Shitian's fist returned without success.

"Di Shitian, in Longmen District, you are not stabbing your opponent, get away!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.


Emperor Shitian instantly exploded and flew seven or eight feet.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, this seat is going to knock you out in Longmen District!" Di Shitian did not give up.

"Boom, boom .........!"

The two started fighting again.

On the other hand, Ao Sheng rushed to Longmen. Shangguan marks stopped in an instant. A huge turtle shell slammed at Ao Sheng in his hand.

"Haha, smelly turtle, do you want to stop me too? Last time, even that monkey couldn't beat, really killing me!" Ao Sheng slashed with a sword.


Shangguan marks flew upside down instantly. The sword and tortoise shattered at the same time.

"Huh, I don't know what it means!" Ao Sheng suddenly rushed forward.

However, Shangguan marks stepped forward to block Ao Sheng again.

"With me, don't want to walk over!" Shangguan Hen resentfully said.


Ao Sheng suddenly punched again. Here, all in the flesh, although the Shangguan mark was slow to move, the flesh was still solid.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

After being repulsed by Ao Sheng, Shangguan's blood was covered with blood, but he was still indomitable.

"It's really troublesome, smelly turtle, you want to die, say it earlier! If it wasn't in this Dragon Gate area, you would have been shot dead by me. Aung!"

Ao Sheng suddenly turned into a huge black dragon. A tail thumped towards Shangguan marks.

When Shangguanhen's face changed, he suddenly turned into a huge black turtle.


The dragon tail slaps on the turtle shell of Shangguan mark fiercely.

"Come again!" Shangguanhen spit with blood and roared.


At the exhibition of the black dragon's body shape, the black turtle was immediately entangled. At this moment, the two men had lost all their strength, and it was better to transform the power of the flesh into the shape of the body. At one time, the two beasts entangled. Suddenly tearing countless.

The surrounding rocks were hit by a mess.

Gradually, the black dragon entangled the tortoise.

"Extreme Xuanwu? Oh, ha ha ha ha, but that's the same, watch me bit your head!" Heilong revealed his face, biting towards Xuan turtle's head.

At this moment, Xuangui's entire body was entangled, unable to move at all, anxious, his head retracted, but he was pinched by a dragon claw.

The tortoise's body is hard, even ordinary swords can't be broken, but the dragon's teeth are sharp, and it seems to pierce its head in an instant.


The black dragon bite.

There is no possibility of a counterattack in Shangguan marks.

Suddenly, a black ball hit the dragon's teeth suddenly.


The dragon's teeth broke instantly.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~!"

The black dragon growled in pain. Not only that, the black ball also hit the dragon head with blood, and Xuan Wu ducked away instantly.

"Is that you? Smelly bat?" Heilong looked at Changming, who was awake not far away, with blood in his mouth.

"Thank you, Master Chang!"

"Shangguan Supreme is polite. Next, leave it to me!" Chang Ming laughed.

"Entrust it to you? Ang, look for death!" Heilong slammed his tail to Changming.

"Master Chang is careful!" Shangguanhen's face changed.

The giant tail dropped, Chang Ming was not afraid, and suddenly stretched out his hands, hugging the dragon tail with a bang.


The dragon tail was hugged.

Shangguanhen and Ao Sheng were all stunned.

"Aren't you the only peak of Zhongtian Temple?" Ao Sheng was surprised.

"Just now, it has broken through the heavenly palace!" Chang Ming sneered.


There was a hint of blue light on Chang Ming's body surface. Suddenly Changming's power increased by another point.

"Break through the heaven palace? No, you have at least the third place in the heaven palace. Earth soul essence? You absorbed all the energy of earth soul essence, 800,000 years of energy?" Chang Ming's face changed.

"Yes, too much energy. I only used one-tenth to break through the heavenly palace, and the rest, refining the refined gas, helped me to break through the heavenly palace, get up!" Chang Ming shouted.

With a violent effort, the huge black dragon was thrown away instantly.

As if he was about to smash the black dragon into the ground, the black dragon twisted suddenly and escaped in an instant.

"Roar!" "Boom!"

The black dragon landed and crashed into Chang Ming fiercely.

Chang Ming punched out with a punch.

"Boom ~~~~~!"

One person and one dragon, all backed up ten feet before they stopped.

"Refining refined gas? Chang Ming is now on par with Ao Sheng?" There was a hint of surprise in Shangguanhen's eyes.

Chang Ming and Ao Sheng rose up, and Shangguan's mark smiled bitterly, and it seemed that he could not get involved.

Slowly, Shangguan marks receded to the side.

Ao Sheng, just stop by Chang Ming.

On the other hand, the battle between Gu Hai and Emperor Shi Tian is also difficult to separate.

At this moment, the outside world's Dragon God Wu looked at the center of the battlefield, but his eyes were slightly narrowed.

"Into the Temple of Heaven for the first time? Gu Hai's body is actually stronger than Emperor Shi Tian? Oh, it can be regarded by the Dragon Warring States. It is really not a mortal. Dahan and Dawu are connected. It is essential to fight later. You stay! "Long Shenwu's eyes were cold.


Long Shenwu stepped into the gate of the dragon gate in an instant, like a sharp arrow, straight into the ancient sea in the center of the battlefield.

Gu Hai is stalemate with Emperor Shi Tian, ​​and the two are in the palm of their hands, seemingly suppressing Emperor Shi Tian. However, at the moment Gu Hai's back door opened wide.

Long Shenwu was approaching in an instant, holding a long sword in his hand, and seemed to want a sword to pierce the ancient sea.

"Your Majesty!" Shangguan Mark leaned close, his face changed.

Without thinking at all, the huge turtle body jumped.


A sword pierced the black turtle in an instant. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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