Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 50: Still a little bit of a wait

Fairy sky?

This is what Gu Hai looks forward to most.

While sacrificing, repair the vital black line. Finally, after ten years.


A bubble suddenly appeared in the palm of the ancient sea.

"Xian Qiong? This is my Xian Qiong?" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with excitement.

It is not difficult to refinish the immortal sky, but it is difficult to repair it, but fortunately, 3,000 black lines have been repaired. Nowadays, although there are numerous holes on the air bubbles, it is not repaired at the last stage. It didn't break.

Those stub elements can be repaired by themselves.

"go with!"

Gu Hai lost his hand.

"call out!"

The bubbles suddenly flew into another planet. Countless holes, like countless small black holes, are frantically absorbing countless dust, gravel, sun and moon light.

There is a link between the ancient sea and the fairy dome. At this moment, if the sacrifice is done well, the thought of the little fairy dome can bring the little fairy dome back, but the ancient sea did not do so.

Vital recovery, next, let it recover itself.

Eye of life and death?

The goddess Wang suddenly emitted a soft light, blending with the ancient sea flesh.


The ancient sea eyes suddenly bloomed in black and white. The eyes of life and death appeared to the eyes of the flesh for a moment, but they consumed the power of the Goddess of God.

Looking up at the thirty-three formations in the sky.

In an instant, in the left eye of Guhai, those thirty-three major formations turned into countless thin white lines. Densely packed. For the right eye, there are countless times less black lines.

What's the big picture, and what's the point? It was all clear in a flash.

"This is the case, this is the case! This, but it can help me take countless detours?" Gu Hai suddenly flashed an excitement in his eyes.

Gu Hai sat cross-legged again and looked at the thirty-three array of the sky.

Ten million years.



Hundreds of small chessboards, with eighty boards suddenly merged again.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ……………………

In an instant, four or four merged into twenty big chessboards.

The big chessboard didn't last long, just a year.

"Kaka Kaka!"

The big chessboard was quickly condensed, the pawns that could be replaced were eliminated, and it was turned into a small chessboard with nineteen vertical and horizontal crosses, plus the original twenty-board most complex.

Today, there are forty small chessboards left. Because of these chess games, Zhou Tiandao can cut out Zhou Tianba. Unfortunately, that's just the ideal state, but Gu Hai is far from strong today.

"Thirty-three? Really complicated!" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with dignity.

Thirty-three major arrays, because there are eyes of life and death to save Jane, can this array be initially transparent, how long is this down?

Gu Hai smiled bitterly: "Is the old man watching chess really so talented? He lived for thousands of years, but he can realize such chess power?"

Just as Gu Hai was laughing at herself, the energy gathered from the ‘Soul Book of Souls’ in the body was trembling. The ancient sea looked suddenly.


There was a loud noise in the ancient sea, and suddenly a powerful air flow was blowing from the whole body.

"Breakthrough?" Gu Hai froze at this moment, at this moment, I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Xiuwei was able to break through!" In the coffin not far away, Shangguan Mark woke up and laughed.

Gu Hai smiled slightly bitterly: "Yeah, broke through. Zhongtian Temple second!"

"Uh?" Shangguan Mark looked stiff.

"I'm constantly sleeping and waking up constantly. It's been almost ten million years since this? Your Majesty, Your Majesty has made a breakthrough?" Shangguan's cheeks appeared blankly.

The energy accumulated over ten million years is enough for you to gain weight?

Gu Hai sighed slightly, nodded, and was embarrassed to tell Shangguanhen that he still borrowed the toilet paper. Otherwise, I don't know yet to wait until the year of the monkey.

Shangguanhen pumped his face, but was afraid to judge Gu Hai's cultivation.

"Wake up, continue to practice, you now need to impact the number of seven or nine!" Gu Hai looked at Shangguan mark.

"It's a lot worse. Now it's fifty-eighth, but just wake up and practice, sleep and practice, wake up and practice, I'm going to vomit!" Shangguan marks bitterly.

"You are now better than Sun Wukong. He is only fifty-four. He is suffering from hardships and hardships. He repairs hard and continues to cultivate. How much time does it take to get down and continue!" Gu Hai Shen said.

Shangguanhen smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I wanted to ask last time. The star field in the distance seemed to have a black hole and was sucking around the stars? Would you like to investigate some?" Shangguanhen asked.

Gu Hai looked at the distance, and sure enough, among the shining stars, there was a black hole, sucking the stars around.

"No need, that's a tricky formation, you should cultivate yourself!"

"Yes!" Shangguanhen nodded with a hint of horror.

The black hole is the immortal dome of the ancient sea. After the immortal dome has absorbed countless stars, it becomes larger and larger, and the holes above it have become black holes.

It was not a black hole, but it had 3,200 black holes, devouring the starry sky and repairing it.

Shangguan marks continued to cultivate.

Gu Hai also continued to study thirty-three chess teams. The time spent enjoying Gu Hai's life was really hard, but the Shangguan marks were extremely difficult. Sixty percent of the time was spent in Guixi Dafa. Today, Guixi Dafa has become more and more powerful.

That's it, dangling, 100 million years down-

The first hell. Almost a thousand years.

The future Buddha looked coldly towards the entrance to the second floor: "Everyone listens well and will seal the entrance to the hell. No one will be allowed to come out and find the ancient sea, the Buddha next to him, and Shangguan marks. The first time Report! "

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"Buddha, the ancient sea has gone down to eighteen layers of hell. Should it be a fossil now?" The ringing Buddha smiled.

"Let's take a look first. Also, mainly the Buddha next to you, search carefully!" The future Buddha said in a deep voice.


In the sixteenth floor of hell. Nearly 30 million years.

Kong Xuan's body exudes a terrible magical power. Above the back, the repressed giant mountain was shaking and trembling, and it was almost impossible to suppress Kong Xuan's general.

Kong Xuan's eyes were also gushing with black gas, which accumulated over time. Magic Qi has blackened half the sky.

In difficult times, Kong Xuan's pupils shrank.

"It's almost time, eighteen floors of hell. Is the entrance open again?" Kong Xuan returned to consciousness.

Glancing at the entrance to the upper floor, Kong Xuan's face was exposed: "Hum, the future Buddha? Now the Buddha? The past Buddha? Your plan is going to fail! Wait for me to go out and watch me devour you. Roar!"


Kong Xuan's shackled chain was shaking violently, and it seemed to be free of this huge imprisonment.

However, all of a sudden, Kong Xuan looked at the entrance to the seventeenth floor of hell.

"Ancient sea? Huh, you have entered eighteen layers of hell. Has it become a fossil at this moment? I won't wait for you!" Kong Xuan said in a cold voice.

But the next moment, Kong Xuan was in shape, thinking of the previous bet with Gu Hai. Silent for a while.

"Okay, then wait for you again, anyway, don't care about it at this time, the eighteenth layer of **** is unsealed, and I see that you are still alive!" Kong Xuan said in a cheek.

Kong Xuan calmed down slowly. However, at this moment Kong Xuan was extremely irritable.

The monstrous magical energy, Kong Xuan is also unable to suppress it now, and the energy increase is much, but this magical gas is distorting his mind. Although he is not lost, he will be affected in the long run. Hell, can't stay any more.

Just as Kong Xuan waited.


There was a sudden loud noise, and the entrance to the eighteenth floor of Hell suddenly opened.

"call out!"

This is the moment of effort.

Suddenly, a stream of light went from the first **** to the sixteenth hell.

But it is the future Buddha, and the first time will come.

In the sixteenth layer of hell, for a time, the endless magical energy darkened the sky.

As soon as they entered, the Buddha felt a strong suffocation emanating from Kong Xuan. The strength of this anger will make the future Buddha's heart cold.

"Kong Xuan, do you think about it?" Said Buddha in the future with a ugly face.

"Future Buddha, otherwise, would you try me into the seventeenth floor of hell?" Kong Xuan exclaimed.

"No, the enchantment on you? I can see, hahahaha, you can't bear it, right? You have to suppress the magic in your heart?" The future Buddha suddenly laughed.

"Hum!" Kong Xuan snorted.

I am really about to suppress it, but I have not been driven crazy.

"Kong Xuan, what's wrong with being the Ming Dynasty Buddha of the Holy Mountain Holy Land? Now the Buddha does not restrict your freedom!" The future Buddha advised.

"Get off, you're not worth it!" Kong Xuan Leng whispered.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha, don't deserve it? Then you just stay there, I can feel it, you can't stand it anymore, and you don't need the seventeenth hell. Here, I see how long you can persist!" Buddha swore his sleeve and grunted.

Turning his head, the future Buddha stepped into the seventeenth layer of hell.

At this moment, a large number of monks flew over. Follow the future Buddha into the seventeenth hell.

But seventeenth hell, nothing.

The future Buddha strode to the eighteenth floor of **** and looked into it. Did not dare to go deep.

"Huh, it seems that the ancient sea has become a fossil? Yeah, huh!" The future Buddha hummed.

Fly to Hell Sixteenth. Kong Xuan did his ideological work again, but Kong Xuan ignored them.

In the future, the Buddha can only take a depression, and leave with a group of monks.

Kong Xuan cold watched the future Buddha leave, showing a hint of sneer: "Future Buddha? Wait, I will immediately break the nine-pin golden lotus seal and swallow you!"

Kong Xuan endured the magical nature of his body and was about to break the chain.

"call out!"

Not far away, a figure suddenly flew out from the entrance of the seventeenth floor.

"Huh?" Kong Xuan frowned. Turned his head and looked.

"Shangguan marks? Xuanwu Supreme? Why are you here?" Kong Xuan said unexpectedly.

"The eighteenth floor of hell, I can't stand it, Your Majesty asked me to accompany you in the sixteenth floor of hell!" Shangguan marks exhaled.

The fire around Shangguan marks burned, but it can't hurt at this moment.

"Last time, you slept in Gu Hai's coffin. Did Gu Hai take you in? Gu Hai was not dead?" Kong Xuan said with a cold expression.

"Yeah, Your Majesty is still in the eighteenth floor of Hell. Previously, the future Buddha did not go to investigate, it is his good luck, otherwise he will enter His Majesty's chess formation trap!"

Kong Xuan's eyelids jumped wildly.

"Gu Hai really isn't dead? What about others?" Kong Xuan said with a grimace.

Counting all the time, Kong Xuan has been locked in **** for more than 60 million years, and he has to hold on. The ancient sea has entered 18 levels of hell. Are the ancient seas not crazy?

Can't hold on, is the ancient sea still alive? Wouldn't it be that you lost it yourself?

"Your Majesty? He said, there is still some time to go, and he wants to stay in the eighteenth **** and wait for another round, bothering you to wait for your Majesty!" Shangguanhen smiled bitterly.

"A little bit more waiting?" Kong Xuan stared blankly at Shangguan Mark.

I don't read much, don't you lie to me? What do you mean by this sentence? Does Gu Hai want to come out?

"Your Majesty doesn't want to leave the eighteenth **** for the time being. I'm afraid you can't wait, so Her Majesty said, if you are bored while waiting, let me talk to you!" Shangguanhen explained.

Kong Xuan: "……………………!"

PS: Tomorrow's QQ chat will be changed to this evening, I will have dinner later, and in addition. The book friends who won the WeChat public account last time, many people have not yet redeemed the prize. Please go to the WeChat public account to redeem the prize, fill in the relevant information, and start to issue prizes. WeChat public account: aiguanqi mobile phone users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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