Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 43: Eighteen floors of hell

The ancient sea broke the seal on Shangguan marks, and the Shangguan marks also looked strangely at the ancient sea. Shangguan marks followed the ancient sea very early, when the ancient sea was just in a state of birth. You also know the ancient sea, but you can't understand why it can unlock the seal of the current Buddha. This is not reasonable?

Shangguanhen looked to the ancient sea, and felt that the ancient sea became more and more mysterious.

Shangguanhen stood aside, and Gu Hai began to question the Ring Buddha.

The ghost kings and ghost soldiers seemed to be rebelling around, but the ancient sea detective suddenly exploded with a lot of true fire, and instantly, countless ghost soldiers disappeared.

The Bodhisattva would rather die than say he was seriously injured by the ancient sea.

The ghosts stunned and said some ancient seas want to know.

"Hell Road? It is divided into eighteen floors of hell? Are we on the first floor?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Yes, senior, this is the first level of hell. There, there is the entrance to the second level of hell. Can you see that entrance?" King Yan Luo pointed to a huge circular entrance in the distance.

The ancient sea turned his head, and sure enough, in the distance between the mountains, there were a lot of lightning flashes. The Thunder Center, a void entrance, seemed to lead to other places.

"Each floor of **** has an entrance? So how to get out?" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Go out? No, there is no way to go out, only the reincarnation pool can go in and out! The other entrances seem to have been sealed by the sky, and there are no exits!" Yan Luo Wang Zhongzhong explained.

"Eighteen floors of hell? What is eighteen floors of hell?" Gu Hai wondered.

"The eighteen levels of **** is the place where the evil people in the world suffer. There are countless guilts and sufferings in **** during our lifetime. We are the slightest layer. Every next layer will produce a layer of irritability and violence. I want to kill Ghosts, ferocious ghosts tore each other here, but they will not die! "Explained King Yan Luo.

"Can't die?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Senior, look, senior, those ghost soldiers you just burned!" King Yan Luo pointed to the square not far away.

Hundreds of ghost soldiers were previously burned to ashes by the ancient sea.

But in this moment of work, there was a trace of soul power gathered there, and slowly, the souls were strangely restored, and the ghosts and souls were slowly resurrected.

However, after living, he suddenly looked inexplicably towards Guhai.

"Resurrected?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, therefore, evil spirits are most afraid of going to hell. Once in hell, they will be killed endlessly. They will kill other ghosts alive, but they will not die. Violent and irritable let them kill, kill, kill, But he can't die, this is a spiritual disaster! "King Yan Luo smiled bitterly.

"Why?" Gu Hai wondered.

"No, I don't know! We have been listening to the Holy Mountain Holy Land, and for some of the most sinful people, we went deeper into hell!" King Yan Luo cautioned.

"Your Majesty, I seem to have heard it!" Shangguan Hen was silent for a while.


"For the energy! The evil spirits slay each other, and the slaying consumes energy. When they are resurrected into the soul, the soul regenerates energy, and after death, the energy is absorbed by this hell. The energy and soul consumed by the soul alive The energy dissipated after physical death is actually in this hell. This should be a world of energy gathering. The whole **** is collecting the most free energy for the six immortals. There is no imprint of anyone. In the world! "Shangguanhen analyzed.

"Energy?" Gu Hai looked at the world.

"Energy, can't see or touch, although there are countless surroundings, but it can't be absorbed!" Shangguanhen smiled bitterly.

"The eighteenth floor of hell, the further down, the greater the irritability and addictive mind? Then there are countless ghosts on each floor?" Gu Hai looked at King Yan Luo.

"No, no, there aren't many ghosts under the fifth floor!" King Yan Luo said with agitation.

"What do you mean?" Gu Hai wondered.

"The Buddha's reincarnation pool, only one hour of a day can lead to the secret world of hell, and the other eleven hours cannot enter the secret world of hell. Because, with the time of the land of Shenzhou, eighteen floors of **** can be opened once a day, Only one hour at a time! "King Yan Luo said with a hint of fear.

"Open once a day? Wait, you just said, Shenzhou earth time? What do you mean?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Because one day outside, this first layer of **** is a thousand years!" King Yan Luo smiled bitterly.

"A day outside, a thousand years inside?" Shang Guanhen's eyes stared in surprise.

"You mean, the first floor? Isn't it the other way around?" Gu Hai frowned.

Time is asymmetric, but the ancient sea has been seen on the earth. In the past, the earth was one day, and the earth's fairyland was one year. But here is a thousand years?

"Yes, the predecessor is really wise, you can see it at a glance!" King Yan Luo immediately flattered.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's talk!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes, the eighteenth floor of **** is increased in multiples. One day outside, the first floor is one thousand years, the second floor is two thousand years, the third floor is four thousand years, the fourth floor is eight thousand years, and the fifth floor For six thousand years, and so on ......... "Wang Yan Luo feared for a while.

"More than ten thousand years? Indeed, without ghosts, you can live for ten thousand years without turning round! The fifth floor is indeed the limit." Shangguan marks frowned.

"No, no, the predecessor was wrong. In Hell, there is no Shouyuan saying that everyone's age has stopped from the moment of entering, perhaps, it is still according to the time of the land of Shenzhou. The fifth floor? That ’s because once the exit is closed, you have to stay in it for 10,000 years, 10,000 years in the mood of irritability and bloodthirsty. For 10,000 years, keep killing ghosts, keep being killed, keep resurrecting, keep continuing to kill, ………………! ”Said King Yan Luo, a thriller in his heart.

Killed for 10,000 years?

Shangguan marks a shocking spirit, hell, it really is the most terrifying place, ordinary people must have been driven crazy.

"You said just now, Kong Xuan was put into fifteen floors of hell?" Gu Hai's face suddenly sank.

"Yes, yes, I ca n’t believe it. How could Kong Xuan ’s will be so tenacious, or, in this hell, he sharpened his fierce heart? I heard that instead of going crazy, he was even more arrogant. This Hell, divided into eight cold hells, eight hot hells. After the cold and heat alternation. The lonely **** on the 17th floor, extreme loneliness, loneliness to chill, held once, almost consumed by the years of loneliness. Hell is like being kept in prison forever, no one can go, it's terrifying! "King Yan Luo shivered.

"How long has Kong Xuan been detained?" Gu Haishen said.

"In the outside world, it should be half a month! Inside ... but he was detained on the first floor, restless, locked on the second floor on the second day, and locked on the third day. The third floor, has been stubborn, until the fifteenth floor, almost thirty-two million years! "King Yan Luo for a moment, suddenly took a breath of air.

"Yes, at first, the Buddhas thought that Kong Xuanhui would go crazy by this time, but Kong Xuan has been living a good life, and, as time goes by, Kong Xuan's enchantment has become more and more powerful. The fierce flames, Hate the sky. This kind of grinding has never been suffered by all the Buddhas. Therefore, I heard that the Buddha paid more and more attention to Kong Xuan. Now, it seems that at all costs, Kong Xuan is to be pulled into the Holy Land of the Spirit Mountain, not just sealed. As a bodhisattva, it seems that you still need to seal the Buddha, even at the expense of a higher status ...! ”Explained King Yan Luo.

"Thirty-two million years? Hiss!" Gu Hai and Shangguanchen both breathed in air.

Thirty-two million years have not been disturbed by the killing attributes of hell, and the heart must have been sharpened for this reason.

"In the future, the Buddha went to persuade Kong Xuan?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yeah, 32 million years ago, deep in the lockdown of hell. If Kong Xuan refuses to agree, he will be suppressed into sixteen levels of hell. One day outside, it will be 32 million years! Sooner or later it will go crazy! Surely you will not stand compromise! "King Yan Luo explained.

"Daming King God? What a powerful will!" Gu Hai's eyes flashed deep.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the eighteen floors of **** are asymmetrical, and the Buddha will not be able to return at one and a half time in the future," Shangguanhen explained.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Hehe, it seems that the Buddha sent us here in the future. It only takes a day outside. The first **** is one thousand years, one thousand years. If it is tortured, there will be more secrets. It will be tortured! "Shangguan Mark showed a trace of hatred.

Gu Hai took a deep breath, and his face was ugly.

"Say, is there a way out?" Gu Hai looked at King Yan Luo.

"No, no. Except for the reincarnation pool, or the heavens will open the exit, otherwise, they will not be able to go at all, and all the roads will be sealed by heaven!" King Yan Luo shook his head.

Gu Hai had no choice but to look at the severely wounded Ring Buddha.

"Hehe, Kekeke, Gu Hai, you have the ability, you killed me?" Ring Bodhisattva whispered.

"Kill you? In the eighteenth-floor hell, you can't die again. I wonder if I should throw you into the eighteenth-floor **** for you to enjoy. This long time, one day later, maybe now the Buddha Here I am! "Gu Hai sneered.

One day into the eighteenth floor of hell? No, that's 130 million years.

Thinking of this, the ringing of the Bodhisattva is a violent shock.

"You, you dare, the future Buddha is in the fifteenth floor of hell, you can't!" Caution Bodhisattva horrified.

Caution Bodhisattva firmly believes that if he is in it, he must have gone crazy, and sooner or later it will turn into a pile of stones without any thoughts.

"It's up to you to cooperate and say, how to go out?" Gu Hai stared.

"If you can't get out, there is no exit, there really is no exit!" The ringing Buddha said a little fear.


At this moment, there was a loud noise behind Gu Hai. The claws of a huge beast banged over Gu Hai's head.

"Listen to the Bodhisattva!" King Yan Luo suddenly knelt down in fear.


With a loud noise, the ancient sea was like the previous ringing of the Bodhisattva, and immediately caught the beak of the beast listening.

"Oh, I have waited for you for a long time, do you have a ghost to report to you now?" Gu Hai turned his head and looked coldly at the exposed monster.

The beast pulled his arm, but was caught by the ancient seas.

"Zhongtian Temple is the third most important? Good practice, but unfortunately, you are encountering a cricket, get down!" Gu Hai stunned.


When I heard it, I suddenly threw it to the ground, and all the ground shuddered. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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