Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 44: Jiang Rulai

The previous one was even more wrong. It has been changed. After reading the previous version to understand it, Gu Hai started to burn the ghost with Samadhi real fire and changed it to Shangguan marks.

The first hell.

Deep in hell, a deep hall.

Two little ghosts rushed forward.

"Listen to the Bodhisattva, save your life, save your life!" The two little ghosts cried in horror.

"Stop!" The ghost at the door stopped the little ghost who called for help.

"Hurry, hurry up, listen to the Bodhisattva. Someone is making trouble in the local government. It hurt the Ring Bodhisattva and burned countless ghost soldiers. Please listen to the Bodhisattva!" The two little ghosts eagerly said.

"What?" The guard guard at the door changed his face.

"Hurry to inform the Bodhisattva!" Said a guard anxiously.

"No, the Bodhisattva is interrogating the buddha. Don't disturb!"

"What time is it, hurry up, if there is an accident with the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, what will you do? The Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is the disciple of the Buddha!"

The ghost guards quarreled, and eventually broke into the hall desperately.

Within the hall.

At this moment a huge beast was walking back and forth around a cloaked monk.

The monk was covered in blood, and his bones were pierced by chains and hung in the hall. Both eyes had been sunken, and a trace of viscous pus was flowing from the inside. No ghost, extremely miserable.

The beast is just listening.

"Roar!" I heard a roar, and the whole hall was echoed, extremely shocking.

"Old thing, you say it, to avoid the suffering of the flesh, and persist, what's the use? You have been detained for three months, that is, the first layer of **** for 90,000 years. How long will you persist?" Cheering cheeks.

"Wuliangshou Buddha, ha ha ha ha, listen, you sinner, you have found me, but you can only find me and interrogate me? Hell? I have not been there. In the future, the beast of Buddha cannot interrogate Me, it's up to you? It's up to you? Hahahahaha! "The monk sneered sternly.

"Pity the Bodhisattva, hum, the Buddha has mercy, and did not kill you, but you want to destroy the Buddha? Hum, the Buddha has already explained in the future, you do n’t say, you will continue to fight to the lower level like Kong Xuan!" Coldly.

Mercy Bodhisattva? If the ancient sea is here, it can be recognized that it was the monk who knew the ancient sea into the congenital ruins, and explained the difference between the three souls to the ancient sea. At the same time, the second son of the ancient sea was collected as a disciple and brought into the west.

"Down into the lower hell? Ha, ha ha ha, the future Buddha? In the past, if I had not brought him, he could become the future Buddha? Did they get what they wanted? Throw me out alone, hum, hum, hum. Dreaming , Wait, wait, what I lose will definitely return. I have a disciple, and he will soon take revenge on me, ha ha ha ha ha ha! "Lian Shengbo laughed angrily.

"Well, it's really a donkey, do you think we dare not kill you?" I heard coldly.

"Kill, it's better to kill, hahaha, kill me, you will never know the whereabouts of my disciples, Buddha III? Hahaha, Buddha III will live in fear forever!" Martyr.

"You, roar ~~~!"

谛 Listen to an angry roar.

Just as the roared, the door opened suddenly.

"Bodhisattva, oh ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The ghost soldiers who just rushed in were instantly disintegrated by the listening roaring soul.

"Hoo!" I turned and looked at the door.

"Who let you in without this seat?" I heard coldly.

The ghost guards chattered outside.

"The Bodhisattva, Yan Luo Diankou, there is a wicked man who will severely injure the Bodhisattva and kill a lot of ghost soldiers ..." The little ghost who came to the letter was terrified.

"Oh?" I heard his face sink.

Turning his head, he looked at the miserable Bodhisattva.

"Well, think again, I'll be back soon!" I heard the Boss coldly.


The door closed slamming, I listened and left. In the main hall, there is only one who lives in pity.

"Oh, forcing me to say it? Hahahahaha, if I say it, how can I vent the hatred in my heart? Only if I hide, will you be afraid, will you be afraid? Hahahahaha, now Buddha, you wait, You wait, one day, someone will take back everything you have, everything! "Liansheng Bodhisattva was in the sorrow of angrily expression.

After grief and anger, the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva suddenly collapsed, a little tired and a bitter. Some fluid was flowing from the sunken eyes, and it was not known whether it was pus or tears.

The hall was quiet, and the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva fell into silence.

I don't know how long.


The door of the temple opened suddenly.

"Come again? Oh, listen? Or the future Buddha? Or kill me? I'm dead, just fine. I might as well die like this!" Pity Bodhisattva hated.

"Pooh Bodhisattva, how can you do that?"

Suddenly a non-listening, future Buddha voice came.

The pitying Bodhisattva fainted for a moment, and it seemed that he could no longer remember who it was.

"Hum, blind my eyes, and pretend to cheat others? Don't think about it, I can't say where my disciples are, please find it yourself, find it yourself, hahahaha!" The bodhisattva now does not believe anyone.

It was the ancient sea that opened the door of the temple.

Hearing the onset, Zhongtian Temple was third. Although it was built a little higher than the ancient sea, how horrible was the foundation of the ancient sea? When the next heaven palace, the ancient sea will be able to cut the heaven palace, not to mention now?

Soon, I will listen to the Buddha's uniform and interrogate it. When interrogating the 'near Buddha,' it seems to be very familiar, because the ancient sea once heard the pity Buddha said that there were three monks 1200 years ago. Head to the Great Hall of the Holy Mountain Holy Land and ask the Buddha to cause a riot in the Holy Mountain Holy Land. Those three monks were near Buddhas.

More importantly, the pitying Buddha is a Buddha next to the Buddha. He also said that his second son, the ancient Han, was also a reincarnated Buddha.

More than a thousand years ago, the former emperor and emperor of the Yuan Dynasty also went to the west. At that time, Qin Zibai's father, Qin Yun, obtained the "closed eyes pure world Zen" method in that great riot, and it seemed to have a verdant green. Bamboo sticks.

Sure enough, upon questioning, he immediately asked about the pity of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, and the ancient sea suddenly rushed.

"Your Majesty, Bodhisattva Bodhisattva's eyes are blind and should have been miserably tortured!" Shangguanhen frowned.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The shengsheng knife was cut off, and all the chains that locked the pity Bodhisattva were all smashed.


The merciful Buddha fell to the ground.

However, the mercy Bodhisattva was not grateful. After being subjected to so many tortures, the mercy Bodhisattva no longer believed in anyone.

"Huh!" Liansheng Boss snorted.

Xiu was sealed and couldn't resist, and felt that the person on the other side pressed his hand to his eyes.

"My eyes have become blind like this, do you want to continue?" Lian Shengbo said indignantly.

But the next moment, a warm energy blended into the eyes, and in the eyes of the pitying Buddha, there was an itch, a good and comfortable feeling straight into the heart.

"How ...?" Liansheng Bodhisattva stunned slightly, seeming to guess something, but unbelievable.

After a while, the palm was finally removed from the eyes, but at this moment, the eyes were itchy, and the agony was gone.

"Lingsheng Bodhisattva, please try and open your eyes!" Gu Hai whispered softly.

eye? Haven't your eyes been dug?

Pitiful Bodhisattva was full of doubts and tried to move his eyelids.


Suddenly, a lot of light pierced the eyes from the four sides.

"Uh? Me, me, my eyes?" Lian Shengbo said with a hint of wonder.

Slowly adapting to the light of the outside world, the merciful Buddha gradually saw.

"Hahaha, I still have a day to see again?" Tears shed in the eyes of Liansheng Bodhisattva.

"Lingsheng Bodhisattva, let me show you the seal!" Gu Haishou grasped the pulse of Liansheng Bodhisattva, and an energy poured into his body.

"Ancient, ancient sea? Is it you?" Said the pitying Buddha.

The last time I saw the ancient sea, it was still on the Jiuwu Island. At that time, the ancient sea was born in the heavens. Is it only ten years? Why is Gu Hai here?

Some are unbelievable, the pity of the living Buddha is confirmed again, is it really ancient sea?

Gu Hai is looking at his seal.

"It's useless, this is the special technique of the future Buddha. Except for himself, no one can solve it!" Lian Shengbo said bitterly.

"Miller pushes the heart seal?" Gu Hai froze slightly.

In the past on earth, Maitreya Buddha also taught some of the seals he used, which is one of them.

"Pity Bodhisattva is a little patient, a little painful!" Gu Hai said.


Suddenly, a strange pulse of energy poured into the body of the poor Buddha.

"I'm not afraid of the pain, but it's really useless, even today's buddha can't be solved ...!" Said the pitying Buddha with a wry smile.


There was a sudden loud noise in the body, as if some kind of yoke exploded.

In Jingu and Tiangong, the rolling force suddenly appeared like wild horses in a rush, and filled the whole body instantly.

"Ah? Untied?" Liansheng Bodhisattva looked at Guhai incredible.

"Untied!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.


As soon as Pitiful Bodhisattva made an effort, some chain fragments in his body suddenly blasted out. Shoot holes around the hall.

The merciful Bodhisattva stood up, his whole body rotten and moved without wind.

"Ha ha ha, really untied? Mr. Gu, thank you!" The pitying Buddha was suddenly excited to worship Gu Hai.

"Poor Buddha is polite, you are the master of the little dog, and you are not an outsider. I wonder, what is going on with my ancient Han?" Gu Hai worried.

Ancient man's father?

The merciful Bodhisattva immediately responded, and then laughed: "Mr. Gu, rest assured, he is now in a safe place, and I have been arrested for so long, just to question his whereabouts. It is inconvenient to elaborate here in case there is an ear in the partition , Lingshan Holy Land, now, trying to catch him with all my strength, I ca n’t divulge it, sorry, sorry! "

"Oh? Is he safe? That's fine!" Gu Hai nodded.

Then Gu Hai frowned again: "Lingshan Holy Land, trying to catch the ancient Han? Why?"

"Because, now the Buddha is worried, the ancient Han will one day steal his place!" Lian Shengbo sneered.

"What do you mean? The ancient Han grabbed the position of the current Buddha?" Gu Hai wondered.

"That's right, the location was originally the ancient Han, and sooner or later will return, the ancient Han is really the reincarnation of the Buddha now!" Lian Shengbo took a deep breath.

"I don't understand. Didn't you say that the ancient Han was one of the Buddhas?" Gu Hai Shen said.

The merciful Bodhisattva glanced at the ancient sea and was silent for a while: "Sorry, I didn't tell you the truth in the past. Actually, the current Buddha is the Buddha next to him, one hundred and twenty years ago. It ’s true that the Buddha is now ridiculed, and the reincarnation has become an ancient man. "

"What? Today's 'now Buddha' is fake? Who is he? How can it be replaced by the real one?" Shangguanhen's face changed.

"Because of Jiang Lianshan's help!" Lian Shengbo said faintly.

"Jiang Lianshan, Dayan Holy? What do you mean, what does this matter have to do with Dayan?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Today's present Buddha, surname 'Jiang', is the son of Jiang Lianshan. Jiang Rulai!" Lian Shengbo hated. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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