Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 51: Ancient fairy dome

Kong Xuan had been unable to suppress the magic of his body and was about to break away from the seal. But Kongguan's remarks completely stopped Kong Xuan. The pride of yesteryear seemed to be severely challenged.

One day, when Gu Hai stayed for one day, it was equivalent to double his time. He couldn't bear it anymore. Is he not enough? Not enough?

Let yourself wait for him?


Kong Xuan's eyelids jumped wildly.

"Okay, okay, okay, just wait another round!" Kong Xuan exclaimed.

The only pride left Kong Xuan is still not convinced, but even if he refuses to lose, it is a loss. Perhaps it is supported by self-esteem. At first, he laughed with contempt and contempt for the ancient sea. Don't you dare?

"That's fine, oh, on the eighteenth floor, I've had enough. If it wasn't for Your Majesty, I, but now it's okay. I'm on your sixteenth floor. You can get better, and forbearance will pass!" Shangguan marks said with a lingering fear.

"Huh!" Kong Xuan snorted in a depressed voice.

Gu Hai stayed for a round, and Shangguan Mark also spent a round. Could it be said that Shangguan Mark is stronger than its own endurance?

While waiting, the future Buddha came again and again, Kong Xuan all looked coldly and ignored, and there was a monstrous evil spirit in his heart. Until another round begins.


The entrance to the eighteenth floor suddenly closed again.

Kong Xuan looked coldly at Shangguan marks in the magma in the distance.

At this moment, Shangguan marks were wandering in the magma, and the fire was rolling around him, but he was not hurt.

"Kong Xuan, if you are bored, you can talk to me and I will sleep for a while!" Shangguanhen said.

"Huh, Guixi Dafa, did you spend all your sleep?" Kong Xuan showed a slight disdain.

"I have been sleeping for most of the time, but I have been awake for tens of millions of years, and it is useless to stimulate me. Your Majesty's" Tao Da Jing "can alleviate the evil spirits in Hell. Would you like to learn too?" Shangguanhen laughed.

"Huh, I don't need it. This evil can temper me, huh, sleep? Sleep, I thought you were so good!" Kong Xuan coldly said.

"I slept, but Your Majesty, but I have never slept. Your Majesty even thinks that one round is not enough time. How can you sleep? If you don't want to confess your account, just say, Why sneer Your Majesty?" Shangguanhen sneered.

"Hum!" Kong Xuan snorted and turned his head.

Shangguan marks again fell asleep.

At the beginning of a new round, Kong Xuan's eyes were gradually covered with bloodshot blood, his spirits became more and more powerful, and he used to be half black in the past, but now he is fully expanding.

Time goes by.

The more it goes, the more Kong Xuan can't stand.

The eighteen levels of **** cannot be treated by people. Even Kong Xuan's strong will will soon be unbearable.

"Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

As Kong Xuanzhen shouted, the entire magmatic sea was soaring into endless waves of fire.

Shangguan marks in the depths of the magma sea were all awakened. Looking at Kong Xuantong's red eyes in the distance, it seemed to be lost.

"Kong Xuan!" Shangguan marks angrily.


Kong Xuan was agitated and came to his senses.

Just a moment ago, the magic is about to disappear?

"You, you lost your consciousness just now?" Shangguan marks stared.

"Roar, no!" Kong declared in confession.

"Let me preach your Tao Te Ching!" Shang Guanhen advised.

"No need!" Kong Xuanzhang insisted.

In this way, after going through several times, Kong Xuan finally admitted that if he didn't wake himself up and down again and again, he would be completely lost.

At this moment, Kong Xuan finally saw the abnormality of the ancient sea.

"At this time, your next day will be longer than you, not to mention the eighteenth layer of evil ..." Shangguanhen smiled bitterly.

"Hum!" Kong Xuan snorted.

"Tao Da Jing, I pass on you?" Shangguan Hen smiled.

"No, anyway, this round will end soon, and the eighteenth-floor **** entrance will open immediately. You, you, you go and call the ancient sea to come out. If he doesn't want to go out, I will go first. I'm not like you, you can always "Sleep!" Kong Xuan exclaimed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, good!" Shangguanhen laughed.

Kong Xuan's words were already obvious, and at this moment, finally bowed his head.


Eighteenth hell.

Gu Hai sat at the mouth of the palace, which had already decayed. The mind sank into Zhongtian Temple.

On the soul book, the vortex-like suction of the past disappeared.

"The Soul Book can absorb the free energy between heaven and earth. Although Hell is divided into eighteen layers, it is only a secret place in the hell. After all, this is a whole. Therefore, the Soul Book absorbs the" energy "of the whole hell. But now, can not even absorb a trace? "Gu Hai bitterly said.

"So, in the secret realm of hell, all the" energy "is completely absorbed by the soul book? That is to say, the countless energy accumulated in the eighteen floors of **** has been absorbed by myself? Staying here again, also It's useless? But, but what can I do for my cultivation? "Gu Hai was extremely bitter.

Zhongtian Temple eighth?

Absorbed all the energies in hell, but he didn't have the completion of Zhongtian Temple?

Zhongtian Temple eighth?

Gu Hai feels bad for the whole person.

Continue here? Just kidding, staying here again, Gu Hai felt that he was about to turn into a fossil. I can't take it anymore.

But, what should I do with my own soul? The ‘energy’ of the whole **** ’s mystery was completely absorbed, and it did n’t fill up its own soul. The rest must be harder to cultivate. It's good to be out of the eighteen hells yourself.

In the past, the Dragon Warring States also told Gu Hai about his energy.

In the past, the Dragon Warring Kingdom first built up to the Heavenly Palace, returning Qi to Jing, and nurtured the Heavenly Palace, and then returned to the God, and nurtured the Heavenly Palace, so that the Heavenly Palace was completed, and then the Heavenly Palace, with God to Qi, thrive in the Heavenly Palace.

But Guhai is not like this, but a sky palace and a sky palace rush up, without the cycle of the Dragon Warring States, but it is the thickest foundation. But this is the most difficult practice.

The earth soul grasped the earth soul book, and returned to the palace with a great depression.

The ancient sea is also a slightly bitter consciousness returning to the ontology.

"Well, Zhongtian Temple is the eighth most important thing? It's boring to stay, and it's almost time!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

Get up and explore.


In the distance, a behemoth suddenly floated, as if dragging the entire galaxy towards the ancient sea. As they approached, those galaxies gradually became smaller. Slowly shrank, and soon it shrank into a bubble, and returned to the right palm of Gu Hai.

A bubble, faint and faint, emits soft starlight.

"Xian Qiong? From today on, you'll call 'Ancient Fairy Qiu'!" Gu Hai took a deep breath and named it.

The ancient immortal dome trembled slightly, as if from this moment, it gave life to the ancient sea.

Gu Hai explores a trick. The ancient immortal dome disappeared.

However, at this moment, only the ancient sea can see it, and the ancient celestial vault is in its own thoroughness, right in front of its own eyes, others cannot see it, but it is there. Only you can see, a world that only you can see, a world that only belongs to you.

Take a step.


The ancient sea disappeared in place, but stepped into the ancient fairy dome.

As soon as it entered the world, the ancient sea set foot in the air and looked down.

The former warring states fairy sky has long been a sea of ​​change, and everything has changed. At this moment, there is a vast expanse of land with countless stars. Cangsheng is almost extinct, but it has not completely disappeared. After all, some survive.

With the destruction of human civilization, everything has become empty. Some ethnic groups have entered the era of Ru Mao drinking blood, like the Stone Age seen on the ancient sea and earth in the past. There are also some dinosaurs.

Gu Hai looked up.


The stars above them suddenly lined up to form a large array of thirty-three.

Burst out.


The large array seemed to form a suction, leading to the outside world. Suddenly, the billowing aura poured into the ancient fairy dome.

Of course, this aura is also poor. After all, there are not many eighteen layers of hell, but Gu Hai believes that as long as he reaches the land of Shenzhou, there will be countless auras coming together.

"The ancient immortal dome, when it was repaired, blended the attributes of a secret place of hell, but the internal time was countless times faster than the outside world. I used to spread the exercises of the earth in the past, hoping to have some variables!" The ancient sea sank.

The detective waved.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

For a while, on the earth of the ancient fairy dome, huge mountain peaks stood up. On the mountain peaks, there were written exercises from the earth.

After doing everything, the ancient sea took a step out of the ancient fairy sphere.

Just a moment out of the ancient sea in the ancient sea.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly not far away, there was a loud noise in the void, and the entrance to the eighteenth floor of **** opened again.

The ancient sea took a deep breath, and with a wave of its hand, the planet at its feet was dragged into the ancient fairy's vault.

Stepping out of the entrance to the eighteenth floor of Hell, the ancient sea frowned slightly, turning his head to look at the largest star not far away.

At this moment, there are a lot of stars around the star. It is a super chess game.

The game was very different, with a horizontal length of 34 and a vertical length of 35.

Gu Hai shook his sleeves.


This weird chessboard exploded and burst into pieces, chaotic.

Glancing coldly again, Gu Hai just stepped on, and suddenly entered the entrance to the seventeenth floor.


Sixteenth floor hell.

"Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

As soon as the eighteenth floor **** passage was opened, Kong Xuan roared, and the endless magic suddenly filled the entire sixteenth floor hell.

In the dark air, Kong Xuan's eyes turned red, and a pair of huge wings fluttered, and the magma around him suddenly set off a huge wave.

Shangguanhen stood silently watching in the distance.

"Chain, break me!" Kong Xuan growled loudly.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

The five chains exploded and opened, and the five giant mountains were also trembling. The suppression of Kong Xuan's Fashan also broke free.

Kong Xuan growled, and seemed to be breaking the seal of Jiupin Jinlian.

At this moment, at the entrance to the fifteenth floor of hell, the future Buddha stepped in with a group of monks.

As soon as he entered it, the magic was suddenly rolling towards his face, and the monks' faces changed, revealing the horror.

The Buddha's eyes widened in the future, and his face suddenly turned wild.

"Kong Xuan? How dare you!" The future Buddha exclaimed suddenly.

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