Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 48: Shangguan mark rebuilt

The eighteenth hell, on an asteroid!

Gu Hai cut a mountain peak, and took a huge palace out of his storage bracelet, square down.

The evil spirit has reached its maximum, but Gu Hai can suppress this evil spirit of hell. Not to mention the Tao Te Ching, in the past on the earth, Gu Hai also wanted to learn a lot of gods to suppress the demon. These violent atmospheres, however, cannot interfere with the ancient sea.

It's like the earth of yesteryear. But there are no animals or plants here. Bare, dead world.

There are stars around, but there is no vitality. Boundless.

The next time to open this sector's exports is 100 million years later.

Gu Hai smiled slightly, one day outside, 130 million years here? Can I bear it?

The Shangguan mark next to him was still suppressing the irritability in his heart, lying in the coffin, using Dafa Breath, and I didn't know when he would wake up.

Ancient sea explorers took out a lot of jade bamboo slips. In the jade bamboo slips, there are countless mysteries of the gods and Buddhas on the earth in the past.

Because the path of practice is different, unless you start again, these are almost impossible to practice, but you ca n’t practice, but it does n’t mean you ca n’t learn from it. You can study it slowly.

Combed over the exercises.

Gu Hai organized it into a booklet to make it easy for the next time and not too boring.

Then, Gu Hai took out the book "Soulbook of Earth."

"Earthbook? You can absorb the energy between heaven and earth. In the next time, you can help me absorb energy to help practice the heavenly palace! So, the first step is to refine the earthbook." Gu Hai solemnly said.

The Earth Soul Book is held in the hands by the Earth Soul for slow sacrifice.

"In addition to these exercises, there are thirty-three heavenly and horizontal chessboards!" Guhai explorer took out thirty-three heavenly and horizontal chessboards.

This is a map of Qiandaohai.

It is not so easy to see the thirty-three vertical and horizontal chess games through this map, because Qiandao can't distinguish who is the white and who is the black. There are countless changes. Need the ancient sea to slowly figure it out.

However, for Gu Hai, the most important thing now is time.

The eighteen layers of **** can be resurrected when dead, and consume physical and soul power, and will be slowly replenished soon, and Gu Hai does not worry that he will consume death--

Shangguanhen used the Turtle Breeding Dafa and kept meditating on the Tao Te Ching. After 100 years, he finally woke up.

After waking up, Shangguanchen still couldn't stand it. He lay in the decaying coffin, and it took a while to calm down.

Slowly, Shangguanhen sat up.

This is a huge square, and the coffin lying on its own is in the center of the square.

In the distance, the stellar sun is quite dazzling. It is surrounded by nearly a thousand planets, slowly rotating.

"The arrangement of the islands in the Qiandaohai Sea?"

After all, Shangguan marks lived there for too long. At this moment, thousands of stars were arranged into a map of the thousand islands, and Shangguanhen instantly understood that the ancient sea was doing it.

"Your Majesty?" Shang Guanhen cried curiously.

Turning his head, he just saw a big stone not far away.

Above the rock, at this moment was sitting a cross-legged old man with white clothes and white hair.

The old man looked up and sat quietly, looking at the stars in the distance.

"Well, Your Majesty? Is it you?" Shangguanhen's face frowned, revealing a shocking look.

The white-haired old man frowned slightly, as if slowly waking up.

"Shangguanhen, you finally woke up!" The old man smiled slightly.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing, how did you become like this?" Shangguan marks suddenly worried.

"It's okay, there's some mental effort, you can recover after a ten-day rest!" The white-haired old man smiled slightly.

The gray-haired old man is the ancient sea.

In order to study this game of chess, Gu Hai can be described as exhausting his brains and working hard.

However, Gu Hai is not worried. The eighteenth floor of **** has its own healing power. It only needs to stop so draining its brains to recover quickly.

"Yes, really? Your Majesty, how long has the turtle tortured?" Shangguan marks walked out of the coffin.

"This stellar revolution time is about the same as the outside, it's been a hundred years!" Gu Hai looked at the 100 small stone marks on the side and laughed.

Sure enough, just at this moment, Gu Hai's pale hair had a few of them slowly turning black.

"A hundred years?"

"How do you feel now?" Gu Hai asked.

"It's much better, but this irritable mood is still there!" Shangguanhen smiled bitterly.

"This is a good thing, help you sharpen your mind!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Uh, yes!" Shangguan Mark nodded.

"Your repair is lost?" Gu Hai looked at Shangguan Mark.

Shangguan Mark nodded: "Yes, but I'm content to be alive!"

"Either repair is lost!" Gu Hai nodded.

In the past, it seemed that there were deficiencies in replenishing the strength, and it could not be completely restored.

"During this time, I have selected a method for you, and in the next time, you will practice well!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.


Gu Hai handed out a jade bamboo slip.

Shangguanhen immediately took over and looked up.

"Eight or nine mysterious powers, there are seventy-two variations! Specializing in the flesh and defending Xeon mystical powers, it combines various methods of witch, Buddha, Tao, demon, ghost, and demon, but a group of Buddhas and Taos in the past. God, demon, and magic work together! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

Shangguan marks glanced at him, and suddenly rejoiced.

"Your Majesty, is this the practice of Sun Wukong?" Shangguan marks surprised.

"Good!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Eight, nine, eight, nine, seventy-two changes, there are seventy-two, how much weight did Sun Wukong practice?" Shangguanhen curiously said.

"He? I heard, it seems that the cultivation has reached the fifty-fourth level!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Fifty-four heavy? That's so great?" Shangguan marks wondered.

Gu Hai sighed a little: "The monkey's heart is too dry. He was born with a stone monkey and has a unique talent. His practice is extremely fast. In just seven years, he has reached the 50th level. Unfortunately, the next cultivation requires a heavy heart. He is extremely intelligent, but extremely impetuous, and it is difficult to make further inroads, but even so, it is very powerful, but unfortunately, oh ...! "

"Your Majesty, rest assured, the minister must be good at cultivation!" Shangguan marks solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded to Shangguan Mark: "You are not as talented as Sun Wukong, but you have perseverance. The eighteen layers of **** will help you sharpen your will. For seven years, you are 70 years, 700 years, 7,000. Years, 70,000 years is okay. You have time! "

"Eh? This is the eighteenth floor of hell?" Shangguan Mark froze.

"Why, afraid?" Gu Hai laughed.

"No, there is His Majesty, it's all right, I can't stand it, I'll just breathe!" Shangguan marks smiled slightly bitterly.

"When Sun Wukong was a teacher in the past, he only achieved 50 weights, and every nine weights was a qualitative leap. In the past, Sun Wukong broke through to the sixth because he ate countless peaches and golden dan, and refined in the gossip furnace for a long time. Nine or nine. You need to work hard to reach eight or nine! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, I will work hard! However, this 18-story **** does not seem to have much aura?" Shangguanhen worried about holding the exercises.

"That's why I chose this method. This method focuses on the cultivation of the flesh. It doesn't have high requirements for reiki. There are no special requirements. There are countless spirit stones here to provide you with reiki!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes!" Shangguan Mark answered.

"Xia Tian Gong Xiu Shen, you are the supreme Xuanwu god, with Xuan Wu God, it can help you, presumably don't need to worry. Zhongtian Gong Xiu Jing, this eighteen-layer hell, is a place to gather energy. The next countless years are not enough Do you have enough energy? As for the Heavenly Palace, it ’s okay to practice 'qi'. There is no 'qi'. It ’s okay. You can refine refined gas, so that it is more pure and more conducive to the eight or nine mysterious exercises! .

"Yes!" Shangguanhen happily hugged the exercises.

In the next few days, Gu Hai instructed Shangguan marks to practice the ‘eight and nine mysterious exercises’. And the old ancient sea, also in these few days, quickly recovered young, white hair recovered, wrinkles recovered, gradually recovered as before.

"This is a hundred million top-grade spirit stone, you use it first!" Gu Hai handed out a storage bracelet.

"Yes!" Shangguan Mark nodded, grateful.

Gu Hai nodded, no longer paying attention to Shangguan marks, busy with his own business.

Thirty-three heaven and earth chess game, it took Guhai a year to analyze black and white chess, but the next is the most terrifying.

This game is indeed too powerful, even if Gu Hai's thirty-two chess strength, it is very difficult to deduct.

As a result, it has been deduced for a hundred years, and it has not been deduced completely.

"It's no wonder that the old man who watched chess and the six immortals played this game. It's so complicated. Is this the limit?" Gu Hai frowned.

After a hundred years of research, the results were unsuccessful, and the ancient sea also took a short break. The mind sank.

Although the energy contained in Zhongtian Temple is huge, facing the huge earth soul, it is very pitiful, just like a drop of water in the sea. Nothing helps.

"Zhongtian Temple, sure enough, if only by ordinary practice, I don't know how long it will take to reach Heaven Temple? No, maybe there is no chance in this life!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

Fortunately, the ancient sea refined the "Soul Book of Earth."

The soulbook absorbed the free 'energy' between heaven and earth, and when it reached the eighteenth floor of the prefecture, it suddenly seemed to have some kind of reaction. This suction suddenly increased by several times, or even a hundred times or a thousand times.

Others can't see it, the ancient sea can see it, around the soul book, it seems that a huge vortex is generated, madly sucking the energy of the whole hell's secret place, that rolling energy is leaning towards the soul book.

In just a hundred years, it has reached the appearance of the soul book last seen in the ancient sea, which is the appearance of 800,000 years.

"It was nothing to lose last time. It was found here? Has 800,000 years of energy accumulated?" Gu Hai laughed.


The Earth Soul suddenly opened its mouth, and all its energy was absorbed into the Earth Soul.

Gu Hai waited for a breakthrough, but after a while, Gu Hai was silent.

"Ordinary high-talent talents, 800,000 years of energy accumulation, can not break through?" Gu Hai said suddenly.

Zhongtian Temple first, or Zhongtian Temple first, has not changed. Not enough energy?

Gu Hai: "………………!"

With a slight wry smile, Gu Hai felt helpless for a while: "Let ’s take it slowly, the earth soul is complete, but it is so difficult to repair? Fortunately, there is more time!"

With a slight sigh, Gu Hai took out the exercises of the earth gods and studied them carefully.

PS: This Thursday, my friend got married, and the QQ chat was switched to Wednesday night, and the QQ chat tomorrow night! Excuse me! Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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