Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 47: Eighteenth floor

Entrance to the first and second hell.

The future Buddha flew from the second floor with a group of monks.

"The peacock is really stubborn, hum, the Buddha has already spoken to him, and even gave the title of the Buddha, but he just refused, hum, self-injustice!"

"The Buddha suppressed him to the 16th floor of hell. One day outside, it was 32 million years. See how long he can survive!"

"Will you finally die and die into a stone!"

"No, if he is discouraged, he might as well join the Lingshan Holy Land in advance. The Buddha is killing his pride. It is too arrogant!"




All the monks talked eloquently, one by one.

"Well, go out quickly. The eighteenth-floor **** will be closed soon!" Shen Fu said in the future.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

With the Buddha in the future, everyone flew into the first layer of hell.

"Huh? Isn't that right?" The Buddha raised a sharp frown in the future.

The body flickered, and arrived at Yan Luo Diankou instantly.

"Buddha, what's wrong?" Monks in the back rushed over.

But I saw that Yan Luo Diankou, ringing the Bodhisattva and listening to the Bodhisattva, countless ghost soldiers and ghost kings were all bound up. He was seriously injured.

Fortunately, there is a repair function here, and serious injuries are slowly recovering, but everyone is bound to be frustrated.

"What's going on?" Said the future Buddha Shen.

Although the future Buddha's eyes are closed, he can see with his heart, and he is immediately shocked by the changes.

"It's ancient sea, Buddha, ancient sea!" The Bodhisattva called anxiously.

"Ancient sea?" The Buddha frowned slightly in the future.

"Yes, the ancient sea was captured by my master, and let me be escorted to interrogate you for questioning, but, we ... Buddha, hurry up, he seems to be running near the Buddha, I don't know ...!" Caesar Buddha worried.

"Pho Buddha? Pity?" The Buddha suddenly changed his face in the future.


In an instant, the future Buddha disappeared in place, and the next moment came to the hall where the pity Buddha was held.

There is a lot of fragmentation in the hall, but the pity buddha inside is missing.

"What about people? What about people?" The future Buddha suddenly anxiously.

"Who saw it, come out!" The future Buddha roared suddenly.

Soon, a group of ghost soldiers were called up, and after all, they saw it.

"Buddha, Buddha, I saw them in the second hell!" A little ghost whispered.

"Oh? Two? Not three?" The future Buddha sank.

"Also, maybe I was dazzled, and I, I saw two, maybe three!" Said the little ghost.

In the future, the Buddha's brows frowned slightly, and after a while of contemplation, after a while, he suddenly became agitated.

"Not good, Kong Xuan?" The Buddha's face sank in the future.

"Everyone, go to **** with me, search every floor, find me, find the ancient sea!" The future Buddha roared.

"Ah, Buddha, the entrance to the eighteenth-floor **** is about to close. At this time ........." a group of monks dreaded.

"Find me!" The future Buddha roared.

"Yes Yes Yes………………!"

A group of monks stiffened their heads and followed the future Buddha to rush into the lower hell.

"The ancient sea may not know where Kong Xuan is, looking for it layer by layer!" The future Buddha was anxious.

Compassionate Bodhisattva, that is the Master of the Good Rulai. If the Good is not coming, you will never feel at ease. You must find it. The ancient sea is really a disaster.

They searched one by one.

But it's too slow.

"Scattered, find me!" The Buddha was anxious in the future.


A group of monks suddenly dispersed and rushed to each of the eighteen layers of hell.

Soon, a monk reached the sixteenth hell.

The magma's fire soared into the sky, and the monk quickly adapted to the place, looking at the locked place in Kongxuan Town in the distance, suddenly seeing the ancient sea standing in the air, dragging a coffin?

"Ancient sea?" The monk suddenly felt a joy on his face.

"The ancient sea is here, the Buddha, the ancient sea is here!" The monk turned excitedly and flew back to the fifteenth floor of hell.

The monk didn't go against Gu Hai. After all, the Bodhisattva and the Bodhisattva were planted in his hands. There was no need for him to take risks.

Going out and shouting, another monk at the exit of the fifteenth floor **** immediately flew to the fourteenth floor **** and shouted.

One by one, it soon reached the place of the future Buddha.

"Sure enough, **** on the sixteenth floor!" The future Buddha suddenly sank.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the future Buddha turned into a streamer and quickly shuttled to hell. Soon to the land of Kong Xuan.

"What about people?" Shen Fu said in the future.

Kong Xuan looked coldly at the future Buddha: "Oh!"

"Kong Xuan, where is the ancient sea?" The future asked anxiously.

"Find it for yourself!" Kong Xuan coldly ignored.

"Buddha, it's almost time!" Said a group of monks anxiously.

"No, grab the ancient sea and go again. You look for it in the sixteenth floor hell. I'll go to the seventeenth floor hell!"

"call out!"

In an instant, the future Buddha flew into the seventeenth hell—

Seventeenth floor hell, lone hell.

As soon as the ancient sea entered, he looked at this **** doubtfully, neither cold nor hot, but a vast land, but it was dark without a light source. The only light, there are only two entrances.

"Once the entrance is sealed, I will be held here for more than 60 million years, accompanied by darkness, for more than 60 million years? Sure enough, lonely!" Gu Hai flashed a shock in his eyes.

Illuminate the Quartet with Sanmai real fire, and immediately see the ground below. At this moment, one by one sculpture is standing there, but in the past someone was driven into the place. Eventually, the lonely heart died as a fossil.

The future Buddha is coming?

Stay in **** on the 17th floor for a while?

Gu Hai smiled slightly bitterly and could not hide.

It's too clear here, as long as there is a light source that illuminates the world, I can see everything clearly. Once the future Buddha arrives, there is nowhere to hide himself.

The eighteenth hell?

Silent for a while, stepping, Gu Hai entered the eighteenth layer of hell.

Eighteen levels of hell, boundless hell.

It looks like a starry universe, boundless. There are countless planets and some stars. The light provided by the stars, and the planets provide a place to hide.

"call out!"

The ancient sea flew into a planet instantly and hid.

At the same time, the future Buddha stepped into the seventeenth **** instantly.

Looking for someone in the future, the Buddha does not need a light source at all, and he can see more carefully.

My heart swept away, but no one was there.

"Impossible, Gu Hai went to the eighteenth layer of hell?"

At the eighteenth level of hell, the Buddha would not dare to set foot easily in the future.

The seventeenth layer of **** can be seen through with heart. The eighteenth layer of **** is endless hell.

After a moment of silence, the future Buddha stepped into the eighteenth hell.

Once in it, the Buddha's heart was cold in the future, and he saw the boundlessness in his heart, and there was nowhere to look for the ancient sea. In the future, the Buddha would not dare to go deep. He was worried that if he went deep, he would get lost, and he would be miserable if he could not return.


Suddenly, the entrances of the 17th and 18th floors shrank slightly during the tremor.

"Not good!" The Buddha's face changed in the future.

"call out!"

In the future, the Buddha turned around and flew back to the 17th floor, and then quickly flew back to the 16th floor.

At this moment, the monks on the sixteenth floor are also very anxious.

"It's not good, it's not good, it's going to be closed, what should we do?" The monks were anxious.


The Buddha suddenly appears in the future.

"Buddha, it's so nice of you to come back, has Gu Hai found it?" Said the monks anxiously.

"Are you sure, you saw the ancient sea just now?" Shen Fu said in the future.

"Yes, he must have entered the seventeenth hell!" The monk affirmed.

"Not seventeenth?" Said a monk blankly.

The future Buddha's face was gloomy and said, "He has entered the eighteenth hell!"

"The eighteenth floor?" Kong Xuan, not far away, also suddenly shrank his pupils.

"Now the entrance is in Guanhe, what should we do?" Said the monks anxiously.

"Go back to the first level of **** first, let's go!"


All the monks were rolled up by the future Buddha, and instantly turned into a stream of light, straight out, and quickly shuttled to the **** and entered the first hell.


As soon as the Buddha flew into the first floor, the entrance from the first floor to the second floor suddenly closed.


The future Buddha fell at the mouth of Yan Luo Hall.

At this moment, listening to the Bodhisattva and commanding the Bodhisattva have all recovered.

"Buddha, have you found the thief in the ancient sea?" I heard the Boss wondered.

"The ancient sea has gone down to eighteen levels of hell!" The future Buddha's face was gloomy.

"No, isn't he?" He said in surprise.

"Block it down once, it's 130 million years?" Ringed the Buddha's eyelids.

"When the entrance opens next time, isn't he going to become a fossil?" He heard the Boss wondering.

"Watch, live to see people, death to see corpses!" The future Buddha's face was gloomy.


Sixteenth floor hell.

Kong Xuan looked at the disappearing entrance with narrow eyes.

"Eighteen floors of hell? Oh, Gu Hai, how dare you, 130 million years? Hahahahaha, you are dead, no one can survive!" Kong Xuan revealed a sneer.


Kong Xuan flapped his wings, slowly closed his eyes, cultivated energy, and allowed himself to grow. For the 32 million years that Kong Xuan was locked up, why it was repaired instead of reduced but increased was accumulated time and energy. Zhongtian Gong Xiu Xiu, Shang Tian Gong Xiu Qi. Accumulation of fines is able to refine refined gas to increase the power of heaven.

Although it is a good place for cultivation, it is also the place where radon is the heaviest. It is only such a fierce man as Kong Xuan who can barely suppress the irritability in his heart. Being locked down and practicing, the irritable killing feeling was accumulated, which made Kong Xuan's magic more and more stronger, and his whole body slowly exuded a blackness.

Kong Xuan waited patiently.

In the eighteenth floor of hell, Gu Hai looked at the entrance to Guanhe in the distance and sighed slightly.

"Eighteen floors of hell, one day outside, 130 million years inside? Oh, I hope I'm right, but don't be driven crazy!" Gu Hai smiled bitterly. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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